mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 15:25:17 +00:00
2939 lines
69 KiB
2939 lines
69 KiB
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=(n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5);\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: pixelorama\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 385497\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: ar\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /master/Translations/Translations.pot\n"
"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 5\n"
"Project-Id-Version: pixelorama\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Language-Team: Arabic\n"
"Language: ar_SA\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-06 00:48\n"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "حسنا"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "إلغاء"
msgid "Open"
msgstr "فتح"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "حفظ"
msgid "Please Confirm..."
msgstr "الرجاء التأكيد..."
msgid "File Name:"
msgstr "اسم الملف:"
msgid "Project Name:"
msgstr "اسم المشروع:"
msgid "Image Size"
msgstr "حجم الصورة"
msgid "Canvas Size"
msgstr "حجم الكانفاس"
msgid "Frame Size"
msgstr "حجم الإطار"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "الحجم:"
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "العرض:"
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "الطول:"
msgid "Center"
msgstr "في المنتصف"
msgid "File"
msgstr "الملف"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "تعديل"
msgid "Select"
msgstr "تحديد"
msgid "View"
msgstr "عرض"
msgid "Window"
msgstr "النافذة"
msgid "Image"
msgstr "الصورة"
msgid "Effects"
msgstr "التأثيرات"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "مساعدة"
msgid "New"
msgstr "جديد"
msgid "New..."
msgstr "جديد..."
msgid "Open..."
msgstr "فتح..."
msgid "Save..."
msgstr "حفظ..."
msgid "Save as..."
msgstr "حفظ باسم..."
#. Checkbox found in the Save project dialog. If enabled, the final blended images are being stored also in the pxo, for each frame.
msgid "Include blended images"
msgstr "تضمين الصور المختلطة"
#. Hint tooltip of the "Include blended images" checkbox found in the Save project dialog.
msgid "If enabled, the final blended images are also being stored in the pxo, for each frame.\n"
"This makes the pxo file larger and is useful for importing by third-party software\n"
"or CLI exporting. Loading pxo files in Pixelorama does not need this option to be enabled.\n"
msgstr "في حالة التفعيل، يتم أيضا تخزين الصور الممزوجة النهائية في ملف pxo لكل إطار.\n"
"هذا يجعل ملف pxo أكبر ومفيد للاستيراد بواسطة برنامج أخرأو CLI.\n"
"تحميل ملفات pxo في Pixelorama لا يحتاج إلى تمكين هذا الخيار.\n"
msgid "Import"
msgstr "استيراد"
msgid "Export"
msgstr "تصدير"
msgid "Overwrite"
msgstr "إستبدال"
msgid "Export..."
msgstr "تصدير..."
msgid "Export as..."
msgstr "تصدير باسم..."
msgid "Export PNG..."
msgstr "تصدير PNG..."
msgid "Export PNG as..."
msgstr "تصدير PNG باسم..."
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "خروج"
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "التراجع"
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "إعادة"
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "نسخ"
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "قص"
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "لصق"
msgid "Paste in Place"
msgstr "لصق في المكان"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "حذف"
msgid "Delete Permanently"
msgstr "حذف بشكل نهائي"
#. Found when requesting to delete a palette or an extension. Refers to when you move something to recycle bin.
msgid "Move to Trash"
msgstr "نقل إلى سلة المهملات"
msgid "New Brush"
msgstr "فرشاة جديدة"
msgid "Scale Image"
msgstr "تغيير مقياس الصورة"
msgid "Pixels"
msgstr "النقاط"
msgid "Percentage"
msgstr "نسبة"
#. Found in the image menu. Sets the size of the project to be the same as the size of the active selection.
msgid "Crop to Selection"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the image menu. Automatically trims out all the transparent pixels, making the image smaller.
msgid "Crop to Content"
msgstr ""
msgid "Resize Canvas"
msgstr "تغيير حجم الكانفاس"
msgid "Offset Image"
msgstr ""
msgid "Offset:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the Offset Image dialog. It's a checkbox that, if enabled, wraps around the image if pixels go out of canvas bounds.
msgid "Wrap around:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the menu that appears when you right click a frame button. Center is a verb, it is used to place the content of the frame to the center of the canvas.
msgid "Center Frames"
msgstr "توسيط الإطار"
msgid "Rotate Image"
msgstr "تدوير الصورة"
msgid "Pivot x:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pivot y:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Smear options:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tolerance:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Initial angle:"
msgstr "الزاوية الأولية:"
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "مسح"
msgid "Invert"
msgstr "عكس"
msgid "Grayscale View"
msgstr "العرض الرمادي"
msgid "Mirror Image"
msgstr ""
msgid "Flip Horizontal"
msgstr "التدوير بشكل أفقي"
msgid "Flip Vertical"
msgstr "التدوير بشكل عمودي"
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "خيارات"
msgid "Tile Mode"
msgstr "وضع البلاط"
msgid "Tile Mode Offsets"
msgstr ""
msgid "X-basis x:"
msgstr ""
msgid "X-basis y:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Y-basis x:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Y-basis y:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tile Mask"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reset"
msgstr ""
msgid "Use Current Frame"
msgstr "إستخدام الإطار الحالي"
msgid "Reset Mask"
msgstr ""
msgid "Window Opacity"
msgstr "شفافية النافذة"
msgid "Window opacity does not work on fullscreen mode."
msgstr ""
msgid "Panel Layout"
msgstr ""
msgid "Panels"
msgstr ""
msgid "Layouts"
msgstr ""
msgid "Moveable Panels"
msgstr ""
msgid "Manage Layouts"
msgstr ""
#. Noun, a preview of something
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "معاينة"
#. Found in the manage layouts dialog
msgid "This is a preview, changing this won't change the layout"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the manage layouts dialog
msgid "Double click to set as new startup layout"
msgstr ""
msgid "Add"
msgstr "إضافة"
msgid "Add Layout"
msgstr "إضافة تخطيط"
msgid "Copy from"
msgstr "نسخ من"
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية"
msgid "Rename Layout"
msgstr "تسمية التخطيط"
#. Refers to the current layout of the user interface.
msgid "Current layout"
msgstr "التخطيط الحالي"
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this layout?"
msgstr "هل تريد فعلا القيام بحذف هذا التخطيط؟"
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "تلقائي"
msgid "Widescreen"
msgstr "شاشة عريضة"
msgid "Tallscreen"
msgstr "شاشة طويلة"
msgid "Mirror View"
msgstr "عرض المرآة"
msgid "Show Grid"
msgstr "إظهار الشبكة"
msgid "Show Pixel Grid"
msgstr "إظهار شبكة بكسل"
msgid "Show Rulers"
msgstr "إظهار المسطرة"
msgid "Show Guides"
msgstr "إظهار الإرشادات"
#. Found under the View menu.
msgid "Show Mouse Guides"
msgstr "إظهار أدلة الفأرة"
#. Found under the View menu. When enabled, non-destructive layer effects will be visible on the canvas.
msgid "Display Layer Effects"
msgstr "عرض تأثيرات الطبقة"
#. Found under the View menu.
msgid "Snap To"
msgstr "حصر إلي"
#. Found under the View menu.
msgid "Snap to Rectangular Grid Boundary"
msgstr ""
#. Found under the View menu.
msgid "Snap to Rectangular Grid Center"
msgstr ""
#. Found under the View menu.
msgid "Snap to Guides"
msgstr ""
#. Found under the View menu.
msgid "Snap to Perspective Guides"
msgstr ""
msgid "Show Animation Timeline"
msgstr "إظهار الخيط الزمني للرسوم المتحركة"
msgid "Zen Mode"
msgstr "وضع التأمل"
msgid "Fullscreen Mode"
msgstr "وضع ملء الشاشة"
msgid "Fill with color:"
msgstr "الملئ باللون:"
msgid "Open a File"
msgstr "فتح ملف"
msgid "Open File(s)"
msgstr "فتح ملفات"
msgid "Import Options"
msgstr "خيارات الإستيراد"
msgid "Import as:"
msgstr "إستيراد كـ:"
#. Found in the preview image dialog, which appears when importing an image file.
msgid "Apply to all"
msgstr "تطبيق على الكل"
msgid "Recent projects"
msgstr "المشاريع الأخيرة"
msgid "New project"
msgstr "مشروع جديد"
#. Found in the preview image dialog, which appears when importing an image file.
msgid "Spritesheet (new project)"
msgstr "مصفوفة الكائنات (مشروع جديد)"
#. Found in the preview image dialog, which appears when importing an image file.
msgid "Spritesheet (new layer)"
msgstr ""
msgid "New frame"
msgstr "إطار جديد"
#. Found in the preview image dialog, which appears when importing an image file.
msgid "Replace cel"
msgstr "إستبدال العنصر"
msgid "New layer"
msgstr "طبقة جديدة"
msgid "New reference image"
msgstr "صورة مرجعية جديدة"
msgid "New palette"
msgstr "لوحة جديدة"
msgid "New brush"
msgstr "فرشاة جديدة"
msgid "New pattern"
msgstr "نمط جديد"
msgid "Horizontal frames:"
msgstr "الأطر الأفقية:"
msgid "Vertical frames:"
msgstr "الأطر العمودية:"
#. Found in the preview image dialog, which appears when importing an image file. This option appears when the image is being imported as a spritesheet. If it's enabled, the software will slice it into frames automatically.
msgid "Smart Slice"
msgstr "تقطيع ذكي"
#. A value that is a threshold
msgid "Threshold:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the preview image dialog, which appears when importing an image file. This option appears when the image is being imported as a spritesheet, if "smart slice" is enabled. Hint tooltip of the "Threshold" value slider.
msgid "Images that have any one side smaller than this value will cross the threshold"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the preview image dialog, which appears when importing an image file. This option appears when the image is being imported as a spritesheet, if "smart slice" is enabled. Merge is an adjective, it refers to the distance where images get merged.
msgid "Merge distance:"
msgstr "مسافة الدمج:"
#. Found in the preview image dialog, which appears when importing an image file. This option appears when the image is being imported as a spritesheet, if "smart slice" is enabled. Hint tooltip of the "Merge distance" value slider.
msgid "Images which crossed the threshold will get merged into a larger image, if they are within this distance"
msgstr ""
#. A button that, when pressed, refreshes something. Used to apply certain settings again after they changed. Currently it's only used in the preview image dialog, which appears when importing an image file. This option appears when the image is being imported as a spritesheet, if "smart slice" is enabled.
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "تحديث"
msgid "Start frame:"
msgstr "إطار البداية:"
msgid "End frame:"
msgstr "إطار النهاية:"
msgid "At frame:"
msgstr "عند الإطار:"
msgid "At layer:"
msgstr "عند الطبقة:"
msgid "Brush type:"
msgstr "نوع الفرشاة:"
msgid "File brush"
msgstr "إستعمال صورة كفرشاة"
msgid "Project brush"
msgstr "إستعمال فرشاة شخصية"
msgid "Random brush"
msgstr "فرشاة عشوائية"
msgid "Save Sprite as .pxo"
msgstr "حفظ سبريت ك.pxo"
msgid "Export Sprite as .png"
msgstr "تصدير سبريت ك.png"
msgid "Export Sprite"
msgstr "تصدير سبريت"
msgid "File Exists, Overwrite?"
msgstr "الملف موجود، هل تريد إستبداله؟"
msgid "The following files already exist. Do you wish to overwrite them?\n"
msgstr ""
msgid "Directory path is not valid!"
msgstr ""
msgid "File name is not valid!"
msgstr "إسم الملف غير صالح!"
msgid "Directory path and file name are not valid!"
msgstr "مسار المجلد أو اسم الملف غير صالح!"
msgid "Exporting in progress..."
msgstr "جاري التصدير..."
msgid "Can't load file '%s'."
msgstr "لا يمكن تحميل الملف '%s'."
msgid "Can't load file '%s'.\n"
"Error code: %s"
msgstr "لا يمكن تحميل الملف '%s'.\n"
"رمز الخطأ: %s"
msgid "Can't load file '%s'.\n"
"This is not a valid palette file."
msgstr "لا يمكن تحميل الملف '%s'.\n"
"هذا ملف غير صالح للوحة الألوان."
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "الإطار"
msgid "Frames:"
msgstr "إطارات:"
msgid "All Frames"
msgstr "كل الإطارات"
msgid "Spritesheet"
msgstr "ورقة السبريت"
msgid "Animation"
msgstr "الرسوم المتحركة"
msgid "Preview:"
msgstr "معاينة:"
msgid "Frame:"
msgstr "الإطار:"
msgid "Orientation:"
msgstr "الإتجاه:"
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "تصفّح"
msgid "Resize:"
msgstr "تغيير الحجم:"
msgid "Cancel Export"
msgstr "إلغاء التصدير"
msgid "Alert!"
msgstr "تنبيه!"
msgid "Select Current Folder"
msgstr "اختر المجلد الحالي"
msgid "Open a Directory"
msgstr "فتح الدليل"
msgid "Background:"
msgstr "الخلفيّة:"
#. Found in the export dialog
msgid "Selected frames"
msgstr "الإطارات المختارة"
msgid "Layers:"
msgstr "الطبقات:"
#. Found in the export dialog
msgid "Visible layers"
msgstr "الطبقات الظاهرة"
#. Found in the export dialog
msgid "Selected layers"
msgstr "الإطارات المختارة"
#. A type of layer. A pixel layer is the most common type of layer, which stores image data in pixels.
msgid "Pixel layer:"
msgstr "طبقة البكسل:"
#. A type of layer. A group layer stores other layers as its children, similar to how a folder holds files.
msgid "Group layer:"
msgstr "جامع الطبقات:"
#. A type of layer. A 3D layer contains data of 3D objects that are rasterized automatically by Pixelorama.
msgid "3D layer:"
msgstr "طبقة ثلاثية الأبعاد:"
msgid "Direction:"
msgstr "الاتجاه:"
msgid "Forward"
msgstr "إلى الأمام"
msgid "Backwards"
msgstr "إلى الوراء"
msgid "Ping-Pong"
msgstr "بينغ بونغ"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "الخانات"
msgid "Columns:"
msgstr "الخانات:"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "الصفوف"
msgid "Rows:"
msgstr "الصفوف:"
#. Found in the export dialog, in the Spritesheet tab. An orientation option that splits the spritesheet by animation tags. Each tag creates a new column.
msgid "Tags by column"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the export dialog, in the Spritesheet tab. An orientation option that splits the spritesheet by animation tags. Each tag creates a new row.
msgid "Tags by row"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the export dialog. It is a label that says the dimensions (widthxheight) of the exported image(s).
msgid "Export dimensions:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Path:"
msgstr "المسار:"
msgid "Directories & Files:"
msgstr "المجلدات والملفات:"
msgid "Create Folder"
msgstr "إنشاء مجلد"
msgid "File:"
msgstr "الملف:"
#. Found in the export dialog. It is a button that when pressed, shows more options.
msgid "Advanced options"
msgstr "الخيارات المتقدمة"
msgid "Interpolation:"
msgstr "الفلتر:"
msgid "Nearest"
msgstr "الأقرب"
msgid "Bilinear"
msgstr "ثنائي"
msgid "Cubic"
msgstr "مكعبي"
msgid "Trilinear"
msgstr "ثلاثي"
msgid "Constant"
msgstr "ثابت"
#. Refers to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_space
msgid "Color space:"
msgstr ""
#. A type of color space.
msgid "Linear sRGB"
msgstr "خطي sRGB"
msgid "General"
msgstr "عام"
msgid "Startup"
msgstr ""
msgid "Language"
msgstr "اللغة"
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "الواجهة"
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "السمات"
msgid "Canvas"
msgstr ""
#. Refers to the animation timeline.
msgid "Timeline"
msgstr "الجدول الزمني"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr ""
msgid "Shortcuts"
msgstr "اختصارات"
msgid "Backup"
msgstr "نسخ إحتياطي"
msgid "Performance"
msgstr "الأداء"
#. Found in the preferences. Refers to device drivers, such as video drivers and tablet drivers.
msgid "Drivers"
msgstr "معرف الأنظمة"
msgid "Extensions"
msgstr "الإضافات"
msgid "Cursors"
msgstr "مؤشرات الفأرة"
msgid "Indicators"
msgstr "المؤشرات"
#. Found in the preferences. Used for options that require restart when they are changed.
msgid "Pixelorama must be restarted for changes to take effect."
msgstr "يجب إعادة تشغيل Pixelorama لتفعيل التغييرات."
msgid "On"
msgstr "مفعل"
msgid "Restore default value"
msgstr "إستعادة القيمة الإفتراضية"
#. Found in the preferences, under Canvas.
