Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/Orama-Interactive/Pixelorama.git synced 2025-02-08 03:19:49 +00:00
OverloadedOrama e6aea97f1b The world_2d of the preview viewports is no longer the same as the main viewport's
A "CanvasPreview" Node2D has been added to every preview viewport, where it draws the current frame. This solves #205.
2020-06-12 02:27:21 +03:00

717 lines
27 KiB

extends Node
enum Pressure_Sensitivity {NONE, ALPHA, SIZE, ALPHA_AND_SIZE}
enum Direction {UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT}
enum Mouse_Button {LEFT, RIGHT}
enum Theme_Types {DARK, BLUE, CARAMEL, LIGHT}
enum Fill_With {COLOR, PATTERN}
enum Lighten_Darken_Mode {LIGHTEN, DARKEN}
enum Zoom_Mode {ZOOM_IN, ZOOM_OUT}
# Stuff for arrowkey-based canvas movements nyaa ^.^
const low_speed_move_rate := 150.0
const medium_speed_move_rate := 750.0
const high_speed_move_rate := 3750.0
var root_directory := "."
var window_title := "" setget title_changed # Why doesn't Godot have get_window_title()?
var config_cache := ConfigFile.new()
var XDGDataPaths = preload("res://src/XDGDataPaths.gd")
var directory_module : Reference
var projects := [] # Array of Projects
var current_project : Project
var current_project_index := 0 setget project_changed
# Indices are as in the Direction enum
# This is the total time the key for
# that direction has been pressed.
var key_move_press_time := [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
var loaded_locales : Array
# Canvas related stuff
var layers_changed_skip := false
var can_draw := false
var has_focus := false
var pressure_sensitivity_mode = Pressure_Sensitivity.NONE
var open_last_project := false
var smooth_zoom := true
var cursor_image = preload("res://assets/graphics/cursor_icons/cursor.png")
var left_cursor_tool_texture : ImageTexture
var right_cursor_tool_texture : ImageTexture
var image_clipboard : Image
var play_only_tags := true
# Preferences
var theme_type : int = Theme_Types.DARK
var default_image_width := 64
var default_image_height := 64
var default_fill_color := Color(0, 0, 0, 0)
var grid_type = Grid_Types.CARTESIAN
var grid_width := 1
var grid_height := 1
var grid_color := Color.black
var guide_color := Color.purple
var checker_size := 10
var checker_color_1 := Color(0.47, 0.47, 0.47, 1)
var checker_color_2 := Color(0.34, 0.35, 0.34, 1)
var autosave_interval := 5.0
var enable_autosave := true
# Tools & options
var current_tools := [Tools.PENCIL, Tools.ERASER]
var show_left_tool_icon := true
var show_right_tool_icon := true
var left_square_indicator_visible := true
var right_square_indicator_visible := false
var fill_areas := [Fill_Area.SAME_COLOR_AREA, Fill_Area.SAME_COLOR_AREA]
var fill_with := [Fill_With.COLOR, Fill_With.COLOR]
var fill_pattern_offsets := [Vector2.ZERO, Vector2.ZERO]
var ld_modes := [Lighten_Darken_Mode.LIGHTEN, Lighten_Darken_Mode.LIGHTEN]
var ld_amounts := [0.1, 0.1]
var color_picker_for := [Mouse_Button.LEFT, Mouse_Button.RIGHT]
var zoom_modes := [Zoom_Mode.ZOOM_IN, Zoom_Mode.ZOOM_OUT]
var horizontal_mirror := [false, false]
var vertical_mirror := [false, false]
var pixel_perfect := [false, false]
# View menu options
var tile_mode := false
var draw_grid := false
var show_rulers := true
var show_guides := true
var show_animation_timeline := true
# Onion skinning options
var onion_skinning := false
var onion_skinning_past_rate := 1.0
var onion_skinning_future_rate := 1.0
var onion_skinning_blue_red := false
# Brushes
var file_brushes := []
var brush_sizes := [1, 1]
var current_brush_types := [Brush_Types.PIXEL, Brush_Types.PIXEL]
var brush_images := [Image.new(), Image.new()]
var brush_textures := [ImageTexture.new(), ImageTexture.new()]
var brush_type_window_position : int = Mouse_Button.LEFT
var left_circle_points := []
var right_circle_points := []
var brushes_from_files := 0
var custom_brush_indexes := [-1, -1]
# Patterns
var patterns := []
var pattern_window_position : int = Mouse_Button.LEFT
var pattern_images := [Image.new(), Image.new()]
# Palettes
var palettes := {}
# Nodes
var control : Node
var top_menu_container : Panel
var left_cursor : Sprite
var right_cursor : Sprite
var canvas : Canvas
var tabs : Tabs
var main_viewport : ViewportContainer
var second_viewport : ViewportContainer
var small_preview_viewport : ViewportContainer
var camera : Camera2D
var camera2 : Camera2D
var camera_preview : Camera2D
var selection_rectangle : Polygon2D
var horizontal_ruler : BaseButton
var vertical_ruler : BaseButton
var transparent_checker : ColorRect
