The circle's radius is the brush's size. Respects image/selection boundaries, works with mirror. A special plot_circle() method is found on Global, to calculate the rectangles used by the mouse cursor/position indicator.
Added a slider under the layer add/remove/etc buttons that changes the currently selected layer's transparency. It gets saved in .png and .pxo files, while respecting non-opaque pixels in the image too. Which means, their alpha values aren't being overwritten.
- Also fixed a small translation bug with the menu items, for real this time
- Fixed a bug with the brush color not being updated when using the custom color picker tool
- The pixel indicators only appear for Pencil, Eraser and LightenDarken tools
- Small UI margin changes.
Everything should now be translated in Greek. Will update if I have forgotten anything. Also made some changes to the layer and frame button colors and layer position.
- Added grid size and color in preferences
- Canvas' update_texture() updates the frame button's texture only when the user releases a mouse button. This should optimize drawing in large images.
- Cursor is no longer invisible inside the canvas
- Minor UI changes
- Added some more translations. This is going to be a common thing in commits from now on.
Also added to the preview window camera and fixed a cursor problem where it always remained as the default arrow cursor outside the canvas
- When renaming a layer, the line edit grabs the focus. If enter is pressed, it gets invisible. Also fixed positioning and size
- Re-organized the variables in Global, now they are less messy and randomly placed
- Layer, frame & brush textures stretch mode has been changed to Keep Aspect Centered
- Custom cursor images for bucket & color picker, only when mapped to the left button
- Cursor is now invisible when the left chosen tool is anything but bucket, color picker and rectangle select.
- Improved and added more hint tooltips.
- Left tool options is now on top of the right tool options.
- Brushes have been removed from the right panel, and have instead become a popup that appears when you press one of the brush type buttons, to choose a brush. The indicators will be removed.
If you selected a non-pixel brush with Lighten/Darken, it acted like a regular pencil. Now, no matter what brush you have selected, L/D only works as a pixel brush.
- Display zoom as a percentage, to be more in line with other
2D editing applications.
- Increase spacing between labels.
- Use the Unicode multiplication sign.
- New UI icons for the tools, layer and frame buttons.
- Removed clone, remove and move frame buttons. You can now right click on a frame button to do these actions instead.
- Added first, previous, next and last frame buttons to the timeline.
- Added rulers for the main canvas viewport.
- Window size bumped to 1152x648.
- Default FPS is now 6 instead of 1.
- Fill tool renamed to Bucket.
- Mouse default cursor shape for the canvas is the arrow instead of cross.
- Mouse default cursor shape for the mirror and onion skinning buttons is the pointing hand.
In this commit:
- Added notification labels that appear when the user does an action (for undoing, redoing and saving)
- Fixed symmetry with custom brushes.
- In, current_save_path and current_export_path get cleared when the user creates a new drawing or opens one.
v0.4 of Pixelorama is out! Check for the full changelog.
Lighten/Darken tool now works only once per pixel per mouse press, and it can get mirrored too. Spoiler alert, next commit should be the release of v0.4.
- A new type of custom brush has been added, brushes from files! Basically there's a "Brushes" folder where Pixelorama can get brushes from, and, unlike the previous brushes, these are for all projects and are not saved in .pxo files. These brushes get loaded on the _ready() method of, and are ignored by Godot.
- There are now 2 containers for the two types of custom brushes. The main pixel brush is with the brushes from files.
- Fixed bug where, if you had selected a custom "project" brush and loaded a .pxo file, the brush would still be selected, causing potential problems
- Fixed bug where you could save a project brush that was completely transparent
- Fixed bug where, if you named a file, some shortcuts would be activated.
- export_presets.cfg is now ignored.
- UndoRedo for Add/Remove/Clone/Move Frames
- Set functions for frame changes (both on canvases and Global.current_frame)
- Removed unneeded signal methods and put multiple signals on one method instead (for example, add and clone layer button signals both connect to add_layer())
- Fixed bug where, if you opened a .pxo file with multiple frames, the remove frame button would be disabled.
- Probably other small things that I'm forgetting to mention