mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 18:13:16 +00:00
317 lines
11 KiB
317 lines
11 KiB
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text = "Added
- Palettes. You can choose default ones or make your own!
- Multiple theme support to better match your style.
- Image menu with new features (Outlines, Color invert, desaturation) for more editing power.
- Added a new splash screen window dialog that appears when Pixelorama loads. Patrons with the rank of Visionaries and above can participate in splash screen artwork contests for every version!
- Added a better circle, filled circle and random brushes!
- Pixelorama goes worldwide with even more translations!
- Added a layer opacity slider, that lets you change the alpha values of layers.
- Importing and exporting matrix spritesheets is now possible.
- Straight lines now have constrained angles if you press Ctrl. With a step of 15 angles."
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