var file_menu : MenuButton
var edit_menu : MenuButton
var view_menu : MenuButton
var image_menu : MenuButton
var help_menu : MenuButton
var cursor_position_label : Label
var zoom_level_label : Label
var open_sprites_dialog : FileDialog
var save_sprites_dialog : FileDialog
var export_dialog : AcceptDialog
var preferences_dialog : AcceptDialog
var unsaved_changes_dialog : ConfirmationDialog
var color_pickers := []
var color_switch_button : BaseButton
var tool_options_containers := []
var brush_type_containers := []
var brush_type_buttons := []
var brushes_popup : Popup
var file_brush_container : GridContainer
var project_brush_container : GridContainer
var patterns_popup : Popup
var brush_size_edits := []
var brush_size_sliders := []
var pixel_perfect_containers := []
var color_interpolation_containers := []
var interpolate_spinboxes := []
var interpolate_sliders := []
var fill_area_containers := []
var fill_pattern_containers := []
var ld_containers := []
var ld_amount_sliders := []
var ld_amount_spinboxes := []
var colorpicker_containers := []
var zoom_containers := []
var mirror_containers := []
var animation_timeline : Panel
var animation_timer : Timer
var frame_ids : HBoxContainer
var current_frame_mark_label : Label
var onion_skinning_button : BaseButton
var loop_animation_button : BaseButton
var play_forward : BaseButton
var play_backwards : BaseButton
var layers_container : VBoxContainer
var frames_container : VBoxContainer
var tag_container : Control
var tag_dialog : AcceptDialog
var remove_frame_button : BaseButton
var remove_layer_button : BaseButton
var move_up_layer_button : BaseButton
var move_down_layer_button : BaseButton
var merge_down_layer_button : BaseButton
var layer_opacity_slider : HSlider
var layer_opacity_spinbox : SpinBox
var add_palette_button : BaseButton
var edit_palette_button : BaseButton
var palette_option_button : OptionButton
var palette_container : GridContainer
var edit_palette_popup : WindowDialog
var new_palette_dialog : ConfirmationDialog
var new_palette_name_line_edit : LineEdit
var palette_import_file_dialog : FileDialog
var error_dialog : AcceptDialog
onready var current_version : String = ProjectSettings.get_setting("application/config/Version")
func _ready() -> void:
if OS.has_feature("standalone"):
root_directory = OS.get_executable_path().get_base_dir()
# Load settings from the config file
# The fact that root_dir is set earlier than this is important
# XDGDataDirs depends on it nyaa
directory_module = XDGDataPaths.new()
image_clipboard = Image.new()
var root = get_tree().get_root()
control = find_node_by_name(root, "Control")
top_menu_container = find_node_by_name(control, "TopMenuContainer")
left_cursor = find_node_by_name(root, "LeftCursor")
right_cursor = find_node_by_name(root, "RightCursor")
canvas = find_node_by_name(root, "Canvas")
left_cursor_tool_texture = ImageTexture.new()
right_cursor_tool_texture = ImageTexture.new()
tabs = find_node_by_name(root, "Tabs")
main_viewport = find_node_by_name(root, "ViewportContainer")
second_viewport = find_node_by_name(root, "ViewportContainer2")
small_preview_viewport = find_node_by_name(root, "PreviewViewportContainer")
camera = find_node_by_name(main_viewport, "Camera2D")
camera2 = find_node_by_name(root, "Camera2D2")
camera_preview = find_node_by_name(root, "CameraPreview")
selection_rectangle = find_node_by_name(root, "SelectionRectangle")
horizontal_ruler = find_node_by_name(root, "HorizontalRuler")
vertical_ruler = find_node_by_name(root, "VerticalRuler")
transparent_checker = find_node_by_name(root, "TransparentChecker")
file_menu = find_node_by_name(root, "FileMenu")
edit_menu = find_node_by_name(root, "EditMenu")
view_menu = find_node_by_name(root, "ViewMenu")
image_menu = find_node_by_name(root, "ImageMenu")
help_menu = find_node_by_name(root, "HelpMenu")
cursor_position_label = find_node_by_name(root, "CursorPosition")
zoom_level_label = find_node_by_name(root, "ZoomLevel")
open_sprites_dialog = find_node_by_name(root, "OpenSprite")
save_sprites_dialog = find_node_by_name(root, "SaveSprite")
export_dialog = find_node_by_name(root, "ExportDialog")
preferences_dialog = find_node_by_name(root, "PreferencesDialog")
unsaved_changes_dialog = find_node_by_name(root, "UnsavedCanvasDialog")
tool_options_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftToolOptions"))
tool_options_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightToolOptions"))
color_pickers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftColorPickerButton"))
