class_name Guide extends Line2D enum Types { HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL } var font := preload("res://assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.tres") var has_focus := true var mouse_pos := Vector2.ZERO var type = Types.HORIZONTAL var project = Global.current_project func _ready() -> void: width = * 2 default_color = Global.guide_color project.guides.append(self) if outside_canvas(): modulate.a = 0.5 func _input(_event: InputEvent) -> void: if !visible: return var tmp_transform = get_canvas_transform().affine_inverse() var tmp_position = Global.main_viewport.get_local_mouse_position() mouse_pos = tmp_transform.basis_xform(tmp_position) + tmp_transform.origin var point0 := points[0] var point1 := points[1] if type == Types.HORIZONTAL: point0.y -= width * 3 point1.y += width * 3 else: point0.x -= width * 3 point1.x += width * 3 if ( Global.can_draw and Global.has_focus and point_in_rectangle(mouse_pos, point0, point1) and Input.is_action_just_pressed("left_mouse") ): if !point_in_rectangle(Global.canvas.current_pixel, Vector2.ZERO, project.size): has_focus = true Global.has_focus = false update() if has_focus: if Input.is_action_pressed("left_mouse"): if type == Types.HORIZONTAL: var yy = stepify(mouse_pos.y, 0.5) points[0].y = yy points[1].y = yy else: var xx = stepify(mouse_pos.x, 0.5) points[0].x = xx points[1].x = xx if outside_canvas(): modulate.a = 0.5 else: modulate.a = 1 if Input.is_action_just_released("left_mouse"): Global.has_focus = true has_focus = false if outside_canvas(): project.guides.erase(self) queue_free() else: update() func _draw() -> void: if has_focus: var viewport_size: Vector2 = Global.main_viewport.rect_size var zoom: Vector2 = # viewport_poly is an array of the points that make up the corners of the viewport var viewport_poly := [ Vector2.ZERO, Vector2(viewport_size.x, 0), viewport_size, Vector2(0, viewport_size.y) ] # Adjusting viewport_poly to take into account the camera offset, zoom, and rotation for p in range(viewport_poly.size()): viewport_poly[p] = ( viewport_poly[p].rotated( * zoom + Vector2( ( - (viewport_size.rotated( / 2) * zoom.x ), ( - (viewport_size.rotated( / 2) * zoom.y ) ) ) var string := ( "%spx" % str(stepify(mouse_pos.y if type == Types.HORIZONTAL else mouse_pos.x, 0.5)) ) var color: Color = Global.control.theme.get_color("font_color", "Label") # X and Y offsets for nicer looking spacing var x_offset := 5 var y_offset := -7 # Only used where the string is above the guide # Draw the string where the guide intersects with the viewport poly # Priority is top edge, then left, then right var intersection = Geometry.segment_intersects_segment_2d( points[0], points[1], viewport_poly[0], viewport_poly[1] ) if intersection: draw_set_transform(intersection,, zoom * 2) if ( intersection.distance_squared_to(viewport_poly[0]) < intersection.distance_squared_to(viewport_poly[1]) ): draw_string(font, Vector2(x_offset, font.get_height()), string, color) else: draw_string( font, Vector2(-font.get_string_size(string).x - x_offset, font.get_height()), string, color ) return intersection = Geometry.segment_intersects_segment_2d( points[0], points[1], viewport_poly[3], viewport_poly[0] ) if intersection: draw_set_transform(intersection,, zoom * 2) if ( intersection.distance_squared_to(viewport_poly[3]) < intersection.distance_squared_to(viewport_poly[0]) ): draw_string(font, Vector2(x_offset, y_offset), string, color) else: draw_string(font, Vector2(x_offset, font.get_height()), string, color) return intersection = Geometry.segment_intersects_segment_2d( points[0], points[1], viewport_poly[1], viewport_poly[2] ) if intersection: draw_set_transform(intersection,, zoom * 2) if ( intersection.distance_squared_to(viewport_poly[1]) < intersection.distance_squared_to(viewport_poly[2]) ): draw_string( font, Vector2(-font.get_string_size(string).x - x_offset, font.get_height()), string, color ) else: draw_string( font, Vector2(-font.get_string_size(string).x - x_offset, y_offset), string, color ) return # If there's no intersection with a viewport edge, show string in top left corner draw_set_transform(viewport_poly[0],, zoom * 2) draw_string(font, Vector2(x_offset, font.get_height()), string, color) func outside_canvas() -> bool: if type == Types.HORIZONTAL: return points[0].y < 0 || points[0].y > project.size.y else: return points[0].x < 0 || points[0].x > project.size.x func point_in_rectangle(p: Vector2, coord1: Vector2, coord2: Vector2) -> bool: return p.x > coord1.x && p.y > coord1.y && p.x < coord2.x && p.y < coord2.y