# gdlint: ignore=max-public-methods class_name Project extends RefCounted ## A class for project properties. signal removed signal serialized(dict: Dictionary) signal about_to_deserialize(dict: Dictionary) signal resized signal timeline_updated const INDEXED_MODE := Image.FORMAT_MAX + 1 var name := "": set(value): name = value var project_index := Global.projects.find(self) if project_index < Global.tabs.tab_count and project_index > -1: Global.tabs.set_tab_title(project_index, name) var size: Vector2i: set = _size_changed var undo_redo := UndoRedo.new() var tiles: Tiles var undos := 0 ## The number of times we added undo properties var can_undo := true var color_mode: int = Image.FORMAT_RGBA8: set(value): if color_mode != value: color_mode = value for cel in get_all_pixel_cels(): var image := cel.get_image() image.is_indexed = is_indexed() if image.is_indexed: image.resize_indices() image.select_palette("", false) image.convert_rgb_to_indexed() var fill_color := Color(0) var has_changed := false: set(value): has_changed = value if value: Global.project_data_changed.emit(self) Global.tabs.set_tab_title(Global.tabs.current_tab, name + "(*)") else: Global.tabs.set_tab_title(Global.tabs.current_tab, name) # frames and layers Arrays should generally only be modified directly when # opening/creating a project. When modifying the current project, use # the add/remove/move/swap_frames/layers methods var frames: Array[Frame] = [] var layers: Array[BaseLayer] = [] var current_frame := 0 var current_layer := 0 var selected_cels := [[0, 0]] ## Array of Arrays of 2 integers (frame & layer) ## Array that contains the order of the [BaseLayer] indices that are being drawn. ## Takes into account each [BaseCel]'s invidiual z-index. If all z-indexes are 0, then the ## array just contains the indices of the layers in increasing order. ## See [method order_layers]. var ordered_layers: Array[int] = [0] var animation_tags: Array[AnimationTag] = []: set = _animation_tags_changed var guides: Array[Guide] = [] var brushes: Array[Image] = [] var reference_images: Array[ReferenceImage] = [] var reference_index: int = -1 # The currently selected index ReferenceImage var vanishing_points := [] ## Array of Vanishing Points var fps := 6.0 var user_data := "" ## User defined data, set in the project properties. var x_symmetry_point: float var y_symmetry_point: float var x_symmetry_axis := SymmetryGuide.new() var y_symmetry_axis := SymmetryGuide.new() var selection_map := SelectionMap.new() ## This is useful for when the selection is outside of the canvas boundaries, ## on the left and/or above (negative coords) var selection_offset := Vector2i.ZERO: set(value): selection_offset = value Global.canvas.selection.marching_ants_outline.offset = selection_offset var has_selection := false ## For every camera (currently there are 3) var cameras_rotation: PackedFloat32Array = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] var cameras_zoom: PackedVector2Array = [ Vector2(0.15, 0.15), Vector2(0.15, 0.15), Vector2(0.15, 0.15) ] var cameras_offset: PackedVector2Array = [Vector2.ZERO, Vector2.ZERO, Vector2.ZERO] # Export directory path and export file name var save_path := "" var export_directory_path := "" var file_name := "untitled" var file_format := Export.FileFormat.PNG var was_exported := false var export_overwrite := false var backup_path := "" var animation_tag_node := preload("res://src/UI/Timeline/AnimationTagUI.tscn") func _init(_frames: Array[Frame] = [], _name := tr("untitled"), _size := Vector2i(64, 64)) -> void: frames = _frames name = _name size = _size tiles = Tiles.new(size) selection_map.copy_from(Image.create(size.x, size.y, false, Image.FORMAT_LA8)) Global.tabs.add_tab(name) undo_redo.max_steps = Global.max_undo_steps x_symmetry_point = size.x - 1 y_symmetry_point = size.y - 1 x_symmetry_axis.type = x_symmetry_axis.Types.HORIZONTAL x_symmetry_axis.project = self x_symmetry_axis.add_point(Vector2(-19999, y_symmetry_point / 2 + 0.5)) x_symmetry_axis.add_point(Vector2(19999, y_symmetry_point / 2 + 0.5)) Global.canvas.add_child(x_symmetry_axis) y_symmetry_axis.type = y_symmetry_axis.Types.VERTICAL y_symmetry_axis.project = self y_symmetry_axis.add_point(Vector2(x_symmetry_point / 2 + 0.5, -19999)) y_symmetry_axis.add_point(Vector2(x_symmetry_point / 2 + 0.5, 19999)) Global.canvas.add_child(y_symmetry_axis) if OS.get_name() == "Web": export_directory_path = "user://" else: export_directory_path = Global.config_cache.get_value( "data", "current_dir", OS.get_system_dir(OS.SYSTEM_DIR_DESKTOP) ) Global.project_created.emit(self) func remove() -> void: remove_backup_file() undo_redo.free() for ri in reference_images: ri.queue_free() if self == Global.current_project: # If the project is not current_project then the points need not be removed for point_idx in vanishing_points.size(): var editor = Global.perspective_editor for c in editor.vanishing_point_container.get_children(): c.queue_free() for guide in guides: guide.queue_free() for frame in frames: for l in layers.size(): var cel: BaseCel = frame.cels[l] cel.on_remove() # Prevents memory leak (due to the layers' project reference stopping ref counting from freeing) layers.clear() Global.projects.erase(self) removed.emit() func remove_backup_file() -> void: if not backup_path.is_empty(): if FileAccess.file_exists(backup_path): DirAccess.remove_absolute(backup_path) func commit_undo() -> void: if not can_undo: return if Global.canvas.selection.is_moving_content: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_cancel() else: undo_redo.undo() func commit_redo() -> void: if not can_undo: return Global.control.redone = true undo_redo.redo() Global.control.redone = false func new_empty_frame() -> Frame: var frame := Frame.new() var bottom_layer := true for l in layers: # Create as many cels as there are layers var cel := l.new_empty_cel() if cel is PixelCel and bottom_layer and fill_color.a > 0: cel.image.fill(fill_color) frame.cels.append(cel) bottom_layer = false return frame ## Returns a new [Image] of size [member size] and format [method get_image_format]. func new_empty_image() -> Image: return Image.create(size.x, size.y, false, get_image_format()) ## Returns the currently selected [BaseCel]. func get_current_cel() -> BaseCel: return frames[current_frame].cels[current_layer] func get_image_format() -> Image.Format: if color_mode == INDEXED_MODE: return Image.FORMAT_RGBA8 return color_mode func is_indexed() -> bool: return color_mode == INDEXED_MODE func selection_map_changed() -> void: var image_texture: ImageTexture has_selection = !selection_map.is_invisible() if has_selection: image_texture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(selection_map) Global.canvas.selection.marching_ants_outline.texture = image_texture Global.top_menu_container.edit_menu.set_item_disabled(Global.EditMenu.NEW_BRUSH, !has_selection) Global.top_menu_container.image_menu.set_item_disabled( Global.ImageMenu.CROP_TO_SELECTION, !has_selection ) func change_project() -> void: Global.animation_timeline.project_changed() animation_tags = animation_tags # Change the project brushes Brushes.clear_project_brush() for brush in brushes: Brushes.add_project_brush(brush) Global.transparent_checker.update_rect() Global.cursor_position_label.text = "[%s×%s]" % [size.x, size.y] Global.get_window().title = "%s - Pixelorama %s" % [name, Global.current_version] if has_changed: Global.get_window().title = Global.get_window().title + "(*)" selection_map_changed() func serialize() -> Dictionary: var layer_data := [] for layer in layers: layer_data.append(layer.serialize()) layer_data[-1]["metadata"] = _serialize_metadata(layer) var tag_data := [] for tag in animation_tags: tag_data.append(tag.serialize()) var guide_data := [] for guide in guides: if guide is SymmetryGuide: continue if !is_instance_valid(guide): continue var coords := guide.points[0].x if