mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 23:05:20 +00:00
A very simple implementation, not as complex as something like #768 yet, but it can be done in the future. The main current limitation is that it doesn't work with group layers as of right now.
652 lines
20 KiB
652 lines
20 KiB
extends Node
enum GradientDirection { TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT }
## Continuation from Image.Interpolation
enum Interpolation { SCALE3X = 5, CLEANEDGE = 6, OMNISCALE = 7 }
var blend_layers_shader := preload("res://src/Shaders/BlendLayers.gdshader")
var clean_edge_shader: Shader:
if clean_edge_shader == null:
clean_edge_shader = load("res://src/Shaders/Effects/Rotation/cleanEdge.gdshader")
return clean_edge_shader
var omniscale_shader: Shader:
if omniscale_shader == null:
omniscale_shader = load("res://src/Shaders/Effects/Rotation/OmniScale.gdshader")
return omniscale_shader
## Blends canvas layers into passed image starting from the origin position
func blend_layers(
image: Image,
frame: Frame,
origin := Vector2i.ZERO,
project := Global.current_project,
only_selected_cels := false,
only_selected_layers := false,
) -> void:
var textures: Array[Image] = []
# Nx4 texture, where N is the number of layers and the first row are the blend modes,
# the second are the opacities, the third are the origins and the fourth are the
# clipping mask booleans.
var metadata_image := Image.create(project.layers.size(), 4, false, Image.FORMAT_R8)
var frame_index := project.frames.find(frame)
var previous_ordered_layers: Array[int] = project.ordered_layers
for i in project.layers.size():
var ordered_index := project.ordered_layers[i]
var layer := project.layers[ordered_index]
var include := true if layer.is_visible_in_hierarchy() else false
if only_selected_cels and include:
var test_array := [frame_index, i]
if not test_array in project.selected_cels:
include = false
if only_selected_layers and include:
var layer_is_selected := false
for selected_cel in project.selected_cels:
if i == selected_cel[1]:
layer_is_selected = true
if not layer_is_selected:
include = false
var cel := frame.cels[ordered_index]
var cel_image := layer.display_effects(cel)
set_layer_metadata_image(layer, cel, metadata_image, ordered_index, include)
var texture_array := Texture2DArray.new()
var params := {
"layers": texture_array,
"metadata": ImageTexture.create_from_image(metadata_image),
var blended := Image.create(project.size.x, project.size.y, false, image.get_format())
var gen := ShaderImageEffect.new()
gen.generate_image(blended, blend_layers_shader, params, project.size)
image.blend_rect(blended, Rect2i(Vector2i.ZERO, project.size), origin)
# Re-order the layers again to ensure correct canvas drawing
project.ordered_layers = previous_ordered_layers
func set_layer_metadata_image(
layer: BaseLayer, cel: BaseCel, image: Image, index: int, include := true
) -> void:
# Store the blend mode
image.set_pixel(index, 0, Color(layer.blend_mode / 255.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
# Store the opacity
if layer.is_visible_in_hierarchy() and include:
var opacity := cel.get_final_opacity(layer)
image.set_pixel(index, 1, Color(opacity, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
image.set_pixel(index, 1, Color())
# Store the clipping mask boolean
if layer.clipping_mask:
image.set_pixel(index, 3, Color.WHITE)
