class_name Canvas extends Node2D const MOVE_ACTIONS := ["move_mouse_left", "move_mouse_right", "move_mouse_up", "move_mouse_down"] const CURSOR_SPEED_RATE := 6.0 var current_pixel := Vector2.ZERO var sprite_changed_this_frame := false # For optimization purposes var move_preview_location := Vector2.ZERO onready var currently_visible_frame: Viewport = $CurrentlyVisibleFrame onready var current_frame_drawer = $CurrentlyVisibleFrame/CurrentFrameDrawer onready var tile_mode = $TileMode onready var pixel_grid = $PixelGrid onready var grid = $Grid onready var selection = $Selection onready var onion_past := $OnionPast as Node2D onready var onion_future := $OnionFuture as Node2D onready var crop_rect := $CropRect as CropRect onready var indicators = $Indicators onready var previews = $Previews onready var mouse_guide_container = $MouseGuideContainer onready var gizmos_3d: Node2D = $Gizmos3D func _ready() -> void: onion_past.type = onion_past.PAST onion_past.blue_red_color = Global.onion_skinning_past_color onion_future.type = onion_future.FUTURE onion_future.blue_red_color = Global.onion_skinning_future_color yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame") camera_zoom() func _draw() -> void: var current_cels: Array = Global.current_project.frames[Global.current_project.current_frame].cels var position_tmp := position var scale_tmp := scale if Global.mirror_view: position_tmp.x = position_tmp.x + Global.current_project.size.x scale_tmp.x = -1 draw_set_transform(position_tmp, rotation, scale_tmp) # Draw current frame layers for i in range(Global.current_project.layers.size()): if current_cels[i] is GroupCel: continue var modulate_color := Color(1, 1, 1, current_cels[i].opacity) if Global.current_project.layers[i].is_visible_in_hierarchy(): var selected_layers = [] if move_preview_location != Vector2.ZERO: for cel_pos in Global.current_project.selected_cels: if cel_pos[0] == Global.current_project.current_frame: if Global.current_project.layers[cel_pos[1]].can_layer_get_drawn(): selected_layers.append(cel_pos[1]) if i in selected_layers: draw_texture(current_cels[i].image_texture, move_preview_location, modulate_color) else: draw_texture(current_cels[i].image_texture, Vector2.ZERO, modulate_color) if Global.onion_skinning: refresh_onion() currently_visible_frame.size = Global.current_project.size current_frame_drawer.update() if Global.current_project.tiles.mode != Tiles.MODE.NONE: tile_mode.update() draw_set_transform(position, rotation, scale) func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: # Don't process anything below if the input isn't a mouse event, or Shift/Ctrl. # This decreases CPU/GPU usage slightly. var get_velocity := false if not event is InputEventMouseMotion: for action in MOVE_ACTIONS: if event.is_action(action): get_velocity = true if ( !get_velocity and !(event.is_action("activate_left_tool") or event.is_action("activate_right_tool")) ): return var tmp_position: Vector2 = Global.main_viewport.get_local_mouse_position() if get_velocity: var velocity := Input.get_vector( "move_mouse_left", "move_mouse_right", "move_mouse_up", "move_mouse_down" ) if velocity != Vector2.ZERO: tmp_position += velocity * CURSOR_SPEED_RATE Global.main_viewport.warp_mouse(tmp_position) # Do not use self.get_local_mouse_position() because it return unexpected # value when shrink parameter is not equal to one. At godot version 3.2.3 var tmp_transform := get_canvas_transform().affine_inverse() current_pixel = tmp_transform.basis_xform(tmp_position) + tmp_transform.origin if Global.has_focus: update() sprite_changed_this_frame = false Tools.handle_draw(current_pixel.floor(), event) if sprite_changed_this_frame: update_selected_cels_textures() func camera_zoom() -> void: # Set camera zoom based on the sprite size var bigger_canvas_axis = max(Global.current_project.size.x, Global.current_project.size.y) var zoom_max := Vector2(bigger_canvas_axis, bigger_canvas_axis) * 0.01 for camera in Global.cameras: if zoom_max > Vector2.ONE: camera.zoom_max = zoom_max else: camera.zoom_max = Vector2.ONE if camera == Global.camera_preview: Global.preview_zoom_slider.max_value = -camera.zoom_min.x Global.preview_zoom_slider.min_value = -camera.zoom_max.x camera.fit_to_frame(Global.current_project.size) camera.save_values_to_project() Global.transparent_checker.update_rect() func update_texture(layer_i: int, frame_i := -1, project: Project = Global.current_project) -> void: if frame_i == -1: frame_i = project.current_frame if frame_i < project.frames.size() and layer_i < project.layers.size(): var current_cel: BaseCel = project.frames[frame_i].cels[layer_i] current_cel.update_texture() func update_selected_cels_textures(project: Project = Global.current_project) -> void: for cel_index in project.selected_cels: var frame_index: int = cel_index[0] var layer_index: int = cel_index[1] if frame_index < project.frames.size() and layer_index < project.layers.size(): var current_cel: BaseCel = project.frames[frame_index].cels[layer_index] current_cel.update_texture() func refresh_onion() -> void: onion_past.update() onion_future.update()