- Choosing between 6 tools – pencil, eraser, fill bucket, lighten/darken, color picker and rectangle select – and mapping them to both of your left and right mouse buttons.
- Are you an animator? Then you've come to the right place! Pixelorama has its own animation timeline with Onion Skinning just for you!
- Different colors, brush sizes and brush types for each of the mouse buttons.
- Custom brushes! Load your brushes from files or select them in your project with the selection tool, and they will get stored in `.pxo` files!
- Random custom brushes! Every time you draw, expect to see a different random result!
- Pixelorama has a multiple layer system! You can add, remove, move up and down, clone and merge as many layers as you like! You can also rename them, and change their opacity!
- Import images and edit them inside Pixelorama. If you import multiple files, they will be added as individual animation frames. Importing spritesheets is also supported.
- Export your gorgeous art as `PNG` files. Exporting your projects as spritesheets is also possible.
- Save and open your projects as Pixelorama's custom file format, `.pxo`
- Create straight lines for pencil, eraser and the lighten/darken tool by pressing `Shift`. If you also press `Control`, you can constrain angles with a step of 15.