msgid "Smooth Zoom"
msgstr "التكبير السلس"
#. Found in the preferences, under Canvas. Hint tooltip of "Smooth Zoom".
msgid "Adds a smoother transition when zooming in or out"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the preferences, under Canvas.
msgid "Integer Zoom"
msgstr "تكبير بعدد صحيح"
#. Found in the preferences, under Canvas. Hint tooltip of "Integer Zoom".
msgid "Restricts the value to be an integer multiple of 100%"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tablet pressure sensitivity:"
msgstr ""
msgid "None"
msgstr "لا شيء"
msgid "Affect Brush's Alpha"
msgstr ""
msgid "Color:"
msgstr "اللون:"
msgid "Guide color:"
msgstr "دليل الألوان:"
msgid "System Language"
msgstr "لغة النظام"
msgid "Display scale:"
msgstr "مقياس العرض:"
msgid "Dim interface on dialog popup"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the preferences, under the interface section. When this setting is enabled, the native file dialogs of the operating system are being used, instead of Pixelorama's custom ones.
msgid "Use native file dialogs"
msgstr "استخدام نوافذ نظام التشغيل الأصلية"
#. Found in the preferences, tooltip of the "Use native file dialogs" option.
msgid "When this setting is enabled, the native file dialogs of the operating system are being used, instead of Pixelorama's custom ones."
msgstr ""
#. Found in the preferences, under the interface section. When this setting is enabled, Pixelorama's subwindows will be embedded in the main window, otherwise each dialog will be its own separate window.
msgid "Single window mode"
msgstr "وضع النافذة الفردية"
#. Found in the preferences, tooltip of the "Single window mode" option.
msgid "When this setting is enabled, Pixelorama's subwindows will be embedded in the main window, otherwise each dialog will be its own separate window."
msgstr ""
msgid "Dark"
msgstr "غامق"
msgid "Gray"
msgstr "رمادي"
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "أزرق"
msgid "Caramel"
msgstr "كراميل"
msgid "Light"
msgstr "فاتح"
msgid "Purple"
msgstr "بنفسجي"
#. A theme. Rose refers to the color rose.
msgid "Rose"
msgstr "وردي"
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "المظهر"
msgid "Buttons"
msgstr "الأزرار"
msgid "Icon color from:"
msgstr "لون الأيقونة من:"
msgid "Icon color:"
msgstr "لون الأيقونة:"
msgid "Background"
msgstr "الخلفية"
msgid "Background color from:"
msgstr "لون الخلفية من:"
msgid "Background color:"
msgstr "لون الخلفية"
msgid "Left tool color:"
msgstr "لون الأداة اليسري:"
msgid "Right tool color:"
msgstr "لون الأداة اليمنى:"
msgid "Tool button size:"
msgstr "حجم زر الأداة:"
msgid "Small"
msgstr "صغير"
msgid "Big"
msgstr "كبير"
msgid "Only affect selection"
msgstr "التأثير على المحدد فقط"
msgid "Selected cels"
msgstr "القطع المحددة"
msgid "Current cel"
msgstr "القطعة الحالية"
msgid "Current frame"
msgstr "الإطار الحالي"
msgid "All frames"
msgstr "كل الإطارات"
msgid "All projects"
msgstr "كل المشاريع"
msgid "Invert Colors"
msgstr "عكس الألوان"
msgid "Modify Red Channel"
msgstr "تعديل القناة الحمراء"
msgid "Modify Green Channel"
msgstr "تعديل القناة الخضراء"
msgid "Modify Blue Channel"
msgstr "تعديل القناة الزرقاء"
msgid "Modify Alpha Channel"
msgstr "تعديل قناة الشفافية"
msgid "Desaturation"
msgstr ""
msgid "Outline"
msgstr "تحديد خارجي"
msgid "Drop Shadow"
msgstr "ظل خلفي"
msgid "Offset X:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Offset Y:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Shadow color:"
msgstr "لون الظل:"
msgid "Adjust Hue/Saturation/Value"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gradient"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gradient Map"
msgstr ""
msgid "Divide into equal parts"
msgstr "تقسيم إلى أجزاء متساوية"
msgid "Parts:"
msgstr "الأجزاء:"
msgid "Add point at the end"
msgstr ""
msgid "If this is enabled, the last point gets added at the end of the gradient.\n"
"Disable this if you wish to convert the gradient to have constant interpolation, so that the last color will be taken into account."
msgstr ""
msgid "Shape:"
msgstr "الشكل:"
msgid "Linear"
msgstr ""
msgid "Radial"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the Gradient dialog, under the image menu. Specifies if the gradient will repeat or not.
msgid "Repeat:"
msgstr "التكرار:"
#. Found in the Gradient dialog, under the image menu. Specifies if the gradient will repeat or not.
msgid "Repeat"
msgstr "تكرار"
#. Found in the Gradient dialog, under the image menu. It is one of the repeat options.
msgid "Mirror"
msgstr "انعكاس"
#. Found in the Gradient dialog, under the image menu. It is one of the repeat options. If Truncate is selected, the gradient gets cut at the edges.
msgid "Truncate"
msgstr ""
msgid "Transition size:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Center:"
msgstr "المركز:"
msgid "Dithering pattern:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Adjust HSV"
msgstr ""
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "النوع:"
msgid "Angle:"
msgstr "الزاوية:"
msgid "Hue:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Saturation:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Value:"
msgstr "القيمة:"
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "تطبيق"
msgid "Diagonal"
msgstr ""
msgid "Place inside image"
msgstr "وضع داخل الصورة"
msgid "Thickness:"
msgstr "السماكة:"
msgid "Colors:"
msgstr "الألوان:"
msgid "Steps:"
msgstr "الخطوات:"
#. An image effect. For more details about what it does, you can refer to GIMP's documentation https://docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/gimp-tool-posterize.html
msgid "Posterize"
msgstr ""
#. An option for the posterize image effect. For more details about what it does, you can refer to GIMP's documentation https://docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/gimp-tool-posterize.html
msgid "Posterize levels:"
msgstr ""
#. An option for the posterize image effect.
msgid "Dither intensity:"
msgstr ""
msgid "View Splash Screen"
msgstr "عرض شاشة البداية"
msgid "Online Docs"
msgstr "التعليمات عبر الانترنت"
msgid "Issue Tracker"
msgstr "متعقب المشاكل"
msgid "Open Logs Folder"
msgstr "فتح مجلد السجلات"
msgid "Changelog"
msgstr "سِجل التغييرات"
msgid "About Pixelorama"
msgstr "حول Pixelorama"
#. Found under the Help menu. When clicked, it opens the URL of Orama Interactive's patreon page.
msgid "Support Pixelorama's Development"
msgstr "دعم تطوير بيكسلوراما"
msgid "Pixelorama - Pixelate your dreams!"
msgstr "بيكسلوراما - بيكسل أحلامك!"
msgid "Developed by Orama Interactive"
msgstr "تم تطويره بواسطة Orama Interactive"
msgid "©2019-present by Orama Interactive and contributors"
msgstr "حقوق الطبع والنشر ©2019 مملوكة الي أوراما انتراكتيف والمساهمين"
msgid "Website"
msgstr "الموقع"
#. Found in the About dialog. A button that, when you click it, it opens the URL of Pixelorama's source code.
msgid "Source Code"
msgstr "مصدر أكواد المشروع"
msgid "Donate"
msgstr "تبرّع"
msgid "Developers"
msgstr "المبرمجون"
msgid "Contributors"
msgstr "المُساهمون"
msgid "Donors"
msgstr "المتبرعون"
msgid "Translators"
msgstr "المترجمون"
msgid "Licenses"
msgstr "التراخيص"
msgid "English"
msgstr "الإنجليزية"
msgid "Greek"
msgstr "اليونانية"
msgid "French"
msgstr "الفرنسية"
msgid "German"
msgstr "الألمانية"
msgid "Polish"
msgstr "اليولندية"
msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr "البرتغالية"
msgid "Brazilian Portuguese"
msgstr "البرتغالية البرازلية"
msgid "Russian"
msgstr "الروسية"
msgid "Chinese Simplified"
msgstr "الصينية المبسّطة"
msgid "Chinese Traditional"
msgstr "الصينية التقليدية"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "الإيطالية"
msgid "Latvian"
msgstr "اللاتفية"
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "الإسبانية"
msgid "Catalan"
msgstr "الكاتالونية"
msgid "Esperanto"
msgstr "إسبرانتو"
msgid "Indonesian"
msgstr "الإندونيسية"
msgid "Czech"
msgstr "التشيكية"
msgid "Arabic"
msgstr "العربيّة"
msgid "Turkish"
msgstr "التركية"
msgid "Norwegian Bokmål"
msgstr ""
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "الكورية"
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr "الهنغارية"
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "الرومانية"
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "اليابانية"
msgid "Ukrainian"
msgstr "الأوكرانية"
msgid "Danish"
msgstr "الدنماركية"
msgid "Swedish"
msgstr "السويدية"
msgid "Serbian (Cyrillic)"
msgstr "الصربية (السيريلية)"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "الهولندية"
msgid "Belarusian"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the About dialog.
msgid "Lead Developer"
msgstr "المطور الرائد"
#. Found in the About dialog.
msgid "UI Designer"
msgstr "مصمم UI"
#. Found in the About dialog. Refers to the people who have contributed code to the project.
