mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 19:43:13 +00:00
The resulting camera zoom now depends on the window size. More specifically, the main viewport's x size. This formula is purely trial-and-error, and it may not work perfectly, or properly for some screen sizes. If anyone wants to improve it, feel free to do so!
707 lines
27 KiB
707 lines
27 KiB
extends Control
var opensprite_file_selected := false
var file_menu : PopupMenu
var view_menu : PopupMenu
var tools := []
var redone := false
var is_quitting_on_save := false
var previous_left_color := Color.black
var previous_right_color := Color.white
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready() -> void:
# Set a minimum window size to prevent UI elements from collapsing on each other.
# This property is only available in 3.2alpha or later, so use `set()` to fail gracefully if it doesn't exist.
OS.set("min_window_size", Vector2(1024, 576))
# `TranslationServer.get_loaded_locales()` was added in 3.2beta and in 3.1.2
# The `has_method()` check and the `else` branch can be removed once 3.2 is released.
if TranslationServer.has_method("get_loaded_locales"):
Global.loaded_locales = TranslationServer.get_loaded_locales()
# Hardcoded list of locales
Global.loaded_locales = ["de_DE", "el_GR", "en_US", "eo_UY", "es_ES", "fr_FR", "it_IT", "lv_LV", "pl_PL", "pt_BR", "ru_RU", "zh_CN","zh_TW"]
# Make sure locales are always sorted, in the same order
# Restore the window position/size if values are present in the configuration cache
if Global.config_cache.has_section_key("window", "screen"):
OS.current_screen = Global.config_cache.get_value("window", "screen")
if Global.config_cache.has_section_key("window", "maximized"):
OS.window_maximized = Global.config_cache.get_value("window", "maximized")
if !OS.window_maximized:
if Global.config_cache.has_section_key("window", "position"):
OS.window_position = Global.config_cache.get_value("window", "position")
if Global.config_cache.has_section_key("window", "size"):
OS.window_size = Global.config_cache.get_value("window", "size")
var file_menu_items := {
"New..." : InputMap.get_action_list("new_file")[0].get_scancode_with_modifiers(),
"Open..." : InputMap.get_action_list("open_file")[0].get_scancode_with_modifiers(),
"Save..." : InputMap.get_action_list("save_file")[0].get_scancode_with_modifiers(),
"Save as..." : InputMap.get_action_list("save_file_as")[0].get_scancode_with_modifiers(),
"Import..." : InputMap.get_action_list("import_file")[0].get_scancode_with_modifiers(),
"Export..." : InputMap.get_action_list("export_file")[0].get_scancode_with_modifiers(),
"Export as..." : InputMap.get_action_list("export_file_as")[0].get_scancode_with_modifiers(),
"Quit" : InputMap.get_action_list("quit")[0].get_scancode_with_modifiers(),
var edit_menu_items := {
"Undo" : InputMap.get_action_list("undo")[0].get_scancode_with_modifiers(),
"Redo" : InputMap.get_action_list("redo")[0].get_scancode_with_modifiers(),
"Clear Selection" : 0,
"Preferences" : 0
var view_menu_items := {
"Tile Mode" : InputMap.get_action_list("tile_mode")[0].get_scancode_with_modifiers(),
"Show Grid" : InputMap.get_action_list("show_grid")[0].get_scancode_with_modifiers(),
"Show Rulers" : InputMap.get_action_list("show_rulers")[0].get_scancode_with_modifiers(),
"Show Guides" : InputMap.get_action_list("show_guides")[0].get_scancode_with_modifiers(),
"Show Animation Timeline" : 0
var image_menu_items := {
"Scale Image" : 0,
"Crop Image" : 0,
"Flip Horizontal" : InputMap.get_action_list("image_flip_horizontal")[0].get_scancode_with_modifiers(),
"Flip Vertical" : InputMap.get_action_list("image_flip_vertical")[0].get_scancode_with_modifiers(),
"Rotate Image" : 0,
"Invert colors" : 0,
"Desaturation" : 0,
"Outline" : 0
var help_menu_items := {
"View Splash Screen" : 0,
"Issue Tracker" : 0,
"Changelog" : 0,
"About Pixelorama" : 0
# Load language
if Global.config_cache.has_section_key("preferences", "locale"):
var saved_locale : String = Global.config_cache.get_value("preferences", "locale")
