mirror of
synced 2025-02-08 03:19:49 +00:00
A new Global.file_brushes array is used for the file brushes, and the Project class has its own brushes array for the project brushes
726 lines
27 KiB
726 lines
27 KiB
extends Node
enum Pressure_Sensitivity {NONE, ALPHA, SIZE, ALPHA_AND_SIZE}
enum Direction {UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT}
enum Mouse_Button {LEFT, RIGHT}
enum Theme_Types {DARK, BLUE, CARAMEL, LIGHT}
enum Fill_With {COLOR, PATTERN}
enum Lighten_Darken_Mode {LIGHTEN, DARKEN}
enum Zoom_Mode {ZOOM_IN, ZOOM_OUT}
# Stuff for arrowkey-based canvas movements nyaa ^.^
const low_speed_move_rate := 150.0
const medium_speed_move_rate := 750.0
const high_speed_move_rate := 3750.0
var root_directory := "."
var window_title := "" setget title_changed # Why doesn't Godot have get_window_title()?
var config_cache := ConfigFile.new()
var XDGDataPaths = preload("res://src/XDGDataPaths.gd")
var directory_module : Reference
var projects := [] # Array of Projects
var current_project : Project
var current_project_index := 0 setget project_changed
# Indices are as in the Direction enum
# This is the total time the key for
# that direction has been pressed.
var key_move_press_time := [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
var loaded_locales : Array
# Canvas related stuff
var layers_changed_skip := false
var can_draw := false
var has_focus := false
var pressure_sensitivity_mode = Pressure_Sensitivity.NONE
var open_last_project := false
var smooth_zoom := true
var cursor_image = preload("res://assets/graphics/cursor_icons/cursor.png")
var left_cursor_tool_texture : ImageTexture
var right_cursor_tool_texture : ImageTexture
var image_clipboard : Image
var play_only_tags := true
# Preferences
var theme_type : int = Theme_Types.DARK
var default_image_width := 64
var default_image_height := 64
var default_fill_color := Color(0, 0, 0, 0)
var grid_type = Grid_Types.CARTESIAN
var grid_width := 1
var grid_height := 1
var grid_color := Color.black
var guide_color := Color.purple
var checker_size := 10
var checker_color_1 := Color(0.47, 0.47, 0.47, 1)
var checker_color_2 := Color(0.34, 0.35, 0.34, 1)
var autosave_interval := 5.0
var enable_autosave := true
# Tools & options
var current_tools := [Tools.PENCIL, Tools.ERASER]
var show_left_tool_icon := true
var show_right_tool_icon := true
var left_square_indicator_visible := true
var right_square_indicator_visible := false
var fill_areas := [Fill_Area.SAME_COLOR_AREA, Fill_Area.SAME_COLOR_AREA]
var fill_with := [Fill_With.COLOR, Fill_With.COLOR]
var fill_pattern_offsets := [Vector2.ZERO, Vector2.ZERO]
var ld_modes := [Lighten_Darken_Mode.LIGHTEN, Lighten_Darken_Mode.LIGHTEN]
var ld_amounts := [0.1, 0.1]
var color_picker_for := [Mouse_Button.LEFT, Mouse_Button.RIGHT]
var zoom_modes := [Zoom_Mode.ZOOM_IN, Zoom_Mode.ZOOM_OUT]
var horizontal_mirror := [false, false]
var vertical_mirror := [false, false]
var pixel_perfect := [false, false]
# View menu options
var tile_mode := false
var draw_grid := false
var show_rulers := true
var show_guides := true
var show_animation_timeline := true
# Onion skinning options
var onion_skinning := false
var onion_skinning_past_rate := 1.0
var onion_skinning_future_rate := 1.0
var onion_skinning_blue_red := false
# Brushes
var file_brushes := []
var brush_sizes := [1, 1]
var current_brush_types := [Brush_Types.PIXEL, Brush_Types.PIXEL]
var brush_images := [Image.new(), Image.new()]
var brush_textures := [ImageTexture.new(), ImageTexture.new()]
var brush_type_window_position : int = Mouse_Button.LEFT
var left_circle_points := []
var right_circle_points := []
var brushes_from_files := 0
var custom_brush_indexes := [-1, -1]
# Patterns
var patterns := []
var pattern_window_position : int = Mouse_Button.LEFT
var pattern_images := [Image.new(), Image.new()]
# Palettes
var palettes := {}
# Nodes
var control : Node
var top_menu_container : Panel
var left_cursor : Sprite
var right_cursor : Sprite
var canvas : Canvas
var tabs : Tabs
var main_viewport : ViewportContainer
var second_viewport : ViewportContainer
var camera : Camera2D
var camera2 : Camera2D
var camera_preview : Camera2D
var selection_rectangle : Polygon2D
var horizontal_ruler : BaseButton
var vertical_ruler : BaseButton
var transparent_checker : ColorRect
var file_menu : MenuButton
var edit_menu : MenuButton
var view_menu : MenuButton
var image_menu : MenuButton
