class_name LayerButton extends Button const HIERARCHY_DEPTH_PIXEL_SHIFT := 8 var layer_index := 0 @onready var expand_button := %ExpandButton as BaseButton @onready var visibility_button := %VisibilityButton as BaseButton @onready var lock_button := %LockButton as BaseButton @onready var label := %LayerNameLabel as Label @onready var line_edit := %LayerNameLineEdit as LineEdit @onready var hierarchy_spacer := %HierarchySpacer as Control @onready var linked_button := %LinkButton as BaseButton func _ready() -> void: Global.cel_switched.connect(func(): z_index = 1 if button_pressed else 0) var layer := Global.current_project.layers[layer_index] if layer is PixelLayer: linked_button.visible = true elif layer is GroupLayer: expand_button.visible = true custom_minimum_size.y = Global.animation_timeline.cel_size label.text = line_edit.text = var layer_buttons := find_child("LayerButtons") for child in layer_buttons.get_children(): var texture = child.get_child(0) texture.modulate = Global.modulate_icon_color # Visualize how deep into the hierarchy the layer is var hierarchy_depth := layer.get_hierarchy_depth() hierarchy_spacer.custom_minimum_size.x = hierarchy_depth * HIERARCHY_DEPTH_PIXEL_SHIFT if Global.control.theme.get_color("font_color", "Button").v > 0.5: # Light text is dark theme self_modulate.v = 1 + hierarchy_depth * 0.4 else: # Dark text should be light theme self_modulate.v = 1 - hierarchy_depth * 0.075 update_buttons() await get_tree().process_frame queue_redraw() func update_buttons() -> void: var layer := Global.current_project.layers[layer_index] if layer is GroupLayer: if layer.expanded: Global.change_button_texturerect(expand_button.get_child(0), "group_expanded.png") else: Global.change_button_texturerect(expand_button.get_child(0), "group_collapsed.png") if layer.visible: Global.change_button_texturerect(visibility_button.get_child(0), "layer_visible.png") else: Global.change_button_texturerect(visibility_button.get_child(0), "layer_invisible.png") if layer.locked: Global.change_button_texturerect(lock_button.get_child(0), "lock.png") else: Global.change_button_texturerect(lock_button.get_child(0), "unlock.png") if linked_button: if layer.new_cels_linked: # If new layers will be linked Global.change_button_texturerect(linked_button.get_child(0), "linked_layer.png") else: Global.change_button_texturerect(linked_button.get_child(0), "unlinked_layer.png") visibility_button.modulate.a = 1 lock_button.modulate.a = 1 if is_instance_valid(layer.parent): if not layer.parent.is_visible_in_hierarchy(): visibility_button.modulate.a = 0.33 if layer.parent.is_locked_in_hierarchy(): lock_button.modulate.a = 0.33 ## When pressing a button, change the appearance of other layers (ie: expand or visible) func _update_buttons_all_layers() -> void: for layer_button: LayerButton in get_parent().get_children(): layer_button.update_buttons() var layer := Global.current_project.layers[layer_button.layer_index] var expanded := layer.is_expanded_in_hierarchy() layer_button.visible = expanded Global.cel_vbox.get_child(layer_button.get_index()).visible = expanded func _draw() -> void: if hierarchy_spacer.size.x > 0.1: var color := Color(1, 1, 1, 0.33) color.v = roundf(Global.control.theme.get_color("font_color", "Button").v) var x := hierarchy_spacer.global_position.x - global_position.x + hierarchy_spacer.size.x draw_line(Vector2(x, 0), Vector2(x, size.y), color) func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: if ( (event.is_action_released(&"ui_accept") or event.is_action_released(&"ui_cancel")) and line_edit.visible and event.keycode != KEY_SPACE ): _save_layer_name(line_edit.text) func _on_LayerContainer_gui_input(event: InputEvent) -> void: var project := Global.current_project if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() var prev_curr_layer := project.current_layer if Input.is_action_pressed(&"shift"): var layer_diff_sign := signi(layer_index - prev_curr_layer) if layer_diff_sign == 0: layer_diff_sign = 1 for i in range(0, project.frames.size()): for j in range(prev_curr_layer, layer_index + layer_diff_sign, layer_diff_sign): var frame_layer := [i, j] if !project.selected_cels.has(frame_layer): project.selected_cels.append(frame_layer) project.change_cel(-1, layer_index) elif