# Set the language option menu's default selected option to the loaded locale
var locale_index: int = Global.loaded_locales.find(saved_locale)
$PreferencesDialog.languages.get_child(1).pressed = false
$PreferencesDialog.languages.get_child(locale_index + 2).pressed = true
else: # If the user doesn't have a language preference, set it to their OS' locale
if "zh" in TranslationServer.get_locale():
theme.default_font = preload("res://Assets/Fonts/CJK/NotoSansCJKtc-Regular.tres")
theme.default_font = preload("res://Assets/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.tres")
file_menu = Global.file_menu.get_popup()
var edit_menu : PopupMenu = Global.edit_menu.get_popup()
view_menu = Global.view_menu.get_popup()
var image_menu : PopupMenu = Global.image_menu.get_popup()
var help_menu : PopupMenu = Global.help_menu.get_popup()
var i = 0
for item in file_menu_items.keys():
file_menu.add_item(item, i, file_menu_items[item])
i += 1
i = 0
for item in edit_menu_items.keys():
edit_menu.add_item(item, i, edit_menu_items[item])
i += 1
i = 0
for item in view_menu_items.keys():
view_menu.add_check_item(item, i, view_menu_items[item])
i += 1
view_menu.set_item_checked(2, true) # Show Rulers
view_menu.set_item_checked(3, true) # Show Guides
view_menu.set_item_checked(4, true) # Show Animation Timeline
view_menu.hide_on_checkable_item_selection = false
i = 0
for item in image_menu_items.keys():
image_menu.add_item(item, i, image_menu_items[item])
if i == 4:
i += 1
i = 0
for item in help_menu_items.keys():
help_menu.add_item(item, i, help_menu_items[item])
i += 1
file_menu.connect("id_pressed", self, "file_menu_id_pressed")
edit_menu.connect("id_pressed", self, "edit_menu_id_pressed")
view_menu.connect("id_pressed", self, "view_menu_id_pressed")
image_menu.connect("id_pressed", self, "image_menu_id_pressed")
help_menu.connect("id_pressed", self, "help_menu_id_pressed")
var root = get_tree().get_root()
# Node, left mouse shortcut, right mouse shortcut
tools.append([Global.find_node_by_name(root, "Pencil"), "left_pencil_tool", "right_pencil_tool"])
tools.append([Global.find_node_by_name(root, "Eraser"), "left_eraser_tool", "right_eraser_tool"])
tools.append([Global.find_node_by_name(root, "Bucket"), "left_fill_tool", "right_fill_tool"])
tools.append([Global.find_node_by_name(root, "LightenDarken"), "left_lightdark_tool", "right_lightdark_tool"])
tools.append([Global.find_node_by_name(root, "RectSelect"), "left_rectangle_select_tool", "right_rectangle_select_tool"])
tools.append([Global.find_node_by_name(root, "ColorPicker"), "left_colorpicker_tool", "right_colorpicker_tool"])
tools.append([Global.find_node_by_name(root, "Zoom"), "left_zoom_tool", "right_zoom_tool"])
for t in tools:
t[0].connect("pressed", self, "_on_Tool_pressed", [t[0]])
# Checks to see if it's 3.1.x
if Engine.get_version_info().major == 3 and Engine.get_version_info().minor < 2:
Global.left_color_picker.get_picker().move_child(Global.left_color_picker.get_picker().get_child(0), 1)
Global.right_color_picker.get_picker().move_child(Global.right_color_picker.get_picker().get_child(0), 1)
if OS.get_cmdline_args():
for arg in OS.get_cmdline_args():
if arg.get_extension().to_lower() == "pxo":
Global.window_title = "(" + tr("untitled") + ") - Pixelorama"
Global.layers[0][0] = tr("Layer") + " 0"
Global.layers_container.get_child(0).label.text = Global.layers[0][0]
Global.layers_container.get_child(0).line_edit.text = Global.layers[0][0]
Global.left_color_picker.get_picker().presets_visible = false
Global.right_color_picker.get_picker().presets_visible = false
$QuitAndSaveDialog.add_button("Save & Exit", false, "Save")
$QuitAndSaveDialog.get_ok().text = "Exit without saving"
if not Global.config_cache.has_section_key("preferences", "startup"):
Global.config_cache.set_value("preferences", "startup", true)
if Global.config_cache.get_value("preferences", "startup"):
# Wait for the window to adjust itself, so the popup is correctly centered
yield(get_tree().create_timer(0.01), "timeout")
$SplashDialog.popup_centered() # Splash screen
Global.can_draw = true
func _input(event : InputEvent) -> void:
