class_name BaseCel extends RefCounted ## Base class for cel properties. ## "Cel" is short for the term "celluloid" [url][/url]. signal texture_changed ## Emitted whenever the cel's texture is changed var opacity := 1.0 ## Opacity/Transparency of the cel. ## The image stored in the cel. var image_texture: Texture2D: get = _get_image_texture ## If the cel is linked then this contains a reference to the link set [Dictionary] this cel is in: ## [param { "cels": Array, "hue": float }]. ## [br] If the cel is not linked then it is [code]null[/code]. var link_set = null # { "cels": Array, "hue": float } or null var transformed_content: Image ## Used in transformations (moving, scaling etc with selections). ## Used for individual cel ordering. Used for when cels need to be drawn above or below ## their corresponding layer. var z_index := 0 var user_data := "" ## User defined data, set in the cel properties. func get_final_opacity(layer: BaseLayer) -> float: return layer.opacity * opacity # Methods to Override: func _get_image_texture() -> Texture2D: return image_texture ## The content methods deal with the unique content of each cel type. For example, an Image for ## PixelCel, or a Dictionary of settings for a procedural layer type, and null for Groups. ## Can be used for linking/unlinking cels, copying, and deleting content func get_content() -> Variant: return null ## The content methods deal with the unique content of each cel type. For example, an Image for ## PixelCel, or a Dictionary of settings for a procedural layer type, and null for Groups. ## Can be used for linking/unlinking cels, copying, and deleting content. func set_content(_content, _texture: ImageTexture = null) -> void: return ## The content methods deal with the unique content of each cel type. For example, an Image for ## PixelCel, or a Dictionary of settings for a procedural layer type, and null for Groups. ## Can be used to delete the content of the cel with [method set_content] ## (using the old content from get_content as undo data). func create_empty_content() -> Variant: return [] ## The content methods deal with the unique content of each cel type. For example, an Image for ## PixelCel, or a Dictionary of settings for a procedural layer type, and null for Groups. ## Can be used for creating copy content for copying cels or unlinking cels. func copy_content() -> Variant: return [] ## Returns the image of image based cel types, or a render for procedural types. ## It's meant for read-only usage of image data, such as copying selections or color picking. func get_image() -> Image: return null ## Used to update the texture of the cel. func update_texture(_undo := false) -> void: texture_changed.emit() if link_set != null: var frame := Global.current_project.current_frame # This check is needed in case the user has selected multiple cels that are also linked if self in Global.current_project.frames[frame].cels: for cel in link_set["cels"]: cel.texture_changed.emit() func on_undo_redo(_undo: bool) -> void: pass ## Returns a curated [Dictionary] containing the cel data. func serialize() -> Dictionary: var dict := {"opacity": opacity, "z_index": z_index} if not user_data.is_empty(): dict["user_data"] = user_data return dict ## Sets the cel data according to a curated [Dictionary] obtained from [method serialize]. func deserialize(dict: Dictionary) -> void: opacity = dict["opacity"] z_index = dict.get("z_index", z_index) user_data = dict.get("user_data", user_data) func size_changed(_new_size: Vector2i) -> void: pass ## Used to perform cleanup after a cel is removed. func on_remove() -> void: pass ## Returns an instance of the cel button that will be added to the timeline. func instantiate_cel_button() -> Node: return Global.cel_button_scene.instantiate() ## Returns to get the type of the cel class. func get_class_name() -> String: return "BaseCel"