extends Reference var lsbbitpacker = preload("./lsbbitpacker.gd") var lsbbitunpacker = preload("./lsbbitunpacker.gd") var code_table := {} var entries_counter := 0 func get_bit_length(value: int): # bitwise or on value does ensure that the function works with value 0 # long number at the end is log(2.0) return ceil(log(value | 0x1 + 1) / 0.6931471805599453) func initialize_color_code_table(colors: PoolByteArray) -> void: code_table.clear() entries_counter = 0 for color_id in colors: # warning-ignore:return_value_discarded code_table[PoolByteArray([color_id])] = entries_counter entries_counter += 1 # move counter to the first available compression code index var last_color_index: int = colors.size() - 1 var clear_code_index: int = pow(2, get_bit_length(last_color_index)) entries_counter = clear_code_index + 2 # compression and decompression done with source: # http://www.matthewflickinger.com/lab/whatsinagif/lzw_image_data.asp func compress_lzw(index_stream: PoolByteArray, colors: PoolByteArray) -> Array: # Initialize code table initialize_color_code_table(colors) # Clear Code index is 2**<code size> # <code size> is the amount of bits needed to write down all colors # from color table. We use last color index because we can write # all colors (for example 16 colors) with indexes from 0 to 15. # Number 15 is in binary 0b1111, so we'll need 4 bits to write all # colors down. var last_color_index: int = colors.size() - 1 var clear_code_index: int = pow(2, get_bit_length(last_color_index)) var current_code_size: int = get_bit_length(clear_code_index) var binary_code_stream = lsbbitpacker.LSBLZWBitPacker.new() # initialize with Clear Code binary_code_stream.write_bits(clear_code_index, current_code_size) # Read first index from index stream. var index_buffer := PoolByteArray([index_stream[0]]) var data_index: int = 1 # <LOOP POINT> while data_index < index_stream.size(): # Get the next index from the index stream. var k := index_stream[data_index] data_index += 1 # Is index buffer + k in our code table? var new_index_buffer := PoolByteArray(index_buffer) new_index_buffer.push_back(k) if code_table.has(new_index_buffer): # if YES # Add k to the end of the index buffer index_buffer = new_index_buffer else: # if NO # Add a row for index buffer + k into our code table binary_code_stream.write_bits(code_table.get(index_buffer, -1), current_code_size) # We don't want to add new code to code table if we've exceeded 4095 # index. var last_entry_index: int = entries_counter - 1 if last_entry_index != 4095: # Output the code for just the index buffer to our code stream # warning-ignore:return_value_discarded code_table[new_index_buffer] = entries_counter entries_counter += 1 else: # if we exceeded 4095 index (code table is full), we should # output Clear Code and reset everything. binary_code_stream.write_bits(clear_code_index, current_code_size) initialize_color_code_table(colors) # get_bits_number_for(clear_code_index) is the same as # LZW code size + 1 current_code_size = get_bit_length(clear_code_index) # Detect when you have to save new codes in bigger bits boxes # change current code size when it happens because we want to save # flexible code sized codes var new_code_size_candidate: int = get_bit_length(entries_counter - 1) if new_code_size_candidate > current_code_size: current_code_size = new_code_size_candidate # Index buffer is set to k index_buffer = PoolByteArray([k]) # Output code for contents of index buffer binary_code_stream.write_bits(code_table.get(index_buffer, -1), current_code_size) # output end with End Of Information Code binary_code_stream.write_bits(clear_code_index + 1, current_code_size) var min_code_size: int = get_bit_length(clear_code_index) - 1 return [binary_code_stream.pack(), min_code_size]