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synced 2025-01-19 01:29:49 +00:00
The bucket tool can now use Patterns instead of colors to fill areas. They get loaded from the "Patterns" folder, similar to how Brushes and Palletes work. You can no longer use brushes for the bucket tool.
329 lines
12 KiB
329 lines
12 KiB
extends Node
# Get hold of the brushes, including random brushes (subdirectories and % files
# in them, non % files get loaded independently.) nyaaa
# Returns a list of [
# [non random single png files in the root subdir],
# {
# map of subdirectories to lists of files for
# the randomised brush - if a directory contains no
# randomised files then it is not included in this.
# },
# {
# map of subdirectories to lists of files inside of them
# that are not for randomised brushes.
# }
# ]
# The separation of nonrandomised and randomised files
# in subdirectories allows different XDG_DATA_DIR overriding
# for each nyaa.
# Returns null if the directory gave an error opening.
func get_brush_files_from_directory(directory: String): # -> Array
var base_png_files := [] # list of files in the base directory
var subdirectories := [] # list of subdirectories to process.
var randomised_subdir_files_map : Dictionary = {}
var nonrandomised_subdir_files_map : Dictionary = {}
var main_directory : Directory = Directory.new()
var err := main_directory.open(directory)
if err != OK:
return null
# Build first the list of base png files and all subdirectories to
# scan later (skip navigational . and ..)
var fname : String = main_directory.get_next()
while fname != "":
if main_directory.current_is_dir():
else: # Filter for pngs
if fname.get_extension().to_lower() == "png":
# go to next
fname = main_directory.get_next()
# Now we iterate over subdirectories!
for subdirectory in subdirectories:
var the_directory : Directory = Directory.new()
# Holds names of files that make this
# a component of a randomised brush ^.^
var randomised_files := []
# Non-randomise-indicated image files
var non_randomised_files := []
var curr_file := the_directory.get_next()
while curr_file != "":
# only do stuff if we are actually dealing with a file
# and png one at that nya
if !the_directory.current_is_dir() and curr_file.get_extension().to_lower() == "png":
# if we are a random element, add
if "%" in curr_file:
curr_file = the_directory.get_next()
# Add these to the maps nyaa
if len(randomised_files) > 0:
randomised_subdir_files_map[subdirectory] = randomised_files
if len(non_randomised_files) > 0:
nonrandomised_subdir_files_map[subdirectory] = non_randomised_files
# We are done generating the maps!
return [base_png_files, randomised_subdir_files_map, nonrandomised_subdir_files_map]
# Add a randomised brush from the given list of files as a source.
# The tooltip name is what shows up on the tooltip
# and is probably in this case the name of the containing
# randomised directory.
func add_randomised_brush(fpaths : Array, tooltip_name : String) -> void:
# Attempt to load the images from the file paths.
var loaded_images : Array = []
for filen in fpaths:
var image := Image.new()
var err := image.load(filen)
if err == OK:
# If any images were successfully loaded, then
# we create the randomised brush button, copied
# from find_brushes.
if len(loaded_images) > 0: # actually have images
# to use.
# take initial image...
var first_image : Image = loaded_images.pop_front()
# The index which this random brush will be at
var next_random_brush_index := Global.file_brush_container.get_child_count()
Global.create_brush_button(first_image, Global.Brush_Types.RANDOM_FILE, tooltip_name)
# # Process the rest
for remaining_image in loaded_images:
var brush_button = Global.file_brush_container.get_child(next_random_brush_index)
# Add a plain brush from the given path to the list of brushes.
# Taken, again, from find_brushes
func add_plain_brush(path: String, tooltip_name: String) -> void:
var image := Image.new()
var err := image.load(path)
if err != OK:
# do the standard conversion thing...
Global.create_brush_button(image, Global.Brush_Types.FILE, tooltip_name)
# Import brushes, in priority order, from the paths in question in priority order
# i.e. with an override system
# We use a very particular override system here where, for randomised brushes
# the directories containing them get overridden, but for nonrandomised files
# (including in directories containing randomised components too), the override
# is on a file-by-file basis nyaaaa ^.^
func import_brushes(priority_ordered_search_path: Array) -> void:
# Maps for files in the base directory (name : true)
var processed_basedir_paths : Dictionary = {}
var randomised_brush_subdirectories : Dictionary = {}
# Map from a subdirectory to a map similar to processed_basedir_files
# i.e. once a filename has been dealt with, set it to true.
var processed_subdir_paths : Dictionary = {}
# Sets of results of get_brush_files_from_directory
var all_available_paths : Array = []
for directory in priority_ordered_search_path:
# Now to process. Note these are in order of the
# priority, as intended nyaa :)
for i in range(len(all_available_paths)):
var available_brush_file_information = all_available_paths[i]
var current_main_directory: String = priority_ordered_search_path[i]
if available_brush_file_information != null:
# The brush files in the main directory
var main_directory_file_paths : Array = available_brush_file_information[0]
# The subdirectory/list-of-randomised-brush-files
# map for this directory
var randomised_brush_subdirectory_map : Dictionary = available_brush_file_information[1]
# Map for subdirectories to non-randomised-brush files nyaa
var nonrandomised_brush_subdirectory_map : Dictionary = available_brush_file_information[2]
