extends "res://src/Tools/Base.gd" var _pattern : Patterns.Pattern var _fill_area := 0 var _fill_with := 0 var _offset_x := 0 var _offset_y := 0 func _ready() -> void: update_pattern() func _on_FillAreaOptions_item_selected(index : int) -> void: _fill_area = index update_config() save_config() func _on_FillWithOptions_item_selected(index : int) -> void: _fill_with = index update_config() save_config() func _on_PatternType_pressed(): Global.patterns_popup.connect("pattern_selected", self, "_on_Pattern_selected", [], CONNECT_ONESHOT) Global.patterns_popup.popup(Rect2($FillPattern/Type.rect_global_position, Vector2(226, 72))) func _on_Pattern_selected(pattern : Patterns.Pattern) -> void: _pattern = pattern update_pattern() save_config() func _on_PatternOffsetX_value_changed(value : float): _offset_x = int(value) update_config() save_config() func _on_PatternOffsetY_value_changed(value : float): _offset_y = int(value) update_config() save_config() func get_config() -> Dictionary: if !_pattern: return {} return { "pattern_index" : _pattern.index, "fill_area" : _fill_area, "fill_with" : _fill_with, "offset_x" : _offset_x, "offset_y" : _offset_y, } func set_config(config : Dictionary) -> void: if _pattern: var index = config.get("pattern_index", _pattern.index) _pattern = Global.patterns_popup.get_pattern(index) _fill_area = config.get("fill_area", _fill_area) _fill_with = config.get("fill_with", _fill_with) _offset_x = config.get("offset_x", _offset_x) _offset_y = config.get("offset_y", _offset_y) update_pattern() func update_config() -> void: $FillAreaOptions.selected = _fill_area $FillWithOptions.selected = _fill_with $Mirror.visible = _fill_area == 0 $FillPattern.visible = _fill_with == 1 $FillPattern/XOffset/OffsetX.value = _offset_x $FillPattern/YOffset/OffsetY.value = _offset_y func update_pattern() -> void: if _pattern == null: if Global.patterns_popup.default_pattern == null: return else: _pattern = Global.patterns_popup.default_pattern var tex := ImageTexture.new() tex.create_from_image(_pattern.image, 0) $FillPattern/Type/Texture.texture = tex var size := _pattern.image.get_size() $FillPattern/XOffset/OffsetX.max_value = size.x - 1 $FillPattern/YOffset/OffsetY.max_value = size.y - 1 func draw_start(position : Vector2) -> void: if Global.current_project.layers[Global.current_project.current_layer].locked or !Global.current_project.tile_mode_rects[Global.TileMode.NONE].has_point(position): return if Global.current_project.selected_pixels and not position in Global.current_project.selected_pixels: return var undo_data = _get_undo_data() if _fill_area == 0: fill_in_area(position) else: fill_in_color(position) commit_undo("Draw", undo_data) func draw_move(_position : Vector2) -> void: pass func draw_end(_position : Vector2) -> void: pass func fill_in_color(position : Vector2) -> void: var project : Project = Global.current_project var image := _get_draw_image() var color := image.get_pixelv(position) if _fill_with == 0 or _pattern == null: if tool_slot.color.is_equal_approx(color): return image.lock() var pixels := [] if project.selected_pixels: pixels = project.selected_pixels.duplicate() else: for x in Global.current_project.size.x: for y in Global.current_project.size.y: pixels.append(Vector2(x, y)) for i in pixels: if image.get_pixelv(i).is_equal_approx(color): _set_pixel(image, i.x, i.y, tool_slot.color) func fill_in_area(position : Vector2) -> void: var project : Project = Global.current_project _flood_fill(position) # Handle Mirroring var mirror_x = project.x_symmetry_point - position.x var mirror_y = project.y_symmetry_point - position.y var mirror_x_inside : bool var mirror_y_inside : bool var entire_image_selected : bool = project.selected_pixels.empty() if entire_image_selected: mirror_x_inside = mirror_x >= 0 and mirror_x < project.size.x mirror_y_inside = mirror_y >= 0 and mirror_y < project.size.y else: var selected_pixels_x := [] var selected_pixels_y := [] for i in project.selected_pixels: selected_pixels_x.append(i.x) selected_pixels_y.append(i.y) mirror_x_inside = mirror_x in selected_pixels_x mirror_y_inside = mirror_y in selected_pixels_y if tool_slot.horizontal_mirror and mirror_x_inside: _flood_fill(Vector2(mirror_x, position.y)) if tool_slot.vertical_mirror and mirror_y_inside: _flood_fill(Vector2(mirror_x, mirror_y)) if tool_slot.vertical_mirror and mirror_y_inside: _flood_fill(Vector2(position.x, mirror_y)) func _flood_fill(position : Vector2) -> void: var project : Project = Global.current_project var image := _get_draw_image() var color := image.get_pixelv(position) if _fill_with == 0 or _pattern == null: if tool_slot.color.is_equal_approx(color): return image.lock() var processed := BitMap.new() processed.create(image.get_size()) var q = [position] for n in q: if processed.get_bit(n): continue var west : Vector2 = n var east : Vector2 = n while west.x >= 0 && image.get_pixelv(west).is_equal_approx(color): west += Vector2.LEFT while east.x < project.size.x && image.get_pixelv(east).is_equal_approx(color): east += Vector2.RIGHT for px in range(west.x + 1, east.x): var p := Vector2(px, n.y) _set_pixel(image, p.x, p.y, tool_slot.color) processed.set_bit(p, true) var north := p + Vector2.UP var south := p + Vector2.DOWN if north.y >= 0 && image.get_pixelv(north).is_equal_approx(color): q.append(north) if south.y < project.size.y && image.get_pixelv(south).is_equal_approx(color): q.append(south) func _set_pixel(image : Image, x : int, y : int, color : Color) -> void: var project : Project = Global.current_project var entire_image_selected : bool = project.selected_pixels.empty() if entire_image_selected: if not _get_draw_rect().has_point(Vector2(x, y)): return else: if not Vector2(x, y) in project.selected_pixels: return if _fill_with == 0 or _pattern == null: image.set_pixel(x, y, color) else: _pattern.image.lock() var size := _pattern.image.get_size() var px := int(x + _offset_x) % int(size.x) var py := int(y + _offset_y) % int(size.y) var pc := _pattern.image.get_pixel(px, py) image.set_pixel(x, y, pc) func commit_undo(action : String, undo_data : Dictionary) -> void: var redo_data = _get_undo_data() var project : Project = Global.current_project var image : Image = project.frames[project.current_frame].cels[project.current_layer].image project.undos += 1 project.undo_redo.create_action(action) project.undo_redo.add_do_property(image, "data", redo_data["image_data"]) project.undo_redo.add_undo_property(image, "data", undo_data["image_data"]) project.undo_redo.add_do_method(Global, "redo", project.current_frame, project.current_layer) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method(Global, "undo", project.current_frame, project.current_layer) project.undo_redo.commit_action() func _get_undo_data() -> Dictionary: var data = {} var project : Project = Global.current_project var image : Image = project.frames[project.current_frame].cels[project.current_layer].image image.unlock() data["image_data"] = image.data image.lock() return data