mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 19:09:50 +00:00
Removed the "frame_container" property from Layer.gd, which used to hold a reference to a node, leading to orphan nodes being created and never freed. Memory management seems to be working okay now. Previously, every time the user made a change, memory kept going up and never coming down. Now, data that can never be recovered, like undo data that have been rewritten in history, are also removed from memory.
142 lines
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142 lines
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class_name Canvas
extends Node2D
var current_pixel := Vector2.ZERO
var sprite_changed_this_frame := false # For optimization purposes
var move_preview_location := Vector2.ZERO
onready var currently_visible_frame: Viewport = $CurrentlyVisibleFrame
onready var current_frame_drawer = $CurrentlyVisibleFrame/CurrentFrameDrawer
onready var tile_mode = $TileMode
onready var pixel_grid = $PixelGrid
onready var grid = $Grid
onready var selection = $Selection
onready var indicators = $Indicators
onready var previews = $Previews
func _ready() -> void:
$OnionPast.type = $OnionPast.PAST
$OnionPast.blue_red_color = Color.blue
$OnionFuture.type = $OnionFuture.FUTURE
$OnionFuture.blue_red_color = Color.red
yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame")
func _draw() -> void:
var current_cels: Array = Global.current_project.frames[Global.current_project.current_frame].cels
var current_layer: int = Global.current_project.current_layer
var position_tmp := position
var scale_tmp := scale
if Global.mirror_view:
position_tmp.x = position_tmp.x + Global.current_project.size.x
scale_tmp.x = -1
draw_set_transform(position_tmp, rotation, scale_tmp)
# Draw current frame layers
for i in range(Global.current_project.layers.size()):
var modulate_color := Color(1, 1, 1, current_cels[i].opacity)
if Global.current_project.layers[i].visible: # if it's visible
if i == current_layer:
draw_texture(current_cels[i].image_texture, move_preview_location, modulate_color)
draw_texture(current_cels[i].image_texture, Vector2.ZERO, modulate_color)
if Global.onion_skinning:
currently_visible_frame.size = Global.current_project.size
if Global.current_project.tile_mode != Global.TileMode.NONE:
draw_set_transform(position, rotation, scale)
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
# Don't process anything below if the input isn't a mouse event, or Shift/Ctrl.
# This decreases CPU/GPU usage slightly.
if not event is InputEventMouse:
if not event is InputEventKey:
elif not event.scancode in [KEY_SHIFT, KEY_CONTROL]:
# elif not get_viewport_rect().has_point(event.position):
# return
# Do not use self.get_local_mouse_position() because it return unexpected
# value when shrink parameter is not equal to one. At godot version 3.2.3
var tmp_transform = get_canvas_transform().affine_inverse()
var tmp_position = Global.main_viewport.get_local_mouse_position()
current_pixel = tmp_transform.basis_xform(tmp_position) + tmp_transform.origin
if Global.has_focus:
sprite_changed_this_frame = false
Tools.handle_draw(current_pixel.floor(), event)
if sprite_changed_this_frame:
func camera_zoom() -> void:
# Set camera zoom based on the sprite size
var bigger_canvas_axis = max(Global.current_project.size.x, Global.current_project.size.y)
var zoom_max := Vector2(bigger_canvas_axis, bigger_canvas_axis) * 0.01
for camera in Global.cameras:
if zoom_max > Vector2.ONE:
camera.zoom_max = zoom_max
camera.zoom_max = Vector2.ONE
if camera == Global.camera_preview:
Global.preview_zoom_slider.max_value = -camera.zoom_min.x
Global.preview_zoom_slider.min_value = -camera.zoom_max.x
func update_texture(layer_i: int, frame_i := -1, project: Project = Global.current_project) -> void:
if frame_i == -1:
frame_i = project.current_frame
if frame_i < project.frames.size() and layer_i < project.layers.size():
var current_cel: Cel = project.frames[frame_i].cels[layer_i]
current_cel.image_texture.create_from_image(current_cel.image, 0)
if project == Global.current_project:
var container_index = Global.frames_container.get_child_count() - 1 - layer_i
var layer_cel_container = Global.frames_container.get_child(container_index)
var cel_button = layer_cel_container.get_child(frame_i)
var cel_texture_rect: TextureRect
cel_texture_rect = cel_button.find_node("CelTexture")
cel_texture_rect.texture = current_cel.image_texture
func update_selected_cels_textures(project: Project = Global.current_project) -> void:
for cel_index in project.selected_cels:
var frame_index: int = cel_index[0]
var layer_index: int = cel_index[1]
if frame_index < project.frames.size() and layer_index < project.layers.size():
var current_cel: Cel = project.frames[frame_index].cels[layer_index]
current_cel.image_texture.create_from_image(current_cel.image, 0)
if project == Global.current_project:
var container_index = Global.frames_container.get_child_count() - 1 - layer_index
var layer_cel_container = Global.frames_container.get_child(container_index)
var cel_button = layer_cel_container.get_child(frame_index)
var cel_texture_rect: TextureRect = cel_button.find_node("CelTexture")
cel_texture_rect.texture = current_cel.image_texture
func refresh_onion() -> void: