class_name ShaderLoader extends RefCounted const VALUE_SLIDER_V2_TSCN := preload("res://src/UI/Nodes/Sliders/ValueSliderV2.tscn") const BASIS_SLIDERS_TSCN := preload("res://src/UI/Nodes/Sliders/BasisSliders.tscn") const GRADIENT_EDIT_TSCN := preload("res://src/UI/Nodes/GradientEdit.tscn") const NOISE_GENERATOR := preload("res://src/UI/Nodes/NoiseGeneratorDialog.tscn") static var dither_matrices: Array[DitherMatrix] = ["res://assets/dither-matrices/bayer2.png"), "Bayer 2x2"),"res://assets/dither-matrices/bayer4.png"), "Bayer 4x4"),"res://assets/dither-matrices/bayer8.png"), "Bayer 8x8"),"res://assets/dither-matrices/bayer16.png"), "Bayer 16x16"), ] class DitherMatrix: var texture: Texture2D var name: String func _init(_texture: Texture2D, _name: String) -> void: texture = _texture name = _name static func load_dither_matrix_from_file(file_path: String) -> void: var dither_image := Image.load_from_file(file_path) if is_instance_valid(dither_image): var dither_tex := ImageTexture.create_from_image(dither_image) var dither_matrix :=, file_path.get_file().get_basename()) dither_matrices.append(dither_matrix) static func create_ui_for_shader_uniforms( shader: Shader, params: Dictionary, parent_node: Control, value_changed: Callable, file_selected: Callable ) -> void: var code := shader.code.split("\n") var uniforms: PackedStringArray = [] var uniform_data: PackedStringArray = [] var description: String = "" var description_began := false # A Dictionary of [String] and [Control], used to group together nodes # under the same group_uniform. Currently only used for CurveTextures. var group_nodes := {} var color_button_hbox: HBoxContainer = null # Used for RGBA buttons, if they exist. for line in code: # Management of "end" tags if line.begins_with("// (end DESCRIPTION)"): description_began = false if description_began: description += "\n" + line.strip_edges() # Detection of uniforms if line.begins_with("uniform") or line.begins_with("group_uniforms"): uniforms.append(line) if line.begins_with("// uniform_data"): uniform_data.append(line) # Management of "begin" tags elif line.begins_with("// (begin DESCRIPTION)"): description_began = true # Validation of begin/end tags if description_began == true: # Description started but never ended. treat it as an error print("Shader description started but never finished. Assuming empty description") description = "" if not description.is_empty(): parent_node.tooltip_text = str( "Description:\n", description.replace("//", "").strip_edges() ) var current_group := "" for uniform in uniforms: # Example uniform: # uniform float parameter_name : hint_range(0, 255) = 100.0; var uniform_split := uniform.split("=") var u_value := "" if uniform_split.size() > 1: u_value = uniform_split[1].replace(";", "").strip_edges() else: uniform_split[0] = uniform_split[0].replace(";", "").strip_edges() var u_left_side := uniform_split[0].split(":") var u_hint := "" if u_left_side.size() > 1: u_hint = u_left_side[1].strip_edges() u_hint = u_hint.replace(";", "") var u_init := u_left_side[0].split(" ") var uniform_string := u_init[0] if uniform_string == "group_uniforms": current_group = u_init[1] continue var u_type := u_init[1] var u_name := u_init[2] if u_name in ["PXO_time", "PXO_frame_index", "PXO_layer_index"]: continue # Find custom data of the uniform, if any exists # Right now it only checks if a uniform should have another type of node # Such as integers having OptionButtons # But in the future it could be expanded to include custom names or descriptions. var custom_data: PackedStringArray = [] var type_override := "" for data in uniform_data: if u_name in data: var line_to_examine := data.split(" ") if line_to_examine[3] == "type::": var temp_splitter := data.split("::") if temp_splitter.size() > 1: type_override = temp_splitter[1].strip_edges() custom_data.append(data) var humanized_u_name := Keychain.humanize_snake_case(u_name) + ":" if u_type == "float" or u_type == "int": var hbox := var label := label.text = humanized_u_name label.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL hbox.add_child(label) if type_override.begins_with("OptionButton"): var option_button := option_button.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL option_button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND option_button.item_selected.connect(value_changed.bind(u_name)) var items := ( type_override . replace("OptionButton ", "") . replace("[", "") . replace("]", "") . split("||") ) for item in items: option_button.add_item(item) if u_value != "": if params.has(u_name):[u_name]) else: params[u_name] = option_button.selected hbox.add_child(option_button) else: var slider := slider.allow_greater = true slider.allow_lesser = true slider.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL var min_value := 0.0 var max_value := 255.0 var step := 1.0 var value := 0.0 var range_values_array: PackedStringArray if "hint_range" in u_hint: var range_values: String = u_hint.replace("hint_range(", "") range_values = range_values.replace(")", "").strip_edges() range_values_array = range_values.split(",") if u_type == "float": if range_values_array.size() >= 1: min_value = float(range_values_array[0]) else: min_value = 0.01 if range_values_array.size() >= 2: max_value = float(range_values_array[1]) if range_values_array.size() >= 3: step = float(range_values_array[2]) else: step = 0.01 if u_value != "": value = float(u_value) else: if range_values_array.size() >= 1: min_value = int(range_values_array[0]) if range_values_array.size() >= 2: max_value = int(range_values_array[1]) if range_values_array.size() >= 3: step = int(range_values_array[2]) if u_value != "": value = int(u_value) slider.min_value = min_value slider.max_value = max_value slider.step = step slider.value = value if params.has(u_name): slider.value = params[u_name] else: params[u_name] = slider.value slider.value_changed.connect(value_changed.bind(u_name)) slider.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND hbox.add_child(slider) parent_node.add_child(hbox) elif u_type == "vec2" or u_type == "ivec2" or u_type == "uvec2": var label := label.text = humanized_u_name label.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL var vector2 := _vec2str_to_vector2(u_value) var slider := VALUE_SLIDER_V2_TSCN.instantiate() as ValueSliderV2 slider.show_ratio = true slider.allow_greater = true if u_type != "uvec2": slider.allow_lesser = true if u_type != "ivec2": slider.step = 0.01 slider.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL slider.value = vector2 if params.has(u_name): slider.value = params[u_name] else: params[u_name] = slider.value slider.value_changed.connect(value_changed.bind(u_name)) var hbox := hbox.add_child(label) hbox.add_child(slider) parent_node.add_child(hbox) elif u_type == "vec4": if "source_color" in u_hint: var label := label.text = humanized_u_name label.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL var color := _vec4str_to_color(u_value) var color_button := color_button.custom_minimum_size = Vector2(20, 20) color_button.color = color if params.has(u_name): color_button.color = params[u_name] else: params[u_name] = color_button.color color_button.color_changed.connect(value_changed.bind(u_name)) color_button.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL color_button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND var hbox := hbox.add_child(label) hbox.add_child(color_button) parent_node.add_child(hbox) elif u_type == "mat3": var label := label.text = humanized_u_name label.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL var basis := _mat3str_to_basis(u_value) var sliders := BASIS_SLIDERS_TSCN.instantiate() as BasisSliders sliders.allow_greater = true sliders.allow_lesser = true sliders.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL sliders.value = basis if params.has(u_name): sliders.value = params[u_name] else: params[u_name] = sliders.value sliders.value_changed.connect(value_changed.bind(u_name)) var hbox := hbox.add_child(label) hbox.add_child(sliders) parent_node.add_child(hbox) elif u_type == "sampler2D": if u_name == "selection": continue if u_name == "palette_texture": var palette := Palettes.current_palette var palette_texture := ImageTexture.create_from_image(palette.convert_to_image()), u_name) Palettes.palette_selected.connect( func(_name): _shader_change_palette(value_changed, u_name) ) palette.data_changed.connect( func(): _shader_update_palette_texture(palette, value_changed, u_name) ) continue var create_label := true if not current_group.is_empty(): if u_name.begins_with("curve_"): create_label = false if u_name.begins_with("gradient_"): var group_gradient_str := current_group + "_gradient" if group_nodes.has(group_gradient_str): create_label = false var hbox: HBoxContainer if create_label: hbox = var label := label.text = humanized_u_name label.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL hbox.add_child(label) parent_node.add_child(hbox) if shader is VisualShader and u_name.begins_with("tex_frg_"): var node_id := int(u_name.replace("tex_frg_", "")) var shader_node := (shader as VisualShader).get_node( VisualShader.TYPE_FRAGMENT, node_id ) if shader_node is VisualShaderNodeTexture: var texture := (shader_node as VisualShaderNodeTexture).texture params[u_name] = texture if texture is GradientTexture1D or texture is GradientTexture2D: _create_gradient_texture_ui(params, u_name, hbox, value_changed) elif texture is CurveTexture: _create_curve_texture_ui(params, u_name, hbox, value_changed) elif texture is NoiseTexture2D: _create_noise_texture_ui(params, u_name, hbox, value_changed, parent_node) else: # Simple texture _create_simple_texture_ui( params, u_name, hbox, value_changed, parent_node, file_selected ) elif u_name.begins_with("gradient_"): if current_group.is_empty(): _create_gradient_texture_ui(params, u_name, hbox, value_changed) else: # If this curve uniform belongs in a group, group them into the same # CurveEdit node and use an OptionButton to switch between the different curves. var group_gradient_str := current_group + "_gradient" if group_nodes.has(group_gradient_str): var grad_edit := group_nodes[group_gradient_str] as GradientEditNode if "no_interpolation" in u_name: value_changed.call_deferred( grad_edit.get_gradient_texture_no_interpolation(), u_name ) grad_edit.updated.connect( func(_gradient, _cc): grad_edit.get_gradient_texture_no_interpolation(), u_name ) ) elif "offset" in u_name: value_changed.call_deferred( grad_edit.get_gradient_offsets_texture(), u_name ) grad_edit.updated.connect( func(_gradient, _cc): grad_edit.get_gradient_offsets_texture(), u_name ) ) else: value_changed.call_deferred(grad_edit.texture, u_name) grad_edit.updated.connect( func(_gradient, _cc):, u_name) ) else: var grad_edit := _create_gradient_texture_ui( params, u_name, hbox, value_changed ) group_nodes[group_gradient_str] = grad_edit elif u_name.begins_with("dither_texture"): var option_button := option_button.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL option_button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND option_button.item_selected.connect( func(index: int): var dither_tex := dither_matrices[index].texture, u_name) ) for matrix in dither_matrices: option_button.add_item( if params.has(u_name): var matrix_index := 0 for i in dither_matrices.size(): if dither_matrices[i].texture == params[u_name]: matrix_index = i break else: params[u_name] = dither_matrices[option_button.selected].texture hbox.add_child(option_button) elif u_name.begins_with("curve_"): if current_group.is_empty(): _create_curve_texture_ui(params, u_name, hbox, value_changed) else: # If this curve uniform belongs in a group, group them into the same # CurveEdit node and use an OptionButton to switch between the different curves. var group_option_button_str := current_group + "_option_button" if group_nodes.has(group_option_button_str): # Add it to the current group CurveEdit and OptionButton. var option_button := group_nodes[group_option_button_str] as OptionButton if not params.has(u_name): var new_curve := # Set linear preset to the new curve CurveEdit.set_curve_preset(new_curve, 0) params[u_name] = CurveEdit.to_texture(new_curve) option_button.add_item( Keychain.humanize_snake_case(u_name.replace("curve_", "")) ) option_button.set_item_metadata(option_button.item_count - 1, u_name) else: # Create a the group's CurveEdit and OptionButton. var option_button := parent_node.add_child(option_button) var curve_edit := _create_curve_texture_ui( params, u_name, parent_node, value_changed ) option_button.add_item( Keychain.humanize_snake_case(u_name.replace("curve_", "")) ) option_button.set_item_metadata(option_button.item_count - 1, u_name) option_button.