class_name Project extends Reference # A class for project properties. var name := "" setget name_changed var size : Vector2 setget size_changed var undo_redo : UndoRedo var tile_mode : int = Global.TileMode.NONE var tile_mode_rects := [] # Cached to avoid recalculation var undos := 0 # The number of times we added undo properties var has_changed := false setget has_changed_changed var frames := [] setget frames_changed # Array of Frames (that contain Cels) var layers := [] setget layers_changed # Array of Layers var current_frame := 0 setget frame_changed var current_layer := 0 setget layer_changed var animation_tags := [] setget animation_tags_changed # Array of AnimationTags var guides := [] # Array of Guides var brushes := [] # Array of Images var fps := 6.0 var x_symmetry_point var y_symmetry_point var x_symmetry_axis : SymmetryGuide var y_symmetry_axis : SymmetryGuide var selection_bitmap := # This is useful for when the selection is outside of the canvas boundaries, on the left and/or above (negative coords) var selection_offset := Vector2.ZERO setget _selection_offset_changed var has_selection := false # For every camera (currently there are 3) var cameras_zoom := [Vector2(0.15, 0.15), Vector2(0.15, 0.15), Vector2(0.15, 0.15)] # Array of Vector2 var cameras_offset := [Vector2.ZERO, Vector2.ZERO, Vector2.ZERO] # Array of Vector2 # Export directory path and export file name var directory_path := "" var file_name := "untitled" var file_format : int = Export.FileFormat.PNG var was_exported := false func _init(_frames := [], _name := tr("untitled"), _size := Vector2(64, 64)) -> void: frames = _frames name = _name size = _size selection_bitmap.create(size) update_tile_mode_rects() undo_redo = Global.tabs.add_tab(name) OpenSave.current_save_paths.append("") OpenSave.backup_save_paths.append("") x_symmetry_point = size.x / 2 y_symmetry_point = size.y / 2 if !x_symmetry_axis: x_symmetry_axis = x_symmetry_axis.type = x_symmetry_axis.Types.HORIZONTAL x_symmetry_axis.project = self x_symmetry_axis.add_point(Vector2(-19999, y_symmetry_point)) x_symmetry_axis.add_point(Vector2(19999, y_symmetry_point)) Global.canvas.add_child(x_symmetry_axis) if !y_symmetry_axis: y_symmetry_axis = y_symmetry_axis.type = y_symmetry_axis.Types.VERTICAL y_symmetry_axis.project = self y_symmetry_axis.add_point(Vector2(x_symmetry_point, -19999)) y_symmetry_axis.add_point(Vector2(x_symmetry_point, 19999)) Global.canvas.add_child(y_symmetry_axis) if OS.get_name() == "HTML5": directory_path = "user://" else: directory_path = OS.get_system_dir(OS.SYSTEM_DIR_DESKTOP) func commit_undo() -> void: if Global.canvas.selection.is_moving_content: Global.canvas.selection.move_content_cancel() else: undo_redo.undo() func commit_redo() -> void: Global.control.redone = true undo_redo.redo() Global.control.redone = false func selection_bitmap_changed() -> void: var image := var image_texture := has_selection = selection_bitmap.get_true_bit_count() > 0 if has_selection: image = bitmap_to_image(selection_bitmap) image_texture.create_from_image(image, 0) Global.canvas.selection.marching_ants_outline.texture = image_texture func _selection_offset_changed(value : Vector2) -> void: selection_offset = value Global.canvas.selection.marching_ants_outline.offset = selection_offset Global.canvas.selection.update_on_zoom( func change_project() -> void: # Remove old nodes for container in Global.layers_container.get_children(): container.queue_free() remove_cel_buttons() for frame_id in Global.frame_ids.get_children(): Global.frame_ids.remove_child(frame_id) frame_id.queue_free() # Create new ones for i in range(layers.size() - 1, -1, -1): # Create layer buttons var layer_container = load("res://src/UI/Timeline/LayerButton.tscn").instance() layer_container.i = i if layers[i].name == tr("Layer") + " 0": layers[i].name = tr("Layer") + " %s" % i Global.layers_container.add_child(layer_container) layer_container.label.text = layers[i].name layer_container.line_edit.text = layers[i].name