The circle's radius is the brush's size. Respects image/selection boundaries, works with mirror. A special plot_circle() method is found on Global, to calculate the rectangles used by the mouse cursor/position indicator.
We should change the organization of the project, and use multiple saved scenes instead of everything being on Main.tscn.
Also restored "X" as a shortcut for color switch, because that somehow got lost.
Everything should now be translated in Greek. Will update if I have forgotten anything. Also made some changes to the layer and frame button colors and layer position.
- When renaming a layer, the line edit grabs the focus. If enter is pressed, it gets invisible. Also fixed positioning and size
- Re-organized the variables in Global, now they are less messy and randomly placed
- Layer, frame & brush textures stretch mode has been changed to Keep Aspect Centered
- Left tool options is now on top of the right tool options.
- Brushes have been removed from the right panel, and have instead become a popup that appears when you press one of the brush type buttons, to choose a brush. The indicators will be removed.
- New UI icons for the tools, layer and frame buttons.
- Removed clone, remove and move frame buttons. You can now right click on a frame button to do these actions instead.
- Added first, previous, next and last frame buttons to the timeline.
- Added rulers for the main canvas viewport.
- Window size bumped to 1152x648.
- Default FPS is now 6 instead of 1.
- Fill tool renamed to Bucket.
- Mouse default cursor shape for the canvas is the arrow instead of cross.
- Mouse default cursor shape for the mirror and onion skinning buttons is the pointing hand.
In this commit:
- Added notification labels that appear when the user does an action (for undoing, redoing and saving)
- Fixed symmetry with custom brushes.
- In, current_save_path and current_export_path get cleared when the user creates a new drawing or opens one.
v0.4 of Pixelorama is out! Check for the full changelog.
- The ability to remove custom "project" brushes have now been added. Note that you cannot remove file brushes, or the pixel brush.
- Added some UI labels for the two brush containers
- Added support for custom brushes. When you Ctrl-C a selection, it gets added to the list of custom brushes. Each mouse button can have a different brush, and the user can choose whether their color comes from the brush itself or the selected color in the tool options. They can also be resized based on the selected brush size.
- Custom brushes are also being saved on .pxo files.
- You can now crop images (per frame). All layers of that frame are taken into account and are affected.
- Added split screen support. The user can toggle between single screen and split screen, where a second canvas is being shown. Note that you cannot draw on the second canvas.
- Added an About Pixelorama selection on the new Help menu.
- Project assets are re-organized.