# gdlint: ignore=max-public-methods extends Node # use these variables in your extension to access the api var general = GeneralAPI.new() var menu = MenuAPI.new() var dialog = DialogAPI.new() var panel = PanelAPI.new() var theme = ThemeAPI.new() var tools = ToolAPI.new() var project = ProjectAPI.new() var signals = SignalsAPI.new() # This fail-safe below is designed to work ONLY if Pixelorama is launched in Godot Editor var _action_history: Dictionary = {} func check_sanity(extension_name: String): if extension_name in _action_history.keys(): var extension_history = _action_history[extension_name] if extension_history != []: var error_msg = str( "Extension: ", extension_name, " contains actons: ", extension_history, " which are not removed properly" ) print(error_msg) func clear_history(extension_name: String): if extension_name in _action_history.keys(): _action_history.erase(extension_name) func add_action(action: String): var extension_name = _get_caller_extension_name() if extension_name != "Unknown": if extension_name in _action_history.keys(): var extension_history: Array = _action_history[extension_name] extension_history.append(action) else: # If the extension history doesn't exist yet, create it _action_history[extension_name] = [action] func remove_action(action: String): var extension_name = _get_caller_extension_name() if extension_name != "Unknown": if extension_name in _action_history.keys(): _action_history[extension_name].erase(action) func _get_caller_extension_name() -> String: var stack = get_stack() for trace in stack: # Get extension name that called the action var arr: Array = trace["source"].split("/") var idx = arr.find("Extensions") if idx != -1: return arr[idx + 1] return "Unknown" func _exit_tree(): for keys in _action_history.keys(): check_sanity(keys) # The Api Methods Start Here func get_api_version() -> int: return ProjectSettings.get_setting("application/config/ExtensionsAPI_Version") class GeneralAPI: # Version And Config func get_pixelorama_version() -> String: return ProjectSettings.get_setting("application/config/Version") func get_config_file() -> ConfigFile: return Global.config_cache # Nodes func get_global() -> Global: return Global func get_extensions_node() -> Node: return Global.control.get_node("Extensions") func get_canvas() -> Canvas: return Global.canvas class MenuAPI: enum { FILE, EDIT, SELECT, IMAGE, VIEW, WINDOW, HELP } # Menu methods func _get_popup_menu(menu_type: int) -> PopupMenu: match menu_type: FILE: return Global.top_menu_container.file_menu_button.get_popup() EDIT: return Global.top_menu_container.edit_menu_button.get_popup() SELECT: return Global.top_menu_container.select_menu_button.get_popup() IMAGE: return Global.top_menu_container.image_menu_button.get_popup() VIEW: return Global.top_menu_container.view_menu_button.get_popup() WINDOW: return Global.top_menu_container.window_menu_button.get_popup() HELP: return Global.top_menu_container.help_menu_button.get_popup() return null func add_menu_item(menu_type: int, item_name: String, item_metadata, item_id := -1) -> int: # item_metadata is usually a popup node you want to appear when you click the item_name # that popup should also have an (menu_item_clicked) function inside it's script var popup_menu: PopupMenu = _get_popup_menu(menu_type) if not popup_menu: return -1 popup_menu.add_item(item_name, item_id) var idx := item_id if item_id == -1: idx = popup_menu.get_item_count() - 1 popup_menu.set_item_metadata(idx, item_metadata) ExtensionsApi.add_action("add_menu") return idx func remove_menu_item(menu_type: int, item_idx: int) -> void: var popup_menu: PopupMenu = _get_popup_menu(menu_type) if not popup_menu: return popup_menu.remove_item(item_idx) ExtensionsApi.remove_action("add_menu") class DialogAPI: func show_error(text: String) -> void: # useful for displaying messages like "Incompatible API" etc... Global.error_dialog.set_text(text) Global.error_dialog.popup_centered() Global.dialog_open(true) func get_dialogs_parent_node() -> Node: return Global.control.get_node("Dialogs") func dialog_open(open: bool) -> void: Global.dialog_open(open) class PanelAPI: func set_tabs_visible(visible: bool) -> void: var dockable := _get_dockable_container_ui() dockable.set_tabs_visible(visible) func get_tabs_visible() -> bool: var dockable := _get_dockable_container_ui() return dockable.get_tabs_visible() func add_node_as_tab(node: Node, alongside_node: String) -> void: var dockable := _get_dockable_container_ui() dockable.add_child(node) var tab = _find_tab_with_node(alongside_node, dockable) if not tab: push_error("Tab not found") return tab.insert_node(0, node) # Insert at the beginning ExtensionsApi.add_action("add_tab") # INSTRUCTION # After this check if tabs are invisible, if they are, then make tabs visible # and after doing yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame") twice make them invisible again func remove_node_from_tab(node: Node) -> void: if node == null: return var dockable = Global.control.find_node("DockableContainer") var tab = _find_tab_with_node(node.name, dockable) if not tab: push_error("Tab not found") return tab.remove_node(node) node.get_parent().remove_child(node) node.queue_free() ExtensionsApi.remove_action("add_tab") # PRIVATE METHODS func _get_dockable_container_ui() -> Node: return Global.control.find_node("DockableContainer") func _find_tab_with_node(node_name: String, dockable_container): var root = dockable_container.layout.root var tabs = _get_tabs_in_root(root) for tab in tabs: var idx = tab.find_name(node_name) if idx != -1: return tab return null func _get_tabs_in_root(parent_resource): var parents := [] # Resources have no get_parent_resource() so this is an alternative var scanned := [] # To keep track of already discovered