extends Line2D enum Types { VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL } const INPUT_WIDTH := 4 @export var type := 0 var track_mouse := true var _texture := preload("res://assets/graphics/dotted_line.png") func _ready() -> void: # Add a subtle difference to the normal guide color by mixing in some green default_color = Global.guide_color.lerp(Color(0.2, 0.92, 0.2), .6) texture = _texture texture_repeat = CanvasItem.TEXTURE_REPEAT_ENABLED texture_mode = Line2D.LINE_TEXTURE_TILE await get_tree().process_frame await get_tree().process_frame width = 2.0 / Global.camera.zoom.x draw_guide_line() func draw_guide_line() -> void: if type == Types.HORIZONTAL: points[0] = Vector2(-19999, 0) points[1] = Vector2(19999, 0) else: points[0] = Vector2(0, 19999) points[1] = Vector2(0, -19999) func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: if !Global.show_mouse_guides or !Global.can_draw: visible = false return visible = true if event is InputEventMouseMotion: var mouse_point := get_local_mouse_position().snapped(Vector2(0.5, 0.5)) var project_size := Global.current_project.size if Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, project_size).has_point(mouse_point): visible = true else: visible = false return if type == Types.HORIZONTAL: points[0].y = mouse_point.y points[1].y = mouse_point.y else: points[0].x = mouse_point.x points[1].x = mouse_point.x queue_redraw() func _draw() -> void: width = 2.0 / Global.camera.zoom.x var viewport_size := get_viewport_rect().size var zoom := Global.camera.zoom # An array of the points that make up the corners of the viewport var viewport_poly := PackedVector2Array( [Vector2.ZERO, Vector2(viewport_size.x, 0), viewport_size, Vector2(0, viewport_size.y)] ) # Adjusting viewport_poly to take into account the camera offset, zoom, and rotation for p in range(viewport_poly.size()): viewport_poly[p] = ( viewport_poly[p].rotated(Global.camera.rotation) * zoom + Vector2( ( Global.camera.offset.x - (viewport_size.rotated(Global.camera.rotation).x / 2) / zoom.x ), ( Global.camera.offset.y - (viewport_size.rotated(Global.camera.rotation).y / 2) / zoom.y ) ) )