image.set_pixel(index, 3, Color.BLACK)
## Algorithm based on http://members.chello.at/easyfilter/bresenham.html
func get_ellipse_points(pos: Vector2i, size: Vector2i) -> Array[Vector2i]:
var array: Array[Vector2i] = []
var x0 := pos.x
var x1 := pos.x + (size.x - 1)
var y0 := pos.y
var y1 := pos.y + (size.y - 1)
var a := absi(x1 - x0)
var b := absi(y1 - x0)
var b1 := b & 1
var dx := 4 * (1 - a) * b * b
var dy := 4 * (b1 + 1) * a * a
var err := dx + dy + b1 * a * a
var e2 := 0
if x0 > x1:
x0 = x1
x1 += a
if y0 > y1:
y0 = y1
y0 += (b + 1) / 2
y1 = y0 - b1
a *= 8 * a
b1 = 8 * b * b
while x0 <= x1:
var v1 := Vector2i(x1, y0)
var v2 := Vector2i(x0, y0)
var v3 := Vector2i(x0, y1)
var v4 := Vector2i(x1, y1)
e2 = 2 * err
if e2 <= dy:
y0 += 1
y1 -= 1
dy += a
err += dy
if e2 >= dx || 2 * err > dy:
x0 += 1
x1 -= 1
dx += b1
err += dx
while y0 - y1 < b:
var v1 := Vector2i(x0 - 1, y0)
var v2 := Vector2i(x1 + 1, y0)
var v3 := Vector2i(x0 - 1, y1)
var v4 := Vector2i(x1 + 1, y1)
y0 += 1
y1 -= 1
return array
func get_ellipse_points_filled(pos: Vector2i, size: Vector2i, thickness := 1) -> Array[Vector2i]:
var offsetted_size := size + Vector2i.ONE * (thickness - 1)
var border := get_ellipse_points(pos, offsetted_size)
var filling: Array[Vector2i] = []
for x in range(1, ceili(offsetted_size.x / 2.0)):
var fill := false
var prev_is_true := false
for y in range(0, ceili(offsetted_size.y / 2.0)):
var top_l_p := Vector2i(x, y)
var bit := border.has(pos + top_l_p)
if bit and not fill:
prev_is_true = true
if not bit and (fill or prev_is_true):
filling.append(pos + top_l_p)
filling.append(pos + Vector2i(x, offsetted_size.y - y - 1))
filling.append(pos + Vector2i(offsetted_size.x - x - 1, y))
filling.append(pos + Vector2i(offsetted_size.x - x - 1, offsetted_size.y - y - 1))
if prev_is_true:
fill = true
prev_is_true = false
elif bit and fill:
return border + filling
func scale_3x(sprite: Image, tol := 50.0) -> Image:
var scaled := Image.create(
sprite.get_width() * 3, sprite.get_height() * 3, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8
var width_minus_one := sprite.get_width() - 1
var height_minus_one := sprite.get_height() - 1
for x in range(0, sprite.get_width()):
for y in range(0, sprite.get_height()):
var xs := 3 * x
var ys := 3 * y
var a := sprite.get_pixel(maxi(x - 1, 0), maxi(y - 1, 0))
var b := sprite.get_pixel(mini(x, width_minus_one), maxi(y - 1, 0))
var c := sprite.get_pixel(mini(x + 1, width_minus_one), maxi(y - 1, 0))
var d := sprite.get_pixel(maxi(x - 1, 0), mini(y, height_minus_one))
var e := sprite.get_pixel(mini(x, width_minus_one), mini(y, height_minus_one))
var f := sprite.get_pixel(mini(x + 1, width_minus_one), mini(y, height_minus_one))
var g := sprite.get_pixel(maxi(x - 1, 0), mini(y + 1, height_minus_one))
var h := sprite.get_pixel(mini(x, width_minus_one), mini(y + 1, height_minus_one))
var i := sprite.get_pixel(mini(x + 1, width_minus_one), mini(y + 1, height_minus_one))
var db: bool = similar_colors(d, b, tol)
var dh: bool = similar_colors(d, h, tol)
var bf: bool = similar_colors(f, b, tol)
var ec: bool = similar_colors(e, c, tol)
var ea: bool = similar_colors(e, a, tol)
var fh: bool = similar_colors(f, h, tol)
var eg: bool = similar_colors(e, g, tol)
var ei: bool = similar_colors(e, i, tol)
scaled.set_pixel(maxi(xs - 1, 0), maxi(ys - 1, 0), d if (db and !dh and !bf) else e)
maxi(ys - 1, 0),
b if (db and !dh and !bf and !ec) or (bf and !db and !fh and !ea) else e