color_pickers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightColorPickerButton"))
color_switch_button = find_node_by_name(root, "ColorSwitch")
brush_type_containers.append(find_node_by_name(tool_options_containers[0], "LeftBrushType"))
brush_type_containers.append(find_node_by_name(tool_options_containers[1], "RightBrushType"))
brush_type_buttons.append(find_node_by_name(brush_type_containers[0], "LeftBrushTypeButton"))
brush_type_buttons.append(find_node_by_name(brush_type_containers[1], "RightBrushTypeButton"))
brushes_popup = find_node_by_name(root, "BrushesPopup")
file_brush_container = find_node_by_name(brushes_popup, "FileBrushContainer")
project_brush_container = find_node_by_name(brushes_popup, "ProjectBrushContainer")
patterns_popup = find_node_by_name(root, "PatternsPopup")
brush_size_edits.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftBrushSizeEdit"))
brush_size_sliders.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftBrushSizeSlider"))
brush_size_edits.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightBrushSizeEdit"))
brush_size_sliders.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightBrushSizeSlider"))
pixel_perfect_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftBrushPixelPerfectMode"))
pixel_perfect_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightBrushPixelPerfectMode"))
color_interpolation_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftColorInterpolation"))
color_interpolation_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightColorInterpolation"))
interpolate_spinboxes.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftInterpolateFactor"))
interpolate_sliders.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftInterpolateSlider"))
interpolate_spinboxes.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightInterpolateFactor"))
interpolate_sliders.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightInterpolateSlider"))
fill_area_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftFillArea"))
fill_pattern_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftFillPattern"))
fill_area_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightFillArea"))
fill_pattern_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightFillPattern"))
ld_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftLDOptions"))
ld_amount_sliders.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftLDAmountSlider"))
ld_amount_spinboxes.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftLDAmountSpinbox"))
ld_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightLDOptions"))
ld_amount_sliders.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightLDAmountSlider"))
ld_amount_spinboxes.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightLDAmountSpinbox"))
colorpicker_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftColorPickerOptions"))
colorpicker_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightColorPickerOptions"))
zoom_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftZoomOptions"))
zoom_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightZoomOptions"))
mirror_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftMirrorButtons"))
mirror_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightMirrorButtons"))
animation_timeline = find_node_by_name(root, "AnimationTimeline")
layers_container = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "LayersContainer")
frames_container = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "FramesContainer")
animation_timer = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "AnimationTimer")
frame_ids = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "FrameIDs")
current_frame_mark_label = find_node_by_name(control, "CurrentFrameMark")
onion_skinning_button = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "OnionSkinning")
loop_animation_button = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "LoopAnim")
play_forward = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "PlayForward")
play_backwards = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "PlayBackwards")
tag_container = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "TagContainer")
tag_dialog = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "FrameTagDialog")
remove_frame_button = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "DeleteFrame")
remove_layer_button = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "RemoveLayer")
