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mirror of https://github.com/Orama-Interactive/Pixelorama.git synced 2025-03-14 07:15:19 +00:00
Emmanouil Papadeas c60675b4e7 [WIP] Added dynamics, such as pen pressure (finally!) and mouse velocity affecting alpha and brush size
Alpha currently produces ugly results when drawing on top of opaque colors. See the comment in Draw.gd like 445 for more details.
2023-02-17 15:29:55 +02:00

641 lines
21 KiB

extends BaseTool
var _brush := Brushes.get_default_brush()
var _brush_size := 1
var _brush_size_dynamics := 1
var _cache_limit := 3
var _brush_interpolate := 0
var _brush_image := Image.new()
var _brush_texture := ImageTexture.new()
var _strength := 1.0
var _picking_color := false
var _undo_data := {}
var _drawer := Drawer.new()
var _mask := PoolRealArray()
var _mirror_brushes := {}
var _draw_line := false
var _line_start := Vector2.ZERO
var _line_end := Vector2.ZERO
var _indicator := BitMap.new()
var _polylines := []
var _line_polylines := []
# Memorize some stuff when doing brush strokes
var _stroke_project: Project
var _stroke_images := [] # Array of Images
var _is_mask_size_zero := true
var _circle_tool_shortcut: PoolVector2Array
func _ready() -> void:
Tools.connect("color_changed", self, "_on_Color_changed")
Global.brushes_popup.connect("brush_removed", self, "_on_Brush_removed")
func _on_BrushType_pressed() -> void:
if not Global.brushes_popup.is_connected("brush_selected", self, "_on_Brush_selected"):
"brush_selected", self, "_on_Brush_selected", [], CONNECT_ONESHOT
# Now we set position and columns
var tool_option_container = get_node("../../")
var brush_button = $Brush/Type
var pop_position = brush_button.rect_global_position + Vector2(0, brush_button.rect_size.y)
var size_x = tool_option_container.rect_size.x
var size_y = tool_option_container.rect_size.y - $Brush.rect_position.y - $Brush.rect_size.y
var columns = int(size_x / 36) - 1 # 36 is the rect_size of BrushButton.tscn
var categories = Global.brushes_popup.get_node("Background/Brushes/Categories")
for child in categories.get_children():
if child is GridContainer:
child.columns = columns
Global.brushes_popup.popup(Rect2(pop_position, Vector2(size_x, size_y)))
func _on_Brush_selected(brush: Brushes.Brush) -> void:
_brush = brush
func _on_BrushSize_value_changed(value: float) -> void:
if _brush_size != int(value):
_brush_size = int(value)
_cache_limit = (_brush_size * _brush_size) * 3 # This equation seems the best match
func _on_InterpolateFactor_value_changed(value: float) -> void:
_brush_interpolate = int(value)
func _on_Color_changed(_color: Color, _button: int) -> void:
func _on_Brush_removed(brush: Brushes.Brush) -> void:
if brush == _brush:
_brush = Brushes.get_default_brush()
func get_config() -> Dictionary:
return {
"brush_type": _brush.type,
"brush_index": _brush.index,
"brush_size": _brush_size,
"brush_interpolate": _brush_interpolate,
func set_config(config: Dictionary) -> void:
var type: int = config.get("brush_type", _brush.type)
var index: int = config.get("brush_index", _brush.index)
_brush = Global.brushes_popup.get_brush(type, index)
_brush_size = config.get("brush_size", _brush_size)
_brush_interpolate = config.get("brush_interpolate", _brush_interpolate)
func update_config() -> void:
$Brush/BrushSize.value = _brush_size
$ColorInterpolation.value = _brush_interpolate
func update_brush() -> void:
$Brush/BrushSize.suffix = "px" # Assume we are using default brushes
match _brush.type:
_brush_texture.create_from_image(load("res://assets/graphics/pixel_image.png"), 0)
_stroke_dimensions = Vector2.ONE * _brush_size
_brush_texture.create_from_image(load("res://assets/graphics/circle_9x9.png"), 0)
_stroke_dimensions = Vector2.ONE * _brush_size
_brush_texture.create_from_image(load("res://assets/graphics/circle_filled_9x9.png"), 0)
_stroke_dimensions = Vector2.ONE * _brush_size
Brushes.FILE, Brushes.RANDOM_FILE, Brushes.CUSTOM:
$Brush/BrushSize.suffix = "00 %" # Use a different size convention on images
if _brush.random.size() <= 1:
_brush_image = _create_blended_brush_image(_brush.image)
var random := randi() % _brush.random.size()
_brush_image = _create_blended_brush_image(_brush.random[random])
_brush_texture.create_from_image(_brush_image, 0)
_stroke_dimensions = _brush_image.get_size()
_indicator = _create_brush_indicator()
_polylines = _create_polylines(_indicator)
$Brush/Type/Texture.texture = _brush_texture
$ColorInterpolation.visible = _brush.type in [Brushes.FILE, Brushes.RANDOM_FILE, Brushes.CUSTOM]
func update_random_image() -> void:
if _brush.type != Brushes.RANDOM_FILE:
var random = randi() % _brush.random.size()
_brush_image = _create_blended_brush_image(_brush.random[random])
_brush_texture.create_from_image(_brush_image, 0)
_indicator = _create_brush_indicator()
func update_mirror_brush() -> void:
_mirror_brushes.x = _brush_image.duplicate()
_mirror_brushes.y = _brush_image.duplicate()
_mirror_brushes.xy = _mirror_brushes.x.duplicate()
func update_mask(can_skip := true) -> void:
if can_skip and Tools.dynamics_alpha == Tools.Dynamics.NONE:
if _mask:
_mask = PoolRealArray()
