mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 23:35:17 +00:00
* Initial conversion * Hide some dialogs * Update addons * Fix errors in scripts Temporarily commented out adding new file import types and certain Control methods that are not available in the Window class, such as get_global_mouse_position() * Update shaders * Fix some more errors and signals, rename "pressed" to "button_pressed" * Even more error fixes and renaming corrections * Fixed more errors, Pixelorama almost runs * Update ValueSlider.gd * Remove lock() and unlock(), more ImageTexture.create_from_image() static usage * More static function using * Re-add some of the dialog signals, fix window transparency * Change instances of popup_hide to visibility_changed * More more errors and warnings * Fix more errors and warnings * Get rid of errors in the output when opening Pixelorama in Godot * Properly connect most signals without using strings * Fix some scenes * Don't load Main.tscn * Emit signals directly instead of using strings * Fix Keychain menu nodes * Get rid of self. on most instances, as setters and getters are now always called * Some more static typing * Disable texture filters * Fix zooming * Fix int as enum warnings * Fix tools and rename doubleclick to double_click * Update tool scenes * Fix tabs * Fix create new image * Use static typing on flood fill to speed it up * Update static-checks.yml * Reverts #729 for a speedup, hopefully the bug won't get re-introduced * Fix TransparentChecker warning * Re-add Default template * Fix 3D cels * Fix rotation Project converted bug. Should be fixed by https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/79264 * Fix UITransparency alignment issue, thanks Variable * Add missing OptionButton items Hopefully that should be all of them * Fix the appearance of CollapsibleContainer * Change instances of world to world_3d * Fix tool button backgrounds * Fix Splash dialog * Fix brush selection * Update Main.gd * Fix About Dialog * Fix more zooming issues * Fix canvas preview zooming * Use signals for queue_redraw on project change * Fix layer button's look * Fix gradients * Some gradient fixes and code cleanups, dithering is still broken * Fix bucket * Fix the rest of the undo_redo.add_(un)do_method() cases * Fix guides * Fix guide text * Some small changes in Main * Update Tools.gd * Fix palette importing * Get rid of TODOGODOT4s * Fix the rest of the dialogs * Update the rest of the scenes * Fix onion skinning and frame tag dialogs * Fix file brushes being imported twice * Fix palette swatch crashing on double click * Use nearest filter for some of the windows * Remove old .tres font files * Fix language switching * Get rid of Keychain.action_get_first_key() on the extra shortcuts of tools * Get rid of Keychain.MenuInputActions and directly set shortcuts to the menu items This temporarily removes echoing support for undo and redo, this will be re-added once https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/36493 or https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/64317 is merged. * Clean shortcut-related duplicate code in TopMenuContainer * Remove DroidSansFallback now that system fonts can be used as fallback * Remove 3.x settings from project.godot * Format * Format gdgifexporter * Reset Keychain to its original state * Remove textures from the dark and gray themes * Remove all textures from the dark theme * Better static typing in DrawingAlgos * Use Vector2i for project size * [Risky commit] Use Vector2i instead of Vector2 for tools I tested it and everything seems to be working the same as before, but more testing would be appreciated. * Format after previous commit * Fix line angle constraint being rotated 180 degrees This is not a regression from the previous commit(s), Godot 4 probably reversed the logic of `angle_to_point()`. * Fix input map action not found errors when pressing Shift or Control * Make AnimatePanel bigger, add spring interpolation * Fix some layouts/extensions/preferences loading errors * Fix dithering * Update layout resources Probably doesn't change anything at all, but I suppose it might be a good thing to do * Small changes * Disable filter in ResizeCanvas dialog * Fix some preferences default button states * Fix tile mode always having masking on * Use integers in tile mode * Fix checkboxes in preferences not working * More statically typed arrays! No need to have these # Array of X comments anymore! * Fix "apply all" for multiple preview dialogs * Update theme.tres * Add HeaderSmall theme type variation * Fix dynamics buttons * Don't allow sub-zero zoom values * Let zoom_out_max always remain Vector2(0.01, 0.01) This fixes zooming on large canvases * Bump