extends "res://src/Tools/BaseDraw.gd" var _last_position := Vector2.INF var _clear_image: Image var _changed := false class EraseOp: extends Drawer.ColorOp var changed := false func process(_src: Color, dst: Color) -> Color: changed = true dst.a -= strength if dst.a <= 0: dst = Color(0, 0, 0, 0) return dst func _init() -> void: _drawer.color_op = EraseOp.new() _clear_image = Image.create(1, 1, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8) _clear_image.fill(Color(0, 0, 0, 0)) func get_config() -> Dictionary: var config := super.get_config() config["strength"] = _strength return config func set_config(config: Dictionary) -> void: super.set_config(config) _strength = config.get("strength", _strength) func draw_start(pos: Vector2i) -> void: pos = snap_position(pos) super.draw_start(pos) if Input.is_action_pressed("draw_color_picker"): _picking_color = true _pick_color(pos) return _picking_color = false Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() update_mask(_strength == 1) _changed = false _drawer.color_op.changed = false prepare_undo("Draw") _drawer.reset() _draw_line = Input.is_action_pressed("draw_create_line") if _draw_line: if Global.mirror_view: # mirroring position is ONLY required by "Preview" pos.x = (Global.current_project.size.x - 1) - pos.x _line_start = pos _line_end = pos update_line_polylines(_line_start, _line_end) else: draw_tool(pos) _last_position = pos Global.canvas.sprite_changed_this_frame = true cursor_text = "" func draw_move(pos_i: Vector2i) -> void: var pos := _get_stabilized_position(pos_i) pos = snap_position(pos) super.draw_move(pos) if _picking_color: # Still return even if we released Alt if Input.is_action_pressed(&"draw_color_picker"): _pick_color(pos) return if _draw_line: if Global.mirror_view: # mirroring position is ONLY required by "Preview" pos.x = (Global.current_project.size.x - 1) - pos.x var d := _line_angle_constraint(_line_start, pos) _line_end = d.position cursor_text = d.text update_line_polylines(_line_start, _line_end) else: draw_fill_gap(_last_position, pos) _last_position = pos cursor_text = "" Global.canvas.sprite_changed_this_frame = true func draw_end(pos: Vector2i) -> void: pos = snap_position(pos) super.draw_end(pos) if _picking_color: return if _draw_line: if Global.mirror_view: # now we revert back the coordinates from their mirror form so that line can be drawn _line_start.x = (Global.current_project.size.x - 1) - _line_start.x _line_end.x = (Global.current_project.size.x - 1) - _line_end.x draw_tool(_line_start) draw_fill_gap(_line_start, _line_end) _draw_line = false commit_undo() SteamManager.set_achievement("ACH_ERASE_PIXEL") cursor_text = "" update_random_image() func _draw_brush_image(image: Image, src_rect: Rect2i, dst: Vector2i) -> void: _changed = true if _strength == 1: var brush_size := image.get_size() if _clear_image.get_size() != brush_size: _clear_image.resize(brush_size.x, brush_size.y, Image.INTERPOLATE_NEAREST) var images := _get_selected_draw_images() for draw_image in images: draw_image.blit_rect_mask(_clear_image, image, src_rect, dst) else: for xx in image.get_size().x: for yy in image.get_size().y: if image.get_pixel(xx, yy).a > 0: var pos := Vector2i(xx, yy) + dst - src_rect.position _set_pixel(pos, true) func _on_Opacity_value_changed(value: float) -> void: _strength = value / 255 update_config() save_config() func update_config() -> void: super.update_config() $OpacitySlider.value = _strength * 255 func update_brush() -> void: super.update_brush() $ColorInterpolation.visible = false