var help_menu : MenuButton
var cursor_position_label : Label
var zoom_level_label : Label
var import_sprites_dialog : FileDialog
var export_dialog : AcceptDialog
var preferences_dialog : AcceptDialog
var color_pickers := []
var color_switch_button : BaseButton
var tool_options_containers := []
var brush_type_containers := []
var brush_type_buttons := []
var brushes_popup : Popup
var file_brush_container : GridContainer
var project_brush_container : GridContainer
var patterns_popup : Popup
var brush_size_edits := []
var brush_size_sliders := []
var pixel_perfect_containers := []
var color_interpolation_containers := []
var interpolate_spinboxes := []
var interpolate_sliders := []
var fill_area_containers := []
var fill_pattern_containers := []
var ld_containers := []
var ld_amount_sliders := []
var ld_amount_spinboxes := []
var colorpicker_containers := []
var zoom_containers := []
var mirror_containers := []
var animation_timeline : Panel
var animation_timer : Timer
var frame_ids : HBoxContainer
var current_frame_mark_label : Label
var onion_skinning_button : BaseButton
var loop_animation_button : BaseButton
var play_forward : BaseButton
var play_backwards : BaseButton
var layers_container : VBoxContainer
var frames_container : VBoxContainer
var tag_container : Control
var tag_dialog : AcceptDialog
var remove_frame_button : BaseButton
var remove_layer_button : BaseButton
var move_up_layer_button : BaseButton
var move_down_layer_button : BaseButton
var merge_down_layer_button : BaseButton
var layer_opacity_slider : HSlider
var layer_opacity_spinbox : SpinBox
var add_palette_button : BaseButton
var edit_palette_button : BaseButton
var palette_option_button : OptionButton
var palette_container : GridContainer
var edit_palette_popup : WindowDialog
var new_palette_dialog : ConfirmationDialog
var new_palette_name_line_edit : LineEdit
var palette_import_file_dialog : FileDialog
var error_dialog : AcceptDialog
onready var current_version : String = ProjectSettings.get_setting("application/config/Version")
func _ready() -> void:
if OS.has_feature("standalone"):
root_directory = OS.get_executable_path().get_base_dir()
# Load settings from the config file
# The fact that root_dir is set earlier than this is important
# XDGDataDirs depends on it nyaa
directory_module = XDGDataPaths.new()
image_clipboard = Image.new()
var root = get_tree().get_root()
control = find_node_by_name(root, "Control")
top_menu_container = find_node_by_name(control, "TopMenuContainer")
left_cursor = find_node_by_name(root, "LeftCursor")
right_cursor = find_node_by_name(root, "RightCursor")
canvas = find_node_by_name(root, "Canvas")
left_cursor_tool_texture = ImageTexture.new()
right_cursor_tool_texture = ImageTexture.new()
tabs = find_node_by_name(root, "Tabs")
main_viewport = find_node_by_name(root, "ViewportContainer")
second_viewport = find_node_by_name(root, "ViewportContainer2")
camera = find_node_by_name(main_viewport, "Camera2D")
camera2 = find_node_by_name(root, "Camera2D2")
camera_preview = find_node_by_name(root, "CameraPreview")
selection_rectangle = find_node_by_name(root, "SelectionRectangle")
horizontal_ruler = find_node_by_name(root, "HorizontalRuler")
vertical_ruler = find_node_by_name(root, "VerticalRuler")
transparent_checker = find_node_by_name(root, "TransparentChecker")
file_menu = find_node_by_name(root, "FileMenu")
edit_menu = find_node_by_name(root, "EditMenu")
view_menu = find_node_by_name(root, "ViewMenu")
image_menu = find_node_by_name(root, "ImageMenu")
help_menu = find_node_by_name(root, "HelpMenu")
cursor_position_label = find_node_by_name(root, "CursorPosition")
zoom_level_label = find_node_by_name(root, "ZoomLevel")
import_sprites_dialog = find_node_by_name(root, "ImportSprites")
export_dialog = find_node_by_name(root, "ExportDialog")
preferences_dialog = find_node_by_name(root, "PreferencesDialog")
tool_options_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftToolOptions"))
tool_options_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightToolOptions"))
color_pickers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftColorPickerButton"))
color_pickers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightColorPickerButton"))
color_switch_button = find_node_by_name(root, "ColorSwitch")
brush_type_containers.append(find_node_by_name(tool_options_containers[0], "LeftBrushType"))
