class_name BaseTool extends VBoxContainer var is_moving = false var kname: String var tool_slot = null # Tools.Slot, can't have static typing due to cyclic errors var cursor_text := "" var _cursor := Vector2.INF var _draw_cache: PoolVector2Array = [] # for storing already drawn pixels var _for_frame := 0 # cache for which frame? onready var color_rect: ColorRect = $ColorRect func _ready() -> void: kname = name.replace(" ", "_").to_lower() if == "Left tool": color_rect.color = Global.left_tool_color else: color_rect.color = Global.right_tool_color $Label.text =[name].display_name load_config() func save_config() -> void: var config := get_config() Global.config_cache.set_value(tool_slot.kname, kname, config) func load_config() -> void: var value = Global.config_cache.get_value(tool_slot.kname, kname, {}) set_config(value) update_config() func get_config() -> Dictionary: return {} func set_config(_config: Dictionary) -> void: pass func update_config() -> void: pass func draw_start(_position: Vector2) -> void: _draw_cache = [] is_moving = true func draw_move(position: Vector2) -> void: # This can happen if the user switches between tools with a shortcut # while using another tool if !is_moving: draw_start(position) func draw_end(_position: Vector2) -> void: is_moving = false _draw_cache = [] func cursor_move(position: Vector2) -> void: _cursor = position func draw_indicator(left: bool) -> void: var rect := Rect2(_cursor, Vector2.ONE) var color := Global.left_tool_color if left else Global.right_tool_color Global.canvas.indicators.draw_rect(rect, color, false) func draw_preview() -> void: pass func _get_draw_rect() -> Rect2: if Global.current_project.has_selection: return Global.current_project.selection_map.get_used_rect() else: return Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, Global.current_project.size) func _get_draw_image() -> Image: var project: Project = Global.current_project return project.frames[project.current_frame].cels[project.current_layer].get_image() func _get_selected_draw_images() -> Array: # Array of Images var images := [] var project: Project = Global.current_project for cel_index in project.selected_cels: var cel: BaseCel = project.frames[cel_index[0]].cels[cel_index[1]] if project.layers[cel_index[1]].can_layer_get_drawn(): images.append(cel.image) return images func _flip_rect(rect: Rect2, size: Vector2, horizontal: bool, vertical: bool) -> Rect2: var result := rect if horizontal: result.position.x = size.x - rect.end.x result.end.x = size.x - rect.position.x if vertical: result.position.y = size.y - rect.end.y result.end.y = size.y - rect.position.y return result.abs() func _create_polylines(bitmap: BitMap) -> Array: var lines := [] var size := bitmap.get_size() for y in size.y: for x in size.x: var p := Vector2(x, y) if not bitmap.get_bit(p): continue if x <= 0 or not bitmap.get_bit(p - Vector2(1, 0)): _add_polylines_segment(lines, p, p + Vector2(0, 1)) if y <= 0 or not bitmap.get_bit(p - Vector2(0, 1)): _add_polylines_segment(lines, p, p + Vector2(1, 0)) if x + 1 >= size.x or not bitmap.get_bit(p + Vector2(1, 0)): _add_polylines_segment(lines, p + Vector2(1, 0), p + Vector2(1, 1)) if y + 1 >= size.y or not bitmap.get_bit(p + Vector2(0, 1)): _add_polylines_segment(lines, p + Vector2(0, 1), p + Vector2(1, 1)) return lines func _fill_bitmap_with_points(points: Array, size: Vector2) -> BitMap: var bitmap := bitmap.create(size) for point in points: if point.x < 0 or point.y < 0 or point.x >= size.x or point.y >= size.y: continue bitmap.set_bit(point, 1) return bitmap func _add_polylines_segment(lines: Array, start: Vector2, end: Vector2) -> void: for line in lines: if line[0] == start: line.insert(0, end) return if line[0] == end: line.insert(0, start) return if line[line.size() - 1] == start: line.append(end) return if line[line.size() - 1] == end: line.append(start) return lines.append([start, end]) func _exit_tree() -> void: if is_moving: draw_end(Global.canvas.current_pixel.floor())