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "الناشرون"
msgid "Art by: %s"
msgstr "الفن بواسطة: %s"
msgid "untitled"
msgstr "غير معنون"
msgid "imported"
msgstr "مستورد"
msgid "copy"
msgstr "نسخ"
msgid "Are you sure you want to exit Pixelorama?"
msgstr "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد الخروج من Pixelorama؟"
msgid "Unsaved Image"
msgstr "صورة غير محفوظة"
msgid "You have unsaved changes. If you proceed, the progress you have made will be lost."
msgstr "لديك تغييرات غير محفوظة. إذا قمت بالمتابعة، سيتم فقدان التقدم الذي حققته."
msgid "Save before exiting?"
msgstr "حفظ قبل الخروج؟"
msgid "Project %s has unsaved progress. How do you wish to proceed?"
msgstr "لم تقم بحفظ التغييرات. كيف ترغب في المتابعة؟"
msgid "Save & Exit"
msgstr "حفظ وخروج"
msgid "Exit without saving"
msgstr "الخروج دون حفظ"
msgid "Rectangular Selection\n\n"
"%s for left mouse button\n"
"%s for right mouse button"
msgstr "التحديد المستطيلى\n\n"
"%s لزر الفأرة الأيسر\n"
"%s لزر الفأرة الأيمن"
msgid "Elliptical Selection\n\n"
"%s for left mouse button\n"
"%s for right mouse button"
msgstr "التحديد الدائرى\n\n"
"%s لزر الفأرة الأيسر\n"
"%s لزر الفأرة الأيمن"
msgid "Polygonal Selection\n\n"
"%s for left mouse button\n"
"%s for right mouse button\n\n"
"Double-click to connect the last point to the starting point"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select By Color\n\n"
"%s for left mouse button\n"
"%s for right mouse button"
msgstr ""
msgid "Magic Wand\n\n"
"%s for left mouse button\n"
"%s for right mouse button"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lasso / Free Select Tool\n\n"
"%s for left mouse button\n"
"%s for right mouse button"
msgstr ""
msgid "Move\n\n"
"%s for left mouse button\n"
"%s for right mouse button"
msgstr ""
msgid "Zoom\n\n"
"%s for left mouse button\n"
"%s for right mouse button"
msgstr "تكبير\n\n"
"%s لزر الماوس الأيسر\n"
"%s لزر الماوس الأيمن"
msgid "Pan\n\n"
"%s for left mouse button\n"
"%s for right mouse button"
msgstr ""
msgid "Color Picker\n\n"
"%s for left mouse button\n"
"%s for right mouse button\n\n"
"Select a color from a pixel of the sprite"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pencil\n\n"
"%s for left mouse button\n"
"%s for right mouse button\n\n"
"Hold %s to make a line"
msgstr "القلم\n\n"
"%s لزر الماوس الأيسر\n"
"%s لزر الماوس الأيمن\n\n"
"اضغط %s لإنشاء سطر"
msgid "Eraser\n\n"
"%s for left mouse button\n"
"%s for right mouse button\n\n"
"Hold %s to make a line"
msgstr "الممحاة\n\n"
"%s لزر الماوس الأيسر\n"
"%s لزر الماوس الأيمن\n\n"
"اضغط على %s لإنشاء سطر"
msgid "Bucket\n\n"
"%s for left mouse button\n"
"%s for right mouse button"
msgstr "دلو\n\n"
"%s لزر الماوس الأيسر\n"
"%s لزر الماوس الأيمن"
msgid "Shading Tool\n\n"
"%s for left mouse button\n"
"%s for right mouse button"
msgstr ""
msgid "Line Tool\n\n"
"%s for left mouse button\n"
"%s for right mouse button\n\n"
"Hold %s to snap the angle of the line\n"
"Hold %s to center the shape on the click origin\n"
"Hold %s to displace the shape's origin"
msgstr ""
msgid "Rectangle Tool\n\n"
"%s for left mouse button\n"
"%s for right mouse button\n\n"
"Hold %s to create a 1:1 shape\n"
"Hold %s to center the shape on the click origin\n"
"Hold %s to displace the shape's origin"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ellipse Tool\n\n"
"%s for left mouse button\n"
"%s for right mouse button\n\n"
"Hold %s to create a 1:1 shape\n"
"Hold %s to center the shape on the click origin\n"
"Hold %s to displace the shape's origin"
msgstr ""
msgid "Rectangle"
msgstr "مستطيل"
msgid "Ellipse"
msgstr "بيضاوي"
msgid "Choose a color for the left tool"
msgstr "اختر لون الأداة اليسرى"
msgid "Choose a color for the right tool"
msgstr "اختر لون الأداة اليمنى"
#. Tooltip of the switch colors button found in the color picker panel.
msgid "Switch left and right colors."
msgstr "تبديل بين اللون الأيسر و الأيمن."
msgid "Reset the colors to their default state (black for left, white for right)"
msgstr "إعادة تعيين الألوان إلى حالتها الافتراضية (أسود لليسار، أبيض لليمين)"
#. Tooltip of the screen color picker button found in the color picker panel.
msgid "Pick a color from the screen."
msgstr "إختيار لون من الشاشة."
#. Tooltip of the button found in the color picker panel that lets users change the shape of the color picker.
msgid "Select a picker shape."
msgstr ""
msgid "Left tool"
msgstr "الأداة اليسرى"
msgid "Right tool"
msgstr "الأداة اليمنى"
msgid "Left pixel indicator"
msgstr "مؤشر البكسل الأيسر"
msgid "Show left mouse pixel indicator or brush on the canvas when drawing"
msgstr "إظهار مؤشر الماوس الأيسر بكسل أو الفرشاة على الكانفا عند الرسم"
msgid "Right pixel indicator"
msgstr "مؤشر البكسل الأيمن"
msgid "Show right mouse pixel indicator or brush on the canvas when drawing"
msgstr ""
msgid "Show left tool icon"
msgstr "إظهار أيقونة الأداة اليسرى"
msgid "Displays an icon of the selected left tool next to the cursor on the canvas"
msgstr ""
msgid "Show right tool icon"
msgstr "إظهار أيقونة الأداة اليمنى"
msgid "Displays an icon of the selected right tool next to the cursor on the canvas"
msgstr ""
msgid "Use native mouse cursors"
msgstr "استخدام مؤشرات فأرة نظام التشغيل"
msgid "Use cross cursor for the canvas"
msgstr ""
msgid "Guides"
msgstr "خطوط الإرشاد"
msgid "Guides color:"
msgstr "لون خطوط الإرشاد:"
msgid "A color of ruler guides displayed on the canvas"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the Preferences, in the Canvas tab. Refers to grid and guide snapping.
msgid "Snapping"
msgstr "الاجتذاب"
#. Found in the Preferences, in the Canvas tab. Refers to grid and guide snapping.
msgid "Snapping distance:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the Preferences, in the Canvas tab. Refers to grid and guide snapping. Hint tooltip of the snapping distance slider.
msgid "This is the distance in screen pixels where guide and grid snapping gets activated."
msgstr ""
msgid "Grid"
msgstr "الشبكة"
msgid "Grid type:"
msgstr "نوع الشبكة:"
msgid "Sets the type of the grid between rectangular, isometric or both"
msgstr ""
msgid "Rectangular"
msgstr "مستطيلة"
msgid "Isometric"
msgstr ""
msgid "All"
msgstr "الكل"
#. Found in the Preferences, in the Canvas tab.
