class_name TileSetPanel extends PanelContainer enum TileEditingMode { MANUAL, AUTO, STACK } const TRANSPARENT_CHECKER := preload("res://src/UI/Nodes/TransparentChecker.tscn") const MIN_BUTTON_SIZE := 36 const MAX_BUTTON_SIZE := 144 ## A matrix with every possible flip/transpose combination, ## sorted by what comes next when you rotate. ## Taken from Godot's rotation matrix found in: ## const ROTATION_MATRIX: Array[bool] = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1 ] static var placing_tiles := false: set(value): placing_tiles = value _call_update_brushes() static var tile_editing_mode := TileEditingMode.AUTO static var selected_tile_index := 0: set(value): selected_tile_index = value _call_update_brushes() static var is_flipped_h := false: set(value): is_flipped_h = value _call_update_brushes() static var is_flipped_v := false: set(value): is_flipped_v = value _call_update_brushes() static var is_transposed := false: set(value): is_transposed = value _call_update_brushes() var current_tileset: TileSetCustom var button_size := 36: set(value): if button_size == value: return button_size = clampi(value, MIN_BUTTON_SIZE, MAX_BUTTON_SIZE) update_minimum_size() Global.config_cache.set_value("tileset_panel", "button_size", button_size) for button: Control in tile_button_container.get_children(): button.custom_minimum_size = Vector2(button_size, button_size) button.size = Vector2(button_size, button_size) @onready var place_tiles: Button = %PlaceTiles @onready var transform_buttons_container: HFlowContainer = %TransformButtonsContainer @onready var tile_button_container: HFlowContainer = %TileButtonContainer @onready var mode_buttons_container: HFlowContainer = %ModeButtonsContainer func _ready() -> void: Tools.selected_tile_index_changed.connect(select_tile) Global.cel_switched.connect(_on_cel_switched) for child: Button in transform_buttons_container.get_children(): Global.disable_button(child, true) update_tip() func _gui_input(event: InputEvent) -> void: if Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_CTRL): var zoom := 2 * int(event.is_action("zoom_in")) - 2 * int(event.is_action("zoom_out")) button_size += zoom if zoom != 0: get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() func set_tileset(tileset: TileSetCustom) -> void: if tileset == current_tileset: return if is_instance_valid(current_tileset) and current_tileset.updated.is_connected(_update_tileset): current_tileset.updated.disconnect(_update_tileset) current_tileset = tileset if ( is_instance_valid(current_tileset) and not current_tileset.updated.is_connected(_update_tileset) ): current_tileset.updated.connect(_update_tileset) func update_tip(): var tip = %Tip tip.get_parent().visible = true if placing_tiles: tip.text = "Select a tile to place it on the canvas." else: tip.text = "Modify tiles on the canvas." func _on_cel_switched() -> void: if Global.current_project.get_current_cel() is not CelTileMap: set_tileset(null) _clear_tile_buttons() return var cel := Global.current_project.get_current_cel() as CelTileMap set_tileset(cel.tileset) _update_tileset(cel, -1) func _update_tileset(cel: BaseCel, _replace_index: int) -> void: _clear_tile_buttons() if cel is not CelTileMap: return var tilemap_cel := cel as CelTileMap var tileset := tilemap_cel.tileset var button_group := if selected_tile_index >= tileset.tiles.size(): selected_tile_index = 0 for i in tileset.tiles.size(): var tile := tileset.tiles[i] var texture := ImageTexture.create_from_image(tile.image) var button := _create_tile_button(texture, i, button_group) if i == selected_tile_index: button.set_pressed_no_signal(true) tile_button_container.add_child(button) func _create_tile_button(texture: Texture2D, index: int, button_group: ButtonGroup) -> Button: var button := button.button_group = button_group button.toggle_mode = true button.custom_minimum_size = Vector2(button_size, button_size) button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND var texture_rect := texture_rect.texture = texture texture_rect.expand_mode = TextureRect.EXPAND_IGNORE_SIZE texture_rect.stretch_mode = TextureRect.STRETCH_KEEP_ASPECT_CENTERED texture_rect.set_anchor_and_offset(SIDE_LEFT, 0, 6) texture_rect.set_anchor_and_offset(SIDE_RIGHT, 1, -6) texture_rect.set_anchor_and_offset(SIDE_TOP, 0, 6) texture_rect.set_anchor_and_offset(SIDE_BOTTOM, 1, -6) texture_rect.grow_horizontal = Control.GROW_DIRECTION_BOTH texture_rect.grow_vertical = Control.GROW_DIRECTION_BOTH var transparent_checker := TRANSPARENT_CHECKER.instantiate() as ColorRect transparent_checker.set_anchors_preset(Control.PRESET_FULL_RECT) transparent_checker.show_behind_parent = true texture_rect.add_child(transparent_checker) button.add_child(texture_rect) button.tooltip_text = str(index) button.toggled.connect(_on_tile_button_toggled.bind(index)) return button func select_tile(tile_index: int) -> void: tile_button_container.get_child(tile_index).button_pressed = true static func _call_update_brushes() -> void: for slot in Tools._slots.values(): if slot.tool_node is BaseDrawTool: slot.tool_node.update_brush() func _on_tile_button_toggled(toggled_on: bool, index: int) -> void: if toggled_on: selected_tile_index = index place_tiles.button_pressed = true func _clear_tile_buttons() -> void: for child in tile_button_container.get_children(): child.queue_free() func _on_place_tiles_toggled(toggled_on: bool) -> void: placing_tiles = toggled_on transform_buttons_container.visible = placing_tiles mode_buttons_container.visible = !placing_tiles for child: Button in transform_buttons_container.get_children(): Global.disable_button(child, not toggled_on) update_tip() func _on_manual_toggled(toggled_on: bool) -> void: place_tiles.button_pressed = false if toggled_on: tile_editing_mode = TileEditingMode.MANUAL func _on_auto_toggled(toggled_on: bool) -> void: place_tiles.button_pressed = false if toggled_on: tile_editing_mode = TileEditingMode.AUTO func _on_stack_toggled(toggled_on: bool) -> void: place_tiles.button_pressed = false if toggled_on: tile_editing_mode = TileEditingMode.STACK func _on_flip_horizontal_button_pressed() -> void: is_flipped_h = not is_flipped_h func _on_flip_vertical_button_pressed() -> void: is_flipped_v = not is_flipped_v func _on_rotate_pressed(clockwise: bool) -> void: for i in ROTATION_MATRIX.size(): var final_i := i if ( is_flipped_h == ROTATION_MATRIX[i * 3] && is_flipped_v == ROTATION_MATRIX[i * 3 + 1] && is_transposed == ROTATION_MATRIX[i * 3 + 2] ): if clockwise: @warning_ignore("integer_division") final_i = i / 4 * 4 + posmod(i - 1, 4) else: @warning_ignore("integer_division") final_i = i / 4 * 4 + (i + 1) % 4 is_flipped_h = ROTATION_MATRIX[final_i * 3] is_flipped_v = ROTATION_MATRIX[final_i * 3 + 1] is_transposed = ROTATION_MATRIX[final_i * 3 + 2] break