version to v1.0-dev * Fix ambient light not working on 3D cels * Fix .obj loading * Don't allow greater than max values in the zoom slider * Set maximum zoom value to always be (500, 500) * Set zoom slider minimum value to 1 * Some UI changes, mostly related to buttons and the timeline * Change window titles to what they were before * [COMPATIBILITY BROKEN WITH v0.x] Fix loading 3D cels * Avoid changing Cel3DObject's file_path if it's the same * Make preferences window bigger * Fix png exporting * Fix reference image initial size and filter setting * Fix perspective line reverse scaling on zoom and facing 180 degrees away from cursor * Format and some linting * Remove most Images from the rest of the themes * Remove all textures from all themes * Fix drawing when the mouse gets released outside the canvas boundaries * Format Keychain * Implement #890 * Fix recorder * Fix layout deletion * Better static typing and fix empty_clicked signal-connected methods not having arguments * Fix layout and extension directory creation if they don't already exist * Change all instances of "HTML5" to "Web" OS.get_name() now returns "Web" instead of "HTML5" in Godot 4 * Fix JavaScript detection Opening files in the Web version does not yet work for some reason * Fix formatting * Fix lint errors * Remove unneeded lines from rotation shaders * Clean some rotation shader related code * Remove ErrorManager from #891, as it's no longer needed in Godot 4 * Some docstrings * More Vector2i and Recti replacing their float counterparts * Remove the hardcoded shortcut from ValueSlider Note that the brush size shortcut may not change properly because Keychain isn't updated to support Godot 4's input map properly yet. * Fix bugs from the rebase, integer zooming is currently broken * Format * Fix bug where some imported images would fail to load when using smart slice * Fix integer zooming (I think) * Fix errors after #898 * Fix some UI issues with PreviewDialog * Use ctrl/command instead of just ctrl in the shortcuts of the InputMap - gets rid of the need for _use_osx_shortcuts() in Main.gd * Update Keychain and addons/README.md * Update CI to Godot 4.1.1 (probably will not work) * Remove XDGDataPaths.gd * Make windows non-exclusive * Attempt to fix macOS CI * Attempt to fix CI * Attempt to fix CI * Minor fix in the dark theme, more will follow * Silence enumerator/integer warning * Attempt to fix macOS CI * Another attempt to fix macOS CI * Attempt to fix Windows & macOS CI * fix: Recorder directory create (#903) * Update Keychain so that the brush size shortcuts can be changed This update generally lets users use modifier buttons (control, alt, shift, meta) with mouse buttons * Change OSX to macOS * Detect if multi-threading is enabled when exporting gifs * Fix color picker not working on the top color mode * Make some public methods private in Export.gd * Remove Global.window_title variable * Fix frame UI in the timeline breaking after 100 frames * Static typing improvements for the timeline * Better static typing for grids * Fix typo * Fix pixel grid not appearing * Move preference updating code to Global using setters This should make the code a bit more readable, as the logic for each property update can be found directly under the variable declaration, and not hidden in PreferencesDialog's preference_update() method. This also allows for changing these properties outside the preferences, if that will ever be needed. In theory it's also faster as we don't have to do all these string comparisons anymore, but I doubt this will be noticeable in practice. * Remove RestoreDefaultButton.tscn * Implement changing font size in the preferences * Resize HeaderSmall font size along with the default font size * A step towards fixing image loading in the Web version Doesn't completely fix the issue, it requires a fix from Godot's side as well * Implement missing input event actions for buttons TODO: Add default shortcuts * Do not change language and theme if they are already the defaults Reduces the initial loading time a bit * Remove update_hint_tooltips() as it's no longer needed, only keep it for tools This was needed in order for hint tooltips to be successfully translated while taking the shortcuts into account. Godot 4 already it correctly for us now. Tools still need it because they contain multiple shortcut data in their tooltips. * Change ExportDialog's PathDialog's file mode to be "open directory" and make them bigger * Fix Vector2i + Vector2 errors in grid center snapping * Update tooltips when the shortcut profile changes * Fix copy-paste mistake * Update tooltips during startup if the shortcut profile is not the default * Fix gif warning label size in ExportDialog * Fix BBCode in ExportDialog * Fix some Godot 4.2 warnings * Some CI fixes * Static typing improvements and more inline functions * Format * Even more static typing, inline methods, docstrings etc * Some more static typing improvements and inline setters * Remove unneeded project type specifying * Fix splash dialog error * Fix enumerator warning * Don't preload the font in the rules and guides * Fix some integer division warnings Sometimes we indeed need them to be floats * Change some Rect2s to Rect2is * Minor static typing improvements * Update README, CHANGELOG, Translations * Only load translation files when needed, reduces loading time a bit * Update Keychain so it doesn't load languages during startup * Lazy load all tool scenes, breaks compatibility with the extension API Decreases initial loading time * Format * Very minor loading time speedups * Remove unneeded project type specifying * Even more static typing and docstring improvements * Fix extension loading * Palette docstrings --------- Co-authored-by: ppphp <kevinniub@gmail.com>
955 lines
33 KiB
955 lines
33 KiB
extends Node2D
enum SelectionOperation { ADD, SUBTRACT, INTERSECT }
const KEY_MOVE_ACTION_NAMES: PackedStringArray = ["ui_up", "ui_down", "ui_left", "ui_right"]
const CLIPBOARD_FILE_PATH := "user://clipboard.txt"
# flags (additional properties of selection that can be toggled)
var flag_tilemode := false
var is_moving_content := false
var arrow_key_move := false
var is_pasting := false
var big_bounding_rectangle := Rect2i():
big_bounding_rectangle = value
for slot in Tools._slots.values():
if slot.tool_node is SelectionTool:
var image_current_pixel := Vector2.ZERO ## The ACTUAL pixel coordinate of image
var temp_rect := Rect2()
var rect_aspect_ratio := 0.0
var temp_rect_size := Vector2.ZERO
var temp_rect_pivot := Vector2.ZERO
var original_big_bounding_rectangle := Rect2i()
var original_preview_image := Image.new()
var original_bitmap := SelectionMap.new()
var original_offset := Vector2.ZERO
var preview_image := Image.new()
var preview_image_texture := ImageTexture.new()
var undo_data: Dictionary
var gizmos: Array[Gizmo] = []
var dragged_gizmo: Gizmo = null
var prev_angle := 0
var mouse_pos_on_gizmo_drag := Vector2.ZERO
var resize_keep_ratio := false
@onready var canvas: Canvas = get_parent()
@onready var marching_ants_outline: Sprite2D = $MarchingAntsOutline
class Gizmo:
enum Type { SCALE, ROTATE }
var rect: Rect2
var direction := Vector2i.ZERO
var type: int
func _init(_type: int = Type.SCALE, _direction := Vector2i.ZERO) -> void:
type = _type
direction = _direction
func get_cursor() -> Control.CursorShape:
var cursor := Control.CURSOR_MOVE
if direction == Vector2i.ZERO:
elif direction == Vector2i(-1, -1) or direction == Vector2i(1, 1): # Top left or bottom right
if Global.mirror_view:
cursor = Control.CURSOR_BDIAGSIZE
cursor = Control.CURSOR_FDIAGSIZE
elif direction == Vector2i(1, -1) or direction == Vector2i(-1, 1): # Top right or bottom left
if Global.mirror_view:
cursor = Control.CURSOR_FDIAGSIZE
cursor = Control.CURSOR_BDIAGSIZE
elif direction == Vector2i(0, -1) or direction == Vector2i(0, 1): # Center top or center bottom
cursor = Control.CURSOR_VSIZE
elif direction == Vector2i(-1, 0) or direction == Vector2i(1, 0): # Center left or center right
cursor = Control.CURSOR_HSIZE
return cursor
func _ready() -> void:
gizmos.append(Gizmo.new(Gizmo.Type.SCALE, Vector2i(-1, -1))) # Top left
gizmos.append(Gizmo.new(Gizmo.Type.SCALE, Vector2i(0, -1))) # Center top
gizmos.append(Gizmo.new(Gizmo.Type.SCALE, Vector2i(1, -1))) # Top right
gizmos.append(Gizmo.new(Gizmo.Type.SCALE, Vector2i(1, 0))) # Center right
gizmos.append(Gizmo.new(Gizmo.Type.SCALE, Vector2i(1, 1))) # Bottom right
gizmos.append(Gizmo.new(Gizmo.Type.SCALE, Vector2i(0, 1))) # Center bottom
gizmos.append(Gizmo.new(Gizmo.Type.SCALE, Vector2i(-1, 1))) # Bottom left
gizmos.append(Gizmo.new(Gizmo.Type.SCALE, Vector2i(-1, 0))) # Center left
# gizmos.append(Gizmo.new(Gizmo.Type.ROTATE)) # Rotation gizmo (temp)
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
image_current_pixel = canvas.current_pixel
if Global.mirror_view:
image_current_pixel.x = Global.current_project.size.x - image_current_pixel.x
if is_moving_content:
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("transformation_confirm"):
elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("transformation_cancel"):
var project := Global.current_project
if not project.layers[project.current_layer].can_layer_get_drawn():
if event is InputEventKey:
if not event is InputEventMouse:
var gizmo_hover: Gizmo
if big_bounding_rectangle.size != Vector2i.ZERO:
for g in gizmos:
if g.rect.has_point(image_current_pixel):