msgid "Rectangular grid size:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the Preferences, in the Canvas tab.
msgid "Isometric grid size:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the Preferences, in the Canvas tab.
msgid "Grid offset:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the Preferences, in the Canvas tab. Hint tooltip of the grid offset value sliders.
msgid "Sets grid's offset from the canvas origin (top left corner of the image)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Draw over Tile Mode:"
msgstr ""
msgid "If disabled, the grid will be drawn only over the original image"
msgstr ""
msgid "Grid color:"
msgstr ""
msgid "A color of the grid"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pixel Grid"
msgstr ""
msgid "Show at zoom:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sets the minimal zoom at which pixel grid will be shown"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pixel grid color:"
msgstr ""
msgid "A color of the pixel grid"
msgstr ""
msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "الشفافية"
msgid "Checker size:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Size of the transparent checker background"
msgstr ""
msgid "Checker color 1:"
msgstr ""
msgid "First color of the transparent checker background"
msgstr ""
msgid "Checker color 2:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Second color of the transparent checker background"
msgstr ""
msgid "Follow Canvas Movement"
msgstr ""
msgid "The transparent checker follow the movement of canvas"
msgstr ""
msgid "Follow Canvas Zoom Level"
msgstr ""
msgid "The transparent checker follow the zoom level of canvas"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the Preferences, under Timeline. If this is enabled, clicking on the layer buttons (such as lock, invisible etc) will automatically select that layer.
msgid "Select layer when clicking on one of its buttons:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the Preferences, under Timeline. Changes the color of the past (previous) frames in onion skinning, if color mode is enabled.
msgid "Onion skinning past color:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the Preferences, under Timeline. Changes the color of the past (previous) frames in onion skinning, if color mode is enabled.
msgid "Onion skinning future color:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Animated selection borders"
msgstr ""
msgid "Border color 1:"
msgstr "لون الحدود 1:"
msgid "Border color 2:"
msgstr "لون الحدود 2:"
msgid "Only custom preset can be modified"
msgstr ""
msgid "Set application FPS limit:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sets the limit of the application's frames per second. The lower the number, the lower the CPU usage, but the application gets slower, choppier and unresponsive. 0 means that there is no limit."
msgstr ""
msgid "Pause application when it loses focus"
msgstr "إيقاف مؤقت للتطبيق عند تغيير النوافذ"
msgid "If this is toggled on, when the application's window loses focus, it gets paused. This helps lower CPU usage when idle. The application gets unpaused when the mouse enters the application's window."
msgstr ""
#. An option found in the preferences, under the Performance section.
msgid "Enable window transparency"
msgstr "تمكين شفافية النافذة"
#. Found in the preferences, tooltip of the "Enable window transparency" option.
msgid "If enabled, the application window can become transparent. This affects performance, so keep it off if you don't need it."
msgstr ""
#. Found in the Preferences, under Drivers. Specifies the renderer/video driver being used.
msgid "Renderer:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the Preferences, under Drivers. Hint tooltip of the renderer option.
msgid "Specifies the renderer/video driver being used. GLES2 is better for older and low-end devices, but GLES3 may offer more features."
msgstr ""
#. Found in the Preferences, under Drivers. Specifies the tablet driver being used on Windows.
msgid "Tablet driver:"
msgstr "مشغل الجهاز اللوحي:"
#. Found in the Preferences, under Drivers. Hint tooltip of the tablet driver option.
msgid "Specifies the tablet driver being used on Windows. If you have Windows Ink enabled, select winink."
msgstr ""
msgid "Add Extension"
msgstr "إضافة ملحق"
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "تفعيل"
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "تعطيل"
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "إلغاء التثبيت"
msgid "Open Folder"
msgstr "فتح المجلد"
#. Hint tooltip of a button in the Global Tool Settings. "Dynamics" let users affect certain brush parameters, such as their size and alpha, based on the pressure of the tablet pen, the velocity of the mouse or the pen, and more in the future.
msgid "Dynamics"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the Dynamics options menu. A stabilizer is a feature that, when enabled, helps artists create smooth lines as they draw.
msgid "Stabilizer"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the Dynamics options menu. Pressure refers to tablet pen pressure.
msgid "Pressure"
msgstr "الضغط"
#. Found in the Dynamics options menu. Velocity refers to mouse or tablet pen velocity, meaning how fast it moves.
msgid "Velocity"
msgstr ""
#. Refers to the alpha channel of the colors, in the RGBA color model. The alpha channel is responsible for the transparency of the color.
msgid "Alpha"
msgstr "الشفافية"
#. Refers to the size of a value, for example the size of a brush.
msgid "Size"
msgstr "الحجم"
#. Found in the Dynamics options menu. Sets the limits of the brush property values, such as the minimum and maximum values of alpha and size.
msgid "Value limits"
msgstr "حدود القيمة"
#. Found in the Dynamics options menu. Sets the thresholds of the dynamic properties, such as the minimum and maximum values of pressure and velocity.
msgid "Thresholds"
msgstr ""
#. Noun, the start of something.
msgid "Start"
msgstr "البداية"
#. Noun, the end of something.
msgid "End"
msgstr "النهاية"
msgid "Brush:"
msgstr "الفرشاة:"
msgid "Select a brush"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pixel brush"
msgstr "الفرشاة"
msgid "Circle brush"
msgstr "فرشاة الدائرة"
msgid "Filled circle brush"
msgstr ""
msgid "Custom brush"
msgstr "فرشاة مخصصة"
msgid "Brush size:"
msgstr "حجم الفرشاة:"
msgid "Overwrite color"
msgstr "إستبدال اللون"
msgid "Overwrites color instead of blending it. This option is only relevant with colors that are not fully opaque"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pixel Perfect"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pixel Perfect\n"
"Makes lines smooth by removing the extra pixels on the edges"
msgstr ""
#. A button found in the global tool options. When enabled, the alpha value of the pixels being drawn is locked, meaning that the user can only draw on non-transparent pixels.
msgid "Lock alpha"
msgstr "قفل الشفافية"
msgid "Fill inside"
msgstr "ملء داخلي"
#. Found in the tool options of the Pencil tool, and refers to the spacing between brush strokes.
msgid "Spacing"
msgstr "التباعد"
#. Found in the tool options of the Pencil tool if "Spacing" is enabled, and refers to the horizontal gap between brush strokes.
msgid "Gap X:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the tool options of the Pencil tool if "Spacing" is enabled, and refers to the vertical gap between brush strokes.
msgid "Gap Y:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fill Shape"
msgstr "ملء الشكل"
msgid "Fills the drawn shape with color, instead of drawing a hollow shape"
msgstr ""
msgid "Brush color from"
msgstr ""
msgid "0: Color from the brush itself, 100: the currently selected color"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the bucket tool options.
msgid "Fill area:"
msgstr "ملء المساحة:"
#. Found in the bucket tool options, one of the fill area options.
msgid "Similar area"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the bucket tool options, one of the fill area options.
msgid "Similar colors"
msgstr "الألوان المماثلة"
#. Found in the bucket tool options, one of the fill area options.
msgid "Whole selection"
msgstr "جميع المحدد"
msgid "Fill with:"
msgstr "املأ بـ:"
#. Found in the bucket tool options, one of the fill with options.
msgid "Selected color"
msgstr "اللون المحدد"
#. Found in the bucket tool options, one of the fill with options.
msgid "Pattern"
msgstr ""
msgid "Offset"
msgstr ""
msgid "Simple Shading"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hue Shifting"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lighten"
msgstr "تفتيح"
msgid "Darken"
msgstr "تعتيم"
msgid "Amount:"
msgstr "الكمية:"
msgid "Lighten/Darken amount"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pick for:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Left Color"
msgstr "اللون الأيسر"
msgid "Right Color"
msgstr "اللون الأيمن"
msgid "Mode:"
msgstr "النمط:"
msgid "Zoom in"
msgstr "تكبير"
msgid "Zoom out"
msgstr "تصغير"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "الخيارات"
msgid "Options:"
msgstr "الخيارات:"
msgid "Fit to frame"
msgstr ""
msgid "100% Zoom"
msgstr ""
#. One of the modes of a selection tool. Found in the tool options, when a selection tool is active.
