class_name SelectionTool extends BaseTool enum Mode { DEFAULT, ADD, SUBTRACT, INTERSECT } var undo_data: Dictionary var _move := false var _move_content := true var _start_pos := Vector2.ZERO var _offset := Vector2.ZERO # For tools such as the Polygon selection tool where you have to # click multiple times to create a selection var _ongoing_selection := false var _mode_selected := 0 var _add := false # Shift + Mouse Click var _subtract := false # Ctrl + Mouse Click var _intersect := false # Shift + Ctrl + Mouse Click # Used to check if the state of content transformation has been changed # while draw_move() is being called. For example, pressing Enter while still moving content var _content_transformation_check := false onready var selection_node: Node2D = Global.canvas.selection onready var xspinbox: ValueSlider = $XSpinBox onready var yspinbox: ValueSlider = $YSpinBox onready var wspinbox: ValueSlider = $WSpinBox onready var hspinbox: ValueSlider = $HSpinBox onready var timer: Timer = $Timer func _ready() -> void: set_spinbox_values() refresh_options() func refresh_options(): # The existence of this function is to ensure all items # are added when we are selecting an option (Bad things will happen if i dont do this...) $Modes.clear() $Modes.add_item("Default (New Selection)") $Modes.add_item("Add to Selection") $Modes.add_item("Subtract from Selection") $Modes.add_item("Intersection of Selections") $ func get_config() -> Dictionary: var config := .get_config() config["mode_selected"] = _mode_selected return config func set_config(config: Dictionary) -> void: _mode_selected = config.get("mode_selected", 0) func update_config() -> void: refresh_options() func set_spinbox_values() -> void: var select_rect: Rect2 = selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle xspinbox.editable = !select_rect.has_no_area() yspinbox.editable = xspinbox.editable wspinbox.editable = xspinbox.editable hspinbox.editable = xspinbox.editable xspinbox.value = select_rect.position.x yspinbox.value = select_rect.position.y wspinbox.value = select_rect.size.x hspinbox.value = select_rect.size.y func draw_start(position: Vector2) -> void: position = snap_position(position) .draw_start(position) if selection_node.arrow_key_move: return var project: Project = Global.current_project undo_data = selection_node.get_undo_data(false) _intersect = Input.is_action_pressed("selection_intersect", true) _add = Input.is_action_pressed("selection_add", true) _subtract = Input.is_action_pressed("selection_subtract", true) _start_pos = position _offset = position var selection_position: Vector2 = selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.position var offsetted_pos := position if selection_position.x < 0: offsetted_pos.x -= selection_position.x if selection_position.y < 0: offsetted_pos.y -= selection_position.y var quick_copy: bool = Input.is_action_pressed("transform_copy_selection_content", true) if ( offsetted_pos.x >= 0 and offsetted_pos.y >= 0 and project.selection_map.is_pixel_selected(offsetted_pos) and (!_add and !_subtract and !_intersect or quick_copy) and !_ongoing_selection ): if !Global.current_project.layers[Global.current_project.current_layer].can_layer_get_drawn(): return # Move current selection _move = true if quick_copy: # Move selection without cutting it from the original position (quick copy) _move_content = true if selection_node.is_moving_content: for image in _get_selected_draw_images(): image.blit_rect_mask( selection_node.preview_image, selection_node.preview_image, Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, project.selection_map.get_size()), selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.position ) var selection_map_copy := selection_map_copy.copy_from(project.selection_map) selection_map_copy.move_bitmap_values(project) project.selection_map = selection_map_copy selection_node.commit_undo("Move Selection", selection_node.undo_data) selection_node.undo_data = selection_node.get_undo_data(true) else: selection_node.transform_content_start() for image in _get_selected_draw_images(): image.blit_rect_mask( selection_node.preview_image, selection_node.preview_image, Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, project.selection_map.get_size()), selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.position ) Global.canvas.update_selected_cels_textures() elif Input.is_action_pressed("transform_move_selection_only", true): # Doesn't move content selection_node.transform_content_confirm() _move_content = false selection_node.move_borders_start() else: # Move selection and content normally _move_content = true selection_node.transform_content_start() else: # No moving selection_node.transform_content_confirm() _content_transformation_check = selection_node.is_moving_content func draw_move(position: Vector2) -> void: position = snap_position(position) .draw_move(position) if selection_node.arrow_key_move: return # This is true if content transformation has been confirmed (pressed Enter for example) # while the content is being moved if _content_transformation_check != selection_node.is_moving_content: return if not _move: return if Input.is_action_pressed("transform_snap_axis"): # Snap to axis var angle := position.angle_to_point(_start_pos) if abs(angle) <= PI / 4 or abs(angle) >= 3 * PI / 4: position.y = _start_pos.y else: position.x = _start_pos.x if Input.is_action_pressed("transform_snap_grid"): var grid_size := Vector2(Global.grid_width, Global.grid_height) _offset = _offset.snapped(grid_size) var prev_pos = selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.position selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.position = prev_pos.snapped(grid_size) selection_node.marching_ants_outline.offset += ( selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.position - prev_pos ) position = position.snapped(grid_size) var grid_offset := Vector2(Global.grid_offset_x, Global.grid_offset_y) grid_offset = Vector2(fmod(grid_offset.x, grid_size.x), fmod(grid_offset.y, grid_size.y)) position += grid_offset if _move_content: selection_node.move_content(position - _offset) else: selection_node.move_borders(position - _offset) _offset = position _set_cursor_text(selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle) func draw_end(position: Vector2) -> void: position = snap_position(position) .draw_end(position) if selection_node.arrow_key_move: return if _content_transformation_check == selection_node.is_moving_content: if _move: selection_node.move_borders_end() else: apply_selection(position) _move = false cursor_text = "" func apply_selection(_position: Vector2) -> void: # if a shortcut is activated then that will be obeyed instead match _mode_selected: Mode.ADD: if !_subtract && !_intersect: _add = true Mode.SUBTRACT: if !_add && !_intersect: _subtract = true Mode.INTERSECT: if !_add && !_subtract: _intersect = true func _on_Modes_item_selected(index: int) -> void: _mode_selected = index save_config() func _set_cursor_text(rect: Rect2) -> void: cursor_text = "%s, %s" % [rect.position.x, rect.position.y] cursor_text += " -> %s, %s" % [rect.end.x - 1, rect.end.y - 1] cursor_text += " (%s, %s)" % [rect.size.x, rect.size.y] func _on_position_value_changed(value: float, horizontal: bool) -> void: if horizontal: if selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.position.x == value: return else: if selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.position.y == value: return var project: Project = Global.current_project if !project.has_selection: return if timer.is_stopped(): undo_data = selection_node.get_undo_data(false) timer.start() if horizontal: selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.position.x = value else: selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.position.y = value var selection_map_copy := selection_map_copy.copy_from(project.selection_map) selection_map_copy.move_bitmap_values(project) project.selection_map = selection_map_copy project.selection_map_changed() func _on_size_value_changed(value: float, horizontal: bool) -> void: if horizontal: if ( selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.size.x == value or selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.size.x <= 0 ): return else: if ( selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.size.y == value or selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.size.y <= 0 ): return if !Global.current_project.has_selection: return if timer.is_stopped(): undo_data = selection_node.get_undo_data(false) timer.start() if horizontal: selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.size.x = value else: selection_node.big_bounding_rectangle.size.y = value selection_node.resize_selection() func _on_Timer_timeout() -> void: if !selection_node.is_moving_content: selection_node.commit_undo("Move Selection", undo_data)