gizmo_hover = Gizmo.new(g.type, g.direction)
if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT:
if event.pressed:
if gizmo_hover and not dragged_gizmo: # Select a gizmo
Global.can_draw = false
mouse_pos_on_gizmo_drag = image_current_pixel
dragged_gizmo = gizmo_hover
if Input.is_action_pressed("transform_move_selection_only"):
if not is_moving_content:
if Input.is_action_pressed("transform_move_selection_only"):
undo_data = get_undo_data(false)
temp_rect = big_bounding_rectangle
project.selection_offset = Vector2.ZERO
if dragged_gizmo.type == Gizmo.Type.ROTATE:
var img_size := maxi(
original_preview_image.get_width(), original_preview_image.get_height()
original_preview_image.crop(img_size, img_size)
var prev_temp_rect := temp_rect
dragged_gizmo.direction.x *= signi(temp_rect.size.x)
dragged_gizmo.direction.y *= signi(temp_rect.size.y)
temp_rect = big_bounding_rectangle
# If prev_temp_rect, which used to be the previous temp_rect, has negative size,
# switch the position and end point in temp_rect
if prev_temp_rect.size.x < 0:
var pos := temp_rect.position.x
temp_rect.position.x = temp_rect.end.x
temp_rect.end.x = pos
if prev_temp_rect.size.y < 0:
var pos := temp_rect.position.y
temp_rect.position.y = temp_rect.end.y
temp_rect.end.y = pos
rect_aspect_ratio = absf(temp_rect.size.y / temp_rect.size.x)
temp_rect_size = temp_rect.size
temp_rect_pivot = (temp_rect.position + ((temp_rect.end - temp_rect.position) / 2))
elif dragged_gizmo: # Mouse released, deselect gizmo
Global.can_draw = true
dragged_gizmo = null
if not is_moving_content:
commit_undo("Select", undo_data)
if dragged_gizmo:
if dragged_gizmo.type == Gizmo.Type.SCALE:
else: # Set the appropriate cursor
if gizmo_hover:
Global.main_viewport.mouse_default_cursor_shape = gizmo_hover.get_cursor()
var cursor := Control.CURSOR_ARROW
if Global.cross_cursor:
cursor = Control.CURSOR_CROSS
var layer: BaseLayer = project.layers[project.current_layer]
if not layer.can_layer_get_drawn():
cursor = Control.CURSOR_FORBIDDEN
if Global.main_viewport.mouse_default_cursor_shape != cursor:
Global.main_viewport.mouse_default_cursor_shape = cursor
func _move_with_arrow_keys(event: InputEvent) -> void:
var selection_tool_selected := false
for slot in Tools._slots.values():
if slot.tool_node is SelectionTool:
selection_tool_selected = true
if !selection_tool_selected:
if not Global.current_project.has_selection:
if !Global.current_project.layers[Global.current_project.current_layer].can_layer_get_drawn():
if _is_action_direction_pressed(event) and !arrow_key_move:
arrow_key_move = true
if Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_ALT):
if _is_action_direction_released(event) and arrow_key_move:
arrow_key_move = false
if _is_action_direction(event) and arrow_key_move:
var step := Vector2.ONE
if Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_CTRL):
step = Global.grid_size
var input := Input.get_vector("ui_left", "ui_right", "ui_up", "ui_down")
var move := input.rotated(snappedf(Global.camera.rotation, PI / 2))
# These checks are needed to fix a bug where the selection got stuck
# to the canvas boundaries when they were 1px away from them
if is_equal_approx(absf(move.x), 0.0):
move.x = 0
if is_equal_approx(absf(move.y), 0.0):
move.y = 0
move_content(move * step)
# Check if an event is a ui_up/down/left/right event-press
func _is_action_direction_pressed(event: InputEvent) -> bool:
for action in KEY_MOVE_ACTION_NAMES:
if event.is_action_pressed(action):
return true
return false
# Check if an event is a ui_up/down/left/right event release
func _is_action_direction(event: InputEvent) -> bool:
for action in KEY_MOVE_ACTION_NAMES:
if event.is_action(action):
return true
return false
# Check if an event is a ui_up/down/left/right event release
func _is_action_direction_released(event: InputEvent) -> bool:
for action in KEY_MOVE_ACTION_NAMES:
if event.is_action_released(action):
return true
return false
func _draw() -> void:
if big_bounding_rectangle.size == Vector2i.ZERO:
var position_tmp := position
var scale_tmp := scale
if Global.mirror_view:
position_tmp.x = position_tmp.x + Global.current_project.size.x
scale_tmp.x = -1
draw_set_transform(position_tmp, rotation, scale_tmp)
for gizmo in gizmos: # Draw gizmos
draw_rect(gizmo.rect, Global.selection_border_color_2)
var filled_rect: Rect2 = gizmo.rect
var filled_size: Vector2 = gizmo.rect.size * Vector2(0.2, 0.2)
filled_rect.position += filled_size
filled_rect.size -= filled_size * 2
draw_rect(filled_rect, Global.selection_border_color_1) # Filled white square
if is_moving_content and !preview_image.is_empty():
draw_texture(preview_image_texture, big_bounding_rectangle.position, Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5))