Global.left_cursor.position = get_global_mouse_position() + Vector2(-32, 32)
Global.left_cursor.texture = Global.left_cursor_tool_texture
Global.right_cursor.position = get_global_mouse_position() + Vector2(32, 32)
Global.right_cursor.texture = Global.right_cursor_tool_texture
if event is InputEventKey and (event.scancode == KEY_ENTER or event.scancode == KEY_KP_ENTER):
if get_focus_owner() is LineEdit:
if event.is_action_pressed("toggle_fullscreen"):
OS.window_fullscreen = !OS.window_fullscreen
if event.is_action_pressed("redo_secondary"): # Shift + Ctrl + Z
redone = true
redone = false
if Global.has_focus:
for t in tools: # Handle tool shortcuts
if event.is_action_pressed(t[2]): # Shortcut for right button (with Alt)
_on_Tool_pressed(t[0], false, false)
elif event.is_action_pressed(t[1]): # Shortcut for left button
_on_Tool_pressed(t[0], false, true)
func _notification(what : int) -> void:
if what == MainLoop.NOTIFICATION_WM_QUIT_REQUEST: # Handle exit
func file_menu_id_pressed(id : int) -> void:
match id:
0: # New
Global.can_draw = false
1: # Open
Global.can_draw = false
opensprite_file_selected = false
2: # Save
is_quitting_on_save = false
if OpenSave.current_save_path == "":
Global.can_draw = false
3: # Save as
is_quitting_on_save = false
Global.can_draw = false
4: # Import
Global.can_draw = false
opensprite_file_selected = false
5: # Export
if $ExportDialog.was_exported == false:
Global.can_draw = false
6: # Export as
Global.can_draw = false
7: # Quit
func edit_menu_id_pressed(id : int) -> void:
match id:
0: # Undo
1: # Redo
redone = true
redone = false
2: # Clear selection
Global.canvas.handle_undo("Rectangle Select")
Global.selection_rectangle.polygon[0] = Vector2.ZERO
Global.selection_rectangle.polygon[1] = Vector2.ZERO
Global.selection_rectangle.polygon[2] = Vector2.ZERO
Global.selection_rectangle.polygon[3] = Vector2.ZERO
Global.canvas.handle_redo("Rectangle Select")
3: # Preferences
$PreferencesDialog.popup_centered(Vector2(400, 280))
Global.can_draw = false
func view_menu_id_pressed(id : int) -> void:
match id:
0: # Tile mode
Global.tile_mode = !Global.tile_mode
view_menu.set_item_checked(0, Global.tile_mode)
1: # Show grid
Global.draw_grid = !Global.draw_grid
view_menu.set_item_checked(1, Global.draw_grid)
2: # Show rulers
Global.show_rulers = !Global.show_rulers
view_menu.set_item_checked(2, Global.show_rulers)
Global.horizontal_ruler.visible = Global.show_rulers
Global.vertical_ruler.visible = Global.show_rulers
3: # Show guides
Global.show_guides = !Global.show_guides
view_menu.set_item_checked(3, Global.show_guides)
for canvas in Global.canvases:
for guide in canvas.get_children():
if guide is Guide:
guide.visible = Global.show_guides
4: # Show animation timeline
Global.show_animation_timeline = !Global.show_animation_timeline
view_menu.set_item_checked(4, Global.show_animation_timeline)
Global.animation_timeline.visible = Global.show_animation_timeline
func image_menu_id_pressed(id : int) -> void:
if Global.layers[Global.current_layer][2]: # No changes if the layer is locked
match id:
0: # Scale Image
Global.can_draw = false
1: # Crop Image
# Use first layer as a starting rectangle
var used_rect : Rect2 = Global.canvas.layers[0][0].get_used_rect()
# However, if first layer is empty, loop through all layers until we find one that isn't
var i := 0
while(i < Global.canvas.layers.size() - 1 and Global.canvas.layers[i][0].get_used_rect() == Rect2(0, 0, 0, 0)):
i += 1
used_rect = Global.canvas.layers[i][0].get_used_rect()
# Merge all layers with content
for j in range(Global.canvas.layers.size() - 1, i, -1):
if Global.canvas.layers[j][0].get_used_rect() != Rect2(0, 0, 0, 0):
used_rect = used_rect.merge(Global.canvas.layers[j][0].get_used_rect())
# If no layer has any content, just return
if used_rect == Rect2(0, 0, 0, 0):
var width := used_rect.size.x
var height := used_rect.size.y
Global.undos += 1
Global.undo_redo.add_do_property(Global.canvas, "size", Vector2(width, height).floor())
# Loop through all the layers to crop them
for j in range(Global.canvas.layers.size() - 1, -1, -1):