Input.is_action_pressed(&"ctrl"): for i in range(0, project.frames.size()): var frame_layer := [i, layer_index] if !project.selected_cels.has(frame_layer): project.selected_cels.append(frame_layer) project.change_cel(-1, layer_index) else: # If the button is pressed without Shift or Control _select_current_layer() if event.double_click: label.visible = false line_edit.visible = true line_edit.editable = true line_edit.grab_focus() func _on_LineEdit_focus_exited() -> void: _save_layer_name(line_edit.text) func _save_layer_name(new_name: String) -> void: label.visible = true line_edit.visible = false line_edit.editable = false label.text = new_name if layer_index < Global.current_project.layers.size(): Global.current_project.layers[layer_index].name = new_name func _on_ExpandButton_pressed() -> void: var layer := Global.current_project.layers[layer_index] layer.expanded = !layer.expanded _update_buttons_all_layers() func _on_VisibilityButton_pressed() -> void: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() var layer := Global.current_project.layers[layer_index] layer.visible = !layer.visible Global.canvas.update_all_layers = true Global.canvas.queue_redraw() if Global.select_layer_on_button_click: _select_current_layer() _update_buttons_all_layers() func _on_LockButton_pressed() -> void: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() var layer := Global.current_project.layers[layer_index] layer.locked = !layer.locked if Global.select_layer_on_button_click: _select_current_layer() _update_buttons_all_layers() func _on_LinkButton_pressed() -> void: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() var layer := Global.current_project.layers[layer_index] if not layer is PixelLayer: return layer.new_cels_linked = !layer.new_cels_linked update_buttons() if Global.select_layer_on_button_click: _select_current_layer() func _select_current_layer() -> void: Global.current_project.selected_cels.clear() var frame_layer := [Global.current_project.current_frame, layer_index] if !Global.current_project.selected_cels.has(frame_layer): Global.current_project.selected_cels.append(frame_layer) Global.current_project.change_cel(-1, layer_index) func _get_drag_data(_position: Vector2) -> Variant: var layer := Global.current_project.layers[layer_index] var layers := range(layer_index - layer.get_child_count(true), layer_index + 1) var box := for i in layers.size(): var button := button.custom_minimum_size = size button.theme = Global.control.theme button.text = Global.current_project.layers[layers[-1 - i]].name box.add_child(button) set_drag_preview(box) return ["Layer", layer_index] func _can_drop_data(_pos: Vector2, data) -> bool: if typeof(data) != TYPE_ARRAY: Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.visible = false return false if data[0] != "Layer": Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.visible = false return false var curr_layer: BaseLayer = Global.current_project.layers[layer_index] var drag_layer: BaseLayer = Global.current_project.layers[data[1]] if curr_layer == drag_layer: Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.visible = false return false var region: Rect2 var depth := curr_layer.get_hierarchy_depth() if Input.is_action_pressed(&"ctrl"): # Swap layers if drag_layer.is_ancestor_of(curr_layer) or curr_layer.is_ancestor_of(drag_layer): Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.visible = false return false region = get_global_rect() else: # Shift layers if drag_layer.is_ancestor_of(curr_layer): Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.visible = false return false # If accepted as a child, is it in the center region? if ( curr_layer.accepts_child(drag_layer) and _get_region_rect(0.25, 0.75).has_point(get_global_mouse_position()) ): # Drawn regions are adjusted a bit from actual to clarify drop position region = _get_region_rect(0.15, 0.85) depth += 1 else: # Top or bottom region? if _get_region_rect(0, 0.5).has_point(get_global_mouse_position()): region = _get_region_rect(-0.1, 0.15) else: region = _get_region_rect(0.85, 1.1) # Shift drawn region to the right a bit for hierarchy depth visualization: region.position.x += depth * HIERARCHY_DEPTH_PIXEL_SHIFT region.size.x -= depth * HIERARCHY_DEPTH_PIXEL_SHIFT Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.global_position = region.position Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.size = region.size Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.visible = true return true func _drop_data(_pos: Vector2, data) -> void: var drop_layer: int = data[1] var project := Global.current_project project.undo_redo.create_action("Change Layer Order") var layers: Array = project.layers # This shouldn't be modified directly var drop_from_indices := range( drop_layer - layers[drop_layer].get_child_count(true), drop_layer + 1 ) var drop_from_parents := [] for i in range(drop_from_indices.size()): drop_from_parents.append(layers[drop_from_indices[i]].parent) if Input.is_action_pressed("ctrl"): # Swap layers # a and b both need "from", "to", and "to_parents" # a is this layer (and children), b is the dropped layers var a := { "from": range(layer_index - layers[layer_index].get_child_count(true), layer_index + 1) } var b := {"from": drop_from_indices} if a.from[0] < b.from[0]: a["to"] = range(b.from[-1] + 1 - a.from.size(), b.from[-1] + 1) # Size of a, start from end of b b["to"] = range(a.from[0], a.from[0] + b.from.size()) # Size of b, start from beginning of a else: a["to"] = range(b.from[0], b.from[0] + a.from.size()) # Size of a, start from beginning of b b["to"] = range(a.from[-1] + 1 - b.from.size(), a.from[-1] + 1) # Size of b, start from end of a var a_from_parents := [] for l in a.from: a_from_parents.append(layers[l].parent) # to_parents starts as a dulpicate of from_parents, set the root layer's (with one layer or # group with its children, this will always be the last layer [-1]) parent to the other # root layer's parent a["to_parents"] = a_from_parents.duplicate() b["to_parents"] = drop_from_parents.duplicate() a.to_parents[-1] = drop_from_parents[-1] b.to_parents[-1] = a_from_parents[-1] project.undo_redo.add_do_method(project.swap_layers.bind(a, b)) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method( project.swap_layers.bind( {"from":, "to": a.from, "to_parents": a_from_parents}, {"from":, "to": drop_from_indices, "to_parents": drop_from_parents} ) ) else: # Move layers var to_index: int # the index where the LOWEST moved layer should end up var to_parent: BaseLayer # If accepted as a child, is it in the center region? if ( layers[layer_index].accepts_child(layers[drop_layer]) and _get_region_rect(0.25, 0.75).has_point(get_global_mouse_position()) ): to_index = layer_index to_parent = layers[layer_index] else: # Top or bottom region? if _get_region_rect(0, 0.5).has_point(get_global_mouse_position()): to_index = layer_index + 1 to_parent = layers[layer_index].parent else: # Place under the layer, if it has children, place after its lowest child if layers[layer_index].has_children(): to_index = layers[layer_index].get_children(true)[0].index if layers[layer_index].is_ancestor_of(layers[drop_layer]): to_index += drop_from_indices.size() else: to_index = layer_index to_parent = layers[layer_index].parent if drop_layer < layer_index: to_index -= drop_from_indices.size() var drop_to_indices := range(to_index, to_index + drop_from_indices.size()) var to_parents := drop_from_parents.duplicate() to_parents[-1] = to_parent project.undo_redo.add_do_method( project.move_layers.bind(drop_from_indices, drop_to_indices, to_parents) ) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method( project.move_layers.bind(drop_to_indices, drop_from_indices, drop_from_parents) ) if project.current_layer == drop_layer: project.undo_redo.add_do_method(project.change_cel.bind(-1, layer_index)) else: project.undo_redo.add_do_method(project.change_cel.bind(-1, project.current_layer)) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method(project.change_cel.bind(-1, project.current_layer)) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method(Global.undo_or_redo.bind(true)) project.undo_redo.add_do_method(Global.undo_or_redo.bind(false)) project.undo_redo.commit_action() func _get_region_rect(y_begin: float, y_end: float) -> Rect2: var rect := get_global_rect() rect.position.y += rect.size.y * y_begin rect.size.y *= y_end - y_begin return rect