Global.frames_container.add_child(layers[i].frame_container) for j in range(frames.size()): # Create Cel buttons var cel_button = load("res://src/UI/Timeline/CelButton.tscn").instance() cel_button.frame = j cel_button.layer = i cel_button.get_child(0).texture = frames[j].cels[i].image_texture if j == current_frame and i == current_layer: cel_button.pressed = true layers[i].frame_container.add_child(cel_button) for j in range(frames.size()): # Create frame ID labels var label := label.rect_min_size.x = Global.animation_timeline.cel_size label.align = Label.ALIGN_CENTER label.text = str(j + 1) if j == current_frame: label.add_color_override("font_color", Global.control.theme.get_color("Selected Color", "Label")) Global.frame_ids.add_child(label) var layer_button = Global.layers_container.get_child(Global.layers_container.get_child_count() - 1 - current_layer) layer_button.pressed = true Global.current_frame_mark_label.text = "%s/%s" % [str(current_frame + 1), frames.size()] Global.disable_button(Global.remove_frame_button, frames.size() == 1) Global.disable_button(Global.move_left_frame_button, frames.size() == 1 or current_frame == 0) Global.disable_button(Global.move_right_frame_button, frames.size() == 1 or current_frame == frames.size() - 1) toggle_layer_buttons_layers() toggle_layer_buttons_current_layer() self.animation_tags = animation_tags # Change the guides for guide in Global.canvas.get_children(): if guide is Guide: if guide in guides: guide.visible = Global.show_guides if guide is SymmetryGuide: if guide.type == Guide.Types.HORIZONTAL: guide.visible = Global.show_x_symmetry_axis and Global.show_guides else: guide.visible = Global.show_y_symmetry_axis and Global.show_guides else: guide.visible = false # Change the project brushes Brushes.clear_project_brush() for brush in brushes: Brushes.add_project_brush(brush) Global.canvas.update() Global.canvas.grid.update() Global.transparent_checker._ready() Global.animation_timeline.fps_spinbox.value = fps Global.horizontal_ruler.update() Global.vertical_ruler.update() Global.cursor_position_label.text = "[%s×%s]" % [size.x, size.y] Global.window_title = "%s - Pixelorama %s" % [name, Global.current_version] if has_changed: Global.window_title = Global.window_title + "(*)" var save_path = OpenSave.current_save_paths[Global.current_project_index] if save_path != "": Global.open_sprites_dialog.current_path = save_path Global.save_sprites_dialog.current_path = save_path Global.top_menu_container.file_menu.set_item_text(4, tr("Save") + " %s" % save_path.get_file()) else: Global.top_menu_container.file_menu.set_item_text(4, tr("Save")) Export.directory_path = directory_path Export.file_name = file_name Export.file_format = file_format Export.was_exported = was_exported if !was_exported: Global.top_menu_container.file_menu.set_item_text(6, tr("Export")) else: Global.top_menu_container.file_menu.set_item_text(6, tr("Export") + " %s" % (file_name + Export.file_format_string(file_format))) for j in Global.TileMode.values(): Global.tile_mode_submenu.set_item_checked(j, j == tile_mode) # Change selection effect & bounding rectangle Global.canvas.selection.marching_ants_outline.offset = selection_offset selection_bitmap_changed() Global.canvas.selection.big_bounding_rectangle = get_selection_rectangle() Global.canvas.selection.big_bounding_rectangle.position += selection_offset Global.canvas.selection.update() var i := 0 for camera in [, Global.camera2, Global.camera_preview]: camera.zoom = cameras_zoom[i] camera.offset = cameras_offset[i] camera.zoom_changed() i += 1 func serialize() -> Dictionary: var layer_data := [] for layer in layers: var linked_cels := [] for cel in layer.linked_cels: linked_cels.append(frames.find(cel)) layer_data.append({ "name" :, "visible" : layer.visible, "locked" : layer.locked, "new_cels_linked" : layer.new_cels_linked, "linked_cels" : linked_cels, }) var tag_data := [] for tag in animation_tags: tag_data.append({ "name" :, "color" : tag.color.to_html(), "from" : tag.from, "to" :, }) var guide_data := [] for guide in guides: if guide is SymmetryGuide: continue if !is_instance_valid(guide): continue var coords = guide.points[0].x if guide.type == Guide.Types.HORIZONTAL: coords = guide.points[0].y guide_data.append({"type" : guide.type, "pos" : coords}) var frame_data := [] for frame in frames: var cel_data := [] for cel in frame.cels: cel_data.append({ "opacity" : cel.opacity, # "image_data" : cel.image.get_data() }) frame_data.append({ "cels" : cel_data, "duration" : frame.duration }) var brush_data := [] for brush in brushes: brush_data.append({ "size_x" : brush.get_size().x, "size_y" : brush.get_size().y }) var project_data := { "pixelorama_version" : Global.current_version, "name" : name, "size_x" : size.x, "size_y" : size.y, "save_path" : OpenSave.current_save_paths[Global.projects.find(self)], "layers" : layer_data, "tags" : tag_data, "guides" : guide_data, "symmetry_points" : [x_symmetry_point, y_symmetry_point], "frames" : frame_data, "brushes" : brush_data, "export_directory_path" : directory_path, "export_file_name" : file_name, "export_file_format" : file_format, "fps" : fps } return project_data func deserialize(dict : Dictionary) -> void: if dict.has("name"): name = if dict.has("size_x") and dict.has("size_y"): size.x = dict.size_x size.y = dict.size_y update_tile_mode_rects() if dict.has("save_path"): OpenSave.current_save_paths[Global.projects.find(self)] = dict.save_path if dict.has("frames"): var frame_i := 0 for frame in dict.frames: var cels := [] for cel in frame.cels: cels.append(, cel.opacity)) var duration := 1.0 if frame.has("duration"): duration = frame.duration elif dict.has("frame_duration"): duration = dict.frame_duration[frame_i] frames.append(, duration)) frame_i += 1 if dict.has("layers"): var layer_i := 0 for saved_layer in dict.layers: var linked_cels := [] for linked_cel_number in saved_layer.linked_cels: linked_cels.append(frames[linked_cel_number]) frames[linked_cel_number].cels[layer_i].image = linked_cels[0].cels[layer_i].image frames[linked_cel_number].cels[layer_i].image_texture = linked_cels[0].cels[layer_i].image_texture var layer :=, saved_layer.visible, saved_layer.locked,, saved_layer.new_cels_linked, linked_cels) layers.append(layer) layer_i += 1 if dict.has("tags"): for tag in dict.tags: animation_tags.append(, Color(tag.color), tag.from, self.animation_tags = animation_tags if dict.has("guides"): for g in dict.guides: var guide := guide.type = g.type if guide.type == Guide.Types.HORIZONTAL: guide.add_point(Vector2(-99999, g.pos)) guide.add_point(Vector2(99999, g.pos)) else: guide.add_point(Vector2(g.pos, -99999)) guide.add_point(Vector2(g.pos, 99999)) guide.has_focus = false guide.project = self Global.canvas.add_child(guide) if dict.has("symmetry_points"): x_symmetry_point = dict.symmetry_points[0] y_symmetry_point = dict.symmetry_points[1] x_symmetry_axis.points[0].y = floor(y_symmetry_point / 2 + 1) x_symmetry_axis.points[1].y = floor(y_symmetry_point / 2 + 1) y_symmetry_axis.points[0].x = floor(x_symmetry_point / 2 + 1) y_symmetry_axis.points[1].x = floor(x_symmetry_point / 2 + 1) if dict.has("export_directory_path"): directory_path = dict.export_directory_path if dict.has("export_file_name"): file_name = dict.export_file_name if dict.has("export_file_format"): file_format = dict.export_file_format if dict.has("fps"): fps = dict.fps func name_changed(value : String) -> void: name = value Global.tabs.set_tab_title(Global.tabs.current_tab, name) func size_changed(value : Vector2) -> void: size = value update_tile_mode_rects() func frames_changed(value : Array) -> void: frames = value remove_cel_buttons() for frame_id in Global.frame_ids.get_children(): Global.frame_ids.remove_child(frame_id) frame_id.queue_free() for i in range(layers.size() - 1, -1, -1): Global.frames_container.add_child(layers[i].frame_container) for j in range(frames.size()): var label := label.rect_min_size.x = Global.animation_timeline.cel_size