# Pixelorama - your free and open-source sprite editor! Your free & open-source 2D sprite editor, made by Orama Interactive in the Godot Engine, using GDScript! [![Pixelorama's UI](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/cc6108_ccec89c37b3d425da4f03776160c859c~mv2.png)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DULv-jzueRw&list=PLVEP1Zz6BUpBiQC0CB6eNBhhLF4tEwBB-&index=7) Current features as of version v0.6: - Choosing between 6 tools – pencil, eraser, fill bucket, lighten/darken, color picker and rectangle select – and mapping them to both of your left and right mouse buttons. - Are you an animator? Then you've come to the right place! Pixelorama has its own animation timeline with Onion Skinning just for you! - Different colors, brush sizes and brush types for each of the mouse buttons. - Custom brushes! Load your brushes from files or select them in your project with the selection tool, and they will get stored in `.pxo` files! - Random custom brushes! Every time you draw, expect to see a different random result! - Pixelorama has a multiple layer system! You can add, remove, move up and down, clone and merge as many layers as you like! You can also rename them, and change their opacity! - Import images and edit them inside Pixelorama. If you import multiple files, they will be added as individual animation frames. Importing spritesheets is also supported. - Export your gorgeous art as `PNG` files. Exporting your projects as spritesheets is also possible. - Save and open your projects as Pixelorama's custom file format, `.pxo` - Undo/Redo support! - Multiple theme support! Choose a theme from Dark, Gray, Godot, Gold and Light! - Horizontal & vertical mirrored drawing! - Tile Mode for pattern creation! - Split screen mode to see your masterpiece twice! And a mini canvas preview area to see it thrice! - Create straight lines for pencil, eraser and the lighten/darken tool by pressing `Shift`. If you also press `Control`, you can constrain angles with a step of 15. - Generate outlines for your images! - The middle mouse wheel isn’t forgotten, you can use it to pan around the canvas and by scrolling up and down, you can zoom in and out! - Keyboard shortcuts! We're pretty sure this is a lifesaver for most of you. - Rulers and guides! - Creating a new canvas with a size of your choosing. - Scale, crop, flip, color invert and desaturate your images! - English, Greek, German, French, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian and Traditional Chinese localization support! Make sure to visit our website for more information! https://www.orama-interactive.com/pixelorama Join our Discord community server​ where we can discuss about Pixelorama and all our other projects! https://discord.gg/GTMtr8s Download it as a stand-alone on itch.io: https://orama-interactive.itch.io/pixelorama If you like, consider helping us by sponsoring this project! It would enable us to focus more on Pixelorama, and make more projects in the future! Patreon link: https://patreon.com/OramaInteractive