tool class_name AImgIOAPNGImportPlugin extends EditorImportPlugin func get_importer_name() -> String: return "aimgio.apng_animatedtexture" func get_visible_name() -> String: return "APNG as AnimatedTexture" func get_save_extension() -> String: return "res" func get_resource_type() -> String: return "AnimatedTexture" func get_recognized_extensions() -> Array: return ["png"] func get_preset_count(): return 1 func get_preset_name(_i): return "Default" func get_import_options(_i): # GDLint workaround - it really does not want this string to exist due to length. var hint = "Mipmaps,Repeat,Filter,Anisotropic Filter,Convert To Linear,Mirrored Repeat" return [ { "name": "image_texture_storage", "default_value": 2, "property_hint": PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM_SUGGESTION, "hint_string": "Raw,Lossy,Lossless" }, {"name": "image_texture_lossy_quality", "default_value": 0.7}, { "name": "texture_flags", "default_value": 7, "property_hint": PROPERTY_HINT_FLAGS, "hint_string": hint }, # We don't know if Godot will change things somehow. {"name": "texture_flags_add", "default_value": 0} ] func get_option_visibility(_option, _options): return true func import(load_path: String, save_path: String, options, _platform_variants, _gen_files): var res := AImgIOAPNGImporter.load_from_file(load_path) if res[0] != null: push_error("AImgIOPNGImporter: " + res[0]) return ERR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED var frames: Array = res[1] var root: AnimatedTexture = var flags: int = options["texture_flags"] flags |= options["texture_flags_add"] root.flags = flags root.frames = len(frames) root.fps = 1 for i in range(len(frames)): var f: AImgIOFrame = frames[i] root.set_frame_delay(i, f.duration - 1.0) var tx := = options["image_texture_storage"] tx.lossy_quality = options["image_texture_lossy_quality"] tx.create_from_image(f.content, flags) root.set_frame_texture(i, tx) return + ".res", root)