var sprite : Image = Global.canvas.layers[j][0].get_rect(used_rect)
Global.undo_redo.add_do_property(Global.canvas.layers[j][0], "data", sprite.data)
Global.undo_redo.add_undo_property(Global.canvas.layers[j][0], "data", Global.canvas.layers[j][0].data)
Global.undo_redo.add_undo_property(Global.canvas, "size", Global.canvas.size)
Global.undo_redo.add_undo_method(Global, "undo", [Global.canvas])
Global.undo_redo.add_do_method(Global, "redo", [Global.canvas])
2: # Flip Horizontal
var canvas : Canvas = Global.canvas
3: # Flip Vertical
var canvas : Canvas = Global.canvas
4: # Rotate
var image : Image = Global.canvas.layers[Global.current_layer][0]
Global.can_draw = false
5: # Invert Colors
var image : Image = Global.canvas.layers[Global.current_layer][0]
for xx in image.get_size().x:
for yy in image.get_size().y:
var px_color = image.get_pixel(xx, yy).inverted()
if px_color.a == 0:
image.set_pixel(xx, yy, px_color)
6: # Desaturation
var image : Image = Global.canvas.layers[Global.current_layer][0]
for xx in image.get_size().x:
for yy in image.get_size().y:
var px_color = image.get_pixel(xx, yy)
if px_color.a == 0:
var gray = image.get_pixel(xx, yy).v
px_color = Color(gray, gray, gray, px_color.a)
image.set_pixel(xx, yy, px_color)
7: # Outline
Global.can_draw = false
func help_menu_id_pressed(id : int) -> void:
match id:
0: # Splash Screen
Global.can_draw = false
1: # Issue Tracker
2: # Changelog
3: # About Pixelorama
Global.can_draw = false
func _on_UnsavedCanvasDialog_confirmed() -> void:
func _on_OpenSprite_file_selected(path : String) -> void:
$SaveSprite.current_path = path
$ExportDialog.file_name = path.get_file().trim_suffix(".pxo")
$ExportDialog.directory_path = path.get_base_dir()
$ExportDialog.was_exported = false
file_menu.set_item_text(2, tr("Save") + " %s" % path.get_file())
file_menu.set_item_text(5, tr("Export"))
func _on_SaveSprite_file_selected(path : String) -> void:
$ExportDialog.file_name = path.get_file().trim_suffix(".pxo")
$ExportDialog.directory_path = path.get_base_dir()
$ExportDialog.was_exported = false
file_menu.set_item_text(2, tr("Save") + " %s" % path.get_file())
if is_quitting_on_save:
func _on_ImportSprites_popup_hide() -> void:
if !opensprite_file_selected:
Global.can_draw = true
func _on_ViewportContainer_mouse_entered() -> void:
Global.has_focus = true
func _on_ViewportContainer_mouse_exited() -> void:
Global.has_focus = false
func _can_draw_true() -> void:
Global.can_draw = true
func _can_draw_false() -> void:
Global.can_draw = false
func _on_Tool_pressed(tool_pressed : BaseButton, mouse_press := true, key_for_left := true) -> void:
var current_action := tool_pressed.name
if (mouse_press and Input.is_action_just_released("left_mouse")) or (!mouse_press and key_for_left):
Global.current_left_tool = current_action
# Start from 1, so the label won't get invisible
for i in range(1, Global.left_tool_options_container.get_child_count()):
Global.left_tool_options_container.get_child(i).visible = false
Global.left_tool_options_container.get_node("EmptySpacer").visible = true
# Tool options visible depending on the selected tool
if current_action == "Pencil":
Global.left_brush_type_container.visible = true
Global.left_brush_size_slider.visible = true
Global.left_mirror_container.visible = true
if Global.current_left_brush_type == Global.Brush_Types.FILE or Global.current_left_brush_type == Global.Brush_Types.CUSTOM or Global.current_left_brush_type == Global.Brush_Types.RANDOM_FILE:
Global.left_color_interpolation_container.visible = true
elif current_action == "Eraser":
Global.left_brush_type_container.visible = true
Global.left_brush_size_slider.visible = true
Global.left_mirror_container.visible = true
elif current_action == "Bucket":
Global.left_brush_type_container.visible = true
Global.left_brush_size_slider.visible = true
Global.left_fill_area_container.visible = true
Global.left_mirror_container.visible = true
if Global.current_left_brush_type == Global.Brush_Types.FILE or Global.current_left_brush_type == Global.Brush_Types.CUSTOM or Global.current_left_brush_type == Global.Brush_Types.RANDOM_FILE:
Global.left_color_interpolation_container.visible = true
elif current_action == "LightenDarken":
Global.left_brush_type_container.visible = true
Global.left_brush_size_slider.visible = true
Global.left_ld_container.visible = true
Global.left_mirror_container.visible = true
elif current_action == "ColorPicker":
Global.left_colorpicker_container.visible = true
elif current_action == "Zoom":
Global.left_zoom_container.visible = true
elif (mouse_press and Input.is_action_just_released("right_mouse")) or (!mouse_press and !key_for_left):
Global.current_right_tool = current_action
# Start from 1, so the label won't get invisible
for i in range(1, Global.right_tool_options_container.get_child_count()):
Global.right_tool_options_container.get_child(i).visible = false
Global.right_tool_options_container.get_node("EmptySpacer").visible = true
# Tool options visible depending on the selected tool
if current_action == "Pencil":
Global.right_brush_type_container.visible = true
Global.right_brush_size_slider.visible = true
Global.right_mirror_container.visible = true
if Global.current_right_brush_type == Global.Brush_Types.FILE or Global.current_right_brush_type == Global.Brush_Types.CUSTOM or Global.current_right_brush_type == Global.Brush_Types.RANDOM_FILE:
Global.right_color_interpolation_container.visible = true
elif current_action == "Eraser":
Global.right_brush_type_container.visible = true
Global.right_brush_size_slider.visible = true
Global.right_mirror_container.visible = true
elif current_action == "Bucket":
Global.right_brush_type_container.visible = true
Global.right_brush_size_slider.visible = true
Global.right_fill_area_container.visible = true
Global.right_mirror_container.visible = true
if Global.current_right_brush_type == Global.Brush_Types.FILE or Global.current_right_brush_type == Global.Brush_Types.CUSTOM or Global.current_right_brush_type == Global.Brush_Types.RANDOM_FILE:
Global.right_color_interpolation_container.visible = true
elif current_action == "LightenDarken":
Global.right_brush_type_container.visible = true
Global.right_brush_size_slider.visible = true
Global.right_ld_container.visible = true
Global.right_mirror_container.visible = true
elif current_action == "ColorPicker":
Global.right_colorpicker_container.visible = true
elif current_action == "Zoom":
Global.right_zoom_container.visible = true
for t in tools:
var tool_name : String = t[0].name
if tool_name == Global.current_left_tool and tool_name == Global.current_right_tool:
t[0].texture_normal = load("res://Assets/Graphics/%s Themes/Tools/%s_l_r.png" % [Global.theme_type, tool_name])
elif tool_name == Global.current_left_tool:
t[0].texture_normal = load("res://Assets/Graphics/%s Themes/Tools/%s_l.png" % [Global.theme_type, tool_name])
elif tool_name == Global.current_right_tool:
t[0].texture_normal = load("res://Assets/Graphics/%s Themes/Tools/%s_r.png" % [Global.theme_type, tool_name])
t[0].texture_normal = load("res://Assets/Graphics/%s Themes/Tools/%s.png" % [Global.theme_type, tool_name])
Global.left_cursor_tool_texture.create_from_image(load("res://Assets/Graphics/Tool Cursors/%s_Cursor.png" % Global.current_left_tool), 0)
Global.right_cursor_tool_texture.create_from_image(load("res://Assets/Graphics/Tool Cursors/%s_Cursor.png" % Global.current_right_tool), 0)
func _on_LeftBrushTypeButton_pressed() -> void:
Global.brushes_popup.popup(Rect2(Global.left_brush_type_button.rect_global_position, Vector2(226, 72)))
Global.brush_type_window_position = "left"
func _on_RightBrushTypeButton_pressed() -> void:
Global.brushes_popup.popup(Rect2(Global.right_brush_type_button.rect_global_position, Vector2(226, 72)))
Global.brush_type_window_position = "right"
func _on_LeftBrushSizeEdit_value_changed(value) -> void:
Global.left_brush_size_edit.value = value
Global.left_brush_size_slider.value = value
var new_size = int(value)
Global.left_brush_size = new_size
func _on_RightBrushSizeEdit_value_changed(value) -> void:
Global.right_brush_size_edit.value = value