brush_type_containers.append(find_node_by_name(tool_options_containers[1], "RightBrushType"))
brush_type_buttons.append(find_node_by_name(brush_type_containers[0], "LeftBrushTypeButton"))
brush_type_buttons.append(find_node_by_name(brush_type_containers[1], "RightBrushTypeButton"))
brushes_popup = find_node_by_name(root, "BrushesPopup")
file_brush_container = find_node_by_name(brushes_popup, "FileBrushContainer")
project_brush_container = find_node_by_name(brushes_popup, "ProjectBrushContainer")
patterns_popup = find_node_by_name(root, "PatternsPopup")
brush_size_edits.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftBrushSizeEdit"))
brush_size_sliders.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftBrushSizeSlider"))
brush_size_edits.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightBrushSizeEdit"))
brush_size_sliders.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightBrushSizeSlider"))
pixel_perfect_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftBrushPixelPerfectMode"))
pixel_perfect_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightBrushPixelPerfectMode"))
color_interpolation_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftColorInterpolation"))
color_interpolation_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightColorInterpolation"))
interpolate_spinboxes.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftInterpolateFactor"))
interpolate_sliders.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftInterpolateSlider"))
interpolate_spinboxes.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightInterpolateFactor"))
interpolate_sliders.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightInterpolateSlider"))
fill_area_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftFillArea"))
fill_pattern_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftFillPattern"))
fill_area_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightFillArea"))
fill_pattern_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightFillPattern"))
ld_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftLDOptions"))
ld_amount_sliders.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftLDAmountSlider"))
ld_amount_spinboxes.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftLDAmountSpinbox"))
ld_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightLDOptions"))
ld_amount_sliders.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightLDAmountSlider"))
ld_amount_spinboxes.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightLDAmountSpinbox"))
colorpicker_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftColorPickerOptions"))
colorpicker_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightColorPickerOptions"))
zoom_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftZoomOptions"))
zoom_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightZoomOptions"))
mirror_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "LeftMirrorButtons"))
mirror_containers.append(find_node_by_name(root, "RightMirrorButtons"))
animation_timeline = find_node_by_name(root, "AnimationTimeline")
layers_container = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "LayersContainer")
frames_container = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "FramesContainer")
animation_timer = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "AnimationTimer")
frame_ids = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "FrameIDs")
current_frame_mark_label = find_node_by_name(control, "CurrentFrameMark")
onion_skinning_button = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "OnionSkinning")
loop_animation_button = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "LoopAnim")
play_forward = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "PlayForward")
play_backwards = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "PlayBackwards")
tag_container = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "TagContainer")
tag_dialog = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "FrameTagDialog")
remove_frame_button = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "DeleteFrame")
remove_layer_button = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "RemoveLayer")
move_up_layer_button = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "MoveUpLayer")
move_down_layer_button = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "MoveDownLayer")
