extends Node # NOTE: Goto File-->Save then type "ExtensionsApi" in "Search Help" to read the # curated documentation of the Api. # If it still doesn't show try again after doing Project-->Reload current project ## The Official ExtensionsAPI for pixelorama. ## ## This Api gives you the essentials to develop a working extension for Pixelorama.[br] ## The Api consists of many smaller Apis, each giving access to different areas of the Software. ## [br][br] ## Keep in mind that this API is targeted towards users who are not fully familiar with Pixelorama's ## source code. If you need to do something more complicated and more low-level, you would need to ## interact directly with the source code. ## [br][br] ## To access this anywhere in the extension use [code]get_node_or_null("/root/ExtensionsApi")[/code] ## ## @tutorial(Add Tutorial here): https://the/tutorial1/url.com ## Gives access to the general, app related functions of pixelorama ## such as Autoloads, Software Version, Config file etc... var general := GeneralAPI.new() var menu := MenuAPI.new() ## Gives ability to add/remove items from menus in the top bar. var dialog := DialogAPI.new() ## Gives access to Dialog related functions. var panel := PanelAPI.new() ## Gives access to Tabs and Dockable Container related functions. var theme := ThemeAPI.new() ## Gives access to theme related functions. var tools := ToolAPI.new() ## Gives ability to add/remove tools. var selection := SelectionAPI.new() ## Gives access to pixelorama's selection system. var project := ProjectAPI.new() ## Gives access to project manipulation. var export := ExportAPI.new() ## Gives access to adding custom exporters. var import := ImportAPI.new() ## Gives access to adding custom exporters. var signals := SignalsAPI.new() ## Gives access to the basic commonly used signals. ## This fail-safe below is designed to work ONLY if Pixelorama is launched in Godot Editor var _action_history: Dictionary = {} ## [code]This function is used internally and not meant to be used by extensions.[/code] func check_sanity(extension_name: String) -> void: if extension_name in _action_history.keys(): var extension_history: Array = _action_history[extension_name] if extension_history != []: var error_msg := str( "Extension: ", extension_name, " contains actons: ", extension_history, " which are not removed properly" ) printerr(error_msg) ## [code]This function is used internally and not meant to be used by extensions.[/code] func clear_history(extension_name: String) -> void: if extension_name in _action_history.keys(): _action_history.erase(extension_name) ## [code]This function is used internally and not meant to be used by extensions.[/code] func add_action(section: String, key: String) -> void: var action := str(section, "/", key) var extension_name := _get_caller_extension_name() if extension_name != "Unknown": if extension_name in _action_history.keys(): var extension_history: Array = _action_history[extension_name] extension_history.append(action) else: # If the extension history doesn't exist yet, create it _action_history[extension_name] = [action] ## [code]This function is used internally and not meant to be used by extensions.[/code] func remove_action(section: String, key: String) -> void: var action := str(section, "/", key) var extension_name := _get_caller_extension_name() if extension_name != "Unknown": if extension_name in _action_history.keys(): _action_history[extension_name].erase(action) ## [code]This function is used internally and not meant to be used by extensions.[/code] func wait_frame() -> void: # Await is not available to classes below, so this is the solution # use by {await ExtensionsApi.wait_frame()} await get_tree().process_frame await get_tree().process_frame func _get_caller_extension_name() -> String: var stack := get_stack() for trace in stack: # Get extension name that called the action var arr: Array = trace["source"].split("/") var idx = arr.find("Extensions") if idx != -1: return arr[idx + 1] return "Unknown" func _exit_tree() -> void: for keys in _action_history.keys(): check_sanity(keys) # The API Methods Start Here ## Returns the version of the ExtensionsApi. func get_api_version() -> int: return ProjectSettings.get_setting("application/config/ExtensionsAPI_Version") ## Returns the initial nodes of an extension named [param extension_name]. ## initial nodes are the nodes whose paths are in the [code]nodes[/code] key of an ## extension.json file. func get_main_nodes(extension_name: StringName) -> Array[Node]: var extensions_node = Global.control.get_node("Extensions") var nodes: Array[Node] = [] for child: Node in extensions_node.get_children(): if child.is_in_group(extension_name): nodes.append(child) return nodes ## Gives Access to the general stuff. ## ## This part of Api provides stuff like commonly used Autoloads, App's version info etc ## the most basic (but important) stuff. class GeneralAPI: ## Returns the current version of pixelorama. func get_pixelorama_version() -> String: return ProjectSettings.get_setting("application/config/Version") ## Returns the [ConfigFile] contains all the settings (Brushes, sizes, preferences, etc...). func get_config_file() -> ConfigFile: return Global.config_cache ## Returns the Global autoload used by Pixelorama.[br] ## Contains references to almost all UI Elements, Variables that indicate different ## settings etc..., In short it is the most important autoload of Pixelorama. func get_global() -> Global: return Global ## Returns the DrawingAlgos autoload, contains different drawing algorithms used by Pixelorama. func get_drawing_algos() -> DrawingAlgos: return DrawingAlgos ## Gives you a new ShaderImageEffect class. this class can apply shader to an image.[br] ## It contains method: ## [code]generate_image(img: Image, shader: Shader, params: Dictionary, size: Vector2)[/code] ## [br]Whose parameters are identified as: ## [br][param img] --> image that the shader will be pasted to (Empty Image of size same as ## project). ## [br][param shader] --> preload of the shader. ## [br][param params] --> a dictionary of params used by the shader. ## [br][param size] --> It is the project's size. func get_new_shader_image_effect() -> ShaderImageEffect: return ShaderImageEffect.new() ## Returns parent of the nodes listed in extension.json -> "nodes". func get_extensions_node() -> Node: return Global.control.get_node("Extensions") ## Returns the main [code]Canvas[/code] node, ## normally used to add a custom preview to the canvas. func get_canvas() -> Canvas: return Global.canvas ## Gives ability to add/remove items from menus in the top bar. class MenuAPI: enum { FILE, EDIT, SELECT, IMAGE, EFFECTS, VIEW, WINDOW, HELP } # Menu methods func _get_popup_menu(menu_type: int) -> PopupMenu: match menu_type: FILE: return Global.top_menu_container.file_menu EDIT: return Global.top_menu_container.edit_menu SELECT: return Global.top_menu_container.select_menu IMAGE: return Global.top_menu_container.image_menu EFFECTS: return Global.top_menu_container.effects_menu VIEW: return Global.top_menu_container.view_menu WINDOW: return Global.top_menu_container.window_menu HELP: return Global.top_menu_container.help_menu return null ## Adds a menu item of title [param item_name] to the [param menu_type] defined by ## [enum @unnamed_enums]. ## [br][param item_metadata] is usually a window node you want to appear when you click the ## [param item_name]. That window node should also have a [param menu_item_clicked] ## function inside its script.[br] ## Index of the added item is returned (which can be used to remove menu item later on). func add_menu_item(menu_type: int, item_name: String, item_metadata, item_id := -1) -> int: var popup_menu := _get_popup_menu(menu_type) if not popup_menu: return -1 popup_menu.add_item(item_name, item_id) var idx := item_id if item_id == -1: idx = popup_menu.get_item_count() - 1 popup_menu.set_item_metadata(idx, item_metadata) ExtensionsApi.add_action("MenuAPI", "add_menu") return idx ## Removes a menu item at index [param item_idx] from the [param menu_type] defined by ## [enum @unnamed_enums]. func remove_menu_item(menu_type: int, item_idx: int) -> void: var popup_menu := _get_popup_menu(menu_type) if not popup_menu: return popup_menu.remove_item(item_idx) ExtensionsApi.remove_action("MenuAPI", "add_menu") ## Gives access to common dialog related functions. class DialogAPI: ## Shows an alert dialog with the given [param text]. ## Useful for displaying messages like "Incompatible API" etc... func show_error(text: String) -> void: Global.popup_error(text) ## Returns the node that is the parent of dialogs used in pixelorama. func get_dialogs_parent_node() -> Node: return Global.control.get_node("Dialogs") ## Tells pixelorama that some dialog is about to open or close. func dialog_open(open: bool) -> void: Global.dialog_open(open) ## Gives access to Tabs and Dockable Container related functions. class PanelAPI: ## Sets the visibility of dockable tabs. var tabs_visible: bool: set(value): var dockable := _get_dockable_container_ui() dockable.tabs_visible = value get: var dockable := _get_dockable_container_ui() return dockable.tabs_visible ## Adds the [param node] as a tab. Initially it's placed on the same panel as the tools tab, ## but can be changed through adding custom layouts. func add_node_as_tab(node: Node) -> void: var dockable := _get_dockable_container_ui() var top_menu_container := Global.top_menu_container var panels_submenu: PopupMenu = top_menu_container.panels_submenu # adding the node to the first tab we find, it'll be re-ordered by layout anyway var tabs := _get_tabs_in_root(dockable.layout.root) if tabs.size() != 0: dockable.add_child(node) tabs[0].insert_node(0, node) # Insert at the beginning else: push_error("No tabs found!") return top_menu_container.ui_elements.append(node) # refreshing Panels submenu var new_elements = top_menu_container.ui_elements panels_submenu.clear() for element in new_elements: panels_submenu.add_check_item(element.name) var is_hidden := dockable.is_control_hidden(element) panels_submenu.set_item_checked(new_elements.find(element), !is_hidden) # re-assigning layout top_menu_container.set_layout(top_menu_container.selected_layout) # we must make tabs_visible = true for a few moments if it is false if dockable.tabs_visible == false: dockable.tabs_visible = true await ExtensionsApi.wait_frame() dockable.tabs_visible = false ExtensionsApi.add_action("PanelAPI", "add_tab") ## Removes the [param node] from the DockableContainer. func remove_node_from_tab(node: Node) -> void: var top_menu_container := Global.top_menu_container var dockable := _get_dockable_container_ui() var panels_submenu: PopupMenu = top_menu_container.panels_submenu # find the tab that contains the node if node == null: return var tab := _find_tab_with_node(node.name, dockable) if not tab: push_error("Tab not found") return # remove node from that tab tab.remove_node(node) node.get_parent().remove_child(node) top_menu_container.ui_elements.erase(node) node.queue_free() # refreshing Panels submenu var new_elements = top_menu_container.ui_elements panels_submenu.clear() for element in new_elements: panels_submenu.add_check_item(element.name) var is_hidden: bool = dockable.is_control_hidden(element) panels_submenu.set_item_checked(new_elements.find(element), !is_hidden) # we must make tabs_visible = true for a few moments if it is false if dockable.tabs_visible == false: dockable.tabs_visible = true await ExtensionsApi.wait_frame() dockable.tabs_visible = false ExtensionsApi.remove_action("PanelAPI", "add_tab") # PRIVATE METHODS func _get_dockable_container_ui() -> DockableContainer: return Global.control.find_child("DockableContainer") func _find_tab_with_node( node_name: String, dockable_container: DockableContainer ) -> DockableLayoutPanel: var root := dockable_container.layout.root var tabs := _get_tabs_in_root(root) for tab in tabs: var idx := tab.find_name(node_name) if idx != -1: return tab return null func _get_tabs_in_root(parent_resource: DockableLayoutNode) -> Array[DockableLayoutPanel]: var parents := [] # Resources have no get_parent_resource() so this is an alternative var scanned := [] # To keep track of already discovered layout_split resources var child_number := 0 parents.append(parent_resource) var scan_target := parent_resource var tabs: Array[DockableLayoutPanel] = [] # Get children in the parent, the initial parent is the node we entered as "parent" while child_number < 2: # If parent isn't a (layout_split) resource then there is no point # in continuing (this is just a sanity check and should always pass) if !scan_target is DockableLayoutSplit: break var child_resource: DockableLayoutNode if child_number == 0: child_resource = (scan_target as DockableLayoutSplit).get_first() # First child elif child_number == 1: child_resource = (scan_target as DockableLayoutSplit).get_second() # Second child # If the child resource is a tab and it wasn't discovered before, add it to "paths" if child_resource is DockableLayoutPanel: if !tabs.has(child_resource): tabs.append(child_resource) # If "child_resource" is another layout_split resource then we need to scan it too elif child_resource is DockableLayoutSplit and !scanned.has(child_resource): scanned.append(child_resource) parents.append(child_resource) scan_target = parents[-1] # Set this as the next scan target # Reset child_number by setting it to -1, because later it will # get added by "child_number += 1" to make it 0 child_number = -1 child_number += 1 # If we have reached the bottom, then make the child's parent as # the next parent and move on to the next child in the parent if child_number == 2: scan_target = parents.pop_back() child_number = 0 # If there is no parent left to get scanned if scan_target == null: return tabs return tabs ## Gives access to theme related functions. class ThemeAPI: ## Adds the [param theme] to [code]Edit -> Preferences -> Interface -> Themes[/code]. func add_theme(theme: Theme) -> void: Themes.add_theme(theme) ExtensionsApi.add_action("ThemeAPI", "add_theme") ## Returns index of the [param theme] in preferences. func find_theme_index(theme: Theme) -> int: return Themes.themes.find(theme) ## Returns the current theme resource. func get_theme() -> Theme: return Global.control.theme ## Sets a theme located at a given [param idx] in preferences. If theme set successfully then ## return [code]true[/code], else [code]false[/code]. func set_theme(idx: int) -> bool: if idx >= 0 and idx < Themes.themes.size(): Themes.change_theme(idx) return true else: return false ## Remove the [param theme] from preferences. func remove_theme(theme: Theme) -> void: Themes.remove_theme(theme) ExtensionsApi.remove_action("ThemeAPI", "add_theme") ## Gives ability to add/remove tools. class ToolAPI: # gdlint: ignore=constant-name const LayerTypes := Global.LayerTypes ## Adds a tool to pixelorama with name [param tool_name] (without spaces), ## display name [param display_name], tool scene [param scene], layers that the tool works ## on [param layer_types] defined by [constant LayerTypes], ## [param extra_hint] (text that appears when mouse havers tool icon), primary shortcut ## name [param shortcut] and any extra shortcuts [param extra_shortcuts]. ## [br][br]At the moment extensions can't make their own shortcuts so you can ignore ## [param shortcut] and [param extra_shortcuts]. ## [br] to determine the position of tool in tool list, use [param insert_point] ## (if you leave it empty then the added tool will be placed at bottom) func add_tool( tool_name: String, display_name: String, scene: String, layer_types: PackedInt32Array = [], extra_hint := "", shortcut: String = "", extra_shortcuts: PackedStringArray = [], insert_point := -1 ) -> void: var tool_class := Tools.Tool.new( tool_name, display_name, shortcut, scene, layer_types, extra_hint, extra_shortcuts ) Tools.tools[tool_name] = tool_class Tools.add_tool_button(tool_class, insert_point) ExtensionsApi.add_action("ToolAPI", "add_tool") ## Removes a tool with name [param tool_name] ## and assign Pencil as left tool, Eraser as right tool. func remove_tool(tool_name: String) -> void: # Re-assigning the tools in case the tool to be removed is also active Tools.assign_tool("Pencil", MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) Tools.assign_tool("Eraser", MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT) var tool_class: Tools.Tool = Tools.tools[tool_name] if tool_class: Tools.remove_tool(tool_class) ExtensionsApi.remove_action("ToolAPI", "add_tool") ## Gives access to pixelorama's selection system. class SelectionAPI: ## Clears the selection. func clear_selection() -> void: Global.canvas.selection.clear_selection(true) ## Select the entire region of current cel. func select_all() -> void: Global.canvas.selection.select_all() ## Selects a portion defined by [param rect] of the current cel. ## [param operation] influences it's behaviour with previous selection rects ## (0 for adding, 1 for subtracting, 2 for intersection). func select_rect(rect: Rect2i, operation := 0) -> void: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() var undo_data_tmp = Global.canvas.selection.get_undo_data(false) Global.canvas.selection.select_rect(rect, operation) Global.canvas.selection.commit_undo("Select", undo_data_tmp) ## Moves a selection to [param destination], ## with content if [param with_content] is [code]true[/code]. ## If [param transform_standby] is [code]true[/code] then the transformation will not be ## applied immediatelyunless [kbd]Enter[/kbd] is pressed. func move_selection( destination: Vector2i, with_content := true, transform_standby := false ) -> void: if not with_content: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() Global.canvas.selection.move_borders_start() else: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_start() var selection_rectangle: Rect2i = Global.canvas.selection.big_bounding_rectangle var rel_direction := destination - selection_rectangle.position Global.canvas.selection.move_content(rel_direction) Global.canvas.selection.move_borders_end() if not transform_standby and with_content: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() ## Resizes the selection to [param new_size], ## with content if [param with_content] is [code]true[/code]. ## If [param transform_standby] is [code]true[/code] then the transformation will not be ## applied immediately unless [kbd]Enter[/kbd] is pressed. func resize_selection( new_size: Vector2i, with_content := true, transform_standby := false ) -> void: if not with_content: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() Global.canvas.selection.move_borders_start() else: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_start() Global.canvas.selection.big_bounding_rectangle.size = new_size Global.canvas.selection.resize_selection() Global.canvas.selection.move_borders_end() if not transform_standby and with_content: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() ## Inverts the selection. func invert() -> void: Global.canvas.selection.invert() ## Makes a project brush out of the current selection's content. func make_brush() -> void: Global.canvas.selection.new_brush() ## Returns the portion of current cel's image enclosed by the selection. ## It's similar to [method make_brush] but it returns the image instead. func get_enclosed_image() -> Image: return Global.canvas.selection.get_enclosed_image() ## Copies the selection content (works in or between pixelorama instances only). func copy() -> void: Global.canvas.selection.copy() ## Pastes the selection content. func paste(in_place := false) -> void: Global.canvas.selection.paste(in_place) ## Deletes the drawing on current cel enclosed within the selection's area. func delete_content(selected_cels := true) -> void: Global.canvas.selection.delete(selected_cels) ## Gives access to basic project manipulation functions. class ProjectAPI: ## The project currently in focus var current_project: Project: set(value): Global.tabs.current_tab = Global.projects.find(value) get: return Global.current_project ## Creates a new project in a new tab with one starting layer and frame, ## name [param name], size [param size], fill color [param fill_color] and ## frames [param frames]. The created project also gets returned.[br][br] ## [param frames] is an [Array] of type [Frame]. Usually it can be left as [code][][/code]. func new_project( frames: Array[Frame] = [], name := tr("untitled"), size := Vector2(64, 64), fill_color := Color.TRANSPARENT ) -> Project: if !name.is_valid_filename(): name = tr("untitled") if size.x <= 0 or size.y <= 0: size.x = 1 size.y = 1 var new_proj := Project.new(frames, name, size.floor()) new_proj.layers.append(PixelLayer.new(new_proj)) new_proj.fill_color = fill_color new_proj.frames.append(new_proj.new_empty_frame()) Global.projects.append(new_proj) return new_proj ## Creates and returns a new [Project] in a new tab, with an optional [param name]. ## Unlike [method new_project], no starting frame/layer gets created. ## Useful if you want to deserialize project data. func new_empty_project(name := tr("untitled")) -> Project: var new_proj := Project.new([], name) Global.projects.append(new_proj) return new_proj ## Returns a dictionary containing all the project information. func get_project_info(project: Project) -> Dictionary: return project.serialize() ## Selects the cels and makes the last entry of [param selected_array] as the current cel ## [param selected_array] is an [Array] of [Arrays] of 2 integers (frame & layer).[br] ## Frames are counted from left to right, layers are counted from bottom to top. ## Frames/layers start at "0" and end at [param project.frames.size() - 1] and ## [param project.layers.size() - 1] respectively. func select_cels(selected_array := [[0, 0]]) -> void: var project := Global.current_project project.selected_cels.clear() for cel_position in selected_array: if typeof(cel_position) == TYPE_ARRAY and cel_position.size() == 2: var frame := clampi(cel_position[0], 0, project.frames.size() - 1) var layer := clampi(cel_position[1], 0, project.layers.size() - 1) if not [frame, layer] in project.selected_cels: project.selected_cels.append([frame, layer]) project.change_cel(project.selected_cels[-1][0], project.selected_cels[-1][1]) ## Returns the current cel. ## Cel type can be checked using function [method get_class_name] inside the cel ## type can be GroupCel, PixelCel, Cel3D, or BaseCel. func get_current_cel() -> BaseCel: return current_project.get_current_cel() ## Frames are counted from left to right, layers are counted from bottom to top. ## Frames/layers start at "0" and end at [param project.frames.size() - 1] and ## [param project.layers.size() - 1] respectively. func get_cel_at(project: Project, frame: int, layer: int) -> BaseCel: frame = clampi(frame, 0, project.frames.size() - 1) layer = clampi(layer, 0, project.layers.size() - 1) return project.frames[frame].cels[layer] ## Sets an [param image] at [param frame] and [param layer] on the current project. ## Frames are counted from left to right, layers are counted from bottom to top. func set_pixelcel_image(image: Image, frame: int, layer: int) -> void: if get_cel_at(current_project, frame, layer).get_class_name() == "PixelCel": OpenSave.open_image_at_cel(image, layer, frame) else: print("cel at frame ", frame, ", layer ", layer, " is not a PixelCel") ## Adds a new frame in the current project after frame [param after_frame]. func add_new_frame(after_frame: int) -> void: var project := Global.current_project if after_frame < project.frames.size() and after_frame >= 0: var old_current := project.current_frame project.current_frame = after_frame # temporary assignment Global.animation_timeline.add_frame() project.current_frame = old_current else: print("invalid (after_frame)") ## Adds a new Layer of name [param name] in the current project above layer [param above_layer] ## ([param above_layer] = 0 is the bottom-most layer and so on). ## [br][param type] = 0 --> PixelLayer, ## [br][param type] = 1 --> GroupLayer, ## [br][param type] = 2 --> 3DLayer func add_new_layer(above_layer: int, name := "", type := Global.LayerTypes.PIXEL) -> void: var project := ExtensionsApi.project.current_project if above_layer < project.layers.size() and above_layer >= 0: var old_current := project.current_layer project.current_layer = above_layer # temporary assignment if type >= 0 and type < Global.LayerTypes.size(): Global.animation_timeline.add_layer(type) if name != "": project.layers[above_layer + 1].name = name var l_idx := Global.layer_vbox.get_child_count() - (above_layer + 2) Global.layer_vbox.get_child(l_idx).label.text = name project.current_layer = old_current else: print("invalid (type)") else: print("invalid (above_layer)") ## Gives access to adding custom exporters. class ExportAPI: # gdlint: ignore=constant-name const ExportTab := Export.ExportTab ## [param format_info] has keys: [code]extension[/code] and [code]description[/code] ## whose values are of type [String] e.g:[codeblock] ## format_info = {"extension": ".gif", "description": "GIF Image"} ## [/codeblock] ## [param exporter_generator] is a node with a script containing the method ## [method override_export] which takes 1 argument of type Dictionary which is automatically ## passed to [method override_export] at time of export and contains ## keys: [code]processed_images[/code], [code]durations[/code], [code]export_dialog[/code], ## [code]export_paths[/code], [code]project[/code][br] ## If the value of [param tab] is not in [constant ExportTab] then the format will be added to ## both tabs. Returns the index of exporter, which can be used to remove exporter later. func add_export_option( format_info: Dictionary, exporter_generator: Object, tab := ExportTab.IMAGE, is_animated := true ) -> int: # Separate enum name and file name var extension := "" var format_name := "" if format_info.has("extension"): extension = format_info["extension"] if format_info.has("description"): format_name = format_info["description"].strip_edges().to_upper().replace(" ", "_") # Change format name if another one uses the same name var existing_format_names := Export.FileFormat.keys() + Export.custom_file_formats.keys() for i in range(existing_format_names.size()): var test_name := format_name if i != 0: test_name = str(test_name, "_", i) if !existing_format_names.has(test_name): format_name = test_name break # Setup complete, add the exporter var id := Export.add_custom_file_format( format_name, extension, exporter_generator, tab, is_animated ) ExtensionsApi.add_action("ExportAPI", "add_exporter") return id ## Removes the exporter with [param id] from Pixelorama. func remove_export_option(id: int) -> void: if Export.custom_exporter_generators.has(id): Export.remove_custom_file_format(id) ExtensionsApi.remove_action("ExportAPI", "add_exporter") ## Gives access to adding custom import options. class ImportAPI: ## [param import_scene] is a scene preload that will be instanced and added to "import options" ## section of pixelorama's import dialogs and will appears whenever [param import_name] is ## chosen from import menu. ## [br] ## [param import_scene] must have a a script containing:[br] ## 1. An optional variable named [code]import_preview_dialog[/code] of type [ConfirmationDialog], ## If present, it will automatically be assigned a reference to the relevant import dialog's ## [code]ImportPreviewDialog[/code] class so that you can easily access variables and ## methods of that class. (This variable is meant to be read-only)[br] ## 2. The method [method initiate_import] which takes 2 arguments: [code]path[/code], ## [code]image[/code], which are automatically passed to [method initiate_import] at ## time of import. func add_import_option(import_name: StringName, import_scene_preload: PackedScene) -> int: var id := OpenSave.add_import_option(import_name, import_scene_preload) ExtensionsApi.add_action("ImportAPI", "add_import_option") return id ## Removes the import option with [param id] from Pixelorama. func remove_import_option(id: int) -> void: var import_name = OpenSave.custom_import_names.find_key(id) OpenSave.custom_import_names.erase(import_name) OpenSave.custom_importer_scenes.erase(id) ExtensionsApi.remove_action("ImportAPI", "add_import_option") ## Gives access to the basic commonly used signals. ## ## Gives access to the basic commonly used signals. ## Some less common signals are not mentioned in Api but could be accessed through source directly. class SignalsAPI: # system to auto-adjust texture_changed to the "current cel" ## This signal is not meant to be used directly. ## Use [method connect_current_cel_texture_changed] instead signal texture_changed var _last_cel: BaseCel func _init() -> void: Global.project_switched.connect(_update_texture_signal) Global.cel_switched.connect(_update_texture_signal) func _update_texture_signal() -> void: if _last_cel: _last_cel.texture_changed.disconnect(_on_texture_changed) if Global.current_project: _last_cel = Global.current_project.get_current_cel() _last_cel.texture_changed.connect(_on_texture_changed) func _on_texture_changed() -> void: texture_changed.emit() func _connect_disconnect( signal_class: Signal, callable: Callable, is_disconnecting := false ) -> void: if !is_disconnecting: signal_class.connect(callable) ExtensionsApi.add_action("SignalsAPI", signal_class.get_name()) else: signal_class.disconnect(callable) ExtensionsApi.remove_action("SignalsAPI", signal_class.get_name()) # APP RELATED SIGNALS ## Connects/disconnects a signal to [param callable], that emits ## when pixelorama is just opened. func signal_pixelorama_opened(callable: Callable, is_disconnecting := false) -> void: _connect_disconnect(Global.pixelorama_opened, callable, is_disconnecting) ## Connects/disconnects a signal to [param callable], that emits ## when pixelorama is about to close. func signal_pixelorama_about_to_close(callable: Callable, is_disconnecting := false) -> void: _connect_disconnect(Global.pixelorama_about_to_close, callable, is_disconnecting) # PROJECT RELATED SIGNALS ## Connects/disconnects a signal to [param callable], that emits ## whenever a new project is created.[br] ## [b]Binds: [/b]It has one bind of type [code]Project[/code] which is the newly created project func signal_project_created(callable: Callable, is_disconnecting := false) -> void: _connect_disconnect(Global.project_created, callable, is_disconnecting) ## Connects/disconnects a signal to [param callable], that emits ## after a project is saved. func signal_project_saved(callable: Callable, is_disconnecting := false) -> void: _connect_disconnect(OpenSave.project_saved, callable, is_disconnecting) ## Connects/disconnects a signal to [param callable], that emits ## whenever you switch to some other project. func signal_project_switched(callable: Callable, is_disconnecting := false) -> void: _connect_disconnect(Global.project_switched, callable, is_disconnecting) ## Connects/disconnects a signal to [param callable], that emits ## whenever you select a different cel. func signal_cel_switched(callable: Callable, is_disconnecting := false) -> void: _connect_disconnect(Global.cel_switched, callable, is_disconnecting) ## Connects/disconnects a signal to [param callable], that emits ## whenever the project data are being modified. func signal_project_data_changed(callable: Callable, is_disconnecting := false) -> void: _connect_disconnect(Global.project_data_changed, callable, is_disconnecting) # TOOL RELATED SIGNALS ## Connects/disconnects a signal to [param callable], that emits ## whenever a tool changes color.[br] ## [b]Binds: [/b] It has two bind of type [Color] (indicating new color) ## and [int] (Indicating button that tool is assigned to, see [enum @GlobalScope.MouseButton]) func signal_tool_color_changed(callable: Callable, is_disconnecting := false) -> void: _connect_disconnect(Tools.color_changed, callable, is_disconnecting) # TIMELINE RELATED SIGNALS ## Connects/disconnects a signal to [param callable], that emits ## whenever timeline animation starts.[br] ## [b]Binds: [/b] It has one bind of type [bool] which indicated if animation is in ## forward direction ([code]true[/code]) or backward direction ([code]false[/code]) func signal_timeline_animation_started(callable: Callable, is_disconnecting := false) -> void: _connect_disconnect(Global.animation_timeline.animation_started, callable, is_disconnecting) ## Connects/disconnects a signal to [param callable], that emits ## whenever timeline animation stops. func signal_timeline_animation_finished(callable: Callable, is_disconnecting := false) -> void: _connect_disconnect( Global.animation_timeline.animation_finished, callable, is_disconnecting ) # UPDATER SIGNALS ## Connects/disconnects a signal to [param callable], that emits ## whenever texture of the currently focused cel changes. func signal_current_cel_texture_changed(callable: Callable, is_disconnecting := false) -> void: _connect_disconnect(texture_changed, callable, is_disconnecting) ## Connects/disconnects a signal to [param callable], that emits ## whenever preview is about to be drawn.[br] ## [b]Binds: [/b]It has one bind of type [Dictionary] with keys: [code]exporter_id[/code], ## [code]export_tab[/code], [code]preview_images[/code], [code]durations[/code] ## [br] Use this if you plan on changing preview of export func signal_export_about_to_preview(callable: Callable, is_disconnecting := false) -> void: _connect_disconnect(Global.export_dialog.about_to_preview, callable, is_disconnecting)