layout_split resources var child_number := 0 parents.append(parent_resource) var scan_target = parent_resource var tabs := [] # Get children in the parent, the initial parent is the node we entered as "parent" while child_number < 2: # If parent isn't a (layout_split) resource then there is no point # in continuing (This is just a Sanity Check and should always pass) if !scan_target.has_method("get_first"): break var child_resource if child_number == 0: child_resource = scan_target.get_first() # First child elif child_number == 1: child_resource = scan_target.get_second() # Second child # If the child resource is a tab and it wasn't discovered before, add it to "paths" if child_resource.has_method("get_current_tab"): if !tabs.has(child_resource): tabs.append(child_resource) # If "child_resource" is another layout_split resource then we need to scan it too elif child_resource.has_method("get_first") and !scanned.has(child_resource): scanned.append(child_resource) parents.append(child_resource) scan_target = parents[-1] # Set this as the next scan target # Reset child_number by setting it to -1, because later it will # get added by "child_number += 1" to make it 0 child_number = -1 child_number += 1 # If we have reached the bottom, then make the child's parent as # the next parent and move on to the next child in the parent if child_number == 2: scan_target = parents.pop_back() child_number = 0 # If there is no parent left to get scanned if scan_target == null: return tabs class ThemeAPI: func add_theme(theme: Theme) -> void: var themes: BoxContainer = Global.preferences_dialog.find_node("Themes") themes.themes.append(theme) themes.add_theme(theme) ExtensionsApi.add_action("add_theme") func find_theme_index(theme: Theme) -> int: var themes: BoxContainer = Global.preferences_dialog.find_node("Themes") return themes.themes.find(theme) func get_theme() -> Theme: return Global.control.theme func set_theme(idx: int) -> bool: var themes: BoxContainer = Global.preferences_dialog.find_node("Themes") if idx >= 0 and idx < themes.themes.size(): themes.buttons_container.get_child(idx).emit_signal("pressed") return true else: return false func remove_theme(theme: Theme) -> void: Global.preferences_dialog.themes.remove_theme(theme) ExtensionsApi.remove_action("add_theme") class ToolAPI: # Tool methods func add_tool( tool_name: String, display_name: String, shortcut: String, scene: PackedScene, extra_hint := "", extra_shortucts := [], layer_types: PoolIntArray = [] ) -> void: var tool_class := Tools.Tool.new( tool_name, display_name, shortcut, scene, layer_types, extra_hint, extra_shortucts ) Tools.tools[tool_name] = tool_class Tools.add_tool_button(tool_class) ExtensionsApi.add_action("add_tool") func remove_tool(tool_name: String) -> void: # Re-assigning the tools in case the tool to be removed is also active Tools.assign_tool("Pencil", BUTTON_LEFT) Tools.assign_tool("Eraser", BUTTON_RIGHT) var tool_class: Tools.Tool = Tools.tools[tool_name] if tool_class: Tools.remove_tool(tool_class) ExtensionsApi.remove_action("add_tool") class ProjectAPI: func get_current_project() -> Project: return Global.current_project func get_current_cel_info() -> Dictionary: # As types of cel are added to Pixelorama, # then the old extension would have no idea how to identify the types they use # E.g the extension may try to use a GroupCel as a PixelCel (if it doesn't know the difference) # So it's encouraged to use this function to access cels var cel := get_current_project().get_current_cel() return {"cel": cel, "type": cel.get_class_name()} func get_cel_info_at(project: Project, frame: int, layer: int) -> Dictionary: # frames from left to right, layers from bottomn to top clamp(frame, 0, project.frames.size() - 1) clamp(layer, 0, project.layers.size() - 1) var cel = project.frames[frame].cels[layer] return {"cel": cel, "type": cel.get_class_name()} class SignalsAPI: # system to auto-adjust texture_changed to the "current cel" signal texture_changed var _last_cel: BaseCel func _init() -> void: Global.connect("project_changed", self, "_update_texture_signal") Global.connect("cel_changed", self, "_update_texture_signal") func _update_texture_signal(): if _last_cel: _last_cel.disconnect("texture_changed", self, "_on_texture_changed") if Global.current_project: _last_cel = Global.current_project.get_current_cel() _last_cel.connect("texture_changed", self, "_on_texture_changed") func _on_texture_changed(): emit_signal("texture_changed") # Global signals func connect_project_changed(target: Object, method: String): Global.connect("project_changed", target, method) ExtensionsApi.add_action("project_changed") func disconnect_project_changed(target: Object, method: String): Global.disconnect("project_changed", target, method) ExtensionsApi.remove_action("project_changed") func connect_cel_changed(target: Object, method: String): Global.connect("cel_changed", target, method) ExtensionsApi.add_action("cel_changed") func disconnect_cel_changed(target: Object, method: String): Global.disconnect("cel_changed", target, method) ExtensionsApi.remove_action("cel_changed") # Tool Signal func connect_tool_color_changed(target: Object, method: String): Tools.connect("color_changed", target, method) ExtensionsApi.add_action("color_changed") func disconnect_tool_color_changed(target: Object, method: String): Tools.disconnect("color_changed", target, method) ExtensionsApi.remove_action("color_changed") # updater signals func connect_current_cel_texture_changed(target: Object, method: String): connect("texture_changed", target, method) ExtensionsApi.add_action("texture_changed") func disconnect_current_cel_texture_changed(target: Object, method: String): disconnect("texture_changed", target, method) ExtensionsApi.remove_action("texture_changed")