draw_set_transform(position, rotation, scale)
func _update_gizmos() -> void:
var rect_pos: Vector2 = big_bounding_rectangle.position
var rect_end: Vector2 = big_bounding_rectangle.end
var size: Vector2 = Vector2.ONE / Global.camera.zoom * 10
# Clockwise, starting from top-left corner
gizmos[0].rect = Rect2(rect_pos - size, size)
gizmos[1].rect = Rect2(
Vector2((rect_end.x + rect_pos.x - size.x) / 2, rect_pos.y - size.y), size
gizmos[2].rect = Rect2(Vector2(rect_end.x, rect_pos.y - size.y), size)
gizmos[3].rect = Rect2(Vector2(rect_end.x, (rect_end.y + rect_pos.y - size.y) / 2), size)
gizmos[4].rect = Rect2(rect_end, size)
gizmos[5].rect = Rect2(Vector2((rect_end.x + rect_pos.x - size.x) / 2, rect_end.y), size)
gizmos[6].rect = Rect2(Vector2(rect_pos.x - size.x, rect_end.y), size)
gizmos[7].rect = Rect2(
Vector2(rect_pos.x - size.x, (rect_end.y + rect_pos.y - size.y) / 2), size
# Rotation gizmo (temp)
# gizmos[8].rect = Rect2(
# Vector2((rect_end.x + rect_pos.x - size.x) / 2, rect_pos.y - size.y - (size.y * 2)), size
# )
func _update_on_zoom() -> void:
var zoom := Global.camera.zoom.x
var size := maxi(
marching_ants_outline.material.set_shader_parameter("width", 1.0 / zoom)
marching_ants_outline.material.set_shader_parameter("frequency", zoom * 10 * size / 64)
for gizmo in gizmos:
if gizmo.rect.size == Vector2.ZERO:
func _gizmo_resize() -> void:
var dir := dragged_gizmo.direction
if Input.is_action_pressed("shape_center"):
# Code inspired from https://github.com/GDQuest/godot-open-rpg
if dir.x != 0 and dir.y != 0: # Border gizmos
temp_rect.size = ((image_current_pixel - temp_rect_pivot) * 2.0 * Vector2(dir))
elif dir.y == 0: # Center left and right gizmos
temp_rect.size.x = (image_current_pixel.x - temp_rect_pivot.x) * 2.0 * dir.x
elif dir.x == 0: # Center top and bottom gizmos
temp_rect.size.y = (image_current_pixel.y - temp_rect_pivot.y) * 2.0 * dir.y
temp_rect = Rect2(-1.0 * temp_rect.size / 2 + temp_rect_pivot, temp_rect.size)
_resize_rect(image_current_pixel, dir)
if Input.is_action_pressed("shape_perfect") or resize_keep_ratio: # Maintain aspect ratio
var end_y := temp_rect.end.y
if dir == Vector2i(1, -1) or dir.x == 0: # Top right corner, center top and center bottom
var size := temp_rect.size.y
# Needed in order for resizing to work properly in negative sizes
if signf(size) != signf(temp_rect.size.x):
size = absf(size) if temp_rect.size.x > 0 else -absf(size)
temp_rect.size.x = size / rect_aspect_ratio
else: # The rest of the corners
var size := temp_rect.size.x
# Needed in order for resizing to work properly in negative sizes
if signf(size) != signf(temp_rect.size.y):
size = absf(size) if temp_rect.size.y > 0 else -absf(size)
temp_rect.size.y = size * rect_aspect_ratio
# Inspired by the solution answered in https://stackoverflow.com/a/50271547
if dir == Vector2i(-1, -1): # Top left corner
temp_rect.position.y = end_y - temp_rect.size.y
big_bounding_rectangle = temp_rect.abs()
# big_bounding_rectangle.position = Vector2(big_bounding_rectangle.position).ceil()
# big_bounding_rectangle.size = big_bounding_rectangle.size.floor()
if big_bounding_rectangle.size.x == 0:
big_bounding_rectangle.size.x = 1
if big_bounding_rectangle.size.y == 0:
big_bounding_rectangle.size.y = 1
big_bounding_rectangle = big_bounding_rectangle # Call the setter method
func _resize_rect(pos: Vector2, dir: Vector2) -> void:
if dir.x > 0:
temp_rect.size.x = pos.x - temp_rect.position.x
elif dir.x < 0:
var end_x := temp_rect.end.x
temp_rect.position.x = pos.x
temp_rect.end.x = end_x
temp_rect.size.x = temp_rect_size.x
if dir.y > 0:
temp_rect.size.y = pos.y - temp_rect.position.y
elif dir.y < 0:
var end_y := temp_rect.end.y
temp_rect.position.y = pos.y
temp_rect.end.y = end_y
temp_rect.size.y = temp_rect_size.y
func resize_selection() -> void:
var size := big_bounding_rectangle.size.abs()
var selection_map: SelectionMap = Global.current_project.selection_map
if is_moving_content:
selection_map = original_bitmap
preview_image.resize(size.x, size.y, Image.INTERPOLATE_NEAREST)
if temp_rect.size.x < 0:
if temp_rect.size.y < 0:
preview_image_texture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(preview_image)
var selection_map_copy := SelectionMap.new()
Global.current_project, size, temp_rect.size.x < 0, temp_rect.size.y < 0
Global.current_project.selection_map = selection_map_copy
func _gizmo_rotate() -> void: # Does not work properly yet
var angle := image_current_pixel.angle_to_point(mouse_pos_on_gizmo_drag)
angle = deg_to_rad(floorf(rad_to_deg(angle)))
if angle == prev_angle:
prev_angle = angle
# var img_size := max(original_preview_image.get_width(), original_preview_image.get_height())
# var pivot = Vector2(original_preview_image.get_width()/2, original_preview_image.get_height()/2)
var pivot := Vector2(big_bounding_rectangle.size.x / 2.0, big_bounding_rectangle.size.y / 2.0)
