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[sub_resource type="ImageTexture" id=5] image = SubResource( 7 ) size = Vector2( 32, 32 ) [node name="ColorAndToolOptions" type="VBoxContainer"] margin_right = 330.0 margin_bottom = 255.0 size_flags_vertical = 3 custom_constants/separation = 8 script = ExtResource( 8 ) __meta__ = { "_edit_use_anchors_": false } [node name="ColorButtonsVertical" type="VBoxContainer" parent="."] margin_right = 330.0 margin_bottom = 51.0 custom_constants/separation = 2 [node name="ColorSwitchCenter" type="CenterContainer" parent="ColorButtonsVertical"] margin_right = 330.0 margin_bottom = 7.0 [node name="ColorSwitch" type="TextureButton" parent="ColorButtonsVertical/ColorSwitchCenter" groups=[ "UIButtons", ]] margin_left = 152.0 margin_right = 177.0 margin_bottom = 7.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 shortcut_in_tooltip = false shortcut = SubResource( 1 ) texture_normal = ExtResource( 1 ) [node name="ColorPickersCenter" type="CenterContainer" parent="ColorButtonsVertical"] margin_top = 9.0 margin_right = 330.0 margin_bottom = 41.0 [node name="ColorPickersHorizontal" type="HBoxContainer" parent="ColorButtonsVertical/ColorPickersCenter"] margin_left = 94.0 margin_right = 235.0 margin_bottom = 32.0 custom_constants/separation = 13 [node name="LeftColorPickerButton" type="ColorPickerButton" parent="ColorButtonsVertical/ColorPickersCenter/ColorPickersHorizontal"] margin_right = 64.0 margin_bottom = 32.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 64, 32 ) hint_tooltip = "Choose a color for the left tool" mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 0 size_flags_vertical = 0 [node name="RightColorPickerButton" type="ColorPickerButton" parent="ColorButtonsVertical/ColorPickersCenter/ColorPickersHorizontal"] margin_left = 77.0 margin_right = 141.0 margin_bottom = 32.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 64, 32 ) hint_tooltip = "Choose a color for the right tool" mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 0 size_flags_vertical = 0 color = Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) [node name="ColorDefaultsCenter" type="CenterContainer" parent="ColorButtonsVertical"] margin_top = 43.0 margin_right = 330.0 margin_bottom = 51.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 [node name="ColorDefaults" type="TextureButton" parent="ColorButtonsVertical/ColorDefaultsCenter" groups=[ "UIButtons", ]] margin_left = 152.0 margin_right = 177.0 margin_bottom = 8.0 hint_tooltip = "Reset the colors to their default state (black for left, white for right)" mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 texture_normal = ExtResource( 2 ) [node name="ScrollContainer" type="ScrollContainer" parent="."] margin_top = 59.0 margin_right = 330.0 margin_bottom = 255.0 size_flags_vertical = 3 [node name="ToolOptions" type="HBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer"] margin_right = 330.0 margin_bottom = 196.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 [node name="LeftPanelContainer" type="PanelContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions"] margin_left = 16.0 margin_right = 146.0 margin_bottom = 149.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 130, 0 ) size_flags_horizontal = 6 size_flags_vertical = 0 [node name="LeftToolOptions" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer"] margin_left = 7.0 margin_top = 7.0 margin_right = 123.0 margin_bottom = 142.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 [node name="LeftLabel" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions"] margin_right = 116.0 margin_bottom = 14.0 text = "Left tool" align = 1 autowrap = true [node name="LeftBrushType" type="HBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions"] margin_top = 18.0 margin_right = 116.0 margin_bottom = 50.0 alignment = 1 [node name="LeftBrushTypeButton" type="TextureButton" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftBrushType"] margin_left = 1.0 margin_right = 37.0 margin_bottom = 32.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 36, 32 ) hint_tooltip = "Select a brush" mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 0 texture_normal = ExtResource( 3 ) [node name="BrushTexture" type="TextureRect" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftBrushType/LeftBrushTypeButton"] margin_right = 32.0 margin_bottom = 32.0 texture = SubResource( 3 ) expand = true stretch_mode = 6 __meta__ = { "_edit_use_anchors_": false } [node name="LeftBrushSizeEdit" type="SpinBox" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftBrushType"] margin_left = 41.0 margin_right = 115.0 margin_bottom = 32.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 min_value = 1.0 value = 1.0 align = 1 suffix = "px" [node name="LeftBrushSizeSlider" type="HSlider" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions"] margin_left = 12.0 margin_top = 54.0 margin_right = 104.0 margin_bottom = 70.