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL option_button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND option_button.item_selected.connect( # Disconnect all previous connections from the # curve_edit's value_changed signal. Then change the curve, and then # connect a new callable to the value_changed signal. func(index: int): var new_uniform_name = option_button.get_item_metadata(index) for connection in curve_edit.value_changed.get_connections(): curve_edit.value_changed.disconnect(connection.callable) curve_edit.curve = params[new_uniform_name].curve curve_edit.value_changed.connect( func(curve: Curve): CurveEdit.to_texture(curve), new_uniform_name ) ) ) group_nodes[group_option_button_str] = option_button elif u_name.begins_with("noise_"): _create_noise_texture_ui(params, u_name, hbox, value_changed, parent_node) else: # Simple texture _create_simple_texture_ui( params, u_name, hbox, value_changed, parent_node, file_selected ) elif u_type == "bool": var button: BaseButton if u_name in ["red", "green", "blue", "alpha"]: button = button.text = u_name[0].to_upper() button.toggle_mode = true if is_instance_valid(color_button_hbox): color_button_hbox.add_child(button) else: color_button_hbox = color_button_hbox.add_child(button) parent_node.add_child(color_button_hbox) else: button = var label := label.text = humanized_u_name label.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL button.text = "On" var hbox := hbox.add_child(label) hbox.add_child(button) parent_node.add_child(hbox) if u_value == "true": button.button_pressed = true if params.has(u_name): button.button_pressed = params[u_name] else: params[u_name] = button.button_pressed button.toggled.connect(value_changed.bind(u_name)) button.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND static func _vec2str_to_vector2(vec2: String) -> Vector2: vec2 = vec2.replace("uvec2", "vec2") vec2 = vec2.replace("ivec2", "vec2") vec2 = vec2.replace("vec2(", "") vec2 = vec2.replace(")", "") var vec_values := vec2.split(",") if vec_values.size() == 0: return Vector2.ZERO var y := float(vec_values[0]) if vec_values.size() == 2: y = float(vec_values[1]) var vector2 := Vector2(float(vec_values[0]), y) return vector2 static func _vec3str_to_vector3(vec3: String) -> Vector3: vec3 = vec3.replace("uvec3", "vec3") vec3 = vec3.replace("ivec3", "vec3") vec3 = vec3.replace("vec3(", "") vec3 = vec3.replace(")", "") var vec_values := vec3.split(",") if vec_values.size() == 0: return Vector3.ZERO var y := float(vec_values[0]) var z := float(vec_values[0]) if vec_values.size() >= 2: y = float(vec_values[1]) if vec_values.size() == 3: z = float(vec_values[2]) var vector3 := Vector3(float(vec_values[0]), y, z) return vector3 static func _vec4str_to_color(vec4: String) -> Color: vec4 = vec4.replace("vec4(", "") vec4 = vec4.replace(")", "") var rgba_values := vec4.split(",") var red := float(rgba_values[0]) var green := float(rgba_values[0]) if rgba_values.size() >= 2: green = float(rgba_values[1]) var blue := float(rgba_values[0]) if rgba_values.size() >= 3: blue = float(rgba_values[2]) var alpha := float(rgba_values[0]) if rgba_values.size() == 4: alpha = float(rgba_values[3]) var color := Color(red, green, blue, alpha) return color static func _mat3str_to_basis(mat3: String) -> Basis: mat3 = mat3.replace("mat3(", "") mat3 = mat3.replace("))", ")") mat3 = mat3.replace("), ", ")") var vec3_values := mat3.split("vec3", false) var vec3_x := _vec3str_to_vector3(vec3_values[0]) var vec3_y := _vec3str_to_vector3(vec3_values[0]) if vec3_values.size() >= 2: vec3_y = _vec3str_to_vector3(vec3_values[1]) var vec3_z := _vec3str_to_vector3(vec3_values[0]) if vec3_values.size() == 3: vec3_z = _vec3str_to_vector3(vec3_values[2]) var basis := Basis(vec3_x, vec3_y, vec3_z) return basis static func _create_simple_texture_ui( params: Dictionary, u_name: String, hbox: BoxContainer, value_changed: Callable, parent_node: Control, file_selected: Callable ) -> void: var file_dialog := file_dialog.always_on_top = true file_dialog.file_mode = FileDialog.FILE_MODE_OPEN_FILE file_dialog.access = FileDialog.ACCESS_FILESYSTEM file_dialog.size = Vector2(384, 281) file_dialog.file_selected.connect(file_selected.bind(u_name)) file_dialog.use_native_dialog = Global.use_native_file_dialogs var button := button.text = "Load texture" button.pressed.connect(file_dialog.popup_centered) button.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND var mod_button := mod_button.text = "Modify" mod_button.pressed.connect( func(): _modify_texture_resource( _get_loaded_texture(params, u_name), u_name, _shader_update_texture.bind(value_changed, u_name) ) ) mod_button.