scaled.set_pixel(xs + 1, maxi(ys - 1, 0), f if (bf and !db and !fh) else e)
maxi(xs - 1, 0),
d if (dh and !fh and !db and !ea) or (db and !dh and !bf and !eg) else e
scaled.set_pixel(xs, ys, e)
xs + 1, ys, f if (bf and !db and !fh and !ei) or (fh and !bf and !dh and !ec) else e
scaled.set_pixel(maxi(xs - 1, 0), ys + 1, d if (dh and !fh and !db) else e)
xs, ys + 1, h if (fh and !bf and !dh and !eg) or (dh and !fh and !db and !ei) else e
scaled.set_pixel(xs + 1, ys + 1, f if (fh and !bf and !dh) else e)
return scaled
func rotxel(sprite: Image, angle: float, pivot: Vector2) -> void:
if is_zero_approx(angle) or is_equal_approx(angle, TAU):
if is_equal_approx(angle, PI / 2.0) or is_equal_approx(angle, 3.0 * PI / 2.0):
nn_rotate(sprite, angle, pivot)
if is_equal_approx(angle, PI):
var aux := Image.new()
var ox: int
var oy: int
for x in sprite.get_size().x:
for y in sprite.get_size().y:
var dx := 3 * (x - pivot.x)
var dy := 3 * (y - pivot.y)
var found_pixel := false
for k in range(9):
var modk := -1 + k % 3
var divk := -1 + int(k / 3)
var dir := atan2(dy + divk, dx + modk)
var mag := sqrt(pow(dx + modk, 2) + pow(dy + divk, 2))
dir -= angle
ox = roundi(pivot.x * 3 + 1 + mag * cos(dir))
oy = roundi(pivot.y * 3 + 1 + mag * sin(dir))
if sprite.get_width() % 2 != 0:
ox += 1
oy += 1
if (
ox >= 0
&& ox < sprite.get_width() * 3
&& oy >= 0
&& oy < sprite.get_height() * 3
found_pixel = true
if !found_pixel:
sprite.set_pixel(x, y, Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
var fil: int = oy % 3
var col: int = ox % 3
var index: int = col + 3 * fil
ox = roundi((ox - 1) / 3.0)
oy = roundi((oy - 1) / 3.0)
var p: Color
if ox == 0 || ox == sprite.get_width() - 1 || oy == 0 || oy == sprite.get_height() - 1:
p = aux.get_pixel(ox, oy)
var a := aux.get_pixel(ox - 1, oy - 1)
var b := aux.get_pixel(ox, oy - 1)
var c := aux.get_pixel(ox + 1, oy - 1)
var d := aux.get_pixel(ox - 1, oy)
var e := aux.get_pixel(ox, oy)
var f := aux.get_pixel(ox + 1, oy)
var g := aux.get_pixel(ox - 1, oy + 1)
var h := aux.get_pixel(ox, oy + 1)
var i := aux.get_pixel(ox + 1, oy + 1)
match index:
p = (
if (
similar_colors(d, b)
&& !similar_colors(d, h)
&& !similar_colors(b, f)
else e
p = (
if (
similar_colors(d, b)
&& !similar_colors(d, h)
&& !similar_colors(b, f)
&& !similar_colors(e, c)
|| (
similar_colors(b, f)
&& !similar_colors(d, b)
&& !similar_colors(f, h)
&& !similar_colors(e, a)
else e
p = (
if (
similar_colors(b, f)
&& !similar_colors(d, b)
&& !similar_colors(f, h)
else e
p = (
if (
similar_colors(d, h)
&& !similar_colors(f, h)
&& !similar_colors(d, b)
&& !similar_colors(e, a)
|| (
similar_colors(d, b)
&& !similar_colors(d, h)
&& !similar_colors(b, f)
&& !similar_colors(e, g)
else e
p = e
p = (
if (
similar_colors(b, f)
&& !similar_colors(d, b)
&& !similar_colors(f, h)
&& !similar_colors(e, i)
|| (
similar_colors(f, h)
&& !similar_colors(b, f)
&& !similar_colors(d, h)
&& !similar_colors(e, c)
else e
p = (
if (
similar_colors(d, h)
&& !similar_colors(f, h)
&& !similar_colors(d, b)
else e
p = (
if (
similar_colors(f, h)
&& !similar_colors(f, b)
&& !similar_colors(d, h)
&& !similar_colors(e, g)
|| (
similar_colors(d, h)
&& !similar_colors(f, h)
&& !similar_colors(d, b)
&& !similar_colors(e, i)
else e
p = (
if (
similar_colors(f, h)
&& !similar_colors(f, b)
&& !similar_colors(d, h)
else e
sprite.set_pixel(x, y, p)
