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synced 2025-02-23 22:13:14 +00:00
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extends Camera2D
signal zoom_changed
signal rotation_changed
enum Cameras { MAIN, SECOND, SMALL }
const KEY_MOVE_ACTION_NAMES := ["camera_left", "camera_right", "camera_up", "camera_down"]
const CAMERA_SPEED_RATE := 15.0
var zoom_min := Vector2(0.005, 0.005)
var zoom_max := Vector2.ONE
var viewport_container: ViewportContainer
var transparent_checker: ColorRect
var mouse_pos := Vector2.ZERO
var drag := false
var index := 0
func _ready() -> void:
connect("zoom_changed", self, "_zoom_changed")
connect("rotation_changed", self, "_rotation_changed")
rotating = true
viewport_container = get_parent().get_parent()
transparent_checker = get_parent().get_node("TransparentChecker")
# signals regarding rotation stats
Global.rotation_level_button.connect("pressed", self, "_rotation_button_pressed")
Global.rotation_level_spinbox.connect("value_changed", self, "_rotation_value_changed")
"focus_exited", self, "_rotation_focus_exited"
# signals regarding zoom stats
Global.zoom_level_button.connect("pressed", self, "_zoom_button_pressed")
Global.zoom_level_spinbox.connect("value_changed", self, "_zoom_value_changed")
Global.zoom_level_spinbox.max_value = 100.0 / zoom_min.x
Global.zoom_level_spinbox.get_child(0).connect("focus_exited", self, "_zoom_focus_exited")
func _rotation_button_pressed() -> void:
Global.rotation_level_button.visible = false
Global.rotation_level_spinbox.visible = true
Global.rotation_level_spinbox.editable = true
Global.rotation_level_spinbox.value = str2var(
Global.rotation_level_button.text.replace("°", "")
# Since the actual LineEdit is the first child of SpinBox
func _rotation_value_changed(value) -> void:
if index == Cameras.MAIN:
_set_camera_rotation_degrees(-value) # Negative makes going up rotate clockwise
func _rotation_focus_exited() -> void:
if Global.rotation_level_spinbox.value != rotation: # If user pressed enter while editing
if index == Cameras.MAIN:
# Negative makes going up rotate clockwise
Global.rotation_level_button.visible = true
Global.rotation_level_spinbox.visible = false
Global.rotation_level_spinbox.editable = false
func _zoom_button_pressed() -> void:
Global.zoom_level_button.visible = false
Global.zoom_level_spinbox.visible = true
Global.zoom_level_spinbox.editable = true
Global.zoom_level_spinbox.value = str2var(Global.zoom_level_button.text.replace("%", ""))
# Since the actual LineEdit is the first child of SpinBox
func _zoom_value_changed(value) -> void:
if index == Cameras.MAIN:
func _zoom_focus_exited() -> void:
if Global.zoom_level_spinbox.value != round(100 / zoom.x): # If user pressed enter while editing
if index == Cameras.MAIN:
Global.zoom_level_button.visible = true
Global.zoom_level_spinbox.visible = false
Global.zoom_level_spinbox.editable = false
func update_transparent_checker_offset() -> void:
var o = get_global_transform_with_canvas().get_origin()
var s = get_global_transform_with_canvas().get_scale()
o.y = get_viewport_rect().size.y - o.y
transparent_checker.update_offset(o, s)
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
if !Global.can_draw:
drag = false
mouse_pos = viewport_container.get_local_mouse_position()
var viewport_size := viewport_container.rect_size
if !Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, viewport_size).has_point(mouse_pos):
drag = false
var get_velocity := false
for action in KEY_MOVE_ACTION_NAMES:
if event.is_action(action):
get_velocity = true
if get_velocity:
var velocity := Input.get_vector("camera_left", "camera_right", "camera_up", "camera_down")
if velocity != Vector2.ZERO and !_has_selection_tool():
offset += velocity.rotated(rotation) * zoom * CAMERA_SPEED_RATE
if event.is_action_pressed("pan"):
drag = true
elif event.is_action_released("pan"):
drag = false
elif event.is_action_pressed("zoom_in", false, true): # Wheel Up Event
elif event.is_action_pressed("zoom_out", false, true): # Wheel Down Event
elif event is InputEventMagnifyGesture: # Zoom Gesture on a Laptop touchpad
if event.factor < 1:
elif event is InputEventPanGesture and OS.get_name() != "Android":