guide.type == Guide.Types.HORIZONTAL: coords = guide.points[0].y guide_data.append({"type": guide.type, "pos": coords}) var frame_data := [] for frame in frames: var cel_data := [] for cel in frame.cels: cel_data.append(cel.serialize()) cel_data[-1]["metadata"] = _serialize_metadata(cel) var current_frame_data := { "cels": cel_data, "duration": frame.duration, "metadata": _serialize_metadata(frame) } if not frame.user_data.is_empty(): current_frame_data["user_data"] = frame.user_data frame_data.append(current_frame_data) var brush_data := [] for brush in brushes: brush_data.append({"size_x": brush.get_size().x, "size_y": brush.get_size().y}) var reference_image_data := [] for reference_image in reference_images: reference_image_data.append(reference_image.serialize()) var metadata := _serialize_metadata(self) var project_data := { "pixelorama_version": Global.current_version, "pxo_version": ProjectSettings.get_setting("application/config/Pxo_Version"), "size_x": size.x, "size_y": size.y, "color_mode": color_mode, "tile_mode_x_basis_x": tiles.x_basis.x, "tile_mode_x_basis_y": tiles.x_basis.y, "tile_mode_y_basis_x": tiles.y_basis.x, "tile_mode_y_basis_y": tiles.y_basis.y, "layers": layer_data, "tags": tag_data, "guides": guide_data, "symmetry_points": [x_symmetry_point, y_symmetry_point], "frames": frame_data, "brushes": brush_data, "reference_images": reference_image_data, "vanishing_points": vanishing_points, "export_file_name": file_name, "export_file_format": file_format, "fps": fps, "user_data": user_data, "metadata": metadata } serialized.emit(project_data) return project_data func deserialize(dict: Dictionary, zip_reader: ZIPReader = null, file: FileAccess = null) -> void: about_to_deserialize.emit(dict) var pxo_version = dict.get( "pxo_version", ProjectSettings.get_setting("application/config/Pxo_Version") ) if dict.has("size_x") and dict.has("size_y"): size.x = dict.size_x size.y = dict.size_y tiles.tile_size = size selection_map.crop(size.x, size.y) color_mode = dict.get("color_mode", color_mode) if dict.has("tile_mode_x_basis_x") and dict.has("tile_mode_x_basis_y"): tiles.x_basis.x = dict.tile_mode_x_basis_x tiles.x_basis.y = dict.tile_mode_x_basis_y if dict.has("tile_mode_y_basis_x") and dict.has("tile_mode_y_basis_y"): tiles.y_basis.x = dict.tile_mode_y_basis_x tiles.y_basis.y = dict.tile_mode_y_basis_y if dict.has("frames") and dict.has("layers"): for saved_layer in dict.layers: match int(saved_layer.get("type", Global.LayerTypes.PIXEL)): Global.LayerTypes.PIXEL: layers.append(PixelLayer.new(self)) Global.LayerTypes.GROUP: layers.append(GroupLayer.new(self)) Global.LayerTypes.THREE_D: layers.append(Layer3D.new(self)) var frame_i := 0 for frame in dict.frames: var cels: Array[BaseCel] = [] var cel_i := 0 for cel in frame.cels: match int(dict.layers[cel_i].get("type", Global.LayerTypes.PIXEL)): Global.LayerTypes.PIXEL: var image: Image var indices_data := PackedByteArray() if is_instance_valid(zip_reader): # For pxo files saved in 1.0+ var path := "image_data/frames/%s/layer_%s" % [frame_i + 1, cel_i + 1] var image_data := zip_reader.read_file(path) image = Image.create_from_data( size.x, size.y, false, get_image_format(), image_data ) var indices_path := ( "image_data/frames/%s/indices_layer_%s" % [frame_i + 1, cel_i + 1] ) if zip_reader.file_exists(indices_path): indices_data = zip_reader.read_file(indices_path) elif is_instance_valid(file): # For pxo files saved in 0.x var buffer := file.get_buffer(size.x * size.y * 4) image = Image.create_from_data( size.x, size.y, false, get_image_format(), buffer ) var pixelorama_image := ImageExtended.new() pixelorama_image.is_indexed = is_indexed() if not indices_data.is_empty() and is_indexed(): pixelorama_image.indices_image = Image.create_from_data( size.x, size.y, false, Image.FORMAT_R8, indices_data ) pixelorama_image.copy_from(image) pixelorama_image.select_palette("", true) cels.append(PixelCel.new(pixelorama_image)) Global.LayerTypes.GROUP: cels.append(GroupCel.new()) Global.LayerTypes.THREE_D: if is_instance_valid(file): # For pxo files saved in 0.x # Don't do anything with it, just read it so that the file can move on file.get_buffer(size.x * size.y * 4) cels.append(Cel3D.new(size, true)) cel["pxo_version"] = pxo_version cels[cel_i].deserialize(cel) _deserialize_metadata(cels[cel_i], cel) cel_i += 1 var duration := 1.0 if frame.has("duration"): duration = frame.duration elif dict.has("frame_duration"): duration = dict.frame_duration[frame_i] var frame_class := Frame.new(cels, duration) frame_class.user_data = frame.get("user_data", "") _deserialize_metadata(frame_class, frame) frames.append(frame_class) frame_i += 1 # Parent references to other layers are created when deserializing # a layer, so loop again after creating them: for layer_i in dict.layers.size(): layers[layer_i].index = layer_i var layer_dict: Dictionary = dict.layers[layer_i] # Ensure that loaded pxo files from v1.0-v1.0.3 have the correct # blend mode, after the addition of the Erase mode in v1.0.4. if pxo_version < 4 and layer_dict.has("blend_mode"): var blend_mode: int = layer_dict.get("blend_mode") if blend_mode >= BaseLayer.BlendModes.ERASE: blend_mode += 1 layer_dict["blend_mode"] = blend_mode layers[layer_i].deserialize(layer_dict) _deserialize_metadata(layers[layer_i], dict.layers[layer_i]) if dict.has("tags"): for tag in dict.tags: var new_tag := AnimationTag.new(tag.name, Color(tag.color), tag.from, tag.to) new_tag.user_data = tag.get("user_data", "") animation_tags.append(new_tag) animation_tags = animation_tags if dict.has("guides"): for g in dict.guides: var guide := Guide.new() guide.type = g.type if guide.type == Guide.Types.HORIZONTAL: guide.add_point(Vector2(-99999, g.pos)) guide.add_point(Vector2(99999, g.pos)) else: guide.add_point(Vector2(g.pos, -99999)) guide.add_point(Vector2(g.pos, 99999)) guide.has_focus = false guide.project = self Global.canvas.add_child(guide) if dict.has("reference_images"): for g in dict.reference_images: var ri := ReferenceImage.new() ri.project = self ri.deserialize(g) Global.canvas.reference_image_container.add_child(ri) if dict.has("vanishing_points"): vanishing_points = dict.vanishing_points Global.perspective_editor.queue_redraw() if dict.has("symmetry_points"): x_symmetry_point = dict.symmetry_points[0] y_symmetry_point = dict.symmetry_points[1] for point in x_symmetry_axis.points.size(): x_symmetry_axis.points[point].y = floorf(y_symmetry_point / 2 + 1) for point in y_symmetry_axis.points.size(): y_symmetry_axis.points[point].x = floorf(x_symmetry_point / 2 + 1) file_name = dict.get("export_file_name", file_name) file_format = dict.get("export_file_format", file_name) fps = dict.get("fps", file_name) user_data = dict.get("user_data", user_data) _deserialize_metadata(self, dict) order_layers() func _serialize_metadata(object: Object) -> Dictionary: var metadata := {} for meta in object.get_meta_list(): metadata[meta] = object.get_meta(meta) return metadata func _deserialize_metadata(object: Object, dict: Dictionary) -> void: if not dict.has("metadata"): return var metadata: Dictionary = dict["metadata"] for meta in metadata.keys(): object.set_meta(meta, metadata[meta]) func _size_changed(value: Vector2i) -> void: if not is_instance_valid(tiles): size = value return if size.x != 0: tiles.x_basis = tiles.x_basis * value.x / size.x else: tiles.x_basis = Vector2i(value.x, 0) if size.y != 0: tiles.y_basis = tiles.y_basis * value.y / size.y else: tiles.y_basis = Vector2i(0, value.y) tiles.tile_size = value size = value Global.canvas.crop_rect.reset() resized.emit() func change_cel(new_frame: int, new_layer := -1) -> void: if new_frame < 0: new_frame = current_frame if new_layer < 0: new_layer = current_layer Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() # Unpress all buttons for i in frames.size(): var frame_button: BaseButton = Global.frame_hbox.get_child(i) frame_button.button_pressed = false # Unpress all frame buttons for cel_hbox in Global.cel_vbox.get_children(): if i < cel_hbox.get_child_count(): cel_hbox.get_child(i).button_pressed = false # Unpress all cel buttons for layer_button in Global.layer_vbox.get_children(): layer_button.button_pressed = false # Unpress all layer buttons if selected_cels.is_empty(): selected_cels.append([new_frame, new_layer]) for cel in selected_cels: # Press selected buttons var frame: int = cel[0] var layer: int = cel[1] if frame < Global.frame_hbox.get_child_count(): var frame_button: BaseButton = Global.frame_hbox.get_child(frame) frame_button.button_pressed = true # Press selected frame buttons var layer_vbox_child_count: int = Global.layer_vbox.get_child_count() if layer < layer_vbox_child_count: var layer_button = Global.layer_vbox.get_child(layer_vbox_child_count - 1 - layer) layer_button.button_pressed = true # Press selected layer buttons var cel_vbox_child_count: int = Global.cel_vbox.get_child_count() if layer < cel_vbox_child_count: var cel_hbox: Container = Global.cel_vbox.get_child(cel_vbox_child_count - 1 - layer) if frame < cel_hbox.get_child_count(): var cel_button: BaseButton = cel_hbox.get_child(frame) cel_button.button_pressed = true # Press selected cel buttons if new_frame != current_frame: # If the frame has changed current_frame = new_frame if new_layer != current_layer: # If the layer has changed current_layer = new_layer order_layers() Global.transparent_checker.update_rect() Global.cel_switched.emit() if get_current_cel() is Cel3D: await RenderingServer.frame_post_draw await RenderingServer.frame_post_draw Global.canvas.update_all_layers = true Global.canvas.queue_redraw() func _animation_tags_changed(value: Array[AnimationTag]) -> void: animation_tags = value for child in Global.tag_container.get_children(): child.queue_free() for tag in animation_tags: var tag_c := animation_tag_node.instantiate() tag_c.tag = tag Global.tag_container.add_child(tag_c) var tag_position := Global.tag_container.get_child_count() - 1 Global.tag_container.move_child(tag_c, tag_position) _set_timeline_first_and_last_frames() func _set_timeline_first_and_last_frames() -> void: # This is useful in case tags get modified DURING the animation is playing # otherwise, this code is useless in this context, since these values are being set # when the play buttons get pressed anyway Global.animation_timeline.first_frame = 0 Global.animation_timeline.last_frame = frames.size() - 1 if Global.play_only_tags: for tag in animation_tags: if current_frame + 1 >= tag.from && current_frame + 1 <= tag.to: Global.animation_timeline.first_frame = tag.from - 1 Global.animation_timeline.last_frame = mini(frames.size() - 1, tag.to - 1) func is_empty() -> bool: return ( frames.size() == 1 and layers.size() == 1 and layers[0] is PixelLayer and frames[0].cels[0].image.is_invisible() and animation_tags.size() == 0 ) func can_pixel_get_drawn(pixel: Vector2i, image := selection_map) -> bool: if pixel.x < 0 or pixel.y < 0 or pixel.x >= size.x or pixel.y >= size.y: return false if tiles.mode != Tiles.MODE.NONE and !tiles.has_point(pixel): return false if has_selection: return image.is_pixel_selected(pixel) else: return true ## Loops through all of the cels until it finds a drawable (non-[GroupCel]) [BaseCel] ## in the specified [param frame] and returns it. If no drawable cel is found, ## meaning that all of the cels are [GroupCel]s, the method returns null. ## If no [param frame] is specified, the method will use the current frame. func find_first_drawable_cel(frame := frames[current_frame]) -> BaseCel: var result: BaseCel var cel := frame.cels[0] var i := 0 while cel is GroupCel and i < layers.size(): cel = frame.cels[i] i += 1 if not cel is GroupCel: result = cel return result ## Returns an [Array] of type [PixelCel] containing all of the pixel cels of the project. func get_all_pixel_cels() -> Array[PixelCel]: var cels: Array[PixelCel] for