tool extends Container # Control that mimics its own visibility and rect into another Control. signal moved_in_parent(control) var reference_to: Control setget set_reference_to, get_reference_to var _reference_to: Control = null func _ready() -> void: mouse_filter = MOUSE_FILTER_IGNORE func _notification(what: int) -> void: if what == NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY_CHANGED and _reference_to: _reference_to.visible = visible elif what == NOTIFICATION_SORT_CHILDREN and _reference_to: _reposition_reference() func _get_minimum_size() -> Vector2: return _reference_to.get_combined_minimum_size() if _reference_to else Vector2.ZERO func set_reference_to(control: Control) -> void: if _reference_to != control: if _reference_to: _reference_to.disconnect("renamed", self, "_on_reference_to_renamed") _reference_to = control minimum_size_changed() if not _reference_to: return _reference_to.connect("renamed", self, "_on_reference_to_renamed") _reference_to.visible = visible func get_reference_to() -> Control: return _reference_to func _reposition_reference() -> void: _reference_to.rect_global_position = rect_global_position _reference_to.rect_size = rect_size func _on_reference_to_renamed() -> void: name =