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL mod_button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND hbox.add_child(button) hbox.add_child(mod_button) parent_node.add_child(file_dialog) static func _create_gradient_texture_ui( params: Dictionary, u_name: String, hbox: BoxContainer, value_changed: Callable ) -> GradientEditNode: var gradient_edit := GRADIENT_EDIT_TSCN.instantiate() as GradientEditNode gradient_edit.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL if params.has(u_name): var texture = params[u_name] if texture is GradientTexture2D: gradient_edit.set_gradient_texture(texture) elif texture is GradientTexture1D: gradient_edit.set_gradient_texture_1d(texture) else: params[u_name] = gradient_edit.texture # This needs to be call_deferred because GradientTexture2D gets updated next frame. # Without this, the texture is purple. value_changed.call_deferred(gradient_edit.texture, u_name) gradient_edit.updated.connect( func(_gradient, _cc):, u_name) ) hbox.add_child(gradient_edit) return gradient_edit static func _create_curve_texture_ui( params: Dictionary, u_name: String, parent: Control, value_changed: Callable ) -> CurveEdit: var curve_edit := curve_edit.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL if params.has(u_name) and params[u_name] is CurveTexture: curve_edit.curve = params[u_name].curve else: curve_edit.set_default_curve() params[u_name] = CurveEdit.to_texture(curve_edit.curve) curve_edit.value_changed.connect( func(curve: Curve):, u_name) ) parent.add_child(curve_edit) return curve_edit static func _create_noise_texture_ui( params: Dictionary, u_name: String, hbox: BoxContainer, value_changed: Callable, parent_node: Control ) -> void: var noise_generator_dialog := NOISE_GENERATOR.instantiate() as AcceptDialog var noise_generator := noise_generator_dialog.get_child(0) as NoiseGenerator if params.has(u_name) and params[u_name] is NoiseTexture2D: noise_generator.noise_texture = params[u_name] else: params[u_name] = noise_generator.noise_texture noise_generator.value_changed.connect( func(noise_texture: NoiseTexture2D):, u_name) ) parent_node.add_child(noise_generator_dialog) var button := button.text = "Generate noise" button.pressed.connect(noise_generator_dialog.popup_centered) button.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND hbox.add_child(button) static func _shader_change_palette(value_changed: Callable, parameter_name: String) -> void: var palette := Palettes.current_palette _shader_update_palette_texture(palette, value_changed, parameter_name) #if not palette.data_changed.is_connected(_shader_update_palette_texture): palette.data_changed.connect( func(): _shader_update_palette_texture(palette, value_changed, parameter_name) ) static func _shader_update_palette_texture( palette: Palette, value_changed: Callable, parameter_name: String ) -> void:, parameter_name) static func _get_loaded_texture(params: Dictionary, parameter_name: String) -> Image: if parameter_name in params: if params[parameter_name] is ImageTexture: return params[parameter_name].get_image() var image := Image.create_empty(64, 64, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8) return image static func _shader_update_texture( resource_proj: ResourceProject, value_changed: Callable, parameter_name: String ) -> void: var warnings := "" if resource_proj.frames.size() > 1: warnings += "This resource is intended to have 1 frame only. Extra frames will be ignored." if resource_proj.layers.size() > 1: warnings += "\nThis resource is intended to have 1 layer only. layers will be blended." var updated_image := Image.create_empty( resource_proj.size.x, resource_proj.size.y, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8 ) var frame := resource_proj.frames[0] DrawingAlgos.blend_layers(updated_image, frame, Vector2i.ZERO, resource_proj), parameter_name) if not warnings.is_empty(): Global.popup_error(warnings) static func _modify_texture_resource( image: Image, resource_name: StringName, update_callable: Callable ) -> void: var resource_proj :=[], resource_name, image.get_size()) resource_proj.layers.append( resource_proj.frames.append(resource_proj.new_empty_frame()) resource_proj.frames[0].cels[0].set_content(image) resource_proj.resource_updated.connect(update_callable) Global.projects.append(resource_proj) Global.tabs.current_tab = Global.tabs.get_tab_count() - 1 Global.canvas.camera_zoom()