merge_down_layer_button = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "MergeDownLayer")
layer_opacity_slider = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "OpacitySlider")
layer_opacity_spinbox = find_node_by_name(animation_timeline, "OpacitySpinBox")
add_palette_button = find_node_by_name(root, "AddPalette")
edit_palette_button = find_node_by_name(root, "EditPalette")
palette_option_button = find_node_by_name(root, "PaletteOptionButton")
palette_container = find_node_by_name(root, "PaletteContainer")
edit_palette_popup = find_node_by_name(root, "EditPalettePopup")
new_palette_dialog = find_node_by_name(root, "NewPaletteDialog")
new_palette_name_line_edit = find_node_by_name(new_palette_dialog, "NewPaletteNameLineEdit")
palette_import_file_dialog = find_node_by_name(root, "PaletteImportFileDialog")
error_dialog = find_node_by_name(root, "ErrorDialog")
current_project = projects[0]
# Thanks to https://godotengine.org/qa/17524/how-to-find-an-instanced-scene-by-its-name
func find_node_by_name(root : Node, node_name : String) -> Node:
if root.get_name() == node_name:
return root
for child in root.get_children():
if child.get_name() == node_name:
return child
var found = find_node_by_name(child, node_name)
if found:
return found
return null
func notification_label(text : String) -> void:
var notification : Label = load("res://src/UI/NotificationLabel.tscn").instance()
notification.text = tr(text)
notification.rect_position = Vector2(240, OS.window_size.y - animation_timeline.rect_size.y - 20)
notification.theme = control.theme
func general_undo() -> void:
current_project.undos -= 1
var action_name : String = current_project.undo_redo.get_current_action_name()
notification_label("Undo: %s" % action_name)
func general_redo() -> void:
if current_project.undos < current_project.undo_redo.get_version(): # If we did undo and then redo
current_project.undos = current_project.undo_redo.get_version()
if control.redone:
var action_name : String = current_project.undo_redo.get_current_action_name()
notification_label("Redo: %s" % action_name)
func undo(_frame_index := -1, _layer_index := -1) -> void:
var action_name : String = current_project.undo_redo.get_current_action_name()
if action_name == "Draw" or action_name == "Rectangle Select" or action_name == "Scale" or action_name == "Merge Layer" or action_name == "Link Cel" or action_name == "Unlink Cel":
if _layer_index > -1 and _frame_index > -1:
canvas.update_texture(_layer_index, _frame_index)
for i in current_project.frames.size():
for j in current_project.layers.size():
canvas.update_texture(j, i)
if action_name == "Scale":
elif "Frame" in action_name:
# This actually means that frames.size is one, but it hasn't been updated yet
if current_project.frames.size() == 2: # Stop animating
play_forward.pressed = false
play_backwards.pressed = false
if !current_project.has_changed:
current_project.has_changed = true
self.window_title = window_title + "(*)"
func redo(_frame_index := -1, _layer_index := -1) -> void:
var action_name : String = current_project.undo_redo.get_current_action_name()
if action_name == "Draw" or action_name == "Rectangle Select" or action_name == "Scale" or action_name == "Merge Layer" or action_name == "Link Cel" or action_name == "Unlink Cel":
if _layer_index > -1 and _frame_index > -1:
canvas.update_texture(_layer_index, _frame_index)
for i in current_project.frames.size():
for j in current_project.layers.size():
canvas.update_texture(j, i)
if action_name == "Scale":
elif "Frame" in action_name:
if current_project.frames.size() == 1: # Stop animating
play_forward.pressed = false
play_backwards.pressed = false
if !current_project.has_changed:
current_project.has_changed = true
self.window_title = window_title + "(*)"
func title_changed(value : String) -> void:
window_title = value
func project_changed(value : int) -> void:
current_project_index = value
current_project = projects[value]
func clear_frames() -> void:
current_project.animation_tags = current_project.animation_tags # To execute animation_tags_changed()
# Stop playing the animation
play_backwards.pressed = false
play_forward.pressed = false
self.window_title = "(" + tr("untitled") + ") - Pixelorama " + Global.current_version
OpenSave.current_save_path = ""
control.get_node("ExportDialog").was_exported = false
control.file_menu.set_item_text(3, tr("Save..."))
control.file_menu.set_item_text(6, tr("Export..."))