Global.right_brush_size_slider.value = value
var new_size = int(value)
Global.right_brush_size = new_size
func _on_ColorSwitch_pressed() -> void:
var temp: Color = Global.left_color_picker.color
Global.left_color_picker.color = Global.right_color_picker.color
Global.right_color_picker.color = temp
func _on_ColorDefaults_pressed() -> void:
Global.left_color_picker.color = Color.black
Global.right_color_picker.color = Color.white
func _on_LeftColorPickerButton_color_changed(color : Color) -> void:
# If the color changed while it's on full transparency, make it opaque (GH issue #54)
if color.a == 0:
if previous_left_color.r != color.r or previous_left_color.g != color.g or previous_left_color.b != color.b:
Global.left_color_picker.color.a = 1
previous_left_color = color
func _on_RightColorPickerButton_color_changed(color : Color) -> void:
# If the color changed while it's on full transparency, make it opaque (GH issue #54)
if color.a == 0:
if previous_right_color.r != color.r or previous_right_color.g != color.g or previous_right_color.b != color.b:
Global.right_color_picker.color.a = 1
previous_right_color = color
func _on_LeftInterpolateFactor_value_changed(value : float) -> void:
Global.left_interpolate_spinbox.value = value
Global.left_interpolate_slider.value = value
func _on_RightInterpolateFactor_value_changed(value : float) -> void:
Global.right_interpolate_spinbox.value = value
Global.right_interpolate_slider.value = value
func update_left_custom_brush() -> void:
func update_right_custom_brush() -> void:
func _on_LeftFillAreaOptions_item_selected(ID : int) -> void:
Global.left_fill_area = ID
func _on_RightFillAreaOptions_item_selected(ID : int) -> void:
Global.right_fill_area = ID
func _on_LeftLightenDarken_item_selected(ID : int) -> void:
Global.left_ld = ID
func _on_LeftLDAmountSpinbox_value_changed(value : float) -> void:
Global.left_ld_amount = value / 100
Global.left_ld_amount_slider.value = value
Global.left_ld_amount_spinbox.value = value
func _on_RightLightenDarken_item_selected(ID : int) -> void:
Global.right_ld = ID
func _on_RightLDAmountSpinbox_value_changed(value : float) -> void:
Global.right_ld_amount = value / 100
Global.right_ld_amount_slider.value = value
Global.right_ld_amount_spinbox.value = value
func _on_LeftForColorOptions_item_selected(ID : int) -> void:
Global.left_color_picker_for = ID
func _on_RightForColorOptions_item_selected(ID : int) -> void:
Global.right_color_picker_for = ID
func _on_LeftZoomModeOptions_item_selected(ID : int) -> void:
Global.left_zoom_mode = ID
func _on_RightZoomModeOptions_item_selected(ID : int) -> void:
Global.right_zoom_mode = ID
func _on_FitToFrameButton_pressed() -> void:
var bigger = max(Global.canvas.size.x, Global.canvas.size.y)
Global.camera.zoom = (Vector2(bigger, bigger) * 0.004) / (Global.main_viewport.rect_size.x * 0.002)
Global.camera.offset = Global.canvas.size / 2
Global.zoom_level_label.text = str(round(100 / Global.camera.zoom.x)) + " %"
func _on_100ZoomButton_pressed() -> void:
Global.camera.zoom = Vector2.ONE
Global.camera.offset = Global.canvas.size / 2
Global.zoom_level_label.text = str(round(100 / Global.camera.zoom.x)) + " %"
func _on_LeftHorizontalMirroring_toggled(button_pressed) -> void:
Global.left_horizontal_mirror = button_pressed
func _on_LeftVerticalMirroring_toggled(button_pressed) -> void:
Global.left_vertical_mirror = button_pressed
func _on_RightHorizontalMirroring_toggled(button_pressed) -> void:
Global.right_horizontal_mirror = button_pressed
func _on_RightVerticalMirroring_toggled(button_pressed) -> void:
Global.right_vertical_mirror = button_pressed
func show_quit_dialog() -> void:
if !$QuitDialog.visible:
if Global.saved:
Global.can_draw = false
func _on_QuitAndSaveDialog_custom_action(action : String) -> void:
if action == "Save":
is_quitting_on_save = true
Global.can_draw = false
func _on_QuitDialog_confirmed() -> void:
# Darken the UI to denote that the application is currently exiting
# (it won't respond to user input in this state).
modulate = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)