frame in frames: for cel in frame.cels: if cel is PixelCel: cels.append(cel) return cels ## Re-order layers to take each cel's z-index into account. If all z-indexes are 0, ## then the order of drawing is the same as the order of the layers itself. func order_layers(frame_index := current_frame) -> void: ordered_layers = [] for i in layers.size(): ordered_layers.append(i) ordered_layers.sort_custom(_z_index_sort.bind(frame_index)) ## Used as a [Callable] for [method Array.sort_custom] to sort layers ## while taking each cel's z-index into account. func _z_index_sort(a: int, b: int, frame_index: int) -> bool: var z_index_a := frames[frame_index].cels[a].z_index var z_index_b := frames[frame_index].cels[b].z_index var layer_index_a := layers[a].index + z_index_a var layer_index_b := layers[b].index + z_index_b if layer_index_a < layer_index_b: return true if layer_index_a == layer_index_b and z_index_a < z_index_b: return true return false # Timeline modifications # Modifying layers or frames Arrays on the current project should generally only be done # through these methods. # These allow you to add/remove/move/swap frames/layers/cels. It updates the Animation Timeline # UI, and updates indices. These are designed to be reversible, meaning that to undo an add, you # use remove, and vice versa. To undo a move or swap, use move or swap with the parameters swapped. # indices should be in ascending order func add_frames(new_frames: Array, indices: PackedInt32Array) -> void: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() selected_cels.clear() for i in new_frames.size(): # For each linked cel in the frame, update its layer's cel_link_sets for l in layers.size(): var cel: BaseCel = new_frames[i].cels[l] if cel.link_set != null: if not layers[l].cel_link_sets.has(cel.link_set): layers[l].cel_link_sets.append(cel.link_set) cel.link_set["cels"].append(cel) # Add frame frames.insert(indices[i], new_frames[i]) Global.animation_timeline.project_frame_added(indices[i]) _update_frame_ui() func remove_frames(indices: PackedInt32Array) -> void: # indices should be in ascending order Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() selected_cels.clear() for i in indices.size(): # With each removed index, future indices need to be lowered, so subtract by i # For each linked cel in the frame, update its layer's cel_link_sets for l in layers.size(): var cel := frames[indices[i] - i].cels[l] cel.on_remove() if cel.link_set != null: cel.link_set["cels"].erase(cel) if cel.link_set["cels"].is_empty(): layers[l].cel_link_sets.erase(cel.link_set) # Remove frame frames.remove_at(indices[i] - i) Global.animation_timeline.project_frame_removed(indices[i] - i) _update_frame_ui() # from_indices and to_indicies should be in ascending order func move_frames(from_indices: PackedInt32Array, to_indices: PackedInt32Array) -> void: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() selected_cels.clear() var removed_frames := [] for i in from_indices.size(): # With each removed index, future indices need to be lowered, so subtract by i removed_frames.append(frames.pop_at(from_indices[i] - i)) Global.animation_timeline.project_frame_removed(from_indices[i] - i) for i in to_indices.size(): frames.insert(to_indices[i], removed_frames[i]) Global.animation_timeline.project_frame_added(to_indices[i]) _update_frame_ui() func swap_frame(a_index: int, b_index: int) -> void: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() selected_cels.clear() var temp := frames[a_index] frames[a_index] = frames[b_index] frames[b_index] = temp Global.animation_timeline.project_frame_removed(a_index) Global.animation_timeline.project_frame_added(a_index) Global.animation_timeline.project_frame_removed(b_index) Global.animation_timeline.project_frame_added(b_index) _set_timeline_first_and_last_frames() func reverse_frames(frame_indices: PackedInt32Array) -> void: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() for