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mirror of https://github.com/Orama-Interactive/Pixelorama.git synced 2025-02-07 19:09:50 +00:00
Manolis Papadeas 48326900d9 Fix a memory leak coming from the Layer class
Removed the "frame_container" property from Layer.gd, which used to hold a reference to a node, leading to orphan nodes being created and never freed. Memory management seems to be working okay now. Previously, every time the user made a change, memory kept going up and never coming down. Now, data that can never be recovered, like undo data that have been rewritten in history, are also removed from memory.
2021-12-23 19:58:07 +02:00

142 lines
5.1 KiB

class_name Canvas
extends Node2D
var current_pixel := Vector2.ZERO
var sprite_changed_this_frame := false # For optimization purposes
var move_preview_location := Vector2.ZERO
onready var currently_visible_frame: Viewport = $CurrentlyVisibleFrame
onready var current_frame_drawer = $CurrentlyVisibleFrame/CurrentFrameDrawer
onready var tile_mode = $TileMode
onready var pixel_grid = $PixelGrid
onready var grid = $Grid
onready var selection = $Selection
onready var indicators = $Indicators
onready var previews = $Previews
func _ready() -> void:
$OnionPast.type = $OnionPast.PAST
$OnionPast.blue_red_color = Color.blue
$OnionFuture.type = $OnionFuture.FUTURE
$OnionFuture.blue_red_color = Color.red
yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame")
func _draw() -> void:
var current_cels: Array = Global.current_project.frames[Global.current_project.current_frame].cels
var current_layer: int = Global.current_project.current_layer
var position_tmp := position
var scale_tmp := scale
if Global.mirror_view:
position_tmp.x = position_tmp.x + Global.current_project.size.x
scale_tmp.x = -1
draw_set_transform(position_tmp, rotation, scale_tmp)
# Draw current frame layers
for i in range(Global.current_project.layers.size()):
var modulate_color := Color(1, 1, 1, current_cels[i].opacity)
if Global.current_project.layers[i].visible: # if it's visible
if i == current_layer:
draw_texture(current_cels[i].image_texture, move_preview_location, modulate_color)
draw_texture(current_cels[i].image_texture, Vector2.ZERO, modulate_color)
if Global.onion_skinning:
currently_visible_frame.size = Global.current_project.size
if Global.current_project.tile_mode != Global.TileMode.NONE:
draw_set_transform(position, rotation, scale)
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
# Don't process anything below if the input isn't a mouse event, or Shift/Ctrl.
# This decreases CPU/GPU usage slightly.
if not event is InputEventMouse:
if not event is InputEventKey:
elif not event.scancode in [KEY_SHIFT, KEY_CONTROL]:
# elif not get_viewport_rect().has_point(event.position):
# return
# Do not use self.get_local_mouse_position() because it return unexpected
# value when shrink parameter is not equal to one. At godot version 3.2.3
var tmp_transform = get_canvas_transform().affine_inverse()
var tmp_position = Global.main_viewport.get_local_mouse_position()
current_pixel = tmp_transform.basis_xform(tmp_position) + tmp_transform.origin
if Global.has_focus:
sprite_changed_this_frame = false
Tools.handle_draw(current_pixel.floor(), event)
if sprite_changed_this_frame:
func camera_zoom() -> void:
# Set camera zoom based on the sprite size
var bigger_canvas_axis = max(Global.current_project.size.x, Global.current_project.size.y)
var zoom_max := Vector2(bigger_canvas_axis, bigger_canvas_axis) * 0.01
for camera in Global.cameras:
if zoom_max > Vector2.ONE:
camera.zoom_max = zoom_max
camera.zoom_max = Vector2.ONE
if camera == Global.camera_preview:
Global.preview_zoom_slider.max_value = -camera.zoom_min.x
Global.preview_zoom_slider.min_value = -camera.zoom_max.x
func update_texture(layer_i: int, frame_i := -1, project: Project = Global.current_project) -> void:
if frame_i == -1:
frame_i = project.current_frame
if frame_i < project.frames.size() and layer_i < project.layers.size():
var current_cel: Cel = project.frames[frame_i].cels[layer_i]
current_cel.image_texture.create_from_image(current_cel.image, 0)
if project == Global.current_project:
var container_index = Global.frames_container.get_child_count() - 1 - layer_i
var layer_cel_container = Global.frames_container.get_child(container_index)
var cel_button = layer_cel_container.get_child(frame_i)
var cel_texture_rect: TextureRect
cel_texture_rect = cel_button.find_node("CelTexture")
cel_texture_rect.texture = current_cel.image_texture
func update_selected_cels_textures(project: Project = Global.current_project) -> void:
for cel_index in project.selected_cels:
var frame_index: int = cel_index[0]
var layer_index: int = cel_index[1]
if frame_index < project.frames.size() and layer_index < project.layers.size():
var current_cel: Cel = project.frames[frame_index].cels[layer_index]
current_cel.image_texture.create_from_image(current_cel.image, 0)
if project == Global.current_project:
var container_index = Global.frames_container.get_child_count() - 1 - layer_index
var layer_cel_container = Global.frames_container.get_child(container_index)
var cel_button = layer_cel_container.get_child(frame_index)
var cel_texture_rect: TextureRect = cel_button.find_node("CelTexture")
cel_texture_rect.texture = current_cel.image_texture
func refresh_onion() -> void: