extends ConfirmationDialog ## Emitted when the user confirms their changes signal saved(name: String, comment: String, width: int, height: int) ## Emitted when the user deletes a palette signal deleted ## Emitted when the user exports a palette signal exported(path: String) const EXPORT_ACTION := &"export" const DELETE_ACTION := &"delete" const BIN_ACTION := &"trash" # Keeps original size of edited palette var origin_width := 0 var origin_height := 0 var old_name := "" @onready var name_input := $VBoxContainer/PaletteMetadata/Name @onready var comment_input := $VBoxContainer/PaletteMetadata/Comment @onready var width_input := $VBoxContainer/PaletteMetadata/Width @onready var height_input := $VBoxContainer/PaletteMetadata/Height @onready var path_input := $VBoxContainer/PaletteMetadata/Path @onready var size_reduced_warning := $VBoxContainer/SizeReducedWarning @onready var already_exists_warning := $VBoxContainer/AlreadyExistsWarning @onready var delete_confirmation := $DeleteConfirmation @onready var export_file_dialog: FileDialog = $ExportFileDialog func _ready() -> void: export_file_dialog.use_native_dialog = Global.use_native_file_dialogs # Add delete and export buttons to edit palette dialog add_button("Delete", false, DELETE_ACTION) add_button("Export", false, EXPORT_ACTION) delete_confirmation.add_button("Move to Trash", false, BIN_ACTION) func open(current_palette: Palette) -> void: if current_palette: name_input.text = current_palette.name comment_input.text = current_palette.comment width_input.value = current_palette.width height_input.value = current_palette.height path_input.text = current_palette.path export_file_dialog.current_file = current_palette.name # Store original size so it can be compared with changed values # and warning can be shown if it is reduced origin_width = current_palette.width origin_height = current_palette.height toggle_size_reduced_warning(false) # Hide warning old_name = current_palette.name toggle_already_exists_warning(false) # Stop all inputs in the rest of the app Global.dialog_open(true) popup_centered() ## Shows/hides a warning when palette size is being reduced func toggle_size_reduced_warning(to_show: bool) -> void: size_reduced_warning.visible = to_show # Required to resize window to correct size if warning causes content overflow size = size ## Shows/hides a warning when palette already exists func toggle_already_exists_warning(to_show: bool) -> void: already_exists_warning.visible = to_show # Disable confirm button so user cannot save get_ok_button().disabled = to_show # Required to resize window to correct size if warning causes content overflow size = size func _on_EditPaletteDialog_visibility_changed() -> void: Global.dialog_open(visible) func _on_EditPaletteDialog_confirmed() -> void: saved.emit(name_input.text, comment_input.text, width_input.value, height_input.value) func _on_EditPaletteDialog_custom_action(action: StringName) -> void: if action == DELETE_ACTION: delete_confirmation.popup_centered() elif action == EXPORT_ACTION: if OS.has_feature("web"): exported.emit() else: export_file_dialog.popup_centered() func _on_delete_confirmation_confirmed() -> void: deleted.emit(true) delete_confirmation.hide() hide() func _on_delete_confirmation_custom_action(action: StringName) -> void: if action == BIN_ACTION: deleted.emit(false) delete_confirmation.hide() hide() func _on_size_value_changed(_value: int): # Toggle resize warning label if palette size was reduced var size_decreased: bool = ( height_input.value < origin_height or width_input.value < origin_width ) toggle_size_reduced_warning(size_decreased) func _on_Name_text_changed(new_name: String): if old_name != new_name: if Palettes.does_palette_exist(new_name): toggle_already_exists_warning(true) else: toggle_already_exists_warning(false) # Disable ok button on empty name if new_name == "": get_ok_button().disabled = true func _on_export_file_dialog_file_selected(path: String) -> void: exported.emit(path)