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synced 2025-03-15 07:45:19 +00:00
* Blend group layers on `DrawingAlgos.blend_layers()` * Support group layer blending on the canvas * Allow editing of group layer properties * Fix issues with group layer blending in canvas, and unite common code * Group layers can now be used as clipping masks * Make move tool preview work on child layers * Change OffsetImage's `blend_layers()` to support group layer blending * Support group layer blending in the canvas preview * Fix layer blending mode, clipping mask opacity and cel opacity not being updated automatically if the layer/cel changed is not selected * Add a pass through blending mode to layer groups Fingers crossed that no bugs were introduced * Fix issue with layers that belong to pass through groups not updating their textures on the canvas automatically on undo
145 lines
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145 lines
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extends Node2D
var mode := Mode.TIMELINE
## Use this material only when the animation of the canvas preview is playing
## This way we optimize drawing when the frame being shown is the same as the main canvas
var animation_material := material as ShaderMaterial
var h_frames := 1
var v_frames := 1
var start_sprite_sheet_frame := 1
var end_sprite_sheet_frame := 1
var frame_index := 0:
frame_index = value
if mode == Mode.SPRITESHEET:
if frame_index == Global.current_project.current_frame: # Animation not playing
if material != Global.canvas.material:
material = Global.canvas.material
else: # The animation of the canvas preview is playing
if material != animation_material:
material = animation_material
@onready var animation_timer := $AnimationTimer as Timer
@onready var transparent_checker = get_parent().get_node("TransparentChecker") as ColorRect
func _ready() -> void:
material = Global.canvas.material
func _draw() -> void:
var project := Global.current_project
match mode:
if frame_index >= project.frames.size():
frame_index = project.current_frame
if animation_timer.is_stopped():
frame_index = project.current_frame
var frame := project.frames[frame_index]
animation_timer.wait_time = frame.duration * (1.0 / project.fps)
# If we just use the first cel and it happens to be a GroupCel
# nothing will get drawn
var cel_to_draw := Global.current_project.find_first_drawable_cel(frame)
# Placeholder so we can have a material here
if is_instance_valid(cel_to_draw):
draw_texture(cel_to_draw.image_texture, Vector2.ZERO)
if material == animation_material:
# Only use a unique material if the animation of the canvas preview is playing
# Otherwise showing a different frame than the main canvas is impossible
var image := project.frames[project.current_frame].cels[0].get_image()
var slices := _split_spritesheet(image, h_frames, v_frames)
# Limit start and end
if end_sprite_sheet_frame > slices.size():
end_sprite_sheet_frame = slices.size()
if start_sprite_sheet_frame < 0:
start_sprite_sheet_frame = 0
if frame_index >= end_sprite_sheet_frame:
frame_index = start_sprite_sheet_frame - 1
var src_rect := slices[frame_index]
var rect := Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, src_rect.size)
# If we just use the first cel and it happens to be a GroupCel
# nothing will get drawn
var cel_to_draw := Global.current_project.find_first_drawable_cel()
# Placeholder so we can have a material here
if is_instance_valid(cel_to_draw):
draw_texture_rect_region(cel_to_draw.image_texture, rect, src_rect)
func _draw_layers() -> void:
var project := Global.current_project
var current_frame := project.frames[frame_index]
var current_cels := current_frame.cels
var textures: Array[Image] = []
# Nx4 texture, where N is the number of layers and the first row are the blend modes,
# the second are the opacities, the third are the origins and the fourth are the
# clipping mask booleans.
var metadata_image := Image.create(project.layers.size(), 4, false, Image.FORMAT_R8)
# Draw current frame layers
for i in project.ordered_layers:
var cel := current_cels[i]
var layer := project.layers[i]
var cel_image: Image
if layer is GroupLayer and layer.blend_mode != BaseLayer.BlendModes.PASS_THROUGH:
cel_image = layer.blend_children(
current_frame, Vector2i.ZERO, Global.display_layer_effects
if Global.display_layer_effects:
cel_image = layer.display_effects(cel)
cel_image = cel.get_image()
DrawingAlgos.set_layer_metadata_image(layer, cel, metadata_image, i)
var texture_array := Texture2DArray.new()
material.set_shader_parameter("layers", texture_array)
material.set_shader_parameter("metadata", ImageTexture.create_from_image(metadata_image))
func _on_AnimationTimer_timeout() -> void:
match mode:
var project := Global.current_project
var first_frame := 0
var last_frame := project.frames.size() - 1
if Global.play_only_tags:
for tag in project.animation_tags:
if project.current_frame + 1 >= tag.from && project.current_frame + 1 <= tag.to:
first_frame = tag.from - 1
last_frame = mini(project.frames.size() - 1, tag.to - 1)
if frame_index < last_frame:
frame_index += 1
frame_index = first_frame
animation_timer.wait_time = project.frames[frame_index].duration * (1.0 / project.fps)
frame_index += 1
animation_timer.wait_time = 1.0 / Global.current_project.fps
func _cel_switched() -> void:
func _split_spritesheet(image: Image, horiz: int, vert: int) -> Array[Rect2]:
var result: Array[Rect2] = []
horiz = mini(horiz, image.get_size().x)
vert = mini(vert, image.get_size().y)
var frame_width := image.get_size().x / horiz
var frame_height := image.get_size().y / vert
for yy in range(vert):
for xx in range(horiz):
result.append(Rect2(frame_width * xx, frame_height * yy, frame_width, frame_height))
return result