mirror of
synced 2025-01-31 07:29:49 +00:00
Started working on UndoRedo. Currently works with basic drawing/erasing/bucket filling as well as the rectangle selection tool, custom brushes and copying/pasting. May not work with multiple layers and frames and it does not work with the rest of the tools and buttons. Also does not work when pressing both mouse buttons at the same time, or when the cursor is outside the canvas when drawing.
254 lines
10 KiB
254 lines
10 KiB
extends Node
var undo_redo : UndoRedo
var current_frame := 0 setget set_current_frame_label
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var can_draw := false
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var has_focus := false
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var onion_skinning_past_rate := 0
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var onion_skinning_future_rate := 0
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var onion_skinning_blue_red := false
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var tile_mode := false
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var draw_grid := false
var canvases := []
var canvas : Canvas
var canvas_parent : Node
var second_viewport : ViewportContainer
var viewport_separator : VSeparator
var split_screen_button : Button
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var left_square_indicator_visible := true
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var right_square_indicator_visible := false
var camera : Camera2D
var camera2 : Camera2D
var selection_rectangle : Polygon2D
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var selected_pixels := []
var image_clipboard : Image
var file_menu : MenuButton
var edit_menu : MenuButton
var view_menu : MenuButton
var help_menu : MenuButton
var left_indicator : Sprite
var right_indicator : Sprite
var left_color_picker : ColorPickerButton
var right_color_picker : ColorPickerButton
var left_brush_size_edit : SpinBox
var right_brush_size_edit : SpinBox
var left_interpolate_slider : HSlider
var right_interpolate_slider : HSlider
var left_brush_indicator : Sprite
var right_brush_indicator : Sprite
var loop_animation_button : Button
var play_forward : Button
var play_backwards : Button
var frame_container : HBoxContainer
var remove_frame_button : Button
var move_left_frame_button : Button
var move_right_frame_button : Button
var vbox_layer_container : VBoxContainer
var remove_layer_button : Button
var move_up_layer_button : Button
var move_down_layer_button : Button
var merge_down_layer_button : Button
var cursor_position_label : Label
var zoom_level_label : Label
var current_frame_label : Label
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var current_left_tool := "Pencil"
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var current_right_tool := "Eraser"
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var left_brush_size := 1
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var right_brush_size := 1
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var current_left_brush_type = BRUSH_TYPES.PIXEL
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var current_right_brush_type = BRUSH_TYPES.PIXEL
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var left_horizontal_mirror := false
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var left_vertical_mirror := false
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var right_horizontal_mirror := false
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var right_vertical_mirror := false
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var custom_brushes := []
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var custom_left_brush_index := -1
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var custom_right_brush_index := -1
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var custom_left_brush_image : Image
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var custom_right_brush_image : Image
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var custom_left_brush_texture := ImageTexture.new()
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var custom_right_brush_texture := ImageTexture.new()
func _ready() -> void:
undo_redo = UndoRedo.new()
var root = get_tree().get_root()
canvas = find_node_by_name(root, "Canvas")
canvas_parent = canvas.get_parent()
second_viewport = find_node_by_name(root, "ViewportContainer2")
viewport_separator = find_node_by_name(root, "ViewportSeparator")
split_screen_button = find_node_by_name(root, "SplitScreenButton")
camera = find_node_by_name(canvas_parent, "Camera2D")
camera2 = find_node_by_name(canvas_parent.get_parent().get_parent(), "Camera2D2")
selection_rectangle = find_node_by_name(root, "SelectionRectangle")
image_clipboard = Image.new()
file_menu = find_node_by_name(root, "FileMenu")
edit_menu = find_node_by_name(root, "EditMenu")
view_menu = find_node_by_name(root, "ViewMenu")
help_menu = find_node_by_name(root, "HelpMenu")
left_indicator = find_node_by_name(root, "LeftIndicator")
right_indicator = find_node_by_name(root, "RightIndicator")
left_color_picker = find_node_by_name(root, "LeftColorPickerButton")
right_color_picker = find_node_by_name(root, "RightColorPickerButton")
left_brush_size_edit = find_node_by_name(root, "LeftBrushSizeEdit")