label.align = Label.ALIGN_CENTER label.text = str(j + 1) Global.frame_ids.add_child(label) for i in range(layers.size() - 1, -1, -1): var cel_button = load("res://src/UI/Timeline/CelButton.tscn").instance() cel_button.frame = j cel_button.layer = i cel_button.get_child(0).texture = frames[j].cels[i].image_texture layers[i].frame_container.add_child(cel_button) set_timeline_first_and_last_frames() func layers_changed(value : Array) -> void: layers = value if Global.layers_changed_skip: Global.layers_changed_skip = false return for container in Global.layers_container.get_children(): container.queue_free() remove_cel_buttons() for i in range(layers.size() - 1, -1, -1): var layer_container = load("res://src/UI/Timeline/LayerButton.tscn").instance() layer_container.i = i if layers[i].name == tr("Layer") + " 0": layers[i].name = tr("Layer") + " %s" % i Global.layers_container.add_child(layer_container) layer_container.label.text = layers[i].name layer_container.line_edit.text = layers[i].name Global.frames_container.add_child(layers[i].frame_container) for j in range(frames.size()): var cel_button = load("res://src/UI/Timeline/CelButton.tscn").instance() cel_button.frame = j cel_button.layer = i cel_button.get_child(0).texture = frames[j].cels[i].image_texture layers[i].frame_container.add_child(cel_button) var layer_button = Global.layers_container.get_child(Global.layers_container.get_child_count() - 1 - current_layer) layer_button.pressed = true self.current_frame = current_frame # Call frame_changed to update UI toggle_layer_buttons_layers() func remove_cel_buttons() -> void: for container in Global.frames_container.get_children(): for button in container.get_children(): container.remove_child(button) button.queue_free() Global.frames_container.remove_child(container) func frame_changed(value : int) -> void: Global.canvas.selection.move_content_confirm() current_frame = value Global.current_frame_mark_label.text = "%s/%s" % [str(current_frame + 1), frames.size()] for i in frames.size(): var text_color := Color.white if Global.theme_type == Global.ThemeTypes.CARAMEL || Global.theme_type == Global.ThemeTypes.LIGHT: text_color = Global.frame_ids.get_child(i).add_color_override("font_color", text_color) for layer in layers: # De-select all the other frames if i < layer.frame_container.get_child_count(): layer.frame_container.get_child(i).pressed = false # Select the new frame if current_frame < Global.frame_ids.get_child_count(): Global.frame_ids.get_child(current_frame).add_color_override("font_color", Global.control.theme.get_color("Selected Color", "Label")) if layers and current_frame < layers[current_layer].frame_container.get_child_count(): layers[current_layer].frame_container.get_child(current_frame).pressed = true Global.disable_button(Global.remove_frame_button, frames.size() == 1) Global.disable_button(Global.move_left_frame_button, frames.size() == 1 or current_frame == 0) Global.disable_button(Global.move_right_frame_button, frames.size() == 1 or current_frame == frames.size() - 1) if current_frame < frames.size(): Global.layer_opacity_slider.value = frames[current_frame].cels[current_layer].opacity * 100 Global.layer_opacity_spinbox.value = frames[current_frame].cels[current_layer].opacity * 100 Global.canvas.update() Global.transparent_checker._ready() # To update the rect size func layer_changed(value : int) -> void: Global.canvas.selection.move_content_confirm() current_layer = value for container in Global.layers_container.get_children(): container.pressed = false if current_layer < Global.layers_container.get_child_count(): var layer_button = Global.layers_container.get_child(Global.layers_container.get_child_count() - 1 - current_layer) layer_button.pressed = true toggle_layer_buttons_current_layer() yield(Global.get_tree().create_timer(0.01), "timeout") self.current_frame = current_frame # Call frame_changed to update UI func toggle_layer_buttons_layers() -> void: if !layers: return if layers[current_layer].locked: Global.disable_button(Global.remove_layer_button, true) if layers.size() == 1: Global.disable_button(Global.remove_layer_button, true) Global.disable_button(Global.move_up_layer_button, true) Global.disable_button(Global.move_down_layer_button, true) Global.disable_button(Global.merge_down_layer_button, true) elif !layers[current_layer].locked: Global.disable_button(Global.remove_layer_button, false) func toggle_layer_buttons_current_layer() -> void: if current_layer < layers.size() - 1: Global.disable_button(Global.move_up_layer_button, false) else: Global.disable_button(Global.move_up_layer_button, true) if current_layer > 0: Global.disable_button(Global.move_down_layer_button, false) Global.disable_button(Global.merge_down_layer_button, false) else: Global.disable_button(Global.move_down_layer_button, true) Global.disable_button(Global.merge_down_layer_button, true) if current_layer < layers.size(): if layers[current_layer].locked: Global.disable_button(Global.remove_layer_button, true) else: if layers.size() > 1: Global.disable_button(Global.remove_layer_button, false) func animation_tags_changed(value : Array) -> void: animation_tags = value for child in Global.tag_container.get_children(): child.queue_free() for tag in animation_tags: var tag_base_size = Global.animation_timeline.cel_size + 3 var tag_c : Container = load("res://src/UI/Timeline/AnimationTagUI.tscn").instance() Global.tag_container.add_child(tag_c) tag_c.tag = tag var tag_position : int = Global.tag_container.get_child_count() - 1 Global.tag_container.move_child(tag_c, tag_position) tag_c.get_node("Label").text = tag_c.get_node("Label").modulate = tag.color tag_c.get_node("Line2D").default_color = tag.color tag_c.rect_position.x = (tag.from - 1) * tag_base_size + tag.from var tag_size : int = - tag.from tag_c.rect_min_size.x = (tag_size + 1) * tag_base_size tag_c.get_node("Line2D").points[2] = Vector2(tag_c.rect_min_size.x, 0) tag_c.get_node("Line2D").points[3] = Vector2(tag_c.rect_min_size.x, 32) set_timeline_first_and_last_frames() func set_timeline_first_and_last_frames() -> void: # This is useful in case tags get modified DURING the animation is playing # otherwise, this code is useless in this context, since these values are being set # when the play buttons get pressed anyway Global.animation_timeline.first_frame = 0 Global.animation_timeline.last_frame = frames.size() - 1 if Global.play_only_tags: for tag in animation_tags: if current_frame + 1 >= tag.from && current_frame + 1 <= Global.animation_timeline.first_frame = tag.from - 1 Global.animation_timeline.last_frame = min(frames.size() - 1, - 1) func has_changed_changed(value : bool) -> void: has_changed = value if value: Global.tabs.set_tab_title(Global.tabs.current_tab, name + "(*)") else: Global.tabs.set_tab_title(Global.tabs.current_tab, name) func get_tile_mode_rect() -> Rect2: return tile_mode_rects[tile_mode] func update_tile_mode_rects() -> void: tile_mode_rects.resize(Global.TileMode.size()) tile_mode_rects[Global.TileMode.NONE] = Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, size) tile_mode_rects[Global.TileMode.BOTH] = Rect2(Vector2(-1, -1) * size, Vector2(3, 3) * size) tile_mode_rects[Global.TileMode.X_AXIS] = Rect2(Vector2(-1, 0) * size, Vector2(3, 1) * size) tile_mode_rects[Global.TileMode.Y_AXIS] = Rect2(Vector2(0, -1) * size, Vector2(1, 3) * size) func is_empty() -> bool: return frames.size() == 1 and layers.size() == 1 and frames[0].cels[0].image.is_invisible() and animation_tags.size() == 0 func can_pixel_get_drawn(pixel : Vector2) -> bool: if pixel.x < 0 or pixel.y < 0 or pixel.x >= size.x or pixel.y >= size.y: return false var selection_position : Vector2 = Global.canvas.selection.big_bounding_rectangle.position if selection_position.x < 0: pixel.x -= selection_position.x if selection_position.y < 0: pixel.y -= selection_position.y if has_selection: return selection_bitmap.get_bit(pixel) else: return true func invert_bitmap(bitmap : BitMap) -> void: for x in