extends Node enum ExportTab { IMAGE, SPRITESHEET } enum Orientation { COLUMNS, ROWS, TAGS_BY_COLUMN, TAGS_BY_ROW } enum AnimationDirection { FORWARD, BACKWARDS, PING_PONG } ## See file_format_string, file_format_description, and ExportDialog.gd enum FileFormat { PNG, WEBP, JPEG, GIF, APNG, MP4, AVI, OGV, MKV, WEBM } ## This path is used to temporarily store png files that FFMPEG uses to convert them to video const TEMP_PATH := "user://tmp" ## List of animated formats var animated_formats := [ FileFormat.GIF, FileFormat.APNG, FileFormat.MP4, FileFormat.AVI, FileFormat.OGV, FileFormat.MKV, FileFormat.WEBM ] var ffmpeg_formats := [ FileFormat.MP4, FileFormat.AVI, FileFormat.OGV, FileFormat.MKV, FileFormat.WEBM ] ## A dictionary of custom exporter generators (received from extensions) var custom_file_formats := {} var custom_exporter_generators := {} var current_tab := ExportTab.IMAGE ## All frames and their layers processed/blended into images var processed_images: Array[Image] = [] var durations: PackedFloat32Array = [] # Spritesheet options var orientation := Orientation.COLUMNS var lines_count := 1 ## How many rows/columns before new line is added # General options var frame_current_tag := 0 ## Export only current frame tag var export_layers := 0 var number_of_frames := 1 var direction := AnimationDirection.FORWARD var resize := 100 var interpolation := Image.INTERPOLATE_NEAREST var include_tag_in_filename := false var new_dir_for_each_frame_tag := false ## We don't need to store this after export var number_of_digits := 4 var separator_character := "_" var stop_export := false ## Export coroutine signal var file_exists_alert := "The following files already exist. Do you wish to overwrite them?\n%s" # Export progress variables var export_progress_fraction := 0.0 var export_progress := 0.0 @onready var gif_export_thread := Thread.new() func _exit_tree() -> void: if gif_export_thread.is_started(): gif_export_thread.wait_to_finish() func _multithreading_enabled() -> bool: return ProjectSettings.get_setting("rendering/driver/threads/thread_model") == 2 func add_custom_file_format( format_name: String, extension: String, exporter_generator: Object, tab: int, is_animated: bool ) -> int: # Obtain a unique id var id := Export.FileFormat.size() for i in Export.custom_file_formats.size(): var format_id = id + i if !Export.custom_file_formats.values().has(i): id = format_id # Add to custom_file_formats custom_file_formats.merge({format_name: id}) custom_exporter_generators.merge({id: [exporter_generator, extension]}) if is_animated: Export.animated_formats.append(id) # Add to export dialog match tab: ExportTab.IMAGE: Global.export_dialog.image_exports.append(id) ExportTab.SPRITESHEET: Global.export_dialog.spritesheet_exports.append(id) _: # Both Global.export_dialog.image_exports.append(id) Global.export_dialog.spritesheet_exports.append(id) return id func remove_custom_file_format(id: int) -> void: for key in custom_file_formats.keys(): if custom_file_formats[key] == id: custom_file_formats.erase(key) # remove exporter generator Export.custom_exporter_generators.erase(id) # remove from animated (if it is present there) Export.animated_formats.erase(id) # remove from export dialog Global.export_dialog.image_exports.erase(id) Global.export_dialog.spritesheet_exports.erase(id) return func external_export(project := Global.current_project) -> void: process_data(project) export_processed_images(true, Global.export_dialog, project) func process_data(project := Global.current_project) -> void: match current_tab: ExportTab.IMAGE: process_animation(project) ExportTab.SPRITESHEET: process_spritesheet(project) func process_spritesheet(project := Global.current_project) -> void: processed_images.clear() # Range of frames determined by tags var frames := _calculate_frames(project) # Then store the size of frames for other functions number_of_frames = frames.size() # Used when the orientation is based off the animation tags var tag_origins := {0: 0} var frames_without_tag := number_of_frames var spritesheet_columns := 1 var spritesheet_rows := 1 # If rows mode selected calculate columns count and vice versa if orientation == Orientation.COLUMNS: spritesheet_columns = frames_divided_by_spritesheet_lines() spritesheet_rows = lines_count elif orientation == Orientation.ROWS: spritesheet_columns = lines_count spritesheet_rows = frames_divided_by_spritesheet_lines() else: spritesheet_rows = project.animation_tags.size() + 1 if spritesheet_rows == 1: spritesheet_columns = number_of_frames else: var max_tag_size := 1 for tag in project.animation_tags: tag_origins[tag] = 0 frames_without_tag -= tag.get_size() if tag.get_size() > max_tag_size: max_tag_size = tag.get_size() if frames_without_tag > max_tag_size: max_tag_size = frames_without_tag spritesheet_columns = max_tag_size if frames_without_tag == 0: # If all frames have a tag, remove the first row spritesheet_rows -= 1 if orientation == Orientation.TAGS_BY_ROW: # Switch rows and columns var temp := spritesheet_rows spritesheet_rows = spritesheet_columns spritesheet_columns = temp var width := project.size.x * spritesheet_columns var height := project.size.y * spritesheet_rows var whole_image := Image.create(width, height, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8) var origin := Vector2i.ZERO var hh := 0 var vv := 0 for frame in frames: if orientation == Orientation.ROWS: if vv < spritesheet_columns: origin.x = project.size.x * vv vv += 1 else: hh += 1 origin.x = 0 vv = 1 origin.y = project.size.y * hh elif orientation == Orientation.COLUMNS: if hh < spritesheet_rows: origin.y = project.size.y * hh hh += 1 else: vv += 1 origin.y = 0 hh = 1 origin.x = project.size.x * vv elif orientation == Orientation.TAGS_BY_COLUMN: var frame_index := project.frames.find(frame) var frame_has_tag := false for i in project.animation_tags.size(): var tag := project.animation_tags[i] if tag.has_frame(frame_index): origin.x = project.size.x * tag_origins[tag] if frames_without_tag == 0: # If all frames have a tag, remove the first row origin.y = project.size.y * i else: origin.y = project.size.y * (i + 1) tag_origins[tag] += 1 frame_has_tag = true break if not frame_has_tag: origin.x = project.size.x * tag_origins[0] origin.y = 0 tag_origins[0] += 1 elif orientation == Orientation.TAGS_BY_ROW: var frame_index := project.frames.find(frame) var frame_has_tag := false for i in project.animation_tags.size(): var tag := project.animation_tags[i] if tag.has_frame(frame_index): origin.y = project.size.y * tag_origins[tag] if frames_without_tag == 0: # If all frames have a tag, remove the first row origin.x = project.size.x * i else: origin.x = project.size.x * (i + 1) tag_origins[tag] += 1 frame_has_tag = true break if not frame_has_tag: origin.y = project.size.y * tag_origins[0] origin.x = 0 tag_origins[0] += 1 _blend_layers(whole_image, frame, origin) processed_images.append(whole_image) func process_animation(project := Global.current_project) -> void: processed_images.clear() durations.clear() var frames := _calculate_frames(project) for frame in frames: var image := Image.create(project.size.x, project.size.y, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8) _blend_layers(image, frame) processed_images.append(image) durations.append(frame.duration * (1.0 / project.fps)) func _calculate_frames(project := Global.current_project) -> Array[Frame]: var frames: Array[Frame] = [] if frame_current_tag > 1: # Specific tag var frame_start: int = project.animation_tags[frame_current_tag - 2].from var frame_end: int = project.animation_tags[frame_current_tag - 2].to frames = project.frames.slice(frame_start - 1, frame_end, 1, true) elif frame_current_tag == 1: # Selected frames for cel in project.selected_cels: frames.append(project.frames[cel[0]]) else: # All frames frames = project.frames.duplicate() if direction == AnimationDirection.BACKWARDS: frames.reverse() elif direction == AnimationDirection.PING_PONG: var inverted_frames := frames.duplicate() inverted_frames.reverse() inverted_frames.remove_at(0) frames.append_array(inverted_frames) return frames func export_processed_images( ignore_overwrites: bool, export_dialog: ConfirmationDialog, project := Global.current_project ) -> bool: # Stop export if directory path or file name are not valid var dir := DirAccess.open(project.directory_path) if not dir.dir_exists(project.directory_path) or not project.file_name.is_valid_filename(): if not dir.dir_exists(project.directory_path) and project.file_name.is_valid_filename(): export_dialog.open_path_validation_alert_popup(0) elif not project.file_name.is_valid_filename() and dir.dir_exists(project.directory_path): export_dialog.open_path_validation_alert_popup(1) else: export_dialog.open_path_validation_alert_popup() return false var multiple_files := false if current_tab == ExportTab.IMAGE and not is_single_file_format(project): multiple_files = true if processed_images.size() > 1 else false # Check export paths var export_paths: PackedStringArray = [] var paths_of_existing_files := "" for i in range(processed_images.size()): stop_export = false var export_path := _create_export_path(multiple_files, project, i + 1) # If the user wants to create a new directory for each animation tag then check # if directories exist, and create them if not if multiple_files and new_dir_for_each_frame_tag: var frame_tag_directory := DirAccess.open(export_path.get_base_dir()) if not frame_tag_directory.dir_exists(export_path.get_base_dir()): frame_tag_directory = DirAccess.open(project.directory_path) frame_tag_directory.make_dir(export_path.get_base_dir().get_file()) if not ignore_overwrites: # Check if the files already exist if FileAccess.file_exists(export_path): if not paths_of_existing_files.is_empty(): paths_of_existing_files += "\n" paths_of_existing_files += export_path export_paths.append(export_path) # Only get one export path if single file animated image is exported if is_single_file_format(project): break if not paths_of_existing_files.is_empty(): # If files already exist # Ask user if they want to overwrite the files export_dialog.open_file_exists_alert_popup(tr(file_exists_alert) % paths_of_existing_files) # Stops the function until the user decides if they want to overwrite await export_dialog.resume_export_function if stop_export: # User decided to stop export return false _scale_processed_images() # override if a custom export is chosen if project.file_format in custom_exporter_generators.keys(): # Divert the path to the custom exporter instead var custom_exporter: Object = custom_exporter_generators[project.file_format][0] if custom_exporter.has_method("override_export"): var result := true var details := { "processed_images": processed_images, "durations": durations, "export_dialog": export_dialog, "export_paths": export_paths, "project": project } if _multithreading_enabled() and is_single_file_format(project): if gif_export_thread.is_started(): gif_export_thread.wait_to_finish() var error = gif_export_thread.start( Callable(custom_exporter, "override_export").bind(details) ) if error == OK: result = gif_export_thread.wait_to_finish() else: result = custom_exporter.call("override_export", details) return result if is_single_file_format(project): if is_using_ffmpeg(project.file_format): var video_exported := export_video(export_paths) if not video_exported: Global.popup_error( tr("Video failed to export. Ensure that FFMPEG is installed correctly.") ) return false else: var exporter: AImgIOBaseExporter if project.file_format == FileFormat.APNG: exporter = AImgIOAPNGExporter.new() else: exporter = GIFAnimationExporter.new() var details := { "exporter": exporter, "export_dialog": export_dialog, "export_paths": export_paths, "project": project } if not _multithreading_enabled(): export_animated(details) else: if gif_export_thread.is_started(): gif_export_thread.wait_to_finish() gif_export_thread.start(export_animated.bind(details)) else: for i in range(processed_images.size()): if OS.has_feature("web"): if project.file_format == FileFormat.PNG: JavaScriptBridge.download_buffer( processed_images[i].save_png_to_buffer(), export_paths[i].get_file(), "image/png" ) elif project.file_format == FileFormat.WEBP: JavaScriptBridge.download_buffer( processed_images[i].save_webp_to_buffer(), export_paths[i].get_file(), "image/webp" ) elif project.file_format == FileFormat.JPEG: JavaScriptBridge.download_buffer( processed_images[i].save_jpg_to_buffer(), export_paths[i].get_file(), "image/jpeg" ) else: var err: Error if project.file_format == FileFormat.PNG: err = processed_images[i].save_png(export_paths[i]) elif project.file_format == FileFormat.WEBP: err = processed_images[i].save_webp(export_paths[i]) elif project.file_format == FileFormat.JPEG: err = processed_images[i].save_jpg(export_paths[i]) if err != OK: Global.popup_error( tr("File failed to save. Error code %s (%s)") % [err, error_string(err)] ) return false Global.notification_label("File(s) exported") # Store settings for quick export and when the dialog is opened again var file_name_with_ext := project.file_name + file_format_string(project.file_format) project.was_exported = true if project.export_overwrite: Global.top_menu_container.file_menu.set_item_text( Global.FileMenu.EXPORT, tr("Overwrite") + " %s" % file_name_with_ext ) else: Global.top_menu_container.file_menu.set_item_text( Global.FileMenu.EXPORT, tr("Export") + " %s" % file_name_with_ext ) project.directory_path = export_paths[0].get_base_dir() Global.config_cache.set_value("data", "current_dir", project.directory_path) return true ## Uses FFMPEG to export a video func export_video(export_paths: PackedStringArray) -> bool: DirAccess.make_dir_absolute(TEMP_PATH) var temp_path_real := ProjectSettings.globalize_path(TEMP_PATH) var input_file_path := temp_path_real.path_join("input.txt") var input_file := FileAccess.open(input_file_path, FileAccess.WRITE) for i in range(processed_images.size()): var temp_file_name := str(i + 1).pad_zeros(number_of_digits) + ".png" var temp_file_path := temp_path_real.path_join(temp_file_name) processed_images[i].save_png(temp_file_path) input_file.store_line("file '" + temp_file_name + "'") input_file.store_line("duration %s" % durations[i]) input_file.close() var ffmpeg_execute: PackedStringArray = [ "-y", "-f", "concat", "-i", input_file_path, export_paths[0] ] var output := [] var success := OS.execute(Global.ffmpeg_path, ffmpeg_execute, output, true) print(output) var temp_dir := DirAccess.open(TEMP_PATH) for file in temp_dir.get_files(): temp_dir.remove(file) DirAccess.remove_absolute(TEMP_PATH) if success < 0 or success > 1: var fail_text := """Video failed to export. Make sure you have FFMPEG installed and have set the correct path in the preferences.""" Global.popup_error(tr(fail_text)) return false return true func export_animated(args: Dictionary) -> void: var project: Project = args["project"] var exporter: AImgIOBaseExporter = args["exporter"] # This is an ExportDialog (which refers back here). var export_dialog: ConfirmationDialog = args["export_dialog"] # Export progress popup # One fraction per each frame, one fraction for write to disk export_progress_fraction = 100.0 / processed_images.size() export_progress = 0.0 export_dialog.set_export_progress_bar(export_progress) export_dialog.toggle_export_progress_popup(true) # Transform into AImgIO form var frames := [] for i in range(processed_images.size()): var frame: AImgIOFrame = AImgIOFrame.new() frame.content = processed_images[i] frame.duration = durations[i] frames.push_back(frame) # Export and save GIF/APNG var file_data := exporter.export_animation( frames, project.fps, self, "_increase_export_progress", [export_dialog] ) if OS.has_feature("web"): JavaScriptBridge.download_buffer(file_data, args["export_paths"][0], exporter.mime_type) else: var file := FileAccess.open(args["export_paths"][0], FileAccess.WRITE) file.store_buffer(file_data) file.close() export_dialog.toggle_export_progress_popup(false) Global.notification_label("File(s) exported") func _increase_export_progress(export_dialog: Node) -> void: export_progress += export_progress_fraction export_dialog.set_export_progress_bar(export_progress) func _scale_processed_images() -> void: for processed_image in processed_images: if resize != 100: processed_image.resize( processed_image.get_size().x * resize / 100, processed_image.get_size().y * resize / 100, interpolation ) func file_format_string(format_enum: int) -> String: match format_enum: FileFormat.PNG: return ".png" FileFormat.WEBP: return ".webp" FileFormat.JPEG: return ".jpg" FileFormat.GIF: return ".gif" FileFormat.APNG: return ".apng" FileFormat.MP4: return ".mp4" FileFormat.AVI: return ".avi" FileFormat.OGV: return ".ogv" FileFormat.MKV: return ".mkv" FileFormat.WEBM: return ".webm" _: # If a file format description is not found, try generating one if custom_exporter_generators.has(format_enum): return custom_exporter_generators[format_enum][1] return "" func file_format_description(format_enum: int) -> String: match format_enum: # these are overrides # (if they are not given, they will generate themselves based on the enum key name) FileFormat.PNG: return "PNG Image" FileFormat.WEBP: return "WEBP Image" FileFormat.JPEG: return "JPEG Image" FileFormat.GIF: return "GIF Image" FileFormat.APNG: return "APNG Image" FileFormat.MP4: return "MPEG-4 Video" FileFormat.AVI: return "AVI Video" FileFormat.OGV: return "OGV Video" FileFormat.MKV: return "Matroska Video" FileFormat.WEBM: return "WebM Video" _: # If a file format description is not found, try generating one for key in custom_file_formats.keys(): if custom_file_formats[key] == format_enum: return str(key.capitalize()) return "" ## True when exporting to .gif, .apng and video ## False when exporting to .png, .jpg and static .webp func is_single_file_format(project := Global.current_project) -> bool: return animated_formats.has(project.file_format) func is_using_ffmpeg(format: FileFormat) -> bool: return ffmpeg_formats.has(format) func is_ffmpeg_installed() -> bool: if Global.ffmpeg_path.is_empty(): return false var ffmpeg_executed := OS.execute(Global.ffmpeg_path, []) if ffmpeg_executed == 0 or ffmpeg_executed == 1: return true return false func _create_export_path(multifile: bool, project: Project, frame := 0) -> String: var path := project.file_name # Only append frame number when there are multiple files exported if multifile: var path_extras := separator_character + str(frame).pad_zeros(number_of_digits) var frame_tag_and_start_id := _get_proccessed_image_animation_tag_and_start_id( project, frame - 1 ) # Check if exported frame is in frame tag if not frame_tag_and_start_id.is_empty(): var frame_tag: String = frame_tag_and_start_id[0] var start_id: int = frame_tag_and_start_id[1] # Remove unallowed characters in frame tag directory var regex := RegEx.new() regex.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+") var frame_tag_dir := regex.sub(frame_tag, "", true) if include_tag_in_filename: # (frame - start_id + 1) makes frames id to start from 1 var tag_frame_number := str(frame - start_id + 1).pad_zeros(number_of_digits) path_extras = ( separator_character + frame_tag_dir + separator_character + tag_frame_number ) if new_dir_for_each_frame_tag: path += path_extras return project.directory_path.path_join(frame_tag_dir).path_join( path + file_format_string(project.file_format) ) path += path_extras return project.directory_path.path_join(path + file_format_string(project.file_format)) func _get_proccessed_image_animation_tag_and_start_id( project: Project, processed_image_id: int ) -> Array: var result_animation_tag_and_start_id := [] for animation_tag in project.animation_tags: # Check if processed image is in frame tag and assign frame tag and start id if yes # Then stop if ( (processed_image_id + 1) >= animation_tag.from and (processed_image_id + 1) <= animation_tag.to ): result_animation_tag_and_start_id = [animation_tag.name, animation_tag.from] break return result_animation_tag_and_start_id func _blend_layers( image: Image, frame: Frame, origin := Vector2i.ZERO, project := Global.current_project ) -> void: if export_layers == 0: DrawingAlgos.blend_layers(image, frame, origin, project) elif export_layers == 1: DrawingAlgos.blend_layers(image, frame, origin, project, false, true) else: var layer := project.layers[export_layers - 2] var layer_image := Image.new() if layer is GroupLayer: layer_image.copy_from(layer.blend_children(frame, Vector2i.ZERO)) else: layer_image.copy_from(frame.cels[export_layers - 2].get_image()) image.blend_rect(layer_image, Rect2i(Vector2i.ZERO, project.size), origin) func frames_divided_by_spritesheet_lines() -> int: return ceili(number_of_frames / float(lines_count))