func dialog_open(open : bool) -> void:
if open:
can_draw = false
control.get_node("ModulateTween").interpolate_property(control, "modulate", control.modulate, Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 0.1, Tween.TRANS_LINEAR, Tween.EASE_OUT)
can_draw = true
control.get_node("ModulateTween").interpolate_property(control, "modulate", control.modulate, Color.white, 0.1, Tween.TRANS_LINEAR, Tween.EASE_OUT)
func disable_button(button : BaseButton, disable : bool) -> void:
button.disabled = disable
if disable:
button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_FORBIDDEN
button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND
if button is Button:
var theme := theme_type
if theme == Theme_Types.CARAMEL:
theme = Theme_Types.DARK
for c in button.get_children():
if c is TextureRect:
var normal_file_name = c.texture.resource_path.get_file().trim_suffix(".png").replace("_disabled", "")
if disable:
change_button_texturerect(c, "%s_disabled.png" % normal_file_name)
change_button_texturerect(c, "%s.png" % normal_file_name)
func change_button_texturerect(texture_button : TextureRect, new_file_name : String) -> void:
var file_name := texture_button.texture.resource_path.get_basename().get_file()
var directory_path := texture_button.texture.resource_path.get_basename().replace(file_name, "")
texture_button.texture = load(directory_path.plus_file(new_file_name))
func update_hint_tooltips() -> void:
var root = get_tree().get_root()
var rect_select : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "RectSelect")
rect_select.hint_tooltip = tr("""Rectangular Selection
%s for left mouse button
%s for right mouse button
Press %s to move the content""") % [InputMap.get_action_list("left_rectangle_select_tool")[0].as_text(), InputMap.get_action_list("right_rectangle_select_tool")[0].as_text(), "Shift"]
var zoom_tool : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "Zoom")
zoom_tool.hint_tooltip = tr("""Zoom
%s for left mouse button
%s for right mouse button""") % [InputMap.get_action_list("left_zoom_tool")[0].as_text(), InputMap.get_action_list("right_zoom_tool")[0].as_text()]
var color_picker : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "ColorPicker")
color_picker.hint_tooltip = tr("""Color Picker
Select a color from a pixel of the sprite
%s for left mouse button
%s for right mouse button""") % [InputMap.get_action_list("left_colorpicker_tool")[0].as_text(), InputMap.get_action_list("right_colorpicker_tool")[0].as_text()]
var pencil : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "Pencil")
pencil.hint_tooltip = tr("""Pencil
%s for left mouse button
%s for right mouse button
Hold %s to make a line""") % [InputMap.get_action_list("left_pencil_tool")[0].as_text(), InputMap.get_action_list("right_pencil_tool")[0].as_text(), "Shift"]
var eraser : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "Eraser")
eraser.hint_tooltip = tr("""Eraser
%s for left mouse button
%s for right mouse button
Hold %s to make a line""") % [InputMap.get_action_list("left_eraser_tool")[0].as_text(), InputMap.get_action_list("right_eraser_tool")[0].as_text(), "Shift"]
var bucket : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "Bucket")
bucket.hint_tooltip = tr("""Bucket
%s for left mouse button
%s for right mouse button""") % [InputMap.get_action_list("left_fill_tool")[0].as_text(), InputMap.get_action_list("right_fill_tool")[0].as_text()]
var ld : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "LightenDarken")
ld.hint_tooltip = tr("""Lighten/Darken
%s for left mouse button
%s for right mouse button""") % [InputMap.get_action_list("left_lightdark_tool")[0].as_text(), InputMap.get_action_list("right_lightdark_tool")[0].as_text()]
var color_switch : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "ColorSwitch")
color_switch.hint_tooltip = tr("""Switch left and right colors
(%s)""") % InputMap.get_action_list("switch_colors")[0].as_text()
var first_frame : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "FirstFrame")
first_frame.hint_tooltip = tr("""Jump to the first frame
(%s)""") % "Ctrl+Home"
var previous_frame : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "PreviousFrame")
previous_frame.hint_tooltip = tr("""Go to the previous frame
(%s)""") % "Ctrl+Left"
play_backwards.hint_tooltip = tr("""Play the animation backwards (from end to beginning)
(%s)""") % "F4"
play_forward.hint_tooltip = tr("""Play the animation forward (from beginning to end)
(%s)""") % "F5"
var next_frame : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "NextFrame")
next_frame.hint_tooltip = tr("""Go to the next frame
(%s)""") % "Ctrl+Right"
var last_frame : BaseButton = find_node_by_name(root, "LastFrame")