# Iterate over components and do stuff with them! nyaa
# first for the main directory path...
for subfile in main_directory_file_paths:
if not (subfile in processed_basedir_paths):
processed_basedir_paths[subfile] = true
# Iterate over the randomised brush files nyaa
for randomised_subdir in randomised_brush_subdirectory_map:
if not (randomised_subdir in randomised_brush_subdirectories):
var full_paths := []
# glue the proper path onto the single file names in the
# random brush directory data system, so they can be
# opened nya
for non_extended_path in randomised_brush_subdirectory_map[randomised_subdir]:
# Now load!
add_randomised_brush(full_paths, randomised_subdir)
# and mark that we are done in the overall map ^.^
randomised_brush_subdirectories[randomised_subdir] = true
# Now to iterate over the nonrandom brush files inside directories
for nonrandomised_subdir in nonrandomised_brush_subdirectory_map:
# initialise the set-map for this one if not already present :)
if not (nonrandomised_subdir in processed_subdir_paths):
processed_subdir_paths[nonrandomised_subdir] = {}
# Get the paths within this subdirectory to check if they are
# processed or not and if not, then process them.
var relpaths_of_contained_nonrandom_brushes : Array = nonrandomised_brush_subdirectory_map[nonrandomised_subdir]
for relative_path in relpaths_of_contained_nonrandom_brushes:
if not (relative_path in processed_subdir_paths[nonrandomised_subdir]):
# We are not yet processed
var full_path : String = current_main_directory.plus_file(
# Add the path with the tooltip including the directory
add_plain_brush(full_path, nonrandomised_subdir.plus_file(
# Mark this as a processed relpath
processed_subdir_paths[nonrandomised_subdir][relative_path] = true
Global.brushes_from_files = Global.custom_brushes.size()
func import_patterns(priority_ordered_search_path: Array) -> void:
for path in priority_ordered_search_path:
var pattern_list := []
var dir := Directory.new()
var curr_file := dir.get_next()
while curr_file != "":
if curr_file.get_extension().to_lower() == "png":
curr_file = dir.get_next()
for pattern in pattern_list:
var image := Image.new()
var err := image.load(path.plus_file(pattern))
if err == OK:
var pattern_button : BaseButton = load("res://Prefabs/PatternButton.tscn").instance()
pattern_button.image = image
var pattern_tex := ImageTexture.new()
pattern_tex.create_from_image(image, 0)
pattern_button.get_child(0).texture = pattern_tex
pattern_button.hint_tooltip = pattern
pattern_button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND
Global.pattern_left_image = Global.patterns[0]
var pattern_left_tex := ImageTexture.new()
pattern_left_tex.create_from_image(Global.pattern_left_image, 0)
Global.left_fill_pattern_container.get_child(0).get_child(0).texture = pattern_left_tex
Global.pattern_right_image = Global.patterns[0]
var pattern_right_tex := ImageTexture.new()
pattern_right_tex.create_from_image(Global.pattern_right_image, 0)
Global.right_fill_pattern_container.get_child(0).get_child(0).texture = pattern_right_tex
func import_gpl(path : String) -> Palette:
var result : Palette = null
var file = File.new()
if file.file_exists(path):
file.open(path, File.READ)
var text = file.get_as_text()
var lines = text.split('\n')
var line_number := 0
var comments := ""
for line in lines:
# Check if valid Gimp Palette Library file
if line_number == 0:
if line != "GIMP Palette":
result = Palette.new()
var name_start = path.find_last('/') + 1
var name_end = path.find_last('.')
if name_end > name_start:
result.name = path.substr(name_start, name_end - name_start)
# Comments
if line.begins_with('#'):
comments += line.trim_prefix('#') + '\n'
elif line_number > 0 && line.length() >= 12:
line = line.replace("\t", " ")
var color_data : PoolStringArray = line.split(" ", false, 4)
var red : float = color_data[0].to_float() / 255.0
var green : float = color_data[1].to_float() / 255.0
var blue : float = color_data[2].to_float() / 255.0
var color = Color(red, green, blue)
result.add_color(color, color_data[3])
line_number += 1
if result:
result.comments = comments
return result
func import_png_palette(path: String) -> Palette:
var result: Palette = null
var image := Image.new()
var err := image.load(path)
if err != OK: # An error occured
return null
var height: int = image.get_height()
var width: int = image.get_width()
result = Palette.new()
# Iterate all pixels and store unique colors to palete
for y in range(0, height):
for x in range(0, width):
var color: Color = image.get_pixel(x, y)
if not result.has_color(color):
result.add_color(color, "#" + color.to_html())
var name_start = path.find_last('/') + 1
var name_end = path.find_last('.')
if name_end > name_start:
result.name = path.substr(name_start, name_end - name_start)
return result