i in frame_indices.size() / 2: var index := frame_indices[i] var reverse_index := frame_indices[-i - 1] var temp := frames[index] frames[index] = frames[reverse_index] frames[reverse_index] = temp Global.animation_timeline.project_frame_removed(index) Global.animation_timeline.project_frame_added(index) Global.animation_timeline.project_frame_removed(reverse_index) Global.animation_timeline.project_frame_added(reverse_index) _set_timeline_first_and_last_frames() change_cel(-1) ## [param cels] is 2d Array of [BaseCel]s func add_layers(new_layers: Array, indices: PackedInt32Array, cels: Array) -> void: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() selected_cels.clear() for i in indices.size(): layers.insert(indices[i], new_layers[i]) for f in frames.size(): frames[f].cels.insert(indices[i], cels[i][f]) new_layers[i].project = self Global.animation_timeline.project_layer_added(indices[i]) _update_layer_ui() func remove_layers(indices: PackedInt32Array) -> void: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() selected_cels.clear() for i in indices.size(): # With each removed index, future indices need to be lowered, so subtract by i layers.remove_at(indices[i] - i) for frame in frames: frame.cels[indices[i] - i].on_remove() frame.cels.remove_at(indices[i] - i) Global.animation_timeline.project_layer_removed(indices[i] - i) _update_layer_ui() # from_indices and to_indicies should be in ascending order func move_layers( from_indices: PackedInt32Array, to_indices: PackedInt32Array, to_parents: Array ) -> void: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() selected_cels.clear() var removed_layers := [] var removed_cels := [] # 2D array of cels (an array for each layer removed) for i in from_indices.size(): # With each removed index, future indices need to be lowered, so subtract by i removed_layers.append(layers.pop_at(from_indices[i] - i)) removed_layers[i].parent = to_parents[i] # parents must be set before UI created in next loop removed_cels.append([]) for frame in frames: removed_cels[i].append(frame.cels.pop_at(from_indices[i] - i)) Global.animation_timeline.project_layer_removed(from_indices[i] - i) for i in to_indices.size(): layers.insert(to_indices[i], removed_layers[i]) for f in frames.size(): frames[f].cels.insert(to_indices[i], removed_cels[i][f]) Global.animation_timeline.project_layer_added(to_indices[i]) _update_layer_ui() # "a" and "b" should both contain "from", "to", and "to_parents" arrays. # (Using dictionaries because there seems to be a limit of 5 arguments for do/undo method calls) func swap_layers(a: Dictionary, b: Dictionary) -> void: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() selected_cels.clear() var a_layers := [] var b_layers := [] var a_cels := [] # 2D array of cels (an array for each layer removed) var b_cels := [] # 2D array of cels (an array for each layer removed) for i in a.from.size(): a_layers.append(layers.pop_at(a.from[i] - i)) Global.animation_timeline.project_layer_removed(a.from[i] - i) a_layers[i].parent = a.to_parents[i] # All parents must be set early, before creating buttons a_cels.append([]) for frame in frames: a_cels[i].append(frame.cels.pop_at(a.from[i] - i)) for i in b.from.size(): var index = (b.from[i] - i) if a.from[0] > b.from[0] else (b.from[i] - i - a.from.size()) b_layers.append(layers.pop_at(index)) Global.animation_timeline.project_layer_removed(index) b_layers[i].parent = b.to_parents[i] # All parents must be set early, before creating buttons b_cels.append([]) for frame in frames: b_cels[i].append(frame.cels.pop_at(index)) for i in a_layers.size(): var index = a.to[i] if a.to[0] < b.to[0] else (a.to[i] - b.to.size()) layers.insert(index, a_layers[i]) for f in frames.size(): frames[f].cels.insert(index, a_cels[i][f]) Global.animation_timeline.project_layer_added(index) for i in b_layers.size(): layers.insert(b.to[i], b_layers[i]) for f in