last_frame.hint_tooltip = tr("""Jump to the last frame
(%s)""") % "Ctrl+End"
func create_brush_button(brush_img : Image, brush_type := Brush_Types.CUSTOM, hint_tooltip := "") -> void:
var brush_container
var brush_button = load("res://src/UI/BrushButton.tscn").instance()
brush_button.brush_type = brush_type
if brush_type == Brush_Types.FILE || brush_type == Brush_Types.RANDOM_FILE:
brush_button.custom_brush_index = file_brushes.size() - 1
brush_container = file_brush_container
brush_button.custom_brush_index = current_project.brushes.size() - 1
brush_container = project_brush_container
var brush_tex := ImageTexture.new()
brush_tex.create_from_image(brush_img, 0)
brush_button.get_child(0).texture = brush_tex
brush_button.hint_tooltip = hint_tooltip
brush_button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND
if brush_type == Brush_Types.RANDOM_FILE:
func remove_brush_buttons() -> void:
current_brush_types[0] = Brush_Types.PIXEL
current_brush_types[1] = Brush_Types.PIXEL
for child in project_brush_container.get_children():
func undo_custom_brush(_brush_button : BaseButton = null) -> void:
var action_name : String = current_project.undo_redo.get_current_action_name()
if action_name == "Delete Custom Brush":
project_brush_container.move_child(_brush_button, _brush_button.custom_brush_index)
_brush_button.get_node("DeleteButton").visible = false
func redo_custom_brush(_brush_button : BaseButton = null) -> void:
var action_name : String = current_project.undo_redo.get_current_action_name()
if action_name == "Delete Custom Brush":
func update_custom_brush(mouse_button : int) -> void:
var brush_type : int = current_brush_types[mouse_button]
if brush_type == Brush_Types.PIXEL:
var pixel := Image.new()
pixel = preload("res://assets/graphics/pixel_image.png")
brush_type_buttons[mouse_button].get_child(0).texture.create_from_image(pixel, 0)
elif brush_type == Brush_Types.CIRCLE:
var pixel := Image.new()
pixel = preload("res://assets/graphics/circle_9x9.png")
brush_type_buttons[mouse_button].get_child(0).texture.create_from_image(pixel, 0)
left_circle_points = plot_circle(brush_sizes[0])
right_circle_points = plot_circle(brush_sizes[1])
elif brush_type == Brush_Types.FILLED_CIRCLE:
var pixel := Image.new()
pixel = preload("res://assets/graphics/circle_filled_9x9.png")
brush_type_buttons[mouse_button].get_child(0).texture.create_from_image(pixel, 0)
left_circle_points = plot_circle(brush_sizes[0])
right_circle_points = plot_circle(brush_sizes[1])
var custom_brush := Image.new()
if brush_type == Brush_Types.FILE or brush_type == Brush_Types.RANDOM_FILE:
var custom_brush_size = custom_brush.get_size()
custom_brush.resize(custom_brush_size.x * brush_sizes[mouse_button], custom_brush_size.y * brush_sizes[mouse_button], Image.INTERPOLATE_NEAREST)
brush_images[mouse_button] = blend_image_with_color(custom_brush, color_pickers[mouse_button].color, interpolate_spinboxes[mouse_button].value / 100)
brush_textures[mouse_button].create_from_image(brush_images[mouse_button], 0)
brush_type_buttons[mouse_button].get_child(0).texture = brush_textures[mouse_button]
func blend_image_with_color(image : Image, color : Color, interpolate_factor : float) -> Image:
var blended_image := Image.new()
var size := image.get_size()
for xx in size.x:
for yy in size.y:
if color.a > 0: # If it's the pencil
var current_color := blended_image.get_pixel(xx, yy)
if current_color.a > 0:
var new_color := current_color.linear_interpolate(color, interpolate_factor)
new_color.a = current_color.a
blended_image.set_pixel(xx, yy, new_color)
else: # If color is transparent - if it's the eraser
blended_image.set_pixel(xx, yy, Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
return blended_image
# Algorithm based on http://members.chello.at/easyfilter/bresenham.html
# This is not used for drawing, rather for finding the points required
# for the mouse cursor/position indicator
func plot_circle(r : int) -> Array:
var circle_points := []
var xm := 0
var ym := 0
var x := -r
var y := 0
var err := 2 - r * 2
while x < 0:
circle_points.append(Vector2(xm - x, ym + y))
circle_points.append(Vector2(xm - y, ym - x))
circle_points.append(Vector2(xm + x, ym - y))
circle_points.append(Vector2(xm + y, ym + x))
r = err
if r <= y:
y += 1
err += y * 2 + 1
if r > x || err > y:
x += 1
err += x * 2 + 1
return circle_points
func _exit_tree() -> void:
config_cache.set_value("window", "screen", OS.current_screen)
config_cache.set_value("window", "maximized", OS.window_maximized || OS.window_fullscreen)
config_cache.set_value("window", "position", OS.window_position)
config_cache.set_value("window", "size", OS.window_size)
# Thanks to qarmin from GitHub for pointing this out
for project in projects: