2021-05-17 22:56:55 +00:00
extends SelectionTool
var _last_position := Vector2.INF
var _draw_points := []
var ready_to_apply := false
func _input(event : InputEvent) -> void:
if _move:
if event is InputEventMouseMotion:
_last_position = Global.canvas.current_pixel.floor()
elif event is InputEventMouseButton:
if event.doubleclick and event.button_index == tool_slot.button and _draw_points:
append_gap(_draw_points[-1], _draw_points[0], _draw_points)
ready_to_apply = true
apply_selection(Vector2.ZERO) # Argument doesn't matter
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elif event is InputEventKey:
if event.is_action_pressed("escape") and _ongoing_selection:
_ongoing_selection = false
ready_to_apply = false
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func draw_start(position : Vector2) -> void:
if !$DoubleClickTimer.is_stopped():
if !_move and !_draw_points:
_ongoing_selection = true
_last_position = position
func draw_move(position : Vector2) -> void:
if selection_node.arrow_key_move:
func draw_end(position : Vector2) -> void:
if selection_node.arrow_key_move:
if !_move and _draw_points:
append_gap(_draw_points[-1], position, _draw_points)
if position == _draw_points[0] and _draw_points.size() > 1:
ready_to_apply = true
func draw_preview() -> void:
if _ongoing_selection and !_move:
var canvas : Node2D = Global.canvas.previews
var _position := canvas.position
var _scale := canvas.scale
if Global.mirror_view:
_position.x = _position.x + Global.current_project.size.x
_scale.x = -1
var preview_draw_points := _draw_points.duplicate()
append_gap(_draw_points[-1], _last_position, preview_draw_points)
canvas.draw_set_transform(_position, canvas.rotation, _scale)
var indicator := _fill_bitmap_with_points(preview_draw_points, Global.current_project.size)
for line in _create_polylines(indicator):
canvas.draw_polyline(PoolVector2Array(line), Color.black)
var circle_radius := Global.camera.zoom * 10
circle_radius.x = clamp(circle_radius.x, 2, circle_radius.x)
circle_radius.y = clamp(circle_radius.y, 2, circle_radius.y)
if _last_position == _draw_points[0] and _draw_points.size() > 1:
draw_empty_circle(canvas, _draw_points[0] + Vector2.ONE * 0.5, circle_radius, Color.black)
# Handle mirroring
if tool_slot.horizontal_mirror:
for line in _create_polylines(_fill_bitmap_with_points(mirror_array(preview_draw_points, true, false), Global.current_project.size)):
canvas.draw_polyline(PoolVector2Array(line), Color.black)
if tool_slot.vertical_mirror:
for line in _create_polylines(_fill_bitmap_with_points(mirror_array(preview_draw_points, true, true), Global.current_project.size)):
canvas.draw_polyline(PoolVector2Array(line), Color.black)
if tool_slot.vertical_mirror:
for line in _create_polylines(_fill_bitmap_with_points(mirror_array(preview_draw_points, false, true), Global.current_project.size)):
canvas.draw_polyline(PoolVector2Array(line), Color.black)
canvas.draw_set_transform(canvas.position, canvas.rotation, canvas.scale)
func apply_selection(_position) -> void:
if !ready_to_apply:
var project : Project = Global.current_project
var cleared := false
if !_add and !_subtract and !_intersect:
cleared = true
if _draw_points.size() > 3:
var selection_bitmap_copy : BitMap = project.selection_bitmap.duplicate()
var bitmap_size : Vector2 = selection_bitmap_copy.get_size()
if _intersect:
selection_bitmap_copy.set_bit_rect(Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, bitmap_size), false)
lasso_selection(selection_bitmap_copy, _draw_points)
# Handle mirroring
if tool_slot.horizontal_mirror:
lasso_selection(selection_bitmap_copy, mirror_array(_draw_points, true, false))
if tool_slot.vertical_mirror:
lasso_selection(selection_bitmap_copy, mirror_array(_draw_points, true, true))
if tool_slot.vertical_mirror:
lasso_selection(selection_bitmap_copy, mirror_array(_draw_points, false, true))
project.selection_bitmap = selection_bitmap_copy
Global.canvas.selection.big_bounding_rectangle = project.get_selection_rectangle(project.selection_bitmap)
if !cleared:
Global.canvas.selection.commit_undo("Rectangle Select", undo_data)
_ongoing_selection = false
ready_to_apply = false
func lasso_selection(bitmap : BitMap, points : PoolVector2Array) -> void:
var project : Project = Global.current_project
var size := bitmap.get_size()
for point in points:
if point.x < 0 or point.y < 0 or point.x >= size.x or point.y >= size.y:
if _intersect:
if project.selection_bitmap.get_bit(point):
bitmap.set_bit(point, true)
bitmap.set_bit(point, !_subtract)
var v := Vector2()
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var image_size : Vector2 = project.size
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for x in image_size.x:
v.x = x
for y in image_size.y:
v.y = y
if Geometry.is_point_in_polygon(v, points):
if _intersect:
if project.selection_bitmap.get_bit(v):
bitmap.set_bit(v, true)
bitmap.set_bit(v, !_subtract)
# Bresenham's Algorithm
# Thanks to https://godotengine.org/qa/35276/tile-based-line-drawing-algorithm-efficiency
func append_gap(start : Vector2, end : Vector2, array : Array) -> void:
var dx := int(abs(end.x - start.x))
var dy := int(-abs(end.y - start.y))
var err := dx + dy
var e2 := err << 1
var sx = 1 if start.x < end.x else -1
var sy = 1 if start.y < end.y else -1
var x = start.x
var y = start.y
while !(x == end.x && y == end.y):
e2 = err << 1
if e2 >= dy:
err += dy
x += sx
if e2 <= dx:
err += dx
y += sy
array.append(Vector2(x, y))
func _fill_bitmap_with_points(points: Array, size: Vector2) -> BitMap:
var bitmap := BitMap.new()
for point in points:
if point.x < 0 or point.y < 0 or point.x >= size.x or point.y >= size.y:
bitmap.set_bit(point, 1)
return bitmap
func mirror_array(array : Array, h : bool, v : bool) -> Array:
var new_array := []
var project := Global.current_project
for point in array:
if h and v:
new_array.append(Vector2(project.x_symmetry_point - point.x, project.y_symmetry_point - point.y))
elif h:
new_array.append(Vector2(project.x_symmetry_point - point.x, point.y))
elif v:
new_array.append(Vector2(point.x, project.y_symmetry_point - point.y))
return new_array
# Thanks to https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/3ktq39/drawing_empty_circles_and_curves/cv0f4eo/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
func draw_empty_circle(canvas : CanvasItem, circle_center : Vector2, circle_radius : Vector2, color : Color) -> void:
var draw_counter := 1
var line_origin := Vector2()
var line_end := Vector2()
line_origin = circle_radius + circle_center
while draw_counter <= 360:
line_end = circle_radius.rotated(deg2rad(draw_counter)) + circle_center
canvas.draw_line(line_origin, line_end, color)
draw_counter += 1
line_origin = line_end
line_end = circle_radius.rotated(deg2rad(360)) + circle_center
canvas.draw_line(line_origin, line_end, color)