frames.size(): frames[f].cels.insert(b.to[i], b_cels[i][f]) Global.animation_timeline.project_layer_added(b.to[i]) _update_layer_ui() ## Moves multiple cels between different frames, but on the same layer. ## TODO: Perhaps figure out a way to optimize this. Right now it copies all of the cels of ## a layer into a temporary array, sorts it and then copies it into each frame's `cels` array ## on that layer. This was done in order to replicate the code from [method move_frames]. ## TODO: Make a method like this, but for moving cels between different layers, on the same frame. func move_cels_same_layer( from_indices: PackedInt32Array, to_indices: PackedInt32Array, layer: int ) -> void: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() selected_cels.clear() var cels: Array[BaseCel] = [] for frame in frames: cels.append(frame.cels[layer]) var removed_cels: Array[BaseCel] = [] for i in from_indices.size(): # With each removed index, future indices need to be lowered, so subtract by i removed_cels.append(cels.pop_at(from_indices[i] - i)) for i in to_indices.size(): cels.insert(to_indices[i], removed_cels[i]) for i in frames.size(): var new_cel := cels[i] frames[i].cels[layer] = new_cel for i in from_indices.size(): # With each removed index, future indices need to be lowered, so subtract by i Global.animation_timeline.project_cel_removed(from_indices[i] - i, layer) for i in to_indices.size(): Global.animation_timeline.project_cel_added(to_indices[i], layer) # Update the cel buttons for this layer: var cel_hbox: HBoxContainer = Global.cel_vbox.get_child(layers.size() - 1 - layer) for f in frames.size(): cel_hbox.get_child(f).frame = f cel_hbox.get_child(f).button_setup() func swap_cel(a_frame: int, a_layer: int, b_frame: int, b_layer: int) -> void: Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() selected_cels.clear() var temp := frames[a_frame].cels[a_layer] frames[a_frame].cels[a_layer] = frames[b_frame].cels[b_layer] frames[b_frame].cels[b_layer] = temp Global.animation_timeline.project_cel_removed(a_frame, a_layer) Global.animation_timeline.project_cel_added(a_frame, a_layer) Global.animation_timeline.project_cel_removed(b_frame, b_layer) Global.animation_timeline.project_cel_added(b_frame, b_layer) func _update_frame_ui() -> void: for f in frames.size(): # Update the frames and frame buttons Global.frame_hbox.get_child(f).frame = f Global.frame_hbox.get_child(f).text = str(f + 1) for l in layers.size(): # Update the cel buttons var cel_hbox: HBoxContainer = Global.cel_vbox.get_child(layers.size() - 1 - l) for f in frames.size(): cel_hbox.get_child(f).frame = f cel_hbox.get_child(f).button_setup() _set_timeline_first_and_last_frames() timeline_updated.emit() ## Update the layer indices and layer/cel buttons func _update_layer_ui() -> void: for l in layers.size(): layers[l].index = l Global.layer_vbox.get_child(layers.size() - 1 - l).layer_index = l var cel_hbox: HBoxContainer = Global.cel_vbox.get_child(layers.size() - 1 - l) for f in frames.size(): cel_hbox.get_child(f).layer = l cel_hbox.get_child(f).button_setup() timeline_updated.emit() ## Change the current reference image func set_reference_image_index(new_index: int) -> void: reference_index = clamp(-1, new_index, reference_images.size() - 1) Global.canvas.reference_image_container.update_index(reference_index) ## Returns the reference image based on reference_index func get_current_reference_image() -> ReferenceImage: return get_reference_image(reference_index) ## Returns the reference image based on the index or null if index < 0 func get_reference_image(index: int) -> ReferenceImage: if index < 0 or index > reference_images.size() - 1: return null return reference_images[index] ## Reorders the position of the reference image in the tree / reference_images array func reorder_reference_image(from: int, to: int) -> void: var ri: ReferenceImage = reference_images.pop_at(from) reference_images.insert(to, ri) Global.canvas.reference_image_container.move_child(ri, to)