if original_big_bounding_rectangle.position != big_bounding_rectangle.position:
preview_image.fill(Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
var pos_diff := (
(original_big_bounding_rectangle.position - big_bounding_rectangle.position).abs()
# pos_diff.y = 0
original_preview_image, Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, preview_image.get_size()), pos_diff
DrawingAlgos.nn_rotate(preview_image, angle, pivot)
preview_image_texture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(preview_image)
var bitmap_image := original_bitmap
var bitmap_pivot := (
+ ((original_big_bounding_rectangle.end - original_big_bounding_rectangle.position) / 2)
DrawingAlgos.nn_rotate(bitmap_image, angle, bitmap_pivot)
Global.current_project.selection_map = bitmap_image
big_bounding_rectangle = bitmap_image.get_used_rect()
func select_rect(rect: Rect2i, operation: int = SelectionOperation.ADD) -> void:
var project := Global.current_project
var selection_map_copy := SelectionMap.new()
# Used only if the selection is outside of the canvas boundaries,
# on the left and/or above (negative coords)
var offset_position := Vector2i.ZERO
if big_bounding_rectangle.position.x < 0:
rect.position.x -= big_bounding_rectangle.position.x
offset_position.x = big_bounding_rectangle.position.x
if big_bounding_rectangle.position.y < 0:
rect.position.y -= big_bounding_rectangle.position.y
offset_position.y = big_bounding_rectangle.position.y
if offset_position != Vector2i.ZERO:
big_bounding_rectangle.position -= offset_position
if operation == SelectionOperation.ADD:
selection_map_copy.fill_rect(rect, Color(1, 1, 1, 1))
elif operation == SelectionOperation.SUBTRACT:
selection_map_copy.fill_rect(rect, Color(0))
elif operation == SelectionOperation.INTERSECT:
for x in range(rect.position.x, rect.end.x):
for y in range(rect.position.y, rect.end.y):
var pos := Vector2i(x, y)
if !Rect2i(Vector2i.ZERO, selection_map_copy.get_size()).has_point(pos):
selection_map_copy.select_pixel(pos, project.selection_map.is_pixel_selected(pos))
big_bounding_rectangle = selection_map_copy.get_used_rect()
if offset_position != Vector2i.ZERO:
big_bounding_rectangle.position += offset_position
project.selection_map = selection_map_copy
big_bounding_rectangle = big_bounding_rectangle # call getter method
func move_borders_start() -> void:
undo_data = get_undo_data(false)
func move_borders(move: Vector2i) -> void:
if move == Vector2i.ZERO:
marching_ants_outline.offset += Vector2(move)
big_bounding_rectangle.position += move
func move_borders_end() -> void:
var selection_map_copy := SelectionMap.new()
Global.current_project.selection_map = selection_map_copy
if not is_moving_content:
commit_undo("Select", undo_data)
func transform_content_start() -> void:
if is_moving_content:
undo_data = get_undo_data(true)
temp_rect = big_bounding_rectangle
if original_preview_image.is_empty():
undo_data = get_undo_data(false)
is_moving_content = true
original_big_bounding_rectangle = big_bounding_rectangle
original_offset = Global.current_project.selection_offset
func move_content(move: Vector2) -> void:
func transform_content_confirm() -> void:
if not is_moving_content:
var project := Global.current_project
for cel in _get_selected_draw_cels():
var cel_image: Image = cel.get_image()
var src: Image = preview_image
if not is_pasting:
cel.transformed_content = null
if temp_rect.size.x < 0:
if temp_rect.size.y < 0:
Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, project.selection_map.get_size()),
var selection_map_copy := SelectionMap.new()
project.selection_map = selection_map_copy
commit_undo("Move Selection", undo_data)
original_preview_image = Image.new()
preview_image = Image.new()
original_bitmap = SelectionMap.new()
is_moving_content = false
is_pasting = false
func transform_content_cancel() -> void:
if preview_image.is_empty():
var project := Global.current_project
project.selection_offset = original_offset
is_moving_content = false
big_bounding_rectangle = original_big_bounding_rectangle
project.selection_map = original_bitmap
preview_image = original_preview_image
for cel in _get_selected_draw_cels():
var cel_image: Image = cel.get_image()
if !is_pasting:
Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, Global.current_project.selection_map.get_size()),
cel.transformed_content = null
for cel_index in project.selected_cels:
original_preview_image = Image.new()
preview_image = Image.new()
original_bitmap = SelectionMap.new()
is_pasting = false
func commit_undo(action: String, undo_data_tmp: Dictionary) -> void:
if !undo_data_tmp:
print("No undo data found!")