func fake_rotsprite(sprite: Image, angle: float, pivot: Vector2) -> void:
if is_zero_approx(angle) or is_equal_approx(angle, TAU):
if is_equal_approx(angle, PI / 2.0) or is_equal_approx(angle, 3.0 * PI / 2.0):
nn_rotate(sprite, angle, pivot)
if is_equal_approx(angle, PI):
var selected_sprite := scale_3x(sprite)
nn_rotate(selected_sprite, angle, pivot * 3)
selected_sprite.get_width() / 3, selected_sprite.get_height() / 3, Image.INTERPOLATE_NEAREST
sprite.blit_rect(selected_sprite, Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, selected_sprite.get_size()), Vector2.ZERO)
func nn_rotate(sprite: Image, angle: float, pivot: Vector2) -> void:
if is_zero_approx(angle) or is_equal_approx(angle, TAU):
if is_equal_approx(angle, PI):
var aux := Image.new()
var angle_sin := sin(angle)
var angle_cos := cos(angle)
for x in range(sprite.get_width()):
for y in range(sprite.get_height()):
var ox := (x - pivot.x) * angle_cos + (y - pivot.y) * angle_sin + pivot.x
var oy := -(x - pivot.x) * angle_sin + (y - pivot.y) * angle_cos + pivot.y
if ox >= 0 && ox < sprite.get_width() && oy >= 0 && oy < sprite.get_height():
sprite.set_pixel(x, y, aux.get_pixel(ox, oy))
sprite.set_pixel(x, y, Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
func similar_colors(c1: Color, c2: Color, tol := 100.0) -> bool:
var v1 := Vector4(c1.r, c1.g, c1.b, c1.a)
var v2 := Vector4(c2.r, c2.g, c2.b, c2.a)
var dist := v2.distance_to(v1)
return dist <= (tol / 255.0)
# Image effects
func center(indices: Array) -> void:
var project := Global.current_project
project.undos += 1
project.undo_redo.create_action("Center Frames")
for frame in indices:
# Find used rect of the current frame (across all of the layers)
var used_rect := Rect2i()
for cel in project.frames[frame].cels:
if not cel is PixelCel:
var cel_rect := cel.get_image().get_used_rect()
if cel_rect.has_area():
used_rect = used_rect.merge(cel_rect) if used_rect.has_area() else cel_rect
if not used_rect.has_area():
# Now apply centering
var offset: Vector2i = (0.5 * (project.size - used_rect.size)).floor()
for cel in project.frames[frame].cels:
if not cel is PixelCel:
var sprite := Image.create(project.size.x, project.size.y, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8)
sprite.blend_rect(cel.image, used_rect, offset)
Global.undo_redo_compress_images({cel.image: sprite.data}, {cel.image: cel.image.data})
func scale_image(width: int, height: int, interpolation: int) -> void:
var redo_data := {}
var undo_data := {}
for f in Global.current_project.frames:
for i in range(f.cels.size() - 1, -1, -1):
var cel := f.cels[i]
if not cel is PixelCel:
var sprite := Image.new()
if interpolation == Interpolation.SCALE3X:
var times := Vector2i(
ceili(width / (3.0 * sprite.get_width())),
ceili(height / (3.0 * sprite.get_height()))
for _j in range(maxi(times.x, times.y)):
sprite.resize(width, height, Image.INTERPOLATE_NEAREST)
elif interpolation == Interpolation.CLEANEDGE:
var gen := ShaderImageEffect.new()
gen.generate_image(sprite, clean_edge_shader, {}, Vector2i(width, height))
elif interpolation == Interpolation.OMNISCALE and omniscale_shader:
var gen := ShaderImageEffect.new()
gen.generate_image(sprite, omniscale_shader, {}, Vector2i(width, height))
sprite.resize(width, height, interpolation)
redo_data[cel.image] = sprite.data
undo_data[cel.image] = cel.image.data
general_do_and_undo_scale(width, height, redo_data, undo_data)