right_brush_size_edit = find_node_by_name(root, "RightBrushSizeEdit")
left_interpolate_slider = find_node_by_name(root, "LeftInterpolateFactor")
right_interpolate_slider = find_node_by_name(root, "RightInterpolateFactor")
left_brush_indicator = find_node_by_name(root, "LeftBrushIndicator")
right_brush_indicator = find_node_by_name(root, "RightBrushIndicator")
loop_animation_button = find_node_by_name(root, "LoopAnim")
play_forward = find_node_by_name(root, "PlayForward")
play_backwards = find_node_by_name(root, "PlayBackwards")
frame_container = find_node_by_name(root, "FrameContainer")
remove_frame_button = find_node_by_name(root, "RemoveFrame")
move_left_frame_button = find_node_by_name(root, "MoveFrameLeft")
move_right_frame_button = find_node_by_name(root, "MoveFrameRight")
vbox_layer_container = find_node_by_name(root, "VBoxLayerContainer")
remove_layer_button = find_node_by_name(root, "RemoveLayerButton")
move_up_layer_button = find_node_by_name(root, "MoveUpLayer")
move_down_layer_button = find_node_by_name(root, "MoveDownLayer")
merge_down_layer_button = find_node_by_name(root, "MergeDownLayer")
cursor_position_label = find_node_by_name(root, "CursorPosition")
zoom_level_label = find_node_by_name(root, "ZoomLevel")
current_frame_label = find_node_by_name(root, "CurrentFrame")
#Thanks to https://godotengine.org/qa/17524/how-to-find-an-instanced-scene-by-its-name
func find_node_by_name(root, node_name) -> Node:
if root.get_name() == node_name:
return root
for child in root.get_children():
if child.get_name() == node_name:
return child
var found = find_node_by_name(child, node_name)
if found:
return found
return null
func undo(canvas : Canvas, layer_index : int) -> void:
var action_name : String = undo_redo.get_current_action_name()
if action_name == "Draw" || action_name == "Rectangle Select":
print("Undo: ", action_name)
func redo(canvas : Canvas, layer_index : int) -> void:
var action_name : String = undo_redo.get_current_action_name()
if action_name == "Draw" || action_name == "Rectangle Select":
print("Redo: ", action_name)
func change_frame() -> void:
for c in canvases:
c.visible = false
canvas = canvases[current_frame]
canvas.visible = true
func handle_layer_order_buttons() -> void:
if current_frame == 0:
move_left_frame_button.disabled = true
move_left_frame_button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_FORBIDDEN
move_left_frame_button.disabled = false
move_left_frame_button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND
if current_frame == canvases.size() - 1:
move_right_frame_button.disabled = true
move_right_frame_button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_FORBIDDEN
move_right_frame_button.disabled = false
move_right_frame_button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND
func set_current_frame_label(value) -> void:
current_frame = value
current_frame_label.text = "Current frame: %s/%s" % [str(current_frame + 1), canvases.size()]
func create_brush_button(brush_img : Image) -> void:
var brush_button = load("res://Prefabs/BrushButton.tscn").instance()
brush_button.brush_type = BRUSH_TYPES.CUSTOM
brush_button.custom_brush_index = custom_brushes.size() - 1
var brush_tex := ImageTexture.new()
brush_tex.create_from_image(brush_img, 0)
brush_button.get_child(0).texture = brush_tex
var hbox_container := find_node_by_name(get_tree().get_root(), "BrushHBoxContainer")
func remove_brush_buttons() -> void:
var hbox_container := find_node_by_name(get_tree().get_root(), "BrushHBoxContainer")
for child in hbox_container.get_children():
if child.name != "PixelBrushButton":
# for i in range(0, hbox_container.get_child_count() - 1):
# hbox_container.remove_child(hbox_container.get_child(i))
func update_left_custom_brush() -> void:
if custom_left_brush_index > -1:
var custom_brush := Image.new()
var custom_brush_size = custom_brush.get_size()
custom_brush.resize(custom_brush_size.x * left_brush_size, custom_brush_size.y * left_brush_size, Image.INTERPOLATE_NEAREST)
custom_left_brush_image = blend_image_with_color(custom_brush, left_color_picker.color, left_interpolate_slider.value)
custom_left_brush_texture.create_from_image(custom_left_brush_image, 0)
func update_right_custom_brush() -> void:
if custom_right_brush_index > -1:
var custom_brush := Image.new()
var custom_brush_size = custom_brush.get_size()
custom_brush.resize(custom_brush_size.x * right_brush_size, custom_brush_size.y * right_brush_size, Image.INTERPOLATE_NEAREST)
custom_right_brush_image = blend_image_with_color(custom_brush, right_color_picker.color, right_interpolate_slider.value)
custom_right_brush_texture.create_from_image(custom_right_brush_image, 0)
func blend_image_with_color(image : Image, color : Color, interpolate_factor : float) -> Image:
var blended_image := Image.new()
var size := image.get_size()
for xx in size.x:
for yy in size.y:
if color.a > 0: #If it's the pencil
var current_color := blended_image.get_pixel(xx, yy)
if current_color.a > 0:
#var blended_color = current_color.blend(color)
var new_color := current_color.linear_interpolate(color, interpolate_factor)
blended_image.set_pixel(xx, yy, new_color)
else: #If color is transparent - if it's the eraser
blended_image.set_pixel(xx, yy, Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
return blended_image |