Started working on UndoRedo. Currently works with basic drawing/erasing/bucket filling as well as the rectangle selection tool, custom brushes and copying/pasting.
May not work with multiple layers and frames and it does not work with the rest of the tools and buttons. Also does not work when pressing both mouse buttons at the same time, or when the cursor is outside the canvas when drawing.
- New rectangle selection tool. Hold mouse button to create selection, release to finish it. You cannot draw outside of the selection.
- The selection can be moved around, and if Shift is pressed, selected content gets moved too. Currently cannot be moved outside the canvas.
- You can copy the selection with Ctrl + C, and paste it on a new selection with Ctrl + V.
- Added tile mode. Basically draws the canvas 8 more times in all directions.
v0.2 of Pixelorama is out!
- Added animation timeline. You can add. remove. clone and change order of your frames!
- You can now import multiple images as frames.
- Ability to save individual frames, all frames as multiple files, or all frames as a single file in the form of a horizontal or vertical spritesheet!
- Different frames can have a unique amount of layers and they can be of different sizes.
- Image scaling is now functional.
- Added hints for UI elements.
- A lot of UI changes.