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mirror of https://github.com/Orama-Interactive/Pixelorama.git synced 2025-03-09 21:05:20 +00:00
Manolis Papadeas e2bb0b8440
New UI system using Dockable Containers (#640)
* Add dockable container plugin

Experimenting with it, also added a tabs_visible property to the DockableContainer. Removed some code about Tallscreen from Main.gd, but not all of it.

* Add a panel behind the UI, temporarily restore the dark theme

* Remove tallscreen code

* Add edit mode, toggles DockableContainer's tab visibility on and off

* Split tool options into color pickers, left and right tool options

* Remove alternate_transparent_background

* Re-order tool buttons on resize

* Clip content in timeline

* Changes to the tool panel

* Removed some old unused node variables

* Restore Zen mode

* Set tabs_visible = false by default

* Better way to set tabs_visible = false by default

* Added the license of godot-dockable-container

* Remove unneeded lines

* Update README.md

* Restore window transparency with the canvas

It makes all of the TabContainers transparent however, which may not be what we actually want.

* Change tab names of the UI elements

* Remove unneeded nodes from ColorPickers.tscn

* Update default.tres

* Let the user hide elements individually

* Add some checks in HandleThemes

* Center tool icons

* Remove unneeded custom panel in SplashDialog

* Bump version to v0.10-dev and some other minor changes

* Fix crash on Zen Mode

* Added a hacky way to fix the issue with the palette panel size
2022-01-30 00:47:25 +02:00