bitmap.get_size().x: for y in bitmap.get_size().y: var pos := Vector2(x, y) bitmap.set_bit(pos, !bitmap.get_bit(pos)) # Unexposed BitMap class function - func resize_bitmap(bitmap : BitMap, new_size : Vector2) -> BitMap: if new_size == bitmap.get_size(): return bitmap var new_bitmap := new_bitmap.create(new_size) var lw = min(bitmap.get_size().x, new_size.x) var lh = min(bitmap.get_size().y, new_size.y) for x in lw: for y in lh: new_bitmap.set_bit(Vector2(x, y), bitmap.get_bit(Vector2(x, y))) return new_bitmap # Unexposed BitMap class function - func bitmap_to_image(bitmap : BitMap) -> Image: var image := var width := bitmap.get_size().x var height := bitmap.get_size().y var square_size = max(width, height) image.create(square_size, square_size, false, Image.FORMAT_LA8) image.lock() for x in width: for y in height: var pos := Vector2(x, y) var color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1) if bitmap.get_bit(pos) else Color(0, 0, 0, 0) image.set_pixelv(pos, color) image.unlock() return image func get_selection_rectangle(bitmap : BitMap = selection_bitmap) -> Rect2: if bitmap.get_true_bit_count() == 0: return Rect2() var minx := 0xFFFFFF var miny := 0xFFFFFF var maxx := -1 var maxy := -1 for j in bitmap.get_size().y: for i in bitmap.get_size().x: if !bitmap.get_bit(Vector2(i, j)): continue if i > maxx: maxx = i if j > maxy: maxy = j if i < minx: minx = i if j < miny: miny = j if maxx == -1: return Rect2() else: return Rect2(minx, miny, maxx - minx + 1, maxy - miny + 1) func move_bitmap_values(bitmap : BitMap, move_offset := true) -> void: var selection_node = Global.canvas.selection var selection_position : Vector2 = selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.position var selection_end : Vector2 = selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.end var image : Image = bitmap_to_image(bitmap) var selection_rect := image.get_used_rect() var smaller_image := image.get_rect(selection_rect) image.lock() image.fill(Color(0)) var dst := selection_position var x_diff = selection_end.x - size.x var y_diff = selection_end.y - size.y var nw = max(size.x, size.x + x_diff) var nh = max(size.y, size.y + y_diff) if selection_position.x < 0: nw -= selection_position.x if move_offset: self.selection_offset.x = selection_position.x dst.x = 0 else: if move_offset: self.selection_offset.x = 0 if selection_position.y < 0: nh -= selection_position.y if move_offset: self.selection_offset.y = selection_position.y dst.y = 0 else: if move_offset: self.selection_offset.y = 0 if nw <= image.get_size().x: nw = image.get_size().x if nh <= image.get_size().y: nh = image.get_size().y image.crop(nw, nh) image.blit_rect(smaller_image, Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, Vector2(nw, nh)), dst) bitmap.create_from_image_alpha(image) func resize_bitmap_values(bitmap : BitMap, new_size : Vector2, flip_x : bool, flip_y : bool) -> BitMap: var selection_node = Global.canvas.selection var selection_position : Vector2 = selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.position var dst := selection_position var new_bitmap_size := size new_bitmap_size.x = max(size.x, abs(selection_position.x) + new_size.x) new_bitmap_size.y = max(size.y, abs(selection_position.y) + new_size.y) var new_bitmap := var image : Image = bitmap_to_image(bitmap) var selection_rect := image.get_used_rect() var smaller_image := image.get_rect(selection_rect) if selection_position.x <= 0: self.selection_offset.x = selection_position.x dst.x = 0 if selection_position.y <= 0: self.selection_offset.y = selection_position.y dst.y = 0 image.lock() image.fill(Color(0)) smaller_image.resize(new_size.x, new_size.y, Image.INTERPOLATE_NEAREST) if flip_x: smaller_image.flip_x() if flip_y: smaller_image.flip_y() if new_bitmap_size != size: image.crop(new_bitmap_size.x, new_bitmap_size.y) image.blit_rect(smaller_image, Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, new_bitmap_size), dst) new_bitmap.create_from_image_alpha(image) return new_bitmap