var size: Vector2 = Global.current_project.size
_is_mask_size_zero = false
# Faster than zeroing PoolByteArray directly.
# See: https://github.com/Orama-Interactive/Pixelorama/pull/439
var nulled_array := []
nulled_array.resize(size.x * size.y)
_mask = PoolRealArray(nulled_array)
func update_line_polylines(start: Vector2, end: Vector2) -> void:
var indicator := _create_line_indicator(_indicator, start, end)
_line_polylines = _create_polylines(indicator)
func prepare_undo(action: String) -> void:
var project: Project = Global.current_project
_undo_data = _get_undo_data()
func commit_undo() -> void:
var redo_data := _get_undo_data()
var project: Project = Global.current_project
var frame := -1
var layer := -1
if Global.animation_timer.is_stopped() and project.selected_cels.size() == 1:
frame = project.current_frame
layer = project.current_layer
project.undos += 1
for image in redo_data:
project.undo_redo.add_do_property(image, "data", redo_data[image])
for image in _undo_data:
project.undo_redo.add_undo_property(image, "data", _undo_data[image])
project.undo_redo.add_do_method(Global, "undo_or_redo", false, frame, layer)
project.undo_redo.add_undo_method(Global, "undo_or_redo", true, frame, layer)
func draw_tool(position: Vector2) -> void:
var coords_to_draw := _draw_tool(position)
for coord in coords_to_draw:
func _prepare_tool() -> void:
if !Global.current_project.layers[Global.current_project.current_layer].can_layer_get_drawn():
_brush_size_dynamics = _brush_size
var strength: float = Tools.get_alpha_dynamic(_strength)
if Tools.dynamics_size == Tools.Dynamics.PRESSURE:
_brush_size_dynamics = round(
lerp(Tools.brush_size_min, Tools.brush_size_max, Tools.pen_pressure)
elif Tools.dynamics_size == Tools.Dynamics.VELOCITY:
_brush_size_dynamics = round(
lerp(Tools.brush_size_min, Tools.brush_size_max, Tools.mouse_velocity)
_drawer.pixel_perfect = Tools.pixel_perfect if _brush_size == 1 else false
_drawer.horizontal_mirror = Tools.horizontal_mirror
_drawer.vertical_mirror = Tools.vertical_mirror
_drawer.color_op.strength = strength
# Memorize current project
_stroke_project = Global.current_project
# Memorize the frame/layer we are drawing on rather than fetching it on every pixel
_stroke_images = _get_selected_draw_images()
# This may prevent a few tests when setting pixels
_is_mask_size_zero = _mask.size() == 0
match _brush.type:
func _prepare_circle_tool(fill: bool) -> void:
var circle_tool_map := _create_circle_indicator(_brush_size_dynamics, fill)
