tool extends "" # Layout binary tree nodes, defining subtrees and leaf panels enum Direction { HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL, } const LayoutPanel = preload("") export(Direction) var direction = Direction.HORIZONTAL setget set_direction, get_direction export(float, 0, 1) var percent = 0.5 setget set_percent, get_percent export(Resource) var first = setget set_first, get_first export(Resource) var second = setget set_second, get_second var _direction = Direction.HORIZONTAL var _percent = 0.5 var _first var _second func _init() -> void: resource_name = "Split" func clone(): var new_split = get_script().new() new_split._direction = _direction new_split._percent = _percent new_split.first = _first.clone() new_split.second = _second.clone() return new_split func set_first(value) -> void: if value == null: _first = else: _first = value _first.parent = self emit_tree_changed() func get_first(): return _first func set_second(value) -> void: if value == null: _second = else: _second = value _second.parent = self emit_tree_changed() func get_second(): return _second func set_direction(value: int) -> void: if value != _direction: _direction = value emit_tree_changed() func get_direction() -> int: return _direction func set_percent(value: float) -> void: var clamped_value = clamp(value, 0, 1) if not is_equal_approx(_percent, clamped_value): _percent = clamped_value emit_tree_changed() func get_percent() -> float: return _percent func get_names() -> PoolStringArray: var names = _first.get_names() names.append_array(_second.get_names()) return names func empty() -> bool: return _first.empty() and _second.empty() func is_horizontal() -> bool: return _direction == Direction.HORIZONTAL func is_vertical() -> bool: return _direction == Direction.VERTICAL