move_up_layer_button = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "MoveUpLayer")
move_down_layer_button = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "MoveDownLayer")
merge_down_layer_button = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "MergeDownLayer")
layer_opacity_slider = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "OpacitySlider")
layer_opacity_spinbox = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "OpacitySpinBox")
add_palette_button = find_node_by_name(root, "AddPalette")
edit_palette_button = find_node_by_name(root, "EditPalette")
palette_option_button = find_node_by_name(root, "PaletteOptionButton")
palette_container = find_node_by_name(root, "PaletteContainer")
edit_palette_popup = find_node_by_name(root, "EditPalettePopup")
new_palette_dialog = find_node_by_name(root, "NewPaletteDialog")
new_palette_name_line_edit = find_node_by_name(new_palette_dialog, "NewPaletteNameLineEdit")
palette_import_file_dialog = find_node_by_name(root, "PaletteImportFileDialog")
error_dialog = find_node_by_name(root, "ErrorDialog")
current_project = projects[0]
# Thanks to https://godotengine.org/qa/17524/how-to-find-an-instanced-scene-by-its-name
func find_node_by_name(root : Node, node_name : String) -> Node:
if root.get_name() == node_name:
return root
for child in root.get_children():
if child.get_name() == node_name:
return child
var found = find_node_by_name(child, node_name)
if found:
return found
return null
func notification_label(text : String) -> void:
var notification : Label = load("res://src/UI/NotificationLabel.tscn").instance()
notification.text = tr(text)
notification.rect_position = Vector2(240, OS.window_size.y - animation_timeline.rect_size.y - 20)
notification.theme = control.theme
func general_undo() -> void:
current_project.undos -= 1
var action_name : String = current_project.undo_redo.get_current_action_name()
notification_label("Undo: %s" % action_name)
func general_redo() -> void:
if current_project.undos < current_project.undo_redo.get_version(): # If we did undo and then redo
current_project.undos = current_project.undo_redo.get_version()
if control.redone:
var action_name : String = current_project.undo_redo.get_current_action_name()
notification_label("Redo: %s" % action_name)
func undo(_frame_index := -1, _layer_index := -1) -> void:
var action_name : String = current_project.undo_redo.get_current_action_name()
if action_name == "Draw" or action_name == "Rectangle Select" or action_name == "Scale" or action_name == "Merge Layer" or action_name == "Link Cel" or action_name == "Unlink Cel":
if _layer_index > -1 and _frame_index > -1:
canvas.update_texture(_layer_index, _frame_index)
for i in current_project.frames.size():
for j in current_project.layers.size():
canvas.update_texture(j, i)
if action_name == "Scale":
elif "Frame" in action_name:
# This actually means that frames.size is one, but it hasn't been updated yet
if current_project.frames.size() == 2: # Stop animating
play_forward.pressed = false
play_backwards.pressed = false
if !current_project.has_changed:
current_project.has_changed = true
self.window_title = window_title + "(*)"
func redo(_frame_index := -1, _layer_index := -1) -> void:
var action_name : String = current_project.undo_redo.get_current_action_name()
if action_name == "Draw" or action_name == "Rectangle Select" or action_name == "Scale" or action_name == "Merge Layer" or action_name == "Link Cel" or action_name == "Unlink Cel":
if _layer_index > -1 and _frame_index > -1:
canvas.update_texture(_layer_index, _frame_index)
for i in current_project.frames.size():
for j in current_project.layers.size():
canvas.update_texture(j, i)
if action_name == "Scale":
elif "Frame" in action_name:
if current_project.frames.size() == 1: # Stop animating
play_forward.pressed = false
play_backwards.pressed = false
if !current_project.has_changed:
current_project.has_changed = true
self.window_title = window_title + "(*)"
func title_changed(value : String) -> void:
window_title = value
func project_changed(value : int) -> void:
current_project_index = value
current_project = projects[value]
func dialog_open(open : bool) -> void:
if open:
can_draw = false
control.get_node("ModulateTween").interpolate_property(control, "modulate", control.modulate, Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 0.1, Tween.TRANS_LINEAR, Tween.EASE_OUT)
can_draw = true
control.get_node("ModulateTween").interpolate_property(control, "modulate", control.modulate, Color.white, 0.1, Tween.TRANS_LINEAR, Tween.EASE_OUT)