## Sets the size of the project to be the same as the size of the active selection.
func crop_to_selection() -> void:
if not Global.current_project.has_selection:
var redo_data := {}
var undo_data := {}
var rect: Rect2i = Global.canvas.selection.big_bounding_rectangle
# Loop through all the cels to crop them
for f in Global.current_project.frames:
for cel in f.cels:
if not cel is PixelCel:
var sprite := cel.get_image().get_region(rect)
redo_data[cel.image] = sprite.data
undo_data[cel.image] = cel.image.data
general_do_and_undo_scale(rect.size.x, rect.size.y, redo_data, undo_data)
## Automatically makes the project smaller by looping through all of the cels and
## trimming out the pixels that are transparent in all cels.
func crop_to_content() -> void:
var used_rect := Rect2i()
for f in Global.current_project.frames:
for cel in f.cels:
if not cel is PixelCel:
var cel_used_rect := cel.get_image().get_used_rect()
if cel_used_rect == Rect2i(0, 0, 0, 0): # If the cel has no content
if used_rect == Rect2i(0, 0, 0, 0): # If we still haven't found the first cel with content
used_rect = cel_used_rect
used_rect = used_rect.merge(cel_used_rect)
# If no layer has any content, just return
if used_rect == Rect2i(0, 0, 0, 0):
var width := used_rect.size.x
var height := used_rect.size.y
var redo_data := {}
var undo_data := {}
# Loop through all the cels to trim them
for f in Global.current_project.frames:
for cel in f.cels:
if not cel is PixelCel:
var sprite := cel.get_image().get_region(used_rect)
redo_data[cel.image] = sprite.data
undo_data[cel.image] = cel.image.data
general_do_and_undo_scale(width, height, redo_data, undo_data)
func resize_canvas(width: int, height: int, offset_x: int, offset_y: int) -> void:
var redo_data := {}
var undo_data := {}
for f in Global.current_project.frames:
for cel in f.cels:
if not cel is PixelCel:
var sprite := Image.create(width, height, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8)
Rect2i(Vector2i.ZERO, Global.current_project.size),
Vector2i(offset_x, offset_y)
redo_data[cel.image] = sprite.data
undo_data[cel.image] = cel.image.data
general_do_and_undo_scale(width, height, redo_data, undo_data)
func general_do_and_undo_scale(
width: int, height: int, redo_data: Dictionary, undo_data: Dictionary
) -> void:
var project := Global.current_project
var size := Vector2i(width, height)
var x_ratio := float(project.size.x) / width
var y_ratio := float(project.size.y) / height
var selection_map_copy := SelectionMap.new()
selection_map_copy.crop(size.x, size.y)
redo_data[project.selection_map] = selection_map_copy.data
undo_data[project.selection_map] = project.selection_map.data
var new_x_symmetry_point := project.x_symmetry_point / x_ratio
var new_y_symmetry_point := project.y_symmetry_point / y_ratio
var new_x_symmetry_axis_points := project.x_symmetry_axis.points
var new_y_symmetry_axis_points := project.y_symmetry_axis.points
new_x_symmetry_axis_points[0].y /= y_ratio
new_x_symmetry_axis_points[1].y /= y_ratio
new_y_symmetry_axis_points[0].x /= x_ratio
new_y_symmetry_axis_points[1].x /= x_ratio
project.undos += 1
project.undo_redo.add_do_property(project, "size", size)
project.undo_redo.add_do_property(project, "x_symmetry_point", new_x_symmetry_point)
project.undo_redo.add_do_property(project, "y_symmetry_point", new_y_symmetry_point)
project.undo_redo.add_do_property(project.x_symmetry_axis, "points", new_x_symmetry_axis_points)
project.undo_redo.add_do_property(project.y_symmetry_axis, "points", new_y_symmetry_axis_points)
Global.undo_redo_compress_images(redo_data, undo_data)
project.undo_redo.add_undo_property(project, "size", project.size)
project.undo_redo.add_undo_property(project, "x_symmetry_point", project.x_symmetry_point)
project.undo_redo.add_undo_property(project, "y_symmetry_point", project.y_symmetry_point)
project.x_symmetry_axis, "points", project.x_symmetry_axis.points
project.y_symmetry_axis, "points", project.y_symmetry_axis.points