# Pan Gesture on a Latop touchpad
offset = offset + event.delta.rotated(rotation) * zoom * 7 # for moving the canvas
elif event is InputEventMouseMotion && drag:
offset = offset - event.relative.rotated(rotation) * zoom
func _has_selection_tool() -> bool:
for slot in Tools._slots.values():
if slot.tool_node is SelectionTool:
return true
return false
# Rotate Camera
func _rotate_camera_around_point(degrees: float, point: Vector2) -> void:
offset = (offset - point).rotated(deg2rad(degrees)) + point
rotation_degrees = wrapf(rotation_degrees + degrees, -180, 180)
func _set_camera_rotation_degrees(degrees: float) -> void:
var difference := degrees - rotation_degrees
var canvas_center: Vector2 = Global.current_project.size / 2
offset = (offset - canvas_center).rotated(deg2rad(difference)) + canvas_center
rotation_degrees = wrapf(degrees, -180, 180)
func _rotation_changed() -> void:
if index == Cameras.MAIN:
# Negative to make going up in value clockwise, and match the spinbox which does the same
Global.rotation_level_button.text = str(wrapi(round(-rotation_degrees), -180, 180)) + " °"
# Zoom Camera
func zoom_camera(dir: int) -> void:
var viewport_size := viewport_container.rect_size
if Global.smooth_zoom:
var zoom_margin = zoom * dir / 5
var new_zoom = zoom + zoom_margin
if new_zoom > zoom_min && new_zoom < zoom_max:
var new_offset = (
+ (-0.5 * viewport_size + mouse_pos).rotated(rotation) * (zoom - new_zoom)
var tween := create_tween().set_parallel()
tween.connect("step_finished", self, "_on_tween_step")
tween.tween_property(self, "zoom", new_zoom, 0.05)
tween.tween_property(self, "offset", new_offset, 0.05)
var prev_zoom := zoom
var zoom_margin = zoom * dir / 10
if zoom + zoom_margin > zoom_min:
zoom += zoom_margin
if zoom > zoom_max:
zoom = zoom_max
offset = offset + (-0.5 * viewport_size + mouse_pos).rotated(rotation) * (prev_zoom - zoom)
func zoom_camera_percent(value: float) -> void:
var percent: float = 100.0 / value
var new_zoom = Vector2(percent, percent)
if Global.smooth_zoom:
var tween := create_tween().set_trans(Tween.TRANS_LINEAR).set_ease(Tween.EASE_IN)
tween.connect("step_finished", self, "_on_tween_step")
tween.tween_property(self, "zoom", new_zoom, 0.05)
zoom = new_zoom
func _zoom_changed() -> void:
if index == Cameras.MAIN:
Global.zoom_level_button.text = str(round(100 / zoom.x)) + " %"
for guide in Global.current_project.guides:
guide.width = zoom.x * 2
elif index == Cameras.SMALL:
Global.preview_zoom_slider.value = -zoom.x
func _update_rulers() -> void:
func _on_tween_step(_idx: int) -> void:
func zoom_100() -> void:
zoom = Vector2.ONE
offset = Global.current_project.size / 2
func fit_to_frame(size: Vector2) -> void:
offset = size / 2
# Adjust to the rotated size:
if rotation != 0.0:
# Calculating the rotated corners of the frame to find its rotated size
var a := Vector2.ZERO # Top left
var b := Vector2(size.x, 0).rotated(rotation) # Top right
var c := Vector2(0, size.y).rotated(rotation) # Bottom left
var d := Vector2(size.x, size.y).rotated(rotation) # Bottom right
# Find how far apart each opposite point is on each axis, and take the longer one
size.x = max(abs(a.x - d.x), abs(b.x - c.x))
size.y = max(abs(a.y - d.y), abs(b.y - c.y))
viewport_container = get_parent().get_parent()
var h_ratio := viewport_container.rect_size.x / size.x
var v_ratio := viewport_container.rect_size.y / size.y
var ratio := min(h_ratio, v_ratio)
if ratio == 0 or !viewport_container.visible:
ratio = 0.1 # Set it to a non-zero value just in case
# If the ratio is 0, it means that the viewport container is hidden
# in that case, use the other viewport to get the ratio
if index == Cameras.MAIN:
h_ratio = Global.second_viewport.rect_size.x / size.x
v_ratio = Global.second_viewport.rect_size.y / size.y
ratio = min(h_ratio, v_ratio)
elif index == Cameras.SECOND:
h_ratio = Global.main_viewport.rect_size.x / size.x
v_ratio = Global.main_viewport.rect_size.y / size.y
ratio = min(h_ratio, v_ratio)
ratio = clamp(ratio, 0.1, ratio)
zoom = Vector2(1 / ratio, 1 / ratio)
func save_values_to_project() -> void:
Global.current_project.cameras_rotation[index] = rotation
Global.current_project.cameras_zoom[index] = zoom
Global.current_project.cameras_offset[index] = offset
Global.current_project.cameras_zoom_max[index] = zoom_max