# Go through that BitMap and build an Array of the "displacement" from the center of the bits
# that are true.
var diameter := _brush_size_dynamics * 2 + 1
for n in range(0, diameter):
for m in range(0, diameter):
if circle_tool_map.get_bit(Vector2(m, n)):
Vector2(m - _brush_size_dynamics, n - _brush_size_dynamics)
# Make sure to always have invoked _prepare_tool() before this. This computes the coordinates to be
# drawn if it can (except for the generic brush, when it's actually drawing them)
func _draw_tool(position: Vector2) -> PoolVector2Array:
if !Global.current_project.layers[Global.current_project.current_layer].can_layer_get_drawn():
return PoolVector2Array() # empty fallback
match _brush.type:
return _compute_draw_tool_pixel(position)
return _compute_draw_tool_circle(position, false)
return _compute_draw_tool_circle(position, true)
return PoolVector2Array() # empty fallback
# Bresenham's Algorithm
# Thanks to https://godotengine.org/qa/35276/tile-based-line-drawing-algorithm-efficiency
func draw_fill_gap(start: Vector2, end: Vector2) -> void:
var dx := int(abs(end.x - start.x))
var dy := int(-abs(end.y - start.y))
var err := dx + dy
var e2 := err << 1
var sx := 1 if start.x < end.x else -1
var sy := 1 if start.y < end.y else -1
var x := start.x
var y := start.y
var coords_to_draw := {}
while !(x == end.x && y == end.y):
e2 = err << 1
if e2 >= dy:
err += dy
x += sx
if e2 <= dx:
err += dx
y += sy
#coords_to_draw.append_array(_draw_tool(Vector2(x, y)))
var current_pixel_coord = Vector2(x, y)
if _spacing_mode:
current_pixel_coord = get_spacing_position(current_pixel_coord)
for coord in _draw_tool(current_pixel_coord):
coords_to_draw[coord] = 0
for c in coords_to_draw.keys():
# Compute the array of coordinates that should be drawn
func _compute_draw_tool_pixel(position: Vector2) -> PoolVector2Array:
var result := PoolVector2Array()
var start := position - Vector2.ONE * (_brush_size_dynamics >> 1)
var end := start + Vector2.ONE * _brush_size_dynamics
for y in range(start.y, end.y):
for x in range(start.x, end.x):
result.append(Vector2(x, y))
return result
# Compute the array of coordinates that should be drawn
func _compute_draw_tool_circle(position: Vector2, fill := false) -> PoolVector2Array:
var size := Vector2(_brush_size_dynamics, _brush_size_dynamics)
var pos = position - (size / 2).floor()
if _circle_tool_shortcut:
return _draw_tool_circle_from_map(position)
var result := PoolVector2Array()
if fill:
result = DrawingAlgos.get_ellipse_points_filled(pos, size)
result = DrawingAlgos.get_ellipse_points(pos, size)
return result
func _draw_tool_circle_from_map(position: Vector2) -> PoolVector2Array:
var result := PoolVector2Array()
for displacement in _circle_tool_shortcut:
result.append(position + displacement)
return result
func draw_tool_brush(position: Vector2) -> void:
var project: Project = Global.current_project
position = project.tiles.get_canon_position(position)
var size := _brush_image.get_size()
var dst := position - (size / 2).floor()
var dst_rect := Rect2(dst, size)
var draw_rect := _get_draw_rect()
dst_rect = dst_rect.clip(draw_rect)
if dst_rect.size == Vector2.ZERO:
var src_rect := Rect2(dst_rect.position - dst, dst_rect.size)
dst = dst_rect.position
var brush_image: Image = remove_unselected_parts_of_brush(_brush_image, dst)
_draw_brush_image(brush_image, src_rect, dst)
# Handle Mirroring
var mirror_x = (project.x_symmetry_point + 1) - dst.x - src_rect.size.x
var mirror_y = (project.y_symmetry_point + 1) - dst.y - src_rect.size.y
if Tools.horizontal_mirror:
var x_dst := Vector2(mirror_x, dst.y)
var mirror_brush_x: Image = remove_unselected_parts_of_brush(_mirror_brushes.x, x_dst)
_draw_brush_image(mirror_brush_x, _flip_rect(src_rect, size, true, false), x_dst)
if Tools.vertical_mirror:
var xy_dst := Vector2(mirror_x, mirror_y)
var mirror_brush_xy := remove_unselected_parts_of_brush(_mirror_brushes.xy, xy_dst)
_draw_brush_image(mirror_brush_xy, _flip_rect(src_rect, size, true, true), xy_dst)
if Tools.vertical_mirror:
var y_dst := Vector2(dst.x, mirror_y)
var mirror_brush_y: Image = remove_unselected_parts_of_brush(_mirror_brushes.y, y_dst)