func disable_button(button : BaseButton, disable : bool) -> void:
button.disabled = disable
if disable:
button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_FORBIDDEN
button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND
if button is Button:
var theme := theme_type
if theme == Theme_Types.CARAMEL:
theme = Theme_Types.DARK
for c in button.get_children():
if c is TextureRect:
var normal_file_name = c.texture.resource_path.get_file().trim_suffix(".png").replace("_disabled", "")
if disable:
change_button_texturerect(c, "%s_disabled.png" % normal_file_name)
change_button_texturerect(c, "%s.png" % normal_file_name)
func change_button_texturerect(texture_button : TextureRect, new_file_name : String) -> void:
var file_name := texture_button.texture.resource_path.get_basename().get_file()
var directory_path := texture_button.texture.resource_path.get_basename().replace(file_name, "")
texture_button.texture = load(directory_path.plus_file(new_file_name))
func update_hint_tooltips() -> void:
var root = get_tree().get_root()
var rect_select : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "RectSelect")
rect_select.hint_tooltip = tr("""Rectangular Selection
%s for left mouse button
%s for right mouse button
Press %s to move the content""") % [InputMap.get_action_list("left_rectangle_select_tool")[0].as_text(), InputMap.get_action_list("right_rectangle_select_tool")[0].as_text(), "Shift"]
var zoom_tool : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "Zoom")
zoom_tool.hint_tooltip = tr("""Zoom
%s for left mouse button
%s for right mouse button""") % [InputMap.get_action_list("left_zoom_tool")[0].as_text(), InputMap.get_action_list("right_zoom_tool")[0].as_text()]
var color_picker : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "ColorPicker")
color_picker.hint_tooltip = tr("""Color Picker
Select a color from a pixel of the sprite
%s for left mouse button
%s for right mouse button""") % [InputMap.get_action_list("left_colorpicker_tool")[0].as_text(), InputMap.get_action_list("right_colorpicker_tool")[0].as_text()]
var pencil : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "Pencil")
pencil.hint_tooltip = tr("""Pencil
%s for left mouse button
%s for right mouse button
Hold %s to make a line""") % [InputMap.get_action_list("left_pencil_tool")[0].as_text(), InputMap.get_action_list("right_pencil_tool")[0].as_text(), "Shift"]
var eraser : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "Eraser")
eraser.hint_tooltip = tr("""Eraser
%s for left mouse button
%s for right mouse button
Hold %s to make a line""") % [InputMap.get_action_list("left_eraser_tool")[0].as_text(), InputMap.get_action_list("right_eraser_tool")[0].as_text(), "Shift"]
var bucket : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "Bucket")
bucket.hint_tooltip = tr("""Bucket
%s for left mouse button
%s for right mouse button""") % [InputMap.get_action_list("left_fill_tool")[0].as_text(), InputMap.get_action_list("right_fill_tool")[0].as_text()]
var ld : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "LightenDarken")
ld.hint_tooltip = tr("""Lighten/Darken
%s for left mouse button
%s for right mouse button""") % [InputMap.get_action_list("left_lightdark_tool")[0].as_text(), InputMap.get_action_list("right_lightdark_tool")[0].as_text()]
var color_switch : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "ColorSwitch")
color_switch.hint_tooltip = tr("""Switch left and right colors
(%s)""") % InputMap.get_action_list("switch_colors")[0].as_text()
var first_frame : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "FirstFrame")
first_frame.hint_tooltip = tr("""Jump to the first frame
(%s)""") % "Ctrl+Home"
var previous_frame : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "PreviousFrame")
previous_frame.hint_tooltip = tr("""Go to the previous frame
(%s)""") % "Ctrl+Left"
play_backwards.hint_tooltip = tr("""Play the animation backwards (from end to beginning)
(%s)""") % "F4"
play_forward.hint_tooltip = tr("""Play the animation forward (from beginning to end)
(%s)""") % "F5"
var next_frame : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "NextFrame")
next_frame.hint_tooltip = tr("""Go to the next frame
(%s)""") % "Ctrl+Right"
var last_frame : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "LastFrame")
last_frame.hint_tooltip = tr("""Jump to the last frame
(%s)""") % "Ctrl+End"
func create_brush_button(brush_img : Image, brush_type := Brush_Types.CUSTOM, hint_tooltip := "") -> void:
var brush_container
var brush_button = load("res://src/UI/BrushButton.tscn").instance()
brush_button.brush_type = brush_type
if brush_type == Brush_Types.FILE || brush_type == Brush_Types.RANDOM_FILE:
brush_button.custom_brush_index = file_brushes.size() - 1
brush_container = file_brush_container
brush_button.custom_brush_index = current_project.brushes.size() - 1
brush_container = project_brush_container
var brush_tex := ImageTexture.new()
brush_tex.create_from_image(brush_img, 0)
brush_button.get_child(0).texture = brush_tex
brush_button.hint_tooltip = hint_tooltip
brush_button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND
if brush_type == Brush_Types.RANDOM_FILE:
func remove_brush_buttons() -> void:
current_brush_types[0] = Brush_Types.PIXEL
current_brush_types[1] = Brush_Types.PIXEL
for child in project_brush_container.get_children():
func undo_custom_brush(_brush_button : BaseButton = null) -> void:
var action_name : String = current_project.undo_redo.get_current_action_name()
if action_name == "Delete Custom Brush":
project_brush_container.move_child(_brush_button, _brush_button.custom_brush_index)
_brush_button.get_node("DeleteButton").visible = false
func redo_custom_brush(_brush_button : BaseButton = null) -> void:
var action_name : String = current_project.undo_redo.get_current_action_name()
if action_name == "Delete Custom Brush":
func update_custom_brush(mouse_button : int) -> void:
var brush_type : int = current_brush_types[mouse_button]
if brush_type == Brush_Types.PIXEL:
var pixel := Image.new()
pixel = preload("res://assets/graphics/pixel_image.png")
brush_type_buttons[mouse_button].get_child(0).texture.create_from_image(pixel, 0)
elif brush_type == Brush_Types.CIRCLE:
var pixel := Image.new()
pixel = preload("res://assets/graphics/circle_9x9.png")
brush_type_buttons[mouse_button].get_child(0).texture.create_from_image(pixel, 0)
left_circle_points = plot_circle(brush_sizes[0])
right_circle_points = plot_circle(brush_sizes[1])
elif brush_type == Brush_Types.FILLED_CIRCLE:
var pixel := Image.new()
pixel = preload("res://assets/graphics/circle_filled_9x9.png")
brush_type_buttons[mouse_button].get_child(0).texture.create_from_image(pixel, 0)
left_circle_points = plot_circle(brush_sizes[0])
right_circle_points = plot_circle(brush_sizes[1])
var custom_brush := Image.new()
if brush_type == Brush_Types.FILE or brush_type == Brush_Types.RANDOM_FILE:
var custom_brush_size = custom_brush.get_size()
custom_brush.resize(custom_brush_size.x * brush_sizes[mouse_button], custom_brush_size.y * brush_sizes[mouse_button], Image.INTERPOLATE_NEAREST)
brush_images[mouse_button] = blend_image_with_color(custom_brush, color_pickers[mouse_button].color, interpolate_spinboxes[mouse_button].value / 100)
brush_textures[mouse_button].create_from_image(brush_images[mouse_button], 0)
brush_type_buttons[mouse_button].get_child(0).texture = brush_textures[mouse_button]
func blend_image_with_color(image : Image, color : Color, interpolate_factor : float) -> Image:
var blended_image := Image.new()
var size := image.get_size()
for xx in size.x:
for yy in size.y:
if color.a > 0: # If it's the pencil
var current_color := blended_image.get_pixel(xx, yy)
if current_color.a > 0:
var new_color := current_color.linear_interpolate(color, interpolate_factor)
new_color.a = current_color.a
blended_image.set_pixel(xx, yy, new_color)
else: # If color is transparent - if it's the eraser
blended_image.set_pixel(xx, yy, Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
return blended_image
# Algorithm based on http://members.chello.at/easyfilter/bresenham.html
# This is not used for drawing, rather for finding the points required
# for the mouse cursor/position indicator
func plot_circle(r : int) -> Array:
var circle_points := []
var xm := 0
var ym := 0
var x := -r
var y := 0
var err := 2 - r * 2
while x < 0:
circle_points.append(Vector2(xm - x, ym + y))
circle_points.append(Vector2(xm - y, ym - x))
circle_points.append(Vector2(xm + x, ym - y))
circle_points.append(Vector2(xm + y, ym + x))
r = err
if r <= y:
y += 1
err += y * 2 + 1
if r > x || err > y:
x += 1
err += x * 2 + 1
return circle_points
func _exit_tree() -> void:
config_cache.set_value("window", "screen", OS.current_screen)
config_cache.set_value("window", "maximized", OS.window_maximized || OS.window_fullscreen)
config_cache.set_value("window", "position", OS.window_position)
config_cache.set_value("window", "size", OS.window_size)
var i := 0
for project in projects:
i += 1