var redo_data := get_undo_data(undo_data_tmp["undo_image"])
var project := Global.current_project
project.undos += 1
project.undo_redo.add_do_property(project, "selection_map", redo_data["selection_map"])
self, "big_bounding_rectangle", redo_data["big_bounding_rectangle"]
project.undo_redo.add_do_property(project, "selection_offset", redo_data["outline_offset"])
project.undo_redo.add_undo_property(project, "selection_map", undo_data_tmp["selection_map"])
self, "big_bounding_rectangle", undo_data_tmp["big_bounding_rectangle"]
project, "selection_offset", undo_data_tmp["outline_offset"]
if undo_data_tmp["undo_image"]:
for image in redo_data:
if not image is Image:
project.undo_redo.add_do_property(image, "data", redo_data[image])
for image in undo_data_tmp:
if not image is Image:
project.undo_redo.add_undo_property(image, "data", undo_data_tmp[image])
func get_undo_data(undo_image: bool) -> Dictionary:
var data := {}
var project := Global.current_project
data["selection_map"] = project.selection_map
data["big_bounding_rectangle"] = big_bounding_rectangle
data["outline_offset"] = Global.current_project.selection_offset
data["undo_image"] = undo_image
if undo_image:
var images := _get_selected_draw_images()
for image in images:
data[image] = image.data
return data
func _get_selected_draw_cels() -> Array[BaseCel]:
var cels: Array[BaseCel] = []
var project := Global.current_project
for cel_index in project.selected_cels:
var cel: BaseCel = project.frames[cel_index[0]].cels[cel_index[1]]
if not cel is PixelCel:
if project.layers[cel_index[1]].can_layer_get_drawn():
return cels
func _get_selected_draw_images() -> Array[Image]:
var images: Array[Image] = []
var project := Global.current_project
for cel_index in project.selected_cels:
var cel: BaseCel = project.frames[cel_index[0]].cels[cel_index[1]]
if not cel is PixelCel:
if project.layers[cel_index[1]].can_layer_get_drawn():
return images
func cut() -> void:
var project := Global.current_project
if !project.layers[project.current_layer].can_layer_get_drawn():
func copy() -> void:
var project := Global.current_project
var cl_image := Image.new()
var cl_selection_map := SelectionMap.new()
var cl_big_bounding_rectangle := Rect2()
var cl_selection_offset := Vector2.ZERO
var image := project.get_current_cel().get_image()
var to_copy := Image.new()
if !project.has_selection:
cl_big_bounding_rectangle = Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, project.size)
if is_moving_content:
var selection_map_copy := SelectionMap.new()
selection_map_copy.move_bitmap_values(project, false)
cl_selection_map = selection_map_copy
to_copy = image.get_region(big_bounding_rectangle)
# Remove unincluded pixels if the selection is not a single rectangle
var offset_pos := big_bounding_rectangle.position
for x in to_copy.get_size().x:
for y in to_copy.get_size().y:
var pos := Vector2i(x, y)
if offset_pos.x < 0:
offset_pos.x = 0
if offset_pos.y < 0:
offset_pos.y = 0
if not project.selection_map.is_pixel_selected(pos + offset_pos):
to_copy.set_pixelv(pos, Color(0))
cl_big_bounding_rectangle = big_bounding_rectangle
cl_image = to_copy
cl_selection_offset = project.selection_offset
var transfer_clipboard := {
"image": cl_image,
"selection_map": cl_selection_map.data,
"big_bounding_rectangle": cl_big_bounding_rectangle,
"selection_offset": cl_selection_offset,
var clipboard_file := FileAccess.open(CLIPBOARD_FILE_PATH, FileAccess.WRITE)
clipboard_file.store_var(transfer_clipboard, true)
if !to_copy.is_empty():
var pattern: Patterns.Pattern = Global.patterns_popup.get_pattern(0)
pattern.image = to_copy
var tex := ImageTexture.create_from_image(to_copy)
var container = Global.patterns_popup.get_node("ScrollContainer/PatternContainer")
container.get_child(0).get_child(0).texture = tex
func paste(in_place := false) -> void:
if !FileAccess.file_exists(CLIPBOARD_FILE_PATH):
var clipboard_file := FileAccess.open(CLIPBOARD_FILE_PATH, FileAccess.READ)
var clipboard = clipboard_file.get_var(true)
# Sanity checks
if typeof(clipboard) != TYPE_DICTIONARY:
if !clipboard.has_all(["image", "selection_map", "big_bounding_rectangle", "selection_offset"]):
if clipboard.image.is_empty():
if is_moving_content:
undo_data = get_undo_data(true)
var project := Global.current_project
var clip_map := SelectionMap.new()
clip_map.data = clipboard.selection_map
var max_size := Vector2(
max(clip_map.get_size().x, project.selection_map.get_size().x),
max(clip_map.get_size().y, project.selection_map.get_size().y)
project.selection_map = clip_map
project.selection_map.crop(max_size.x, max_size.y)
project.selection_offset = clipboard.selection_offset
big_bounding_rectangle = clipboard.big_bounding_rectangle
if not in_place: # If "Paste" is selected, and not "Paste in Place"
var camera_center := Global.camera.get_screen_center_position()
camera_center -= Vector2(big_bounding_rectangle.size) / 2.0
var max_pos := project.size - big_bounding_rectangle.size
if max_pos.x >= 0:
camera_center.x = clampf(camera_center.x, 0, max_pos.x)
camera_center.x = 0
if max_pos.y >= 0:
camera_center.y = clampf(camera_center.y, 0, max_pos.y)
camera_center.y = 0
