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synced 2025-01-31 23:49:47 +00:00
Gradients are no longer limited to two colors, but can now instead have as many as we want, with each color having its own offset. Step gradients have now been removed; to generate the same effect, you can now generate a linear gradient with constant interpolation. Cubic interpolation in gradients is now also possible. The dithering shaders were by far the biggest challenge and they had to be re-written in order for them to support multiple colors, with each one having a difference offset. I have noticed that some colors may disappear when Constant interpolation is used, though, so it can be buggy sometimes. Thanks to https://godotshaders.com/shader/dither-gradient-shader/ for the reference. ValueSliders are now also used in the gradient window.
201 lines
5.7 KiB
201 lines
5.7 KiB
# Code taken and modified from Material Maker, licensed under MIT
# gdlint: ignore=max-line-length
# https://github.com/RodZill4/material-maker/blob/master/material_maker/widgets/gradient_editor/gradient_editor.gd
class_name GradientEditNode
extends Control
signal updated(gradient, cc)
var continuous_change := true
var active_cursor: GradientCursor # Showing a color picker popup to change a cursor's color
onready var x_offset: float = rect_size.x - GradientCursor.WIDTH
onready var texture_rect: TextureRect = $TextureRect
onready var texture: Texture = $TextureRect.texture
onready var gradient: Gradient = texture.gradient
onready var color_picker: ColorPicker = $Popup.get_node("ColorPicker")
onready var divide_dialog: ConfirmationDialog = $DivideConfirmationDialog
onready var number_of_parts_spin_box: SpinBox = $"%NumberOfPartsSpinBox"
onready var add_point_end_check_box: CheckBox = $"%AddPointEndCheckBox"
class GradientCursor:
extends Control
const WIDTH := 10
var color: Color
var sliding := false
onready var parent: TextureRect = get_parent()
onready var grand_parent: Container = parent.get_parent()
onready var label: Label = parent.get_node("Value")
func _ready() -> void:
rect_position = Vector2(0, 15)
rect_size = Vector2(WIDTH, 15)
func _draw() -> void:
# warning-ignore:integer_division
var polygon := PoolVector2Array(
Vector2(0, 5),
Vector2(WIDTH / 2, 0),
Vector2(WIDTH, 5),
Vector2(WIDTH, 15),
Vector2(0, 15),
Vector2(0, 5)
var c := color
c.a = 1.0
draw_colored_polygon(polygon, c)
draw_polyline(polygon, Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if color.v > 0.5 else Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
func _gui_input(ev: InputEvent) -> void:
if ev is InputEventMouseButton:
if ev.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT:
if ev.doubleclick:
grand_parent.select_color(self, ev.global_position)
elif ev.pressed:
grand_parent.continuous_change = false
sliding = true
label.visible = true
label.text = "%.03f" % get_cursor_position()
sliding = false
label.visible = false
elif ev.button_index == BUTTON_RIGHT and grand_parent.get_sorted_cursors().size() > 2:
grand_parent.continuous_change = false
elif ev is InputEventMouseMotion and (ev.button_mask & BUTTON_MASK_LEFT) != 0 and sliding:
rect_position.x += get_local_mouse_position().x
if ev.control:
rect_position.x = (
round(get_cursor_position() * 20.0)
* 0.05
* (parent.rect_size.x - WIDTH)
rect_position.x = min(max(0, rect_position.x), parent.rect_size.x - rect_size.x)
label.text = "%.03f" % get_cursor_position()
func get_cursor_position() -> float:
return rect_position.x / (parent.rect_size.x - WIDTH)
func set_color(c: Color) -> void:
color = c
static func sort(a, b) -> bool:
return a.get_position() < b.get_position()
func can_drop_data(_position, data) -> bool:
return typeof(data) == TYPE_COLOR
func drop_data(_position, data) -> void:
func _ready() -> void:
func _create_cursors() -> void:
for c in texture_rect.get_children():
if c is GradientCursor:
for i in gradient.get_point_count():
var p: float = gradient.get_offset(i)
add_cursor(p * x_offset, gradient.get_color(i))
func _gui_input(ev: InputEvent) -> void:
if ev.is_action_pressed("left_mouse"):
var p = clamp(ev.position.x, 0, x_offset)
add_cursor(p, get_gradient_color(p))
continuous_change = false
func update_from_value() -> void:
gradient.offsets = []
for c in texture_rect.get_children():
if c is GradientCursor:
var point: float = c.rect_position.x / x_offset
gradient.add_point(point, c.color)
emit_signal("updated", gradient, continuous_change)
continuous_change = true
func add_cursor(x: float, color: Color) -> void:
var cursor := GradientCursor.new()
cursor.rect_position.x = x
cursor.color = color
func select_color(cursor: GradientCursor, position: Vector2) -> void:
active_cursor = cursor
color_picker.color = cursor.color
if position.x > rect_global_position.x + (rect_size.x / 2.0):
position.x = rect_global_position.x + rect_size.x
position.x = rect_global_position.x - $Popup.rect_size.x
$Popup.rect_position = position
func get_sorted_cursors() -> Array:
var array := []
for c in texture_rect.get_children():
if c is GradientCursor:
array.sort_custom(GradientCursor, "sort")
return array
func get_gradient_color(x: float) -> Color:
return gradient.interpolate(x / x_offset)
func _on_ColorPicker_color_changed(color: Color) -> void:
func _on_GradientEdit_resized() -> void:
if not gradient:
x_offset = rect_size.x - GradientCursor.WIDTH
func _on_InterpolationOptionButton_item_selected(index: int) -> void:
gradient.interpolation_mode = index
func _on_DivideButton_pressed() -> void:
func _on_DivideConfirmationDialog_confirmed() -> void:
var add_point_to_end := add_point_end_check_box.pressed
var parts := number_of_parts_spin_box.value
var colors := []
var end_point = 1 if add_point_to_end else 0
parts -= end_point
if not add_point_to_end:
# Move the final color one part behind, useful for it to be in constant interpolation
gradient.add_point((parts - 1) / parts, gradient.interpolate(1))
for i in parts + end_point:
colors.append(gradient.interpolate(i / parts))
gradient.offsets = []
for i in parts + end_point:
gradient.add_point(i / parts, colors[i])
emit_signal("updated", gradient, continuous_change)