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extends Node
# Get hold of the brushes, including random brushes (subdirectories and % files
# in them, non % files get loaded independently.) nyaaa
# Returns a list of [
# [non random single png files in the root subdir],
# {
# map of subdirectories to lists of files for
# the randomised brush - if a directory contains no
# randomised files then it is not included in this.
# },
# {
# map of subdirectories to lists of files inside of them
# that are not for randomised brushes.
# }
# ]
# The separation of nonrandomised and randomised files
# in subdirectories allows different XDG_DATA_DIR overriding
# for each nyaa.
# Returns null if the directory gave an error opening.
func get_brush_files_from_directory(directory: String): # -> Array
var base_png_files := [] # list of files in the base directory
var subdirectories := [] # list of subdirectories to process.
var randomised_subdir_files_map: Dictionary = {}
var nonrandomised_subdir_files_map: Dictionary = {}
var main_directory := DirAccess.open(directory)
if DirAccess.get_open_error() != OK:
return null
# Build first the list of base png files and all subdirectories to
# scan later (skip navigational . and ..)
var fname: String = main_directory.get_next()
while fname != "":
if main_directory.current_is_dir():
else: # Filter for pngs
if fname.get_extension().to_lower() == "png":
# go to next
fname = main_directory.get_next()
# Now we iterate over subdirectories!
for subdirectory in subdirectories:
# Holds names of files that make this
# a component of a randomised brush ^.^
var randomised_files := []
# Non-randomise-indicated image files
var non_randomised_files := []
var the_directory := DirAccess.open(directory.path_join(subdirectory))
the_directory.include_navigational = true
var curr_file := the_directory.get_next()
while curr_file != "":
# only do stuff if we are actually dealing with a file
# and png one at that nya
if !the_directory.current_is_dir() and curr_file.get_extension().to_lower() == "png":
# if we are a random element, add
if "~" in curr_file:
curr_file = the_directory.get_next()
# Add these to the maps nyaa
if len(randomised_files) > 0:
randomised_subdir_files_map[subdirectory] = randomised_files
if len(non_randomised_files) > 0:
nonrandomised_subdir_files_map[subdirectory] = non_randomised_files
# We are done generating the maps!
return [base_png_files, randomised_subdir_files_map, nonrandomised_subdir_files_map]
# Add a randomised brush from the given list of files as a source.
# The tooltip name is what shows up on the tooltip
# and is probably in this case the name of the containing
# randomised directory.
func add_randomised_brush(fpaths: Array, tooltip_name: String) -> void:
# Attempt to load the images from the file paths.
var loaded_images: Array = []
for file in fpaths:
var image := Image.new()
var err := image.load(file)
if err == OK:
# If any images were successfully loaded, then
# we create the randomised brush button, copied
# from find_brushes.
if len(loaded_images) > 0: # actually have images
# to use.
Brushes.add_file_brush(loaded_images, tooltip_name)
# Add a plain brush from the given path to the list of brushes.
# Taken, again, from find_brushes
func add_plain_brush(path: String, tooltip_name: String) -> void:
var image := Image.new()
var err := image.load(path)
if err != OK:
# do the standard conversion thing...
Brushes.add_file_brush([image], tooltip_name)
# Import brushes, in priority order, from the paths in question in priority order
# i.e. with an override system
# We use a very particular override system here where, for randomised brushes
# the directories containing them get overridden, but for nonrandomised files
# (including in directories containing randomised components too), the override
# is on a file-by-file basis nyaaaa ^.^
func import_brushes(priority_ordered_search_path: Array) -> void:
# Maps for files in the base directory (name : true)
var processed_basedir_paths: Dictionary = {}
var randomised_brush_subdirectories: Dictionary = {}
# Map from a subdirectory to a map similar to processed_basedir_files
# i.e. once a filename has been dealt with, set it to true.
var processed_subdir_paths: Dictionary = {}
# Sets of results of get_brush_files_from_directory
var all_available_paths: Array = []
for directory in priority_ordered_search_path:
# Now to process. Note these are in order of the
# priority, as intended nyaa :)
for i in range(len(all_available_paths)):
var available_brush_file_information = all_available_paths[i]
var current_main_directory: String = priority_ordered_search_path[i]
if available_brush_file_information != null:
# The brush files in the main directory
var main_directory_file_paths: Array = available_brush_file_information[0]
# The subdirectory/list-of-randomised-brush-files
# map for this directory
var randomised_brush_subdirectory_map: Dictionary = available_brush_file_information[1]
# Map for subdirectories to non-randomised-brush files nyaa
var nonrandomised_brush_subdir_map: Dictionary = available_brush_file_information[2]
# Iterate over components and do stuff with them! nyaa
# first for the main directory path...
for subfile in main_directory_file_paths:
if not (subfile in processed_basedir_paths):
current_main_directory.path_join(subfile), subfile.get_basename()
processed_basedir_paths[subfile] = true
# Iterate over the randomised brush files nyaa
for randomised_subdir in randomised_brush_subdirectory_map:
if not (randomised_subdir in randomised_brush_subdirectories):
var full_paths := []
# glue the proper path onto the single file names in the
# random brush directory data system, so they can be
# opened nya
for non_extended_path in randomised_brush_subdirectory_map[randomised_subdir]:
# Now load!
add_randomised_brush(full_paths, randomised_subdir)
# and mark that we are done in the overall map ^.^
randomised_brush_subdirectories[randomised_subdir] = true
# Now to iterate over the nonrandom brush files inside directories
for nonrandomised_subdir in nonrandomised_brush_subdir_map:
# initialise the set-map for this one if not already present :)
if not (nonrandomised_subdir in processed_subdir_paths):
processed_subdir_paths[nonrandomised_subdir] = {}
# Get the paths within this subdirectory to check if they are
# processed or not and if not, then process them.
var relpaths_of_nonrandom_brushes: Array = nonrandomised_brush_subdir_map[nonrandomised_subdir]
for relative_path in relpaths_of_nonrandom_brushes:
if not (relative_path in processed_subdir_paths[nonrandomised_subdir]):
# We are not yet processed
var full_path: String = (
. path_join(nonrandomised_subdir)
. path_join(relative_path)
# Add the path with the tooltip including the directory
full_path, nonrandomised_subdir.path_join(relative_path).get_basename()
# Mark this as a processed relpath
processed_subdir_paths[nonrandomised_subdir][relative_path] = true
func import_patterns(priority_ordered_search_path: Array) -> void:
for path in priority_ordered_search_path:
var pattern_list := []
var dir := DirAccess.open(path)
if not is_instance_valid(dir):
var curr_file := dir.get_next()
while curr_file != "":
if curr_file.get_extension().to_lower() == "png":
curr_file = dir.get_next()
for pattern in pattern_list:
var image := Image.new()
var err := image.load(path.path_join(pattern))
if err == OK:
var tooltip_name = pattern.get_basename()
Global.patterns_popup.add(image, tooltip_name)