class_name PaletteSwatch extends ColorRect signal pressed(mouse_button) signal double_clicked(mouse_button, position) signal dropped(source_index, new_index) const DEFAULT_COLOR := Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) var index := -1 var show_left_highlight := false var show_right_highlight := false var empty := true setget set_empty func set_swatch_size(size: Vector2) -> void: rect_min_size = size rect_size = size func _draw() -> void: if not empty: # Black border around swatches with a color draw_rect(Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, rect_size),, false, 1) if show_left_highlight: # Display outer border highlight draw_rect(Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, rect_size), Color.white, false, 1) draw_rect(Rect2(Vector2.ONE, rect_size - Vector2(2, 2)),, false, 1) if show_right_highlight: # Display inner border highlight var margin := rect_size / 4 draw_rect(Rect2(margin, rect_size - margin * 2),, false, 1) draw_rect( Rect2(margin - Vector2.ONE, rect_size - margin * 2 + Vector2(2, 2)), Color.white, false, 1 ) # Enables drawing of highlights which indicate selected swatches func show_selected_highlight(new_value: bool, mouse_button: int) -> void: if not empty: match mouse_button: BUTTON_LEFT: show_left_highlight = new_value BUTTON_RIGHT: show_right_highlight = new_value update() # Empties the swatch and displays disabled color from theme func set_empty(new_value: bool) -> void: empty = new_value if empty: mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_ARROW color = Global.control.theme.get_stylebox("disabled", "Button").bg_color else: mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND func get_drag_data(_position): var data = null if not empty: var drag_icon: PaletteSwatch = self.duplicate() drag_icon.show_left_highlight = false drag_icon.show_right_highlight = false drag_icon.empty = false set_drag_preview(drag_icon) data = {source_index = index} return data func can_drop_data(_position, _data) -> bool: return true func drop_data(_position, data) -> void: emit_signal("dropped", data.source_index, index) func _on_PaletteSlot_gui_input(event: InputEvent) -> void: if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.is_pressed() and not empty: if event.doubleclick: emit_signal("double_clicked", event.button_index, get_global_rect().position) else: emit_signal("pressed", event.button_index)