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 92, 0 ) focus_mode = 0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 size_flags_vertical = 1 min_value = 1.0 value = 1.0 allow_greater = true ticks_on_borders = true [node name="LeftBrushPixelPerfectMode" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions"] margin_top = 74.0 margin_right = 116.0 margin_bottom = 98.0 alignment = 1 [node name="LeftPixelPerfectMode" type="CheckBox" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftBrushPixelPerfectMode"] margin_left = 4.0 margin_right = 112.0 margin_bottom = 24.0 grow_horizontal = 2 grow_vertical = 2 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Pixel Perfect" align = 1 [node name="LeftColorInterpolation" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions"] visible = false margin_top = 102.0 margin_right = 116.0 margin_bottom = 164.0 alignment = 1 [node name="ColorComesFrom" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftColorInterpolation"] margin_left = 4.0 margin_right = 111.0 margin_bottom = 14.0 hint_tooltip = "0: Color from the brush itself, 100: the currently selected color" mouse_filter = 1 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Brush color from" [node name="LeftInterpolateFactor" type="SpinBox" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftColorInterpolation"] margin_left = 21.0 margin_top = 18.0 margin_right = 95.0 margin_bottom = 42.0 hint_tooltip = "0: Color from the brush itself, 100: the currently selected color" mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 value = 100.0 align = 1 [node name="LeftInterpolateSlider" type="HSlider" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftColorInterpolation"] margin_left = 12.0 margin_top = 46.0 margin_right = 104.0 margin_bottom = 62.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 92, 0 ) hint_tooltip = "0: Color from the brush itself, 100: the currently selected color" focus_mode = 0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 size_flags_vertical = 1 value = 100.0 ticks_on_borders = true [node name="LeftFillArea" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions"] visible = false margin_top = 71.0 margin_right = 154.0 margin_bottom = 252.0 [node name="FillAreaLabel" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea"] margin_left = 54.0 margin_right = 100.0 margin_bottom = 15.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Fill area:" [node name="LeftFillAreaOptions" type="OptionButton" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea"] margin_left = 21.0 margin_top = 19.0 margin_right = 133.0 margin_bottom = 40.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Same color area" items = [ "Same color area", null, false, 0, null, "Same color pixels", null, false, 1, null ] selected = 0 [node name="FillWithLabel" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea"] margin_left = 54.0 margin_top = 44.0 margin_right = 99.0 margin_bottom = 59.0 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Fill with:" [node name="LeftFillWithOptions" type="OptionButton" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea"] margin_left = 26.0 margin_top = 63.0 margin_right = 127.0 margin_bottom = 84.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Selected Color" items = [ "Selected Color", null, false, 0, null, "Pattern", null, false, 1, null ] selected = 0 [node name="LeftFillPattern" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea"] visible = false margin_left = 44.0 margin_top = 88.0 margin_right = 109.0 margin_bottom = 181.0 size_flags_horizontal = 4 [node name="LeftPatternTypeButton" type="TextureButton" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea/LeftFillPattern"] margin_left = 16.0 margin_right = 48.0 margin_bottom = 32.0 hint_tooltip = "Select a brush" mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 texture_normal = ExtResource( 3 ) [node name="PatternTexture" type="TextureRect" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea/LeftFillPattern/LeftPatternTypeButton"] margin_right = 32.0 margin_bottom = 32.0 expand = true stretch_mode = 6 __meta__ = { "_edit_use_anchors_": false } [node name="Offset" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea/LeftFillPattern"] margin_top = 36.0 margin_right = 65.0 margin_bottom = 51.0 text = "Offset" [node name="XOffset" type="HBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea/LeftFillPattern"] margin_top = 55.0 margin_right = 65.0 margin_bottom = 72.0 [node name="Label" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea/LeftFillPattern/XOffset"] margin_top = 1.0 margin_right = 8.0 margin_bottom = 16.0 text = "X" [node name="LeftPatternOffsetX" type="SpinBox" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea/LeftFillPattern/XOffset"] margin_left = 11.0 margin_right = 65.0 margin_bottom = 17.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 [node name="YOffset" type="HBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea/LeftFillPattern"] margin_top = 76.0 margin_right = 65.0 margin_bottom = 93.0 [node name="Label" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea/LeftFillPattern/YOffset"] margin_top = 1.0 margin_right = 7.0 margin_bottom = 16.0 text = "Y" [node name="LeftPatternOffsetY" type="SpinBox" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea/LeftFillPattern/YOffset"] margin_left = 10.0 margin_right = 64.0 margin_bottom = 17.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 [node name="LeftLDOptions" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions"] visible = false margin_top = 75.0 margin_right = 153.0 margin_bottom = 158.0 alignment = 1 [node name="LeftLightenDarken" type="OptionButton" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftLDOptions"] margin_left = 30.0 margin_right = 122.0 margin_bottom = 23.