247 lines
6.4 KiB

extends Resource
# Layout Resource definition, holding the root LayoutNode and hidden tabs.
# LayoutSplit are binary trees with nested LayoutSplit subtrees and LayoutPanel
# leaves. Both of them inherit from LayoutNode to help with type annotation and
# define common funcionality.
# Hidden tabs are marked in the `hidden_tabs` Dictionary by name.
const LayoutNode = preload("layout_node.gd")
const LayoutPanel = preload("layout_panel.gd")
const LayoutSplit = preload("layout_split.gd")
export(Resource) var root = LayoutPanel.new() setget set_root, get_root
export(Dictionary) var hidden_tabs = {} setget set_hidden_tabs, get_hidden_tabs
var _changed_signal_queued = false
var _first_leaf: LayoutPanel
var _hidden_tabs: Dictionary
var _leaf_by_node_name: Dictionary
var _root: LayoutNode = LayoutPanel.new()
func _init() -> void:
resource_name = "Layout"
func set_root(value: LayoutNode, should_emit_changed = true) -> void:
if not value:
value = LayoutPanel.new()
if _root == value:
if _root and _root.is_connected("changed", self, "_on_root_changed"):
_root.disconnect("changed", self, "_on_root_changed")
_root = value
_root.parent = null
_root.connect("changed", self, "_on_root_changed")
if should_emit_changed:
func get_root() -> LayoutNode:
return _root
func set_hidden_tabs(value: Dictionary) -> void:
if value != _hidden_tabs:
_hidden_tabs = value
func get_hidden_tabs() -> Dictionary:
return _hidden_tabs
func clone():
var new_layout = get_script().new()
new_layout.root = _root.clone()
new_layout._hidden_tabs = _hidden_tabs.duplicate()
return new_layout
func get_names() -> PoolStringArray:
return _root.get_names()
# Add missing nodes on first leaf and remove nodes outside indices from leaves.
# _leaf_by_node_name = {
# (string keys) = respective Leaf that holds the node name,
# }
func update_nodes(names: PoolStringArray) -> void:
_first_leaf = null
var empty_leaves = []
_ensure_names_in_node(_root, names, empty_leaves)
for l in empty_leaves:
if not _first_leaf:
_first_leaf = LayoutPanel.new()
for n in names:
if not _leaf_by_node_name.has(n):
_leaf_by_node_name[n] = _first_leaf
func move_node_to_leaf(node: Node, leaf: LayoutPanel, relative_position: int) -> void:
var node_name = node.name
var previous_leaf = _leaf_by_node_name.get(node_name)
if not previous_leaf:
if previous_leaf.empty():
leaf.insert_node(relative_position, node)
_leaf_by_node_name[node_name] = leaf
func get_leaf_for_node(node: Node) -> LayoutPanel:
return _leaf_by_node_name.get(node.name)
func split_leaf_with_node(leaf, node: Node, margin: int) -> void:
var root_branch = leaf.parent
var new_leaf = LayoutPanel.new()
var new_branch = LayoutSplit.new()
if margin == MARGIN_LEFT or margin == MARGIN_RIGHT:
new_branch.direction = LayoutSplit.Direction.HORIZONTAL
new_branch.direction = LayoutSplit.Direction.VERTICAL
if margin == MARGIN_LEFT or margin == MARGIN_TOP:
new_branch.first = new_leaf
new_branch.second = leaf
new_branch.first = leaf
new_branch.second = new_leaf
if _root == leaf:
set_root(new_branch, false)
elif root_branch:
if leaf == root_branch.first:
root_branch.first = new_branch
root_branch.second = new_branch
move_node_to_leaf(node, new_leaf, 0)
func add_node(node: Node) -> void:
var node_name = node.name
if _leaf_by_node_name.has(node_name):
_leaf_by_node_name[node_name] = _first_leaf
func remove_node(node: Node) -> void:
var node_name = node.name
var leaf: LayoutPanel = _leaf_by_node_name.get(node_name)
if not leaf:
if leaf.empty():
func rename_node(previous_name: String, new_name: String) -> void:
var leaf = _leaf_by_node_name.get(previous_name)
if not leaf:
leaf.rename_node(previous_name, new_name)
_leaf_by_node_name[new_name] = leaf
func set_tab_hidden(name: String, hidden: bool) -> void:
if not _leaf_by_node_name.has(name):
if hidden:
_hidden_tabs[name] = true
func is_tab_hidden(name: String) -> bool:
return _hidden_tabs.get(name, false)
func set_node_hidden(node: Node, hidden: bool) -> void:
set_tab_hidden(node.name, hidden)
func is_node_hidden(node: Node) -> bool:
return is_tab_hidden(node.name)
func _on_root_changed() -> void:
if _changed_signal_queued:
_changed_signal_queued = true
set_deferred("_changed_signal_queued", false)
call_deferred("emit_signal", "changed")
func _ensure_names_in_node(node: LayoutNode, names: PoolStringArray, empty_leaves: Array) -> void:
if node is LayoutPanel:
node.update_nodes(names, _leaf_by_node_name)
if node.empty():
if not _first_leaf:
_first_leaf = node
elif node is LayoutSplit:
_ensure_names_in_node(node.first, names, empty_leaves)
_ensure_names_in_node(node.second, names, empty_leaves)
assert(false, "Invalid Resource, should be branch or leaf, found %s" % node)
func _remove_leaf(leaf: LayoutPanel) -> void:
assert(leaf.empty(), "FIXME: trying to remove a leaf with nodes")
if _root == leaf:
var collapsed_branch = leaf.parent
assert(collapsed_branch is LayoutSplit, "FIXME: leaf is not a child of branch")
var kept_branch = (
if leaf == collapsed_branch.second
else collapsed_branch.second
var root_branch = collapsed_branch.parent
if collapsed_branch == _root:
set_root(kept_branch, true)
elif root_branch:
if collapsed_branch == root_branch.first:
root_branch.first = kept_branch
root_branch.second = kept_branch
func _print_tree() -> void:
_print_tree_step(_root, 0, 0)
func _print_tree_step(tree_or_leaf, level, idx) -> void:
if tree_or_leaf is LayoutPanel:
print(" |".repeat(level), "- (%d) = " % idx, tree_or_leaf.names)
" |".repeat(level),
"-+ (%d) = " % idx,
" ",
_print_tree_step(tree_or_leaf.first, level + 1, 1)
_print_tree_step(tree_or_leaf.second, level + 1, 2)