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Emmanouil Papadeas 6c002756c7 Move all selected layers with drag & drop
Similar to 7507206726 but for layers. Layer swapping (with control) only works when one layer is selected. The move up/down buttons in the timeline only work with one layer as of this commit.
2024-04-15 02:10:52 +03:00

214 lines
8.3 KiB

extends Button
## The entire purpose of this script is to handle layer drag and dropping.
var layer_index := 0
var hierarchy_depth_pixel_shift := 16
func _get_drag_data(_position: Vector2) -> Variant:
var layers := _get_layer_indices()
for layer_i in layers: # Add child layers, if we have selected groups
var layer := Global.current_project.layers[layer_i]
for child in layer.get_children(true):
var child_index := Global.current_project.layers.find(child)
if not child_index in layers: # Do not add the same index multiple times
var box := VBoxContainer.new()
for i in layers.size():
var button := Button.new()
button.custom_minimum_size = size
button.theme = Global.control.theme
button.text = Global.current_project.layers[layers[-1 - i]].name
return ["Layer", layers]
func _can_drop_data(pos: Vector2, data) -> bool:
if typeof(data) != TYPE_ARRAY:
Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.visible = false
return false
if data[0] != "Layer":
Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.visible = false
return false
var curr_layer := Global.current_project.layers[layer_index]
var drop_layers: PackedInt32Array = data[1]
# Can't move to the same layer
for drop_layer in drop_layers:
if drop_layer == layer_index:
Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.visible = false
return false
var region: Rect2
var depth := curr_layer.get_hierarchy_depth()
var last_layer := Global.current_project.layers[drop_layers[-1]]
if Input.is_action_pressed(&"ctrl") and drop_layers.size() == 1: # Swap layers
if last_layer.is_ancestor_of(curr_layer) or curr_layer.is_ancestor_of(last_layer):
Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.visible = false
return false
region = get_global_rect()
else: # Shift layers
for drop_layer_index in drop_layers:
var drop_layer := Global.current_project.layers[drop_layer_index]
if drop_layer.is_ancestor_of(curr_layer):
Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.visible = false
return false
# If accepted as a child, is it in the center region?
if (
curr_layer.accepts_child(last_layer) # Any dropped layer should probably work here
and pos.y > size.y / 4.0
and pos.y < 3.0 * size.y / 4.0
# Drawn regions are adjusted a bit from actual to clarify drop position
region = _get_region_rect(0.15, 0.85)
depth += 1
if pos.y < size.y / 2.0: # Top region
region = _get_region_rect(-0.1, 0.15)
else: # Bottom region
region = _get_region_rect(0.85, 1.1)
# Shift drawn region to the right a bit for hierarchy depth visualization:
region.position.x += depth * hierarchy_depth_pixel_shift
region.size.x -= depth * hierarchy_depth_pixel_shift
Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.global_position = region.position
Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.size = region.size
Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.visible = true
return true
func _drop_data(pos: Vector2, data) -> void:
var initial_drop_layers: PackedInt32Array = data[1]
var project := Global.current_project
var curr_layer := project.layers[layer_index]
var layers := project.layers # This shouldn't be modified directly
var drop_from_indices: PackedInt32Array = []
var children_indices: PackedInt32Array = [] # Child layer indices, if a group layer is selected
# Add dropped indices to drop_from_indices
# We do this in case a child layer is selected along with its ancestor,
# we don't want both of them to be in the final array, as ancestors will automatically include
# their children anyway.
for drop_layer_index in initial_drop_layers:
if not drop_layer_index in drop_from_indices: # Do not add the same index multiple times
var drop_layer := project.layers[drop_layer_index]
for child in drop_layer.get_children(true):
var child_index := project.layers.find(child)
if not child_index in children_indices:
if not child_index in drop_from_indices: # Do not add the same index multiple times
var drop_from_parents := []
for i in range(drop_from_indices.size()):
project.undo_redo.create_action("Change Layer Order")
if Input.is_action_pressed("ctrl") and initial_drop_layers.size() == 1: # Swap layers
# a and b both need "from", "to", and "to_parents"
# a is this layer (and children), b is the dropped layers
var a := {"from": range(layer_index - curr_layer.get_child_count(true), layer_index + 1)}
var b := {"from": drop_from_indices}
if a.from[0] < b.from[0]:
a["to"] = range(b.from[-1] + 1 - a.from.size(), b.from[-1] + 1) # Size of a, start from end of b
b["to"] = range(a.from[0], a.from[0] + b.from.size()) # Size of b, start from beginning of a
a["to"] = range(b.from[0], b.from[0] + a.from.size()) # Size of a, start from beginning of b
b["to"] = range(a.from[-1] + 1 - b.from.size(), a.from[-1] + 1) # Size of b, start from end of a
var a_from_parents := []
for l in a.from:
# to_parents starts as a duplicate of from_parents, set the root layer's (with one layer or
# group with its children, this will always be the last layer [-1]) parent to the other
# root layer's parent
a["to_parents"] = a_from_parents.duplicate()
b["to_parents"] = drop_from_parents.duplicate()
a.to_parents[-1] = drop_from_parents[-1]
b.to_parents[-1] = a_from_parents[-1]
project.undo_redo.add_do_method(project.swap_layers.bind(a, b))
{"from": a.to, "to": a.from, "to_parents": a_from_parents},
{"from": b.to, "to": drop_from_indices, "to_parents": drop_from_parents}
else: # Move layers
var to_index: int # the index where the LOWEST moved layer should end up
var to_parent: BaseLayer
var last_layer := project.layers[drop_from_indices[-1]]
# If accepted as a child, is it in the center region?
if (
curr_layer.accepts_child(last_layer) # Any dropped layer should probably work here
and pos.y > size.y / 4.0
and pos.y < 3.0 * size.y / 4.0
to_index = layer_index
to_parent = curr_layer
if pos.y < size.y / 2.0: # Top region
to_index = layer_index + 1
to_parent = curr_layer.parent
else: # Bottom region
# Place under the layer, if it has children, place after its lowest child
if curr_layer.has_children():
to_index = curr_layer.get_children(true)[0].index
for drop_layer in drop_from_indices:
if curr_layer.is_ancestor_of(layers[drop_layer]):
to_index += 1
to_index = layer_index
to_parent = curr_layer.parent
for drop_layer in drop_from_indices:
if drop_layer < layer_index:
to_index -= 1
var drop_to_indices: PackedInt32Array = range(to_index, to_index + drop_from_indices.size())
var to_parents := drop_from_parents.duplicate()
for i in to_parents.size():
# Re-parent only the parent layers, not the child layers of a group
if not drop_from_indices[i] in children_indices:
to_parents[i] = to_parent
project.move_layers.bind(drop_from_indices, drop_to_indices, to_parents)
project.move_layers.bind(drop_to_indices, drop_from_indices, drop_from_parents)
if project.current_layer in drop_from_indices:
project.undo_redo.add_do_method(project.change_cel.bind(-1, layer_index))
project.undo_redo.add_do_method(project.change_cel.bind(-1, project.current_layer))
project.undo_redo.add_undo_method(project.change_cel.bind(-1, project.current_layer))
func _get_region_rect(y_begin: float, y_end: float) -> Rect2:
var rect := get_global_rect()
rect.position.y += rect.size.y * y_begin
rect.size.y *= y_end - y_begin
return rect
func _get_layer_indices() -> PackedInt32Array:
var indices := []
for cel in Global.current_project.selected_cels:
var l: int = cel[1]
if not l in indices:
if not layer_index in indices:
indices = [layer_index]
return indices