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 92, 0 ) mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Lighten" items = [ "Lighten", null, false, 0, null, "Darken", null, false, 1, null ] selected = 0 [node name="LDAmountLabel" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftLDOptions"] margin_left = 53.0 margin_top = 27.0 margin_right = 100.0 margin_bottom = 42.0 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Amount:" [node name="LeftLDAmountSpinbox" type="SpinBox" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftLDOptions"] margin_left = 49.0 margin_top = 46.0 margin_right = 103.0 margin_bottom = 63.0 hint_tooltip = "Lighten/Darken amount" mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 value = 10.0 align = 1 [node name="LeftLDAmountSlider" type="HSlider" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftLDOptions"] margin_left = 30.0 margin_top = 67.0 margin_right = 122.0 margin_bottom = 83.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 92, 0 ) hint_tooltip = "Lighten/Darken amount" focus_mode = 0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 size_flags_vertical = 1 value = 10.0 ticks_on_borders = true [node name="LeftColorPickerOptions" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions"] visible = false margin_top = 75.0 margin_right = 159.0 margin_bottom = 117.0 [node name="Label" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftColorPickerOptions"] margin_left = 57.0 margin_right = 101.0 margin_bottom = 15.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Pick for:" [node name="LeftForColorOptions" type="OptionButton" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftColorPickerOptions"] margin_left = 42.0 margin_top = 19.0 margin_right = 116.0 margin_bottom = 42.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Left Color" items = [ "Left Color", null, false, 0, null, "Right Color", null, false, 1, null ] selected = 0 [node name="LeftZoomOptions" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions"] visible = false margin_top = 75.0 margin_right = 153.0 margin_bottom = 190.0 [node name="ModeLabel" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftZoomOptions"] margin_left = 60.0 margin_right = 93.0 margin_bottom = 15.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Mode:" [node name="LeftZoomModeOptions" type="OptionButton" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftZoomOptions"] margin_left = 30.0 margin_top = 19.0 margin_right = 122.0 margin_bottom = 42.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 92, 0 ) mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Zoom in" items = [ "Zoom in", null, false, 0, null, "Zoom out", null, false, 1, null ] selected = 0 [node name="OptionsLabel" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftZoomOptions"] margin_left = 54.0 margin_top = 46.0 margin_right = 99.0 margin_bottom = 61.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Options:" [node name="FitToFrameButton" type="Button" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftZoomOptions"] margin_left = 30.0 margin_top = 65.0 margin_right = 122.0 margin_bottom = 88.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 92, 0 ) mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Fit to frame" [node name="100%ZoomButton" type="Button" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftZoomOptions"] margin_left = 30.0 margin_top = 92.0 margin_right = 122.0 margin_bottom = 115.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 92, 0 ) mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "100% Zoom" [node name="EmptySpacer" type="Control" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions"] margin_top = 102.0 margin_right = 116.0 margin_bottom = 114.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 0, 12 ) [node name="LeftMirrorButtons" type="HBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions"] margin_top = 118.0 margin_right = 116.0 margin_bottom = 135.0 custom_constants/separation = 44 alignment = 1 [node name="LeftHorizontalMirroring" type="TextureButton" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftMirrorButtons" groups=[ "UIButtons", ]] margin_left = 20.0 margin_right = 35.0 margin_bottom = 17.0 hint_tooltip = "Enable horizontal mirrored drawing" mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 toggle_mode = true texture_normal = ExtResource( 5 ) texture_pressed = ExtResource( 4 ) [node name="LeftVerticalMirroring" type="TextureButton" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftMirrorButtons" groups=[ "UIButtons", ]] margin_left = 79.0 margin_right = 96.0 margin_bottom = 17.0 hint_tooltip = "Enable vertical mirrored drawing" mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 toggle_mode = true texture_normal = ExtResource( 7 ) texture_pressed = ExtResource( 6 ) [node name="RightPanelContainer" type="PanelContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions"] margin_left = 183.0 margin_right = 313.0 margin_bottom = 149.