big_bounding_rectangle.position = camera_center.floor()
project.selection_map.move_bitmap_values(Global.current_project, false)
big_bounding_rectangle = big_bounding_rectangle
temp_rect = big_bounding_rectangle
is_moving_content = true
is_pasting = true
original_preview_image = clipboard.image
original_big_bounding_rectangle = big_bounding_rectangle
original_offset = project.selection_offset
preview_image_texture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(preview_image)
func delete(selected_cels := true) -> void:
var project := Global.current_project
if !project.layers[project.current_layer].can_layer_get_drawn():
if is_moving_content:
is_moving_content = false
original_preview_image = Image.new()
preview_image = Image.new()
original_bitmap = SelectionMap.new()
is_pasting = false
commit_undo("Draw", undo_data)
var undo_data_tmp := get_undo_data(true)
var images: Array[Image]
if selected_cels:
images = _get_selected_draw_images()
images = [project.get_current_cel().get_image()]
if project.has_selection:
var blank := Image.create(project.size.x, project.size.y, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8)
var selection_map_copy := SelectionMap.new()
# In case the selection map is bigger than the canvas
selection_map_copy.crop(project.size.x, project.size.y)
for image in images:
blank, selection_map_copy, big_bounding_rectangle, big_bounding_rectangle.position
for image in images:
commit_undo("Draw", undo_data_tmp)
func new_brush() -> void:
var project := Global.current_project
if !project.has_selection:
var image := project.get_current_cel().get_image()
var brush := Image.new()
if is_moving_content:
var selection_map_copy := SelectionMap.new()
selection_map_copy.move_bitmap_values(project, false)
var clipboard = str_to_var(DisplayServer.clipboard_get())
if typeof(clipboard) == TYPE_DICTIONARY: # A sanity check
if not clipboard.has_all(
["image", "selection_map", "big_bounding_rectangle", "selection_offset"]
clipboard.selection_map = selection_map_copy
brush = image.get_region(big_bounding_rectangle)
# Remove unincluded pixels if the selection is not a single rectangle
for x in brush.get_size().x:
for y in brush.get_size().y:
var pos := Vector2i(x, y)
var offset_pos := big_bounding_rectangle.position
if offset_pos.x < 0:
offset_pos.x = 0
if offset_pos.y < 0:
offset_pos.y = 0
if not project.selection_map.is_pixel_selected(pos + offset_pos):
brush.set_pixelv(pos, Color(0))
if !brush.is_invisible():
var brush_used: Image = brush.get_region(brush.get_used_rect())
func select_all() -> void:
var undo_data_tmp := get_undo_data(false)
var full_rect := Rect2i(Vector2.ZERO, Global.current_project.size)
commit_undo("Select", undo_data_tmp)
func invert() -> void:
var project := Global.current_project
var undo_data_tmp := get_undo_data(false)
var selection_map_copy := SelectionMap.new()
selection_map_copy.crop(project.size.x, project.size.y)
project.selection_map = selection_map_copy
big_bounding_rectangle = selection_map_copy.get_used_rect()
project.selection_offset = Vector2.ZERO
commit_undo("Select", undo_data_tmp)
func clear_selection(use_undo := false) -> void:
var project := Global.current_project
if !project.has_selection:
var undo_data_tmp := get_undo_data(false)
var selection_map_copy := SelectionMap.new()
selection_map_copy.crop(project.size.x, project.size.y)
project.selection_map = selection_map_copy
big_bounding_rectangle = Rect2()
project.selection_offset = Vector2.ZERO
if use_undo:
commit_undo("Clear Selection", undo_data_tmp)
func _get_preview_image() -> void:
var project := Global.current_project
var blended_image := Image.create(project.size.x, project.size.y, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8)
Export.blend_selected_cels(blended_image, project.frames[project.current_frame])
if original_preview_image.is_empty():
original_preview_image = blended_image.get_region(big_bounding_rectangle)
# For non-rectangular selections
for x in range(0, big_bounding_rectangle.size.x):
for y in range(0, big_bounding_rectangle.size.y):
var pos := Vector2i(x, y)
if !project.can_pixel_get_drawn(pos + big_bounding_rectangle.position):
original_preview_image.set_pixelv(pos, Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
if original_preview_image.is_invisible():
original_preview_image = Image.new()
preview_image_texture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(preview_image)
var clear_image := Image.create(
for cel in _get_selected_draw_cels():
var cel_image: Image = cel.get_image()
cel.transformed_content = _get_selected_image(cel_image)
Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, project.selection_map.get_size()),
for cel_index in project.selected_cels:
func _get_selected_image(cel_image: Image) -> Image:
var project := Global.current_project
var image := Image.new()
image = cel_image.get_region(big_bounding_rectangle)
# For non-rectangular selections
for x in range(0, big_bounding_rectangle.size.x):
for y in range(0, big_bounding_rectangle.size.y):
var pos := Vector2i(x, y)
if !project.can_pixel_get_drawn(pos + big_bounding_rectangle.position):
image.set_pixelv(pos, Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
return image