class_name Palette extends Resource const DEFAULT_WIDTH = 8 const DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 8 # Metadata export var name: String = "Custom Palette" export var comment: String = "" # Grid size export var width := DEFAULT_WIDTH export var height := DEFAULT_HEIGHT # Sparse colors dictionary - actual color position in the palette is determined by its index export var colors: Dictionary = {} # How many colors fit in palette grid export var colors_max := 0 func _init( init_name: String = "Custom Palette", init_width: int = DEFAULT_WIDTH, init_height: int = DEFAULT_HEIGHT, init_comment: String = "" ) -> void: name = init_name comment = init_comment width = init_width height = init_height colors_max = init_width * init_height colors = {} func edit(new_name: String, new_width: int, new_height: int, new_comment: String) -> void: var old_width = width width = new_width height = new_height name = new_name comment = new_comment var old_colors_max = colors_max colors_max = width * height if colors_max < old_colors_max: # If size was reduced colors must be reindexed to fit into new smaller size reindex_colors_on_size_reduce(true) if old_width < new_width and colors_max > old_colors_max: # If width increases colors have to be reindexed so they keep same grid positions # unless the height has become smaller and we have to re-position the colors # so that they won't get erased reindex_colors_on_width_increase(old_width) # Iterates all colors from lowest index and reindexes them so they start at zero index # Remove trailing removes all colors that are over colors_max limit and thus don't fit into grid func reindex_colors_on_size_reduce(remove_trailing: bool) -> void: var sorted_colors_indexes = colors.keys() sorted_colors_indexes.sort() var new_index = 0 for old_index in sorted_colors_indexes: # Color cannot fit into grid anymore - erase it if remove_trailing and new_index >= colors_max: colors.erase(old_index) # Move color to new lower index - erase it from its original index elif new_index < old_index: colors[new_index] = colors[old_index] colors[new_index].index = new_index colors.erase(old_index) new_index += 1 # Adds difference of old and new width to color indexes # so they remain on the same position as before resize func reindex_colors_on_width_increase(old_width: int) -> void: var sorted_colors_indexes = colors.keys() sorted_colors_indexes.sort() var new_colors = {} for old_index in sorted_colors_indexes: var new_index: int = old_index + (width - old_width) * (old_index / old_width) new_colors[new_index] = colors[old_index] colors = new_colors # Adds new color to the first empty swatch func add_color(new_color: Color, start_index: int = 0) -> void: if start_index >= colors_max: return # If palette is full automatically increase the palette height if is_full(): height += 1 # Find the first empty index since start index and insert a new color for i in range(start_index, colors_max): if not colors.has(i): colors[i] =, i) break # Returns color at index or null if no color exists func get_color(index: int): var palette_color = colors.get(index) if palette_color != null: return palette_color.color return null # Changes color data func set_color(index: int, new_color: Color) -> void: if self.colors.has(index): self.colors[index].color = new_color # Removes a color at the specified index func remove_color(index: int) -> void: colors.erase(index) # Inserts a color to the specified index # If index is already occupied move the original color to right func insert_color(index: int, new_color: Color) -> void: var c :=, index) # If insert happens on non empty swatch recursively move the original color # and every other color to its right one swatch to right if colors.get(index) != null: move_right(index) colors[index] = c # Recursive function that moves every color to right until one of them is moved to empty swatch func move_right(index: int) -> void: # Moving colors to right would overflow the size of the palette # so increase its height automatically if index + 1 == colors_max: height += 1 colors_max = width * height # If swatch to right to this color is not empty move that color right too if colors.get(index + 1) != null: move_right(index + 1) colors[index + 1] = colors.get(index) # Swaps two colors func swap_colors(from_index: int, to_index: int) -> void: var from_color = colors.get(from_index) var to_color = colors.get(to_index) if not from_color and to_color: colors[from_index] = to_color colors[from_index].index = from_index colors.erase(to_index) elif from_color and not to_color: colors[to_index] = from_color colors[to_index].index = to_index colors.erase(from_index) elif from_color and to_color: colors[to_index] = from_color colors[to_index].index = to_index colors[from_index] = to_color colors[from_index].index = from_index # Copies color func copy_colors(from_index: int, to_index: int) -> void: # Only allow copy of existing colors if colors.has(from_index): colors[to_index] = colors[from_index].duplicate() colors[to_index].index = to_index # True if all swatches are occupied func is_full() -> bool: return self.colors.size() >= self.colors_max # True if palette has no colors func is_empty() -> bool: return self.colors.size() == 0 func has_color(color: Color) -> bool: for palette_color in colors.values(): if palette_color.color == color: return true return false # Sets name that is used to save the palette to disk func set_resource_name(new_resource_name: String) -> void: # Store palette path name only with valid path characters resource_name = strip_unvalid_characters(new_resource_name) static func strip_unvalid_characters(string_to_strip: String) -> String: var regex := regex.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+") return regex.sub(string_to_strip, "", true)