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 130, 0 ) size_flags_horizontal = 6 size_flags_vertical = 0 [node name="RightToolOptions" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer"] margin_left = 7.0 margin_top = 7.0 margin_right = 123.0 margin_bottom = 142.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 [node name="RightLabel" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions"] margin_right = 116.0 margin_bottom = 14.0 text = "Right tool" align = 1 autowrap = true [node name="RightBrushType" type="HBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions"] margin_top = 18.0 margin_right = 116.0 margin_bottom = 50.0 alignment = 1 [node name="RightBrushTypeButton" type="TextureButton" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightBrushType"] margin_left = 1.0 margin_right = 37.0 margin_bottom = 32.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 36, 32 ) hint_tooltip = "Select a brush" mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 0 texture_normal = ExtResource( 3 ) [node name="BrushTexture" type="TextureRect" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightBrushType/RightBrushTypeButton"] margin_right = 32.0 margin_bottom = 32.0 texture = SubResource( 5 ) expand = true stretch_mode = 6 __meta__ = { "_edit_use_anchors_": false } [node name="RightBrushSizeEdit" type="SpinBox" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightBrushType"] margin_left = 41.0 margin_right = 115.0 margin_bottom = 32.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 min_value = 1.0 value = 1.0 align = 1 suffix = "px" [node name="RightBrushSizeSlider" type="HSlider" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions"] margin_left = 12.0 margin_top = 54.0 margin_right = 104.0 margin_bottom = 70.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 92, 0 ) focus_mode = 0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 size_flags_vertical = 1 min_value = 1.0 value = 1.0 allow_greater = true ticks_on_borders = true [node name="RightBrushPixelPerfectMode" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions"] margin_top = 74.0 margin_right = 116.0 margin_bottom = 98.0 alignment = 1 [node name="RightPixelPerfectMode" type="CheckBox" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightBrushPixelPerfectMode"] margin_left = 4.0 margin_right = 112.0 margin_bottom = 24.0 grow_horizontal = 2 grow_vertical = 2 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Pixel Perfect" align = 1 [node name="RightColorInterpolation" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions"] visible = false margin_top = 75.0 margin_right = 144.0 margin_bottom = 131.0 alignment = 1 [node name="ColorComesFrom" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightColorInterpolation"] margin_left = 27.0 margin_right = 117.0 margin_bottom = 15.0 hint_tooltip = "0: Color from the brush itself, 100: the currently selected color" mouse_filter = 1 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Brush color from" [node name="RightInterpolateFactor" type="SpinBox" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightColorInterpolation"] margin_left = 45.0 margin_top = 19.0 margin_right = 99.0 margin_bottom = 36.0 hint_tooltip = "0: Color from the brush itself, 100: the currently selected color" mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 value = 100.0 align = 1 [node name="RightInterpolateSlider" type="HSlider" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightColorInterpolation"] margin_left = 25.0 margin_top = 40.0 margin_right = 117.0 margin_bottom = 56.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 92, 0 ) hint_tooltip = "0: Color from the brush itself, 100: the currently selected color" focus_mode = 0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 size_flags_vertical = 1 value = 100.0 ticks_on_borders = true [node name="RightFillArea" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions"] visible = false margin_top = 71.0 margin_right = 160.0 margin_bottom = 155.0 [node name="FillAreaLabel" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea"] margin_left = 57.0 margin_right = 103.0 margin_bottom = 15.0 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Fill area:" [node name="RightFillAreaOptions" type="OptionButton" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea"] margin_left = 24.0 margin_top = 19.0 margin_right = 136.0 margin_bottom = 40.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Same color area" items = [ "Same color area", null, false, 0, null, "Same color pixels", null, false, 1, null ] selected = 0 [node name="FillWithLabel" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea"] margin_left = 57.0 margin_top = 44.0 margin_right = 102.0 margin_bottom = 59.0 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Fill with:" [node name="RightFillWithOptions" type="OptionButton" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea"] margin_left = 38.0 margin_top = 63.0 margin_right = 122.0 margin_bottom = 84.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Selected Color" items = [ "Selected Color", null, false, 0, null, "Pattern", null, false, 1, null ] selected = 0 [node name="RightFillPattern" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea"] visible = false margin_left = 59.0 margin_top = 88.0 margin_right = 95.0 margin_bottom = 120.0 size_flags_horizontal = 4 [node name="RightPatternTypeButton" type="TextureButton" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea/RightFillPattern"] margin_right = 36.0 margin_bottom = 32.