_draw_brush_image(mirror_brush_y, _flip_rect(src_rect, size, false, true), y_dst)
func remove_unselected_parts_of_brush(brush: Image, dst: Vector2) -> Image:
var project: Project = Global.current_project
if !project.has_selection:
return brush
var size := brush.get_size()
var new_brush := Image.new()
for x in size.x:
for y in size.y:
var pos := Vector2(x, y) + dst
if !project.selection_map.is_pixel_selected(pos):
new_brush.set_pixel(x, y, Color(0))
return new_brush
func draw_indicator(left: bool) -> void:
var color := Global.left_tool_color if left else Global.right_tool_color
draw_indicator_at(snap_position(_cursor), Vector2.ZERO, color)
if Global.current_project.tiles.mode and Global.current_project.tiles.has_point(_cursor):
var position := _line_start if _draw_line else _cursor
var nearest_tile := Global.current_project.tiles.get_nearest_tile(position)
if nearest_tile.position != Vector2.ZERO:
var offset := nearest_tile.position
draw_indicator_at(snap_position(_cursor), offset, Color.green)
func draw_indicator_at(position: Vector2, offset: Vector2, color: Color) -> void:
var canvas = Global.canvas.indicators
if _brush.type in [Brushes.FILE, Brushes.RANDOM_FILE, Brushes.CUSTOM] and not _draw_line:
position -= (_brush_image.get_size() / 2).floor()
position -= offset
canvas.draw_texture(_brush_texture, position)
if _draw_line:
position.x = _line_end.x if _line_end.x < _line_start.x else _line_start.x
position.y = _line_end.y if _line_end.y < _line_start.y else _line_start.y
position -= (_indicator.get_size() / 2).floor()
position -= offset
canvas.draw_set_transform(position, canvas.rotation, canvas.scale)
var polylines := _line_polylines if _draw_line else _polylines
for line in polylines:
var pool := PoolVector2Array(line)
canvas.draw_polyline(pool, color)
canvas.draw_set_transform(canvas.position, canvas.rotation, canvas.scale)
func _set_pixel(position: Vector2, ignore_mirroring := false) -> void:
if position in _draw_cache and _for_frame == _stroke_project.current_frame:
if _draw_cache.size() > _cache_limit or _for_frame != _stroke_project.current_frame:
_draw_cache = []
_for_frame = _stroke_project.current_frame
_draw_cache.append(position) # Store the position of pixel
# Invoke uncached version to actually draw the pixel
_set_pixel_no_cache(position, ignore_mirroring)
func _set_pixel_no_cache(position: Vector2, ignore_mirroring := false) -> void:
position = _stroke_project.tiles.get_canon_position(position)
if !_stroke_project.can_pixel_get_drawn(position):
var images := _stroke_images
if _is_mask_size_zero:
for image in images:
_drawer.set_pixel(image, position, tool_slot.color, ignore_mirroring)
var i := int(position.x + position.y * _stroke_project.size.x)
if _mask.size() >= i + 1:
var alpha_dynamic: float = Tools.get_alpha_dynamic()
var alpha: float = images[0].get_pixelv(position).a
if _mask[i] < alpha_dynamic:
# Overwrite colors to avoid additive blending between strokes of
# brushes that are larger than 1px
# This is not a proper solution and it does not work if the pixels
# in the background are not transparent
var overwrite = _drawer.color_op.get("overwrite")
if overwrite != null and _mask[i] > alpha:
_drawer.color_op.overwrite = true
_mask[i] = alpha_dynamic
for image in images:
_drawer.set_pixel(image, position, tool_slot.color, ignore_mirroring)
if overwrite != null:
_drawer.color_op.overwrite = overwrite
for image in images:
_drawer.set_pixel(image, position, tool_slot.color, ignore_mirroring)
func _draw_brush_image(_image: Image, _src_rect: Rect2, _dst: Vector2) -> void:
func _create_blended_brush_image(image: Image) -> Image:
var size := image.get_size() * _brush_size_dynamics
var brush := Image.new()
brush = _blend_image(brush, tool_slot.color, _brush_interpolate / 100.0)
brush.resize(size.x, size.y, Image.INTERPOLATE_NEAREST)
return brush
func _blend_image(image: Image, color: Color, factor: float) -> Image:
var size := image.get_size()
for y in size.y:
for x in size.x:
var color_old := image.get_pixel(x, y)
if color_old.a > 0:
var color_new := color_old.linear_interpolate(color, factor)
color_new.a = color_old.a
image.set_pixel(x, y, color_new)
return image
func _create_brush_indicator() -> BitMap:
match _brush.type:
return _create_pixel_indicator(_brush_size)
return _create_circle_indicator(_brush_size, false)
return _create_circle_indicator(_brush_size, true)
return _create_image_indicator(_brush_image)
func _create_image_indicator(image: Image) -> BitMap:
var bitmap := BitMap.new()
bitmap.create_from_image_alpha(image, 0.0)
return bitmap
func _create_pixel_indicator(size: int) -> BitMap:
var bitmap := BitMap.new()
bitmap.create(Vector2.ONE * size)
bitmap.set_bit_rect(Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, Vector2.ONE * size), true)
return bitmap
func _create_circle_indicator(size: int, fill := false) -> BitMap:
_circle_tool_shortcut = PoolVector2Array()
var diameter := Vector2(size, size) * 2 + Vector2.ONE
return _fill_bitmap_with_points(_compute_draw_tool_circle(Vector2(size, size), fill), diameter)
func _create_line_indicator(indicator: BitMap, start: Vector2, end: Vector2) -> BitMap:
var bitmap := BitMap.new()
var size := (end - start).abs() + indicator.get_size()
var offset := (indicator.get_size() / 2).floor()
var diff := end - start
start.x = -diff.x if diff.x < 0 else 0.0
end.x = 0.0 if diff.x < 0 else diff.x
start.y = -diff.y if diff.y < 0 else 0.0
end.y = 0.0 if diff.y < 0 else diff.y
start += offset
end += offset
var dx := int(abs(end.x - start.x))
var dy := int(-abs(end.y - start.y))
var err := dx + dy
var e2 := err << 1
var sx := 1 if start.x < end.x else -1
var sy := 1 if start.y < end.y else -1
var x := start.x
var y := start.y
while !(x == end.x && y == end.y):
_blit_indicator(bitmap, indicator, Vector2(x, y))
e2 = err << 1
if e2 >= dy:
err += dy
x += sx
if e2 <= dx:
err += dx
y += sy
_blit_indicator(bitmap, indicator, Vector2(x, y))
return bitmap
func _blit_indicator(dst: BitMap, indicator: BitMap, position: Vector2) -> void:
var rect := Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, dst.get_size())
var size := indicator.get_size()
position -= (size / 2).floor()
for y in size.y:
for x in size.x:
var pos := Vector2(x, y)
var bit := indicator.get_bit(pos)
pos += position
if bit and rect.has_point(pos):
dst.set_bit(pos, bit)
func _line_angle_constraint(start: Vector2, end: Vector2) -> Dictionary:
var result := {}
var angle := rad2deg(end.angle_to_point(start))
var distance := start.distance_to(end)
if Input.is_action_pressed("draw_snap_angle"):
if Tools.pixel_perfect:
angle = stepify(angle, 22.5)
if step_decimals(angle) != 0:
var diff := end - start
var v := Vector2(2, 1) if abs(diff.x) > abs(diff.y) else Vector2(1, 2)
var p := diff.project(diff.sign() * v).abs().round()
var f := p.y if abs(diff.x) > abs(diff.y) else p.x
end = start + diff.sign() * v * f - diff.sign()
angle = rad2deg(atan2(sign(diff.y) * v.y, sign(diff.x) * v.x))
end = start + Vector2.RIGHT.rotated(deg2rad(angle)) * distance
angle = stepify(angle, 15)
end = start + Vector2.RIGHT.rotated(deg2rad(angle)) * distance
angle *= -1
angle += 360 if angle < 0 else 0
result.text = str(stepify(angle, 0.01)) + "°"
result.position = end.round()
return result
func _get_undo_data() -> Dictionary:
var data := {}
var project: Project = Global.current_project
var cels := [] # Array of Cels
if Global.animation_timer.is_stopped():
for cel_index in project.selected_cels:
for frame in project.frames:
var cel: BaseCel = frame.cels[project.current_layer]
if not cel is PixelCel:
for cel in cels:
if not cel is PixelCel:
var image: Image = cel.image
data[image] = image.data
return data
func _pick_color(position: Vector2) -> void:
var project: Project = Global.current_project
position = project.tiles.get_canon_position(position)
if position.x < 0 or position.y < 0:
var image := Image.new()
if position.x > image.get_width() - 1 or position.y > image.get_height() - 1:
var color := Color(0, 0, 0, 0)
var curr_frame: Frame = project.frames[project.current_frame]
for layer in project.layers.size():
var idx = (project.layers.size() - 1) - layer
if project.layers[idx].can_layer_get_drawn():
image = curr_frame.cels[idx].get_image()
color = image.get_pixelv(position)
if color != Color(0, 0, 0, 0):
var button := BUTTON_LEFT if Tools._slots[BUTTON_LEFT].tool_node == self else BUTTON_RIGHT
Tools.assign_color(color, button, false)