# Code taken and modified from Material Maker, licensed under MIT # gdlint: ignore=max-line-length # https://github.com/RodZill4/material-maker/blob/master/material_maker/widgets/gradient_editor/gradient_editor.gd class_name GradientEditNode extends Control signal updated(gradient, cc) var continuous_change := true var active_cursor: GradientCursor # Showing a color picker popup to change a cursor's color onready var x_offset: float = rect_size.x - GradientCursor.WIDTH onready var texture_rect: TextureRect = $TextureRect onready var texture: Texture = $TextureRect.texture onready var gradient: Gradient = texture.gradient onready var color_picker: ColorPicker = $Popup.get_node("ColorPicker") onready var divide_dialog: ConfirmationDialog = $DivideConfirmationDialog onready var number_of_parts_spin_box: SpinBox = $"%NumberOfPartsSpinBox" onready var add_point_end_check_box: CheckBox = $"%AddPointEndCheckBox" class GradientCursor: extends Control const WIDTH := 10 var color: Color var sliding := false onready var parent: TextureRect = get_parent() onready var grand_parent: Container = parent.get_parent() onready var label: Label = parent.get_node("Value") func _ready() -> void: rect_position = Vector2(0, 15) rect_size = Vector2(WIDTH, 15) func _draw() -> void: # warning-ignore:integer_division var polygon := PoolVector2Array( [ Vector2(0, 5), Vector2(WIDTH / 2, 0), Vector2(WIDTH, 5), Vector2(WIDTH, 15), Vector2(0, 15), Vector2(0, 5) ] ) var c := color c.a = 1.0 draw_colored_polygon(polygon, c) draw_polyline(polygon, Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if color.v > 0.5 else Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) func _gui_input(ev: InputEvent) -> void: if ev is InputEventMouseButton: if ev.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT: if ev.doubleclick: grand_parent.select_color(self, ev.global_position) elif ev.pressed: grand_parent.continuous_change = false sliding = true label.visible = true label.text = "%.03f" % get_cursor_position() else: sliding = false label.visible = false elif ev.button_index == BUTTON_RIGHT and grand_parent.get_sorted_cursors().size() > 2: parent.remove_child(self) grand_parent.continuous_change = false grand_parent.update_from_value() queue_free() elif ev is InputEventMouseMotion and (ev.button_mask & BUTTON_MASK_LEFT) != 0 and sliding: rect_position.x += get_local_mouse_position().x if ev.control: rect_position.x = ( round(get_cursor_position() * 20.0) * 0.05 * (parent.rect_size.x - WIDTH) ) rect_position.x = min(max(0, rect_position.x), parent.rect_size.x - rect_size.x) grand_parent.update_from_value() label.text = "%.03f" % get_cursor_position() func get_cursor_position() -> float: return rect_position.x / (parent.rect_size.x - WIDTH) func set_color(c: Color) -> void: color = c grand_parent.update_from_value() update() static func sort(a, b) -> bool: return a.get_position() < b.get_position() func can_drop_data(_position, data) -> bool: return typeof(data) == TYPE_COLOR func drop_data(_position, data) -> void: set_color(data) func _ready() -> void: _create_cursors() func _create_cursors() -> void: for c in texture_rect.get_children(): if c is GradientCursor: texture_rect.remove_child(c) c.queue_free() for i in gradient.get_point_count(): var p: float = gradient.get_offset(i) add_cursor(p * x_offset, gradient.get_color(i)) func _gui_input(ev: InputEvent) -> void: if ev.is_action_pressed("left_mouse"): var p = clamp(ev.position.x, 0, x_offset) add_cursor(p, get_gradient_color(p)) continuous_change = false update_from_value() func update_from_value() -> void: gradient.offsets = [] for c in texture_rect.get_children(): if c is GradientCursor: var point: float = c.rect_position.x / x_offset gradient.add_point(point, c.color) emit_signal("updated", gradient, continuous_change) continuous_change = true func add_cursor(x: float, color: Color) -> void: var cursor := GradientCursor.new() texture_rect.add_child(cursor) cursor.rect_position.x = x cursor.color = color func select_color(cursor: GradientCursor, position: Vector2) -> void: active_cursor = cursor color_picker.color = cursor.color if position.x > rect_global_position.x + (rect_size.x / 2.0): position.x = rect_global_position.x + rect_size.x else: position.x = rect_global_position.x - $Popup.rect_size.x $Popup.rect_position = position $Popup.popup() func get_sorted_cursors() -> Array: var array := [] for c in texture_rect.get_children(): if c is GradientCursor: array.append(c) array.sort_custom(GradientCursor, "sort") return array func get_gradient_color(x: float) -> Color: return gradient.interpolate(x / x_offset) func _on_ColorPicker_color_changed(color: Color) -> void: active_cursor.set_color(color) func _on_GradientEdit_resized() -> void: if not gradient: return x_offset = rect_size.x - GradientCursor.WIDTH _create_cursors() func _on_InterpolationOptionButton_item_selected(index: int) -> void: gradient.interpolation_mode = index func _on_DivideButton_pressed() -> void: divide_dialog.popup_centered() func _on_DivideConfirmationDialog_confirmed() -> void: var add_point_to_end := add_point_end_check_box.pressed var parts := number_of_parts_spin_box.value var colors := [] var end_point = 1 if add_point_to_end else 0 parts -= end_point if not add_point_to_end: # Move the final color one part behind, useful for it to be in constant interpolation gradient.add_point((parts - 1) / parts, gradient.interpolate(1)) for i in parts + end_point: colors.append(gradient.interpolate(i / parts)) gradient.offsets = [] for i in parts + end_point: gradient.add_point(i / parts, colors[i]) _create_cursors() emit_signal("updated", gradient, continuous_change)