extends ConfirmationDialog enum ImageImportOptions {NEW_TAB, SPRITESHEET, NEW_FRAME, NEW_LAYER, PALETTE, BRUSH, PATTERN} enum BrushTypes {FILE, PROJECT, RANDOM} var path : String var image : Image var current_import_option : int = ImageImportOptions.NEW_TAB var spritesheet_horizontal := 1 var spritesheet_vertical := 1 onready var texture_rect : TextureRect = $VBoxContainer/CenterContainer/TextureRect onready var image_size_label : Label = $VBoxContainer/SizeContainer/ImageSizeLabel onready var frame_size_label : Label = $VBoxContainer/SizeContainer/FrameSizeLabel onready var spritesheet_options = $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/SpritesheetOptions onready var new_frame_options = $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/NewFrameOptions onready var new_layer_options = $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/NewLayerOptions onready var new_brush_options = $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/NewBrushOptions func _on_PreviewDialog_about_to_show() -> void: var img_texture := ImageTexture.new() img_texture.create_from_image(image) texture_rect.texture = img_texture spritesheet_options.get_node("HorizontalFrames").max_value = min(spritesheet_options.get_node("HorizontalFrames").max_value, image.get_size().x) spritesheet_options.get_node("VerticalFrames").max_value = min(spritesheet_options.get_node("VerticalFrames").max_value, image.get_size().y) image_size_label.text = tr("Image Size") + ": " + str(image.get_size().x) + "×" + str(image.get_size().y) frame_size_label.text = tr("Frame Size") + ": " + str(image.get_size().x) + "×" + str(image.get_size().y) func _on_PreviewDialog_popup_hide() -> void: queue_free() # Call Global.dialog_open() only if it's the only preview dialog opened for child in Global.control.get_children(): if child != self and "PreviewDialog" in child.name: return Global.dialog_open(false) func _on_PreviewDialog_confirmed() -> void: if current_import_option == ImageImportOptions.NEW_TAB: OpenSave.open_image_as_new_tab(path, image) elif current_import_option == ImageImportOptions.SPRITESHEET: OpenSave.open_image_as_spritesheet(path, image, spritesheet_horizontal, spritesheet_vertical) elif current_import_option == ImageImportOptions.NEW_FRAME: var layer_index : int = new_frame_options.get_node("AtLayerSpinbox").value OpenSave.open_image_as_new_frame(image, layer_index) elif current_import_option == ImageImportOptions.NEW_LAYER: var frame_index : int = new_layer_options.get_node("AtFrameSpinbox").value - 1 OpenSave.open_image_as_new_layer(image, path.get_basename().get_file(), frame_index) elif current_import_option == ImageImportOptions.PALETTE: Global.palette_container.import_image_palette(path, image) elif current_import_option == ImageImportOptions.BRUSH: var brush_type_option : int = new_brush_options.get_node("BrushTypeOption").selected add_brush(brush_type_option) elif current_import_option == ImageImportOptions.PATTERN: var file_name_ext : String = path.get_file() file_name_ext = pattern_name_replace(file_name_ext) var file_name : String = file_name_ext.get_basename() image.convert(Image.FORMAT_RGBA8) Global.patterns_popup.add(image, file_name) # Copy the image file into the "pixelorama/Patterns" directory var location := "Patterns".plus_file(file_name_ext) var dir = Directory.new() dir.copy(path, Global.directory_module.xdg_data_home.plus_file(location)) func _on_ImportOption_item_selected(id : int) -> void: current_import_option = id frame_size_label.visible = false spritesheet_options.visible = false new_frame_options.visible = false new_layer_options.visible = false new_brush_options.visible = false texture_rect.get_child(0).visible = false texture_rect.get_child(1).visible = false if id == ImageImportOptions.SPRITESHEET: frame_size_label.visible = true spritesheet_options.visible = true texture_rect.get_child(0).visible = true texture_rect.get_child(1).visible = true elif id == ImageImportOptions.NEW_FRAME: new_frame_options.visible = true new_frame_options.get_node("AtLayerSpinbox").max_value = Global.current_project.layers.size() - 1 elif id == ImageImportOptions.NEW_LAYER: new_layer_options.visible = true new_layer_options.get_node("AtFrameSpinbox").max_value = Global.current_project.frames.size() elif id == ImageImportOptions.BRUSH: new_brush_options.visible = true func _on_HorizontalFrames_value_changed(value : int) -> void: spritesheet_horizontal = value for child in texture_rect.get_node("HorizLines").get_children(): child.queue_free() spritesheet_frame_value_changed(value, false) func _on_VerticalFrames_value_changed(value : int) -> void: spritesheet_vertical = value for child in texture_rect.get_node("VerticalLines").get_children(): child.queue_free() spritesheet_frame_value_changed(value, true) func spritesheet_frame_value_changed(value : int, vertical : bool) -> void: var image_size_y = texture_rect.rect_size.y var image_size_x = texture_rect.rect_size.x if image.get_size().x > image.get_size().y: var scale_ratio = image.get_size().x / image_size_x image_size_y = image.get_size().y / scale_ratio else: var scale_ratio = image.get_size().y / image_size_y image_size_x = image.get_size().x / scale_ratio var offset_x = (texture_rect.rect_size.x - image_size_x) / 2 var offset_y = (texture_rect.rect_size.y - image_size_y) / 2 if value > 1: var line_distance if vertical: line_distance = image_size_y / value else: line_distance = image_size_x / value for i in range(1, value): var line_2d := Line2D.new() line_2d.width = 1 line_2d.position = Vector2.ZERO if vertical: line_2d.add_point(Vector2(offset_x, i * line_distance + offset_y)) line_2d.add_point(Vector2(image_size_x + offset_x, i * line_distance + offset_y)) texture_rect.get_node("VerticalLines").add_child(line_2d) else: line_2d.add_point(Vector2(i * line_distance + offset_x, offset_y)) line_2d.add_point(Vector2(i * line_distance + offset_x, image_size_y + offset_y)) texture_rect.get_node("HorizLines").add_child(line_2d) var frame_width = floor(image.get_size().x / spritesheet_horizontal) var frame_height = floor(image.get_size().y / spritesheet_vertical) frame_size_label.text = tr("Frame Size") + ": " + str(frame_width) + "×" + str(frame_height) func add_brush(type : int) -> void: image.convert(Image.FORMAT_RGBA8) if type == BrushTypes.FILE: var file_name_ext : String = path.get_file() file_name_ext = brush_name_replace(file_name_ext) var file_name : String = file_name_ext.get_basename() file_name = brush_name_replace(file_name) Brushes.add_file_brush([image], file_name) # Copy the image file into the "pixelorama/Brushes" directory var location := "Brushes".plus_file(file_name_ext) var dir = Directory.new() dir.copy(path, Global.directory_module.xdg_data_home.plus_file(location)) elif type == BrushTypes.PROJECT: var file_name : String = path.get_file().get_basename() Global.current_project.brushes.append(image) Brushes.add_project_brush(image, file_name) # Checks if the brush name already exists # If it does, add a number to its name, for example # "Brush_Name" will become "Brush_Name (2)", "Brush_Name (3)", etc. func brush_name_replace(name : String) -> String: var i := 1 var file_ext = name.get_extension() var temp_name := name var dir := Directory.new() dir.open(Global.directory_module.xdg_data_home.plus_file("Brushes")) while dir.file_exists(temp_name): i += 1 temp_name = name.get_basename() + " (%s)" % i temp_name += "." + file_ext name = temp_name return name func pattern_name_replace(name : String) -> String: var i := 1 var file_ext = name.get_extension() var temp_name := name var dir := Directory.new() dir.open(Global.directory_module.xdg_data_home.plus_file("Patterns")) while dir.file_exists(temp_name): i += 1 temp_name = name.get_basename() + " (%s)" % i temp_name += "." + file_ext name = temp_name return name