class_name Drawer const NUMBER_OF_DRAWERS := 8 var pixel_perfect := false: set(value): pixel_perfect = value if pixel_perfect: drawers = pixel_perfect_drawers.duplicate() else: _create_simple_drawers() var color_op := var simple_drawer := var pixel_perfect_drawers: Array[PixelPerfectDrawer] = [] var drawers := [] class ColorOp: var strength := 1.0 func process(src: Color, _dst: Color) -> Color: return src class SimpleDrawer: func set_pixel(image: ImageExtended, position: Vector2i, color: Color, op: ColorOp) -> void: var color_old := image.get_pixelv(position) var color_str := color.to_html() var color_new := op.process(Color(color_str), color_old) if not color_new.is_equal_approx(color_old): image.set_pixelv_custom(position, color_new) class PixelPerfectDrawer: const NEIGHBOURS: Array[Vector2i] = [Vector2i.DOWN, Vector2i.RIGHT, Vector2i.LEFT, Vector2i.UP] const CORNERS: Array[Vector2i] = [Vector2i.ONE, -Vector2i.ONE, Vector2i(-1, 1), Vector2i(1, -1)] var last_pixels := [null, null] func reset() -> void: last_pixels = [null, null] func set_pixel(image: ImageExtended, position: Vector2i, color: Color, op: ColorOp) -> void: var color_old := image.get_pixelv(position) var color_str := color.to_html() last_pixels.push_back([position, color_old]) image.set_pixelv_custom(position, op.process(Color(color_str), color_old)) var corner = last_pixels.pop_front() var neighbour = last_pixels[0] if corner == null or neighbour == null: return if position - corner[0] in CORNERS and position - neighbour[0] in NEIGHBOURS: image.set_pixel_custom(neighbour[0].x, neighbour[0].y, neighbour[1]) last_pixels[0] = corner func _init() -> void: drawers.resize(NUMBER_OF_DRAWERS) pixel_perfect_drawers.resize(NUMBER_OF_DRAWERS) for i in NUMBER_OF_DRAWERS: drawers[i] = simple_drawer pixel_perfect_drawers[i] = func _create_simple_drawers() -> void: drawers = [] drawers.resize(NUMBER_OF_DRAWERS) for i in NUMBER_OF_DRAWERS: drawers[i] = simple_drawer func reset() -> void: for drawer in pixel_perfect_drawers: drawer.reset() func set_pixel(image: Image, position: Vector2i, color: Color, ignore_mirroring := false) -> void: var project := Global.current_project if not Tools.check_alpha_lock(image, position): drawers[0].set_pixel(image, position, color, color_op) SteamManager.set_achievement("ACH_FIRST_PIXEL") if ignore_mirroring: return if ( not Tools.horizontal_mirror and not Tools.vertical_mirror and not Tools.diagonal_mirror and not Tools.diagonal_opposite_mirror ): return # Handle mirroring var mirrored_positions := Tools.get_mirrored_positions(position, project) for i in mirrored_positions.size(): var mirror_pos := mirrored_positions[i] if project.can_pixel_get_drawn(mirror_pos) && not Tools.check_alpha_lock(image, mirror_pos): drawers[i + 1].set_pixel(image, mirror_pos, color, color_op)