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 36, 32 ) hint_tooltip = "Select a brush" mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 texture_normal = ExtResource( 3 ) [node name="PatternTexture" type="TextureRect" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea/RightFillPattern/RightPatternTypeButton"] margin_right = 32.0 margin_bottom = 32.0 expand = true stretch_mode = 6 __meta__ = { "_edit_use_anchors_": false } [node name="Offset" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea/RightFillPattern"] margin_left = -185.0 margin_top = 36.0 margin_right = -120.0 margin_bottom = 51.0 text = "Offset" [node name="XOffset" type="HBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea/RightFillPattern"] margin_left = -185.0 margin_top = 55.0 margin_right = -120.0 margin_bottom = 72.0 [node name="Label" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea/RightFillPattern/XOffset"] margin_top = 1.0 margin_right = 8.0 margin_bottom = 16.0 text = "X" [node name="RightPatternOffsetX" type="SpinBox" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea/RightFillPattern/XOffset"] margin_left = 11.0 margin_right = 65.0 margin_bottom = 17.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 [node name="YOffset" type="HBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea/RightFillPattern"] margin_left = -185.0 margin_top = 76.0 margin_right = -120.0 margin_bottom = 93.0 [node name="Label" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea/RightFillPattern/YOffset"] margin_top = 1.0 margin_right = 7.0 margin_bottom = 16.0 text = "Y" [node name="RightPatternOffsetY" type="SpinBox" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea/RightFillPattern/YOffset"] margin_left = 10.0 margin_right = 64.0 margin_bottom = 17.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 [node name="RightLDOptions" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions"] visible = false margin_top = 75.0 margin_right = 138.0 margin_bottom = 158.0 [node name="RightLightenDarken" type="OptionButton" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightLDOptions"] margin_left = 22.0 margin_right = 114.0 margin_bottom = 23.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 92, 0 ) mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Lighten" items = [ "Lighten", null, false, 0, null, "Darken", null, false, 1, null ] selected = 0 [node name="LDAmountLabel" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightLDOptions"] margin_left = 45.0 margin_top = 27.0 margin_right = 92.0 margin_bottom = 42.0 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Amount:" [node name="RightLDAmountSpinbox" type="SpinBox" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightLDOptions"] margin_left = 42.0 margin_top = 46.0 margin_right = 96.0 margin_bottom = 63.0 hint_tooltip = "Lighten/Darken amount" mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 value = 10.0 align = 1 [node name="RightLDAmountSlider" type="HSlider" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightLDOptions"] margin_left = 22.0 margin_top = 67.0 margin_right = 114.0 margin_bottom = 83.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 92, 0 ) hint_tooltip = "Lighten/Darken amount" focus_mode = 0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 size_flags_vertical = 1 value = 10.0 ticks_on_borders = true [node name="RightColorPickerOptions" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions"] visible = false margin_top = 75.0 margin_right = 144.0 margin_bottom = 117.0 [node name="Label" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightColorPickerOptions"] margin_left = 50.0 margin_right = 94.0 margin_bottom = 15.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Pick for:" [node name="RightForColorOptions" type="OptionButton" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightColorPickerOptions"] margin_left = 31.0 margin_top = 19.0 margin_right = 113.0 margin_bottom = 42.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Right Color" items = [ "Left Color", null, false, 0, null, "Right Color", null, false, 1, null ] selected = 1 [node name="RightZoomOptions" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions"] visible = false margin_top = 75.0 margin_right = 138.0 margin_bottom = 190.0 [node name="ModeLabel" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightZoomOptions"] margin_left = 52.0 margin_right = 85.0 margin_bottom = 15.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Mode:" [node name="RightZoomModeOptions" type="OptionButton" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightZoomOptions"] margin_left = 22.0 margin_top = 19.0 margin_right = 114.0 margin_bottom = 42.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 92, 0 ) mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Zoom out" items = [ "Zoom in", null, false, 0, null, "Zoom out", null, false, 1, null ] selected = 1 [node name="OptionsLabel" type="Label" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightZoomOptions"] margin_left = 46.0 margin_top = 46.0 margin_right = 91.0 margin_bottom = 61.0 mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Options:" [node name="FitToFrameButton" type="Button" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightZoomOptions"] margin_left = 22.0 margin_top = 65.0 margin_right = 114.0 margin_bottom = 88.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 92, 0 ) mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "Fit to frame" [node name="100%ZoomButton" type="Button" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightZoomOptions"] margin_left = 22.0 margin_top = 92.0 margin_right = 114.0 margin_bottom = 115.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 92, 0 ) mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 4 text = "100% Zoom" [node name="EmptySpacer" type="Control" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions"] margin_top = 102.0 margin_right = 116.0 margin_bottom = 114.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 0, 12 ) [node name="RightMirrorButtons" type="HBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions"] margin_top = 118.0 margin_right = 116.0 margin_bottom = 135.0 custom_constants/separation = 44 alignment = 1 [node name="RightHorizontalMirroring" type="TextureButton" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightMirrorButtons" groups=[ "UIButtons", ]] margin_left = 20.0 margin_right = 35.0 margin_bottom = 17.0 hint_tooltip = "Enable horizontal mirrored drawing" mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 toggle_mode = true texture_normal = ExtResource( 5 ) texture_pressed = ExtResource( 4 ) [node name="RightVerticalMirroring" type="TextureButton" parent="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightMirrorButtons" groups=[ "UIButtons", ]] margin_left = 79.0 margin_right = 96.0 margin_bottom = 17.0 hint_tooltip = "Enable vertical mirrored drawing" mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 toggle_mode = true texture_normal = ExtResource( 7 ) texture_pressed = ExtResource( 6 ) [connection signal="pressed" from="ColorButtonsVertical/ColorSwitchCenter/ColorSwitch" to="." method="_on_ColorSwitch_pressed"] [connection signal="color_changed" from="ColorButtonsVertical/ColorPickersCenter/ColorPickersHorizontal/LeftColorPickerButton" to="." method="_on_ColorPickerButton_color_changed" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="popup_closed" from="ColorButtonsVertical/ColorPickersCenter/ColorPickersHorizontal/LeftColorPickerButton" to="." method="_on_ColorPickerButton_popup_closed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="ColorButtonsVertical/ColorPickersCenter/ColorPickersHorizontal/LeftColorPickerButton" to="." method="_on_ColorPickerButton_pressed"] [connection signal="color_changed" from="ColorButtonsVertical/ColorPickersCenter/ColorPickersHorizontal/RightColorPickerButton" to="." method="_on_ColorPickerButton_color_changed" binds= [ true ]] [connection signal="popup_closed" from="ColorButtonsVertical/ColorPickersCenter/ColorPickersHorizontal/RightColorPickerButton" to="." method="_on_ColorPickerButton_popup_closed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="ColorButtonsVertical/ColorPickersCenter/ColorPickersHorizontal/RightColorPickerButton" to="." method="_on_ColorPickerButton_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="ColorButtonsVertical/ColorDefaultsCenter/ColorDefaults" to="." method="_on_ColorDefaults_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftBrushType/LeftBrushTypeButton" to="." method="_on_BrushTypeButton_pressed" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="value_changed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftBrushType/LeftBrushSizeEdit" to="." method="_on_BrushSizeEdit_value_changed" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="value_changed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftBrushSizeSlider" to="." method="_on_BrushSizeEdit_value_changed" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="toggled" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftBrushPixelPerfectMode/LeftPixelPerfectMode" to="." method="_on_PixelPerfectMode_toggled" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="value_changed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftColorInterpolation/LeftInterpolateFactor" to="." method="_on_InterpolateFactor_value_changed" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="value_changed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftColorInterpolation/LeftInterpolateSlider" to="." method="_on_InterpolateFactor_value_changed" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="item_selected" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea/LeftFillAreaOptions" to="." method="_on_FillAreaOptions_item_selected" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="item_selected" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea/LeftFillWithOptions" to="." method="_on_FillWithOptions_item_selected" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="pressed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea/LeftFillPattern/LeftPatternTypeButton" to="." method="_on_PatternTypeButton_pressed" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="value_changed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea/LeftFillPattern/XOffset/LeftPatternOffsetX" to="." method="_on_PatternOffsetX_value_changed" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="value_changed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftFillArea/LeftFillPattern/YOffset/LeftPatternOffsetY" to="." method="_on_PatternOffsetY_value_changed" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="item_selected" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftLDOptions/LeftLightenDarken" to="." method="_on_LightenDarken_item_selected" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="value_changed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftLDOptions/LeftLDAmountSpinbox" to="." method="_on_LDAmount_value_changed" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="value_changed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftLDOptions/LeftLDAmountSlider" to="." method="_on_LDAmount_value_changed" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="item_selected" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftColorPickerOptions/LeftForColorOptions" to="." method="_on_ForColorOptions_item_selected" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="item_selected" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftZoomOptions/LeftZoomModeOptions" to="." method="_on_ZoomModeOptions_item_selected" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="pressed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftZoomOptions/FitToFrameButton" to="." method="_on_FitToFrameButton_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftZoomOptions/100%ZoomButton" to="." method="_on_100ZoomButton_pressed"] [connection signal="toggled" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftMirrorButtons/LeftHorizontalMirroring" to="." method="_on_HorizontalMirroring_toggled" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="toggled" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/LeftPanelContainer/LeftToolOptions/LeftMirrorButtons/LeftVerticalMirroring" to="." method="_on_VerticalMirroring_toggled" binds= [ false ]] [connection signal="pressed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightBrushType/RightBrushTypeButton" to="." method="_on_BrushTypeButton_pressed" binds= [ true ]] [connection signal="value_changed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightBrushType/RightBrushSizeEdit" to="." method="_on_BrushSizeEdit_value_changed" binds= [ true ]] [connection signal="value_changed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightBrushSizeSlider" to="." method="_on_BrushSizeEdit_value_changed" binds= [ true ]] [connection signal="toggled" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightBrushPixelPerfectMode/RightPixelPerfectMode" to="." method="_on_PixelPerfectMode_toggled" binds= [ true ]] [connection signal="value_changed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightColorInterpolation/RightInterpolateFactor" to="." method="_on_InterpolateFactor_value_changed" binds= [ true ]] [connection signal="value_changed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightColorInterpolation/RightInterpolateSlider" to="." method="_on_InterpolateFactor_value_changed" binds= [ true ]] [connection signal="item_selected" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea/RightFillAreaOptions" to="." method="_on_FillAreaOptions_item_selected" binds= [ true ]] [connection signal="item_selected" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea/RightFillWithOptions" to="." method="_on_FillWithOptions_item_selected" binds= [ true ]] [connection signal="pressed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea/RightFillPattern/RightPatternTypeButton" to="." method="_on_PatternTypeButton_pressed" binds= [ true ]] [connection signal="value_changed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea/RightFillPattern/XOffset/RightPatternOffsetX" to="." method="_on_PatternOffsetX_value_changed" binds= [ true ]] [connection signal="value_changed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightFillArea/RightFillPattern/YOffset/RightPatternOffsetY" to="." method="_on_PatternOffsetY_value_changed" binds= [ true ]] [connection signal="item_selected" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightLDOptions/RightLightenDarken" to="." method="_on_LightenDarken_item_selected" binds= [ true ]] [connection signal="value_changed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightLDOptions/RightLDAmountSpinbox" to="." method="_on_LDAmount_value_changed" binds= [ true ]] [connection signal="value_changed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightLDOptions/RightLDAmountSlider" to="." method="_on_LDAmount_value_changed" binds= [ true ]] [connection signal="item_selected" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightColorPickerOptions/RightForColorOptions" to="." method="_on_ForColorOptions_item_selected" binds= [ true ]] [connection signal="item_selected" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightZoomOptions/RightZoomModeOptions" to="." method="_on_ZoomModeOptions_item_selected" binds= [ true ]] [connection signal="pressed" from="ScrollContainer/ToolOptions/RightPanelContainer/RightToolOptions/RightZoomOptions/FitToFrameButton" to="." method="_on_FitToFrameButton_pressed"] [connection 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