msgid "Replace selection"
msgstr ""
#. One of the modes of a selection tool. Found in the tool options, when a selection tool is active.
msgid "Add to selection"
msgstr ""
#. One of the modes of a selection tool. Found in the tool options, when a selection tool is active.
msgid "Subtract from selection"
msgstr ""
#. One of the modes of a selection tool. Found in the tool options, when a selection tool is active.
msgid "Intersection of selections"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mirroring"
msgstr ""
msgid "Horizontal"
msgstr "أفقي"
msgid "Enable horizontal mirrored drawing"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enable vertical mirrored drawing"
msgstr ""
msgid "Vertical"
msgstr "رأسي"
msgid "Current frame:"
msgstr "الإطار الحالي:"
msgid "Animation mode:"
msgstr "وضع الرسوم المتحركة:"
msgid "Current frame as spritesheet"
msgstr ""
msgid "Jump to the first frame\n"
msgstr ""
msgid "Go to the previous frame\n"
msgstr ""
msgid "Play the animation backwards (from end to beginning)\n"
msgstr ""
msgid "Play the animation forward (from beginning to end)\n"
msgstr ""
msgid "Go to the next frame\n"
msgstr ""
msgid "Jump to the last frame\n"
msgstr ""
msgid "Onion Skinning settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enable/disable Onion Skinning"
msgstr ""
msgid "How many frames per second should the animation preview be?\n"
"The more FPS, the faster the animation plays."
msgstr ""
msgid "No loop"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cycle loop"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ping-pong loop"
msgstr ""
msgid "Onion Skinning:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Past Frames"
msgstr "الإطارات السابقة"
msgid "Future Frames"
msgstr "الإطارات المقبلة"
msgid "Manage frame tags"
msgstr ""
msgid "Frame Tag Properties"
msgstr ""
msgid "Add a new frame tag"
msgstr ""
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "الاسم:"
msgid "From:"
msgstr "من:"
msgid "To:"
msgstr " إلى:"
msgid "Animation plays only on frames of the same tag"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tag %s (Frame %s)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tag %s (Frames %s-%s)"
msgstr ""
msgid "If it's selected, the animation plays only on the frames that have the same tag.\n"
"If it's not, the animation will play for all frames, ignoring tags."
msgstr ""
#. Found in the timeline, inside the onion skinning settings. If this is enabled, the past and future frames will have appear tinted.
msgid "Color mode"
msgstr ""
msgid "Show past frames:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Show future frames:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Above canvas"
msgstr ""
msgid "Below canvas"
msgstr ""
msgid "If you want a layer to ignore onion skinning simply add the \"_io\" suffix in its name."
msgstr ""
msgid "Add a new frame"
msgstr "إضافة إطار جديد"
msgid "Remove Frame"
msgstr "إزالة الإطار"
msgid "Clone Frame"
msgstr ""
msgid "Move Left"
msgstr "تحريك لليسار"
msgid "Move Right"
msgstr "تحريك لليمين"
msgid "Add Frame Tag"
msgstr ""
msgid "Link Cels to"
msgstr ""
msgid "Unlink Cels"
msgstr ""
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "الخصائص"
msgid "Project properties"
msgstr ""
msgid "Frame properties"
msgstr ""
msgid "Layer properties"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cel properties"
msgstr ""
#. Found on the popup menu that appears when a user right-clicks on a frame button. When clicked, the order of the selected frames is being reversed.
msgid "Reverse Frames"
msgstr ""
msgid "Layer"
msgstr "الطبقة"
msgid "Group"
msgstr "المجموعة"
msgid "Layers"
msgstr "الطبقات"
#. Hint tooltip of the create new layer button, found on the left side of the timeline.
msgid "Create a new layer"
msgstr "إنشاء طبقة جديدة"
#. One of the options of the create new layer button.
msgid "Add Pixel Layer"
msgstr ""
#. One of the options of the create new layer button.
msgid "Add Group Layer"
msgstr ""
#. One of the options of the create new layer button.
msgid "Add 3D Layer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Remove current layer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Move up the current layer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Move down the current layer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Clone current layer"
msgstr "إستنساخ الطبقة الحالية"
msgid "Merge current layer with the one below"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline. Refers to layer blend modes, for more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Blend mode:"
msgstr "وضع المزج:"
#. Adjective, refers to something usual/regular, such as the normal blend mode.
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "عادي"
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as a blend mode option. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Multiply"
msgstr "مضاعفة"
# .Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as a blend mode option. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Color burn"
msgstr "إحراق اللون"
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as a blend mode option. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Linear burn"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as a blend mode option. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Screen"
msgstr "الشاشة"
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as a blend mode option. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Color dodge"
msgstr "مراوغة اللون"
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as category of blend modes. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr "التباين"
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as a blend mode option. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Overlay"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as a blend mode option. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Soft light"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as a blend mode option. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Hard light"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as a category of blend modes. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Inversion"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as a blend mode option. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Difference"
msgstr "الفارق"
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as a blend mode option. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Exclusion"
msgstr "إقصاء"
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as a blend mode option. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Subtract"
msgstr "الطرح"
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as a blend mode option. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Divide"
msgstr "القسمة"
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as a category of blend modes. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Component"
msgstr "العنصر"
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as a blend mode option. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Hue"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as a blend mode option. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Saturation"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as a blend mode option. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Color"
msgstr "اللون"
#. Found in the layer's section of the timeline, as a blend mode option. For more info refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes
msgid "Luminosity"
msgstr ""
msgid "Opacity:"
msgstr "الشفافية:"
msgid "Tile mode opacity:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Toggle layer's visibility"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lock/unlock layer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Frame: %s, Layer: %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enable/disable automatic linking of new cels when creating new frames\n\n"
"Linked cels share content across multiple frames"
msgstr ""
msgid "Expand/collapse group"
msgstr ""
msgid "Palette"
msgstr ""
msgid "Palettes"
msgstr ""
msgid "Add a new palette"
msgstr ""
msgid "Edit currently selected palette"
msgstr ""
msgid "Choose a palette"
msgstr ""
msgid "Undo: Draw"
msgstr ""
msgid "Redo: Draw"
msgstr ""
msgid "Undo: Select"
msgstr ""
msgid "Redo: Select"
msgstr ""
msgid "Undo: Scale"
msgstr ""
msgid "Redo: Scale"
msgstr ""
msgid "Undo: Add Layer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Redo: Add Layer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Undo: Remove Layer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Redo: Remove Layer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Undo: Merge Layer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Redo: Merge Layer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Undo: Change Layer Order"
msgstr ""
msgid "Redo: Change Layer Order"
msgstr ""
msgid "Undo: Add Frame"
msgstr ""
msgid "Redo: Add Frame"
msgstr ""
msgid "Undo: Remove Frame"
msgstr ""
msgid "Redo: Remove Frame"
msgstr ""
msgid "Undo: Change Frame Order"
msgstr ""
msgid "Redo: Change Frame Order"
msgstr ""
msgid "Undo: Delete Custom Brush"
msgstr ""
msgid "Redo: Delete Custom Brush"
msgstr ""
msgid "Undo: Modify Frame Tag"
msgstr ""
msgid "Redo: Modify Frame Tag"
msgstr ""
msgid "Undo: Delete Frame Tag"
msgstr ""
msgid "Redo: Delete Frame Tag"
msgstr ""
msgid "Undo: Change frame duration"
msgstr ""
msgid "Redo: Change frame duration"
msgstr ""
msgid "Move Guide"
msgstr ""
msgid "File saved"
msgstr "تم حفظ الملف"
msgid "File autosaved"
msgstr "تم حفظ الملف تلقائياً"
msgid "File failed to open. Error code %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "File failed to save. Error code %s"
msgstr ""
#. Appears when the user attempts to export a project as a video, but the process fails. FFMPEG is the external software used to export videos.
msgid "Video failed to export. Ensure that FFMPEG is installed correctly."
msgstr ""
msgid "File(s) exported"
msgstr "تم تصدير الملف/الملفات"
msgid "New Empty Palette"
msgstr ""
msgid "Import Palette"
msgstr ""
msgid "Create Palette From Current Sprite"
msgstr ""
msgid "Palette Name:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Color Name:"
msgstr "اسم اللون:"
msgid "Use current left & right colors"
msgstr ""
msgid "Create a new empty palette?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error"
msgstr "خطأ"
msgid "Error: Palette must have a valid name."
msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid Palette file!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Edit Palette"
msgstr ""
msgid "Create colors with alpha component"
msgstr ""
msgid "Get colors only from selection"
msgstr ""
msgid "Get colors from"
msgstr "الحصول على الألوان من"
msgid "Patrons:"
msgstr "الرعاة:"
msgid "Want your name or your company to be shown on the splash screen?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Become a Platinum Sponsor"
msgstr "كن راعياً بلاتيني"
msgid "Become a Gold Sponsor"
msgstr "كن راعياً ذهبياً"
msgid "Become a Patron"
msgstr "كن راعيًا لنا"
msgid "Don't show again"
msgstr "عدم العرض مرة أخرى"
msgid "Image Options"
msgstr "خيارات الصورة"
msgid "Default width:"
msgstr "العرض الافتراضي:"
msgid "A default width of a new image"
msgstr "العرض الافتراضي للصور الجديدة"
msgid "Default height:"
msgstr "الارتفاع الافتراضي:"
msgid "A default height of a new image"
msgstr "الارتفاع الافتراضي للصور الجديدة"
msgid "Default fill color:"
msgstr "لون الملء الافتراضي:"
msgid "A default background color of a new image"
msgstr "لون الخلفية الافتراضي للصور الجديدة"
msgid "Lock aspect ratio"
msgstr ""
msgid "Portrait"
msgstr ""
msgid "Landscape"
msgstr ""
msgid "Templates:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Preset"
msgstr ""
msgid "Preset:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default"
msgstr "الافتراضي"
msgid "Custom"
msgstr ""
msgid "Rectangular Selection"
msgstr ""
msgid "Elliptical Selection"
msgstr ""
msgid "Polygonal Selection"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select By Color"
msgstr ""
msgid "Magic Wand"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lasso / Free Select Tool"
msgstr ""
msgid "Move"
msgstr "تحريك"
msgid "Zoom"
msgstr "تكبير"
msgid "Pan"
msgstr "تحريك جانبي"
msgid "Color Picker"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pencil"
msgstr "قلم"
msgid "Eraser"
msgstr "ممحاة"
msgid "Bucket"
msgstr ""
msgid "Shading Tool"
msgstr "أداة التظليل"
msgid "Line Tool"
msgstr "أداة الخط"
msgid "Rectangle Tool"
msgstr "أداة المستطيل"
msgid "Ellipse Tool"
msgstr "أداة الدوائر"
msgid "Switch Colors"
msgstr "تبديل الألوان"
msgid "Set the shortcut"
msgstr "تعيين الاختصار"
msgid "Press a key or a key combination to set the shortcut"
msgstr "اضغط على مفتاح أو مجموعة مفاتيح لتعيين الاختصار"
msgid "Already assigned"
msgstr ""
msgid "Left Tool:"
msgstr "الأداة اليسرى:"
msgid "A tool assigned to the left mouse button"
msgstr ""
msgid "Right Tool:"
msgstr "الأداة اليمنى:"
msgid "A tool assigned to the right mouse button"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cannot find last project file."
msgstr ""
msgid "Cannot find project file."
msgstr "لا يمكن العثور على ملف المشروع."
msgid "You haven't saved or opened any project in Pixelorama yet!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Open Last Project"
msgstr "فتح آخر مشروع"
msgid "Open last project..."
msgstr "فتح آخر مشروع..."
msgid "Open last project on startup"
msgstr "فتح آخر مشروع عند بدء التشغيل"
msgid "Opens last opened project on startup"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quit confirmation"
msgstr "تأكيد الخروج"
#. Found in the preferences, under the startup section. Path is a noun and it refers to the location in the device where FFMPEG is located at. FFMPEG is a software name and it should not be translated. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Path_(computing)
msgid "FFMPEG path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enable autosave"
msgstr "تفعيل الحفظ التلقائي"
msgid "Autosave interval:"
msgstr "الفاصل للحفظ التلقائي:"
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "دقيقة(دقائق)"
#. A setting found in the export dialog. When enabled, a JSON file containing the project's data is also being exported. JSON refers to this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON
msgid "Export JSON data"
msgstr ""
#. A setting found in the export dialog. When enabled, each layer is being exported as a different file, or as different frames if the target format is gif/apng/video.
msgid "Split layers"
msgstr "تقسيم الطبقات"
#. Found in the export dialog.
msgid "Include frame tags in the file name"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the export dialog.
msgid "Create new folder for each frame tag"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the export dialog, as a hint tooltip of the "Create new folder for each frame tag" button
msgid "Creates multiple files but every file is stored in different folder that corresponds to its frame tag"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the export dialog. Refers to text characters that acts as separators between text. For example, the "_" in "name_0001".
msgid "Separator character(s):"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the export dialog, as a hint tooltip of the separator character(s) text field.
msgid "The character(s) that separate the file name and the frame number"
msgstr ""
msgid "Close"
msgstr "إغلاق"
msgid "Discard All"
msgstr "تجاهل الكل"
msgid "Autosaved project(s) from a crashed session were found.\n"
"Do you want to recover the data?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Backup reloaded"
msgstr ""
msgid "Remove currently selected palette"
msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this palette? (Cannot be undone)"
msgstr ""
msgid "You can't remove more palettes!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cannot remove the palette, because it doesn't exist!"
msgstr ""
msgid "and"
msgstr "و"
msgid "Move the selected frame to the left."
msgstr ""
msgid "Move the selected frame to the right."
msgstr ""
#. Refers to the duration of the frame. Found in the frame properties.
msgid "Frame duration:"
msgstr ""
#. Refers to custom user defined data for projects, frames, cels, tags and layers, found in their respective properties.
msgid "User data:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "المدة"
msgid "Tiled In Both Axis"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tiled In X Axis"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tiled In Y Axis"
msgstr ""
msgid "Create a new palette"
msgstr ""
msgid "Comment:"
msgstr "تعليق:"
msgid "Empty"
msgstr "فارغ"
msgid "From Current Palette"
msgstr ""
msgid "From Current Sprite"
msgstr ""
msgid "From Current Selection"
msgstr ""
msgid "Add a new color"
msgstr "إضافة لون جديد"
msgid "Remove a selected color"
msgstr ""
#. Tooltip of the Sort button found in the palette panel.
msgid "Sort palette"
msgstr ""
#. An option of the Sort palette button found in the palette panel. When selected, the colors of the palette get reversed.
msgid "Reverse colors"
msgstr ""
#. An option of the Sort palette button found in the palette panel. When selected, the colors of the palette are being sorted based on their hue.
msgid "Sort by hue"
msgstr ""
#. An option of the Sort palette button found in the palette panel. When selected, the colors of the palette are being sorted based on their saturation.
msgid "Sort by saturation"
msgstr ""
#. An option of the Sort palette button found in the palette panel. When selected, the colors of the palette are being sorted based on their value.
msgid "Sort by value"
msgstr ""
#. An option of the Sort palette button found in the palette panel. When selected, the colors of the palette are being sorted based on their red channel value.
msgid "Sort by red"
msgstr ""
#. An option of the Sort palette button found in the palette panel. When selected, the colors of the palette are being sorted based on their green channel value.
msgid "Sort by green"
msgstr ""
#. An option of the Sort palette button found in the palette panel. When selected, the colors of the palette are being sorted based on their blue channel value.
msgid "Sort by blue"
msgstr ""
#. An option of the Sort palette button found in the palette panel. When selected, the colors of the palette are being sorted based on their alpha channel value.
msgid "Sort by alpha"
msgstr ""
msgid "Palette with the same name and path already exists!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Palette name is required!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reducing palette size will reset positions of colors.\n"
"Colors that don't fit in new palette size will be lost!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Position:"
msgstr "الموقع:"
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "الأدوات"
msgid "Main Canvas"
msgstr ""
msgid "Second Canvas"
msgstr ""
msgid "Animation Timeline"
msgstr ""
msgid "Canvas Preview"
msgstr ""
msgid "Color Pickers"
msgstr ""
msgid "Global Tool Options"
msgstr ""
msgid "Left Tool Options"
msgstr "خيارات الأداة اليسرى"
msgid "Right Tool Options"
msgstr "خيارات الأداة اليمنى"
msgid "Reference Images"
msgstr ""
msgid "Perspective Editor"
msgstr ""
#. A UI panel. It is used to record the software in order to show the progress of art, usually in form of time lapses.
msgid "Recorder"
msgstr ""
msgid "Crop"
msgstr "قص"
msgid "Resize the canvas"
msgstr ""
msgid "Margins"
msgstr ""
msgid "Position + Size"
msgstr ""
msgid "Locked Aspect Ratio"
msgstr ""
msgid "Margins:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Aspect Ratio:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Top:"
msgstr "أعلى:"
msgid "Bottom:"
msgstr "أسفل:"
msgid "Left:"
msgstr "يسار:"
msgid "Right:"
msgstr "يمين:"
msgid "Locked size\n\n"
"When enabled using the tool on the canvas will only move the cropping rectangle.\n\n"
"When disabled using the tool on the canvas will draw the rectangle."
msgstr ""
#. A tool used in 3D layers, that edits 3D objects.
msgid "3D Shape Edit"
msgstr "تحرير الشكل ثلاثي الأبعاد"
#. Used in 3D layers. A type of 3D object.
msgid "Box"
msgstr "صندوق"
#. Used in 3D layers. A type of 3D object.
msgid "Sphere"
msgstr "كرة"
#. Used in 3D layers. A type of 3D object.
msgid "Capsule"
msgstr "كبسولة"
#. Used in 3D layers. A type of 3D object.
msgid "Cylinder"
msgstr "إسطوانة"
#. Used in 3D layers. A type of 3D object.
msgid "Prism"
msgstr ""
#. Used in 3D layers. A type of 3D object.
msgid "Torus"
msgstr ""
#. Used in 3D layers. A type of 3D object.
msgid "Plane"
msgstr "مسطح"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "نص"
#. Used in 3D layers. A type of light.
msgid "Directional light"
msgstr ""
#. Used in 3D layers. A type of light.
msgid "Spotlight"
msgstr ""
#. Used in 3D layers. A type of light.
msgid "Point light"
msgstr ""
#. Used in 3D layers. A type of 3D object.
msgid "Custom model"
msgstr ""
msgid "Selected object:"
msgstr "الكائن المحدد:"
msgid "Add new object"
msgstr "إضافة كائن جديد"
msgid "Remove object"
msgstr "حذف الكائن"
msgid "Camera"
msgstr "الكاميرا"
#. Found in the tool options of the 3D Shape Edit tool. Refers to camera projection mode.
msgid "Projection:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the tool options of the 3D Shape Edit tool. One of the modes of camera projection.
msgid "Perspective"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the tool options of the 3D Shape Edit tool. One of the modes of camera projection.
msgid "Orthogonal"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the tool options of the 3D Shape Edit tool. One of the modes of camera projection.
msgid "Frustum"
msgstr ""
msgid "Rotation:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scale:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the tool options of the 3D Shape Edit tool.
msgid "Environment"
msgstr "البيئة"
#. Found in the tool options of the 3D Shape Edit tool, under the Environment category.
msgid "Ambient color:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the tool options of the 3D Shape Edit tool, under the Environment category.
msgid "Ambient color energy:"
msgstr ""
#. An option that toggles the visibility of something on or off. Found in the format of "Visible: on/off"
msgid "Visible:"
msgstr "مرئي:"
#. Refers to the transformation options of an object, such as its position, rotation and scale. For technical details, see https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/math/matrices_and_transforms.html
msgid "Transform"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the tool options of the 3D Shape Edit tool. A category with mesh-related options.
msgid "Mesh"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the tool options of the 3D Shape Edit tool, under the Mesh category if a Prism is selected. Refers to the displacement of the upper edge along the X axis.
msgid "Left to right:"
msgstr ""
#. Radius of a circle/spherical object.
msgid "Radius:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the tool options of the 3D Shape Edit tool, under the Mesh category if a spherical object is selected.
msgid "Radial segments:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the tool options of the 3D Shape Edit tool, under the Mesh category if a spherical object is selected. Refers to the number of segments along the height of the sphere.
msgid "Rings:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the tool options of the 3D Shape Edit tool, under the Mesh category if a Sphere is selected. If true, a hemisphere is created rather than a full sphere.
msgid "Is hemisphere:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the tool options of the 3D Shape Edit tool, under the Mesh category if a Cylinder is selected.
msgid "Top radius:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the tool options of the 3D Shape Edit tool, under the Mesh category if a Cylinder is selected.
msgid "Bottom radius:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Text:"
msgstr "النص:"
#. Found in the tool options of the 3D Shape Edit tool, under the Mesh category if a Text object is selected. Refers to the size of one pixel's width on the text to scale it in 3D.
msgid "Pixel size:"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the tool options of the 3D Shape Edit tool, under the Mesh category if a Text object is selected. Step (in pixels) used to approximate Bézier curves.
msgid "Curve step:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Horizontal alignment:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Left"
msgstr "يسار"
msgid "Right"
msgstr "يمين"
#. Found in the tool options of the 3D Shape Edit tool, under the Light category if a light is selected. Refers to the energy of the light. The more energy, the brighter it shines.
msgid "Energy:"
msgstr "الطاقة:"
#. Found in the tool options of the 3D Shape Edit tool, under the Light category if a light is selected. If true, the light's effect is reversed, darkening areas and casting bright shadows.
msgid "Negative:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Shadow:"
msgstr "الظل:"
#. Refers to the range of something, like the range of a spotlight.
msgid "Range:"
msgstr "المدى:"
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated.
msgid "Animatable Properties"
msgstr ""
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. Refers to the frame that is currently being previewed.
msgid "Preview frame:"
msgstr ""
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. It is a checkbox that toggles whether a property should be animated or not.
msgid "Animate"
msgstr "تحريك"
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. Refers to the initial value of the property.
msgid "Initial value:"
msgstr "القيمة الأولية:"
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. Refers to the final value of the property.
msgid "Final value:"
msgstr ""
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. Refers to the easing function that should be used to animate the property. https://easings.net/
msgid "Ease type:"
msgstr ""
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. A type of easing function.
msgid "Starts slowly and speeds up towards the end"
msgstr ""
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. A type of easing function.
msgid "Starts quickly and slows down towards the end"
msgstr ""
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. A type of easing function.
msgid "Slowest at both ends, fast at middle"
msgstr ""
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. A type of easing function.
msgid "Fast at both ends, slow at middle"
msgstr ""
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. A type of interpolation.
msgid "Quadratic (power of 2)"
msgstr ""
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. A type of interpolation.
msgid "Cubic (power of 3)"
msgstr ""
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. A type of interpolation.
msgid "Quartic (power of 4)"
msgstr ""
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. A type of interpolation.
msgid "Quintic (power of 5)"
msgstr ""
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. A type of interpolation.
msgid "Exponential (power of x)"
msgstr ""
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. A type of interpolation.
msgid "Square root"
msgstr ""
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. A type of interpolation.
msgid "Sine"
msgstr ""
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. A type of interpolation.
msgid "Wiggling around the edges"
msgstr ""
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. A type of interpolation.
msgid "Bouncing at the end"
msgstr ""
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. A type of interpolation.
msgid "Backing out at ends"
msgstr ""
#. Found under certain image effects that support properties that can be animated. A type of interpolation.
msgid "Spring towards the end"
msgstr ""
#. Used to turn images into a singular color
msgid "Monochrome"
msgstr ""
#. A tooltip to tell users to hold the Shift key while clicking the remove button
msgid "Hold Shift while pressing to instantly remove"
msgstr ""
#. Moves the reference image up in the list
msgid "Move the selected reference image to the right"
msgstr ""
#. Moves the reference image down in the list
msgid "Move the selected reference image to the left"
msgstr ""
#. Select a reference on the canvas
msgid "Selects a reference image on the canvas"
msgstr ""
#. Moves the reference on the canvas
msgid "Move the selected reference image"
msgstr ""
#. Rotates the reference on the canvas
msgid "Rotate the selected reference image"
msgstr ""
#. Rotates the reference on the canvas
msgid "Scale the selected reference image"
msgstr ""
#. Used in checkbuttons (like on/off switches) that enable/disable something.
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "مفعل"
#. Refers to non-destructive effects (such as outline, drop shadow etc) that are applied to layers. Found in the title of the layer effects dialog.
msgid "Layer effects"
msgstr "تأثيرات الطبقة"
#. A button that, when pressed, shows a list of effects to add. Found in